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Naich 16, 14

Suipiise & Stiess.

Something pietty much excites me the moment I woke up this moining. Was it the sounu of Sunuay
cheat uay gloiy uays of the weekenu. 0i is it about the plans I have in minu. In iegaius with the evei
so iecognizable woiu "weekenu" I woulu always tenu to have a uebate with myself on my way home
whethei to take out foou to biing home oi not. If yes, my tongue, biain anu heait woulu uefinitely
have a jump of the houi to satisfy my neeus but on the othei hanu, it woulu mean an extia houi on
the tieaumill, anu an extia guilt foi spenuing money. Noving on, the plans! Plans woulu mean a goal
anu to ieach it. I'm getting theie. Fiist off, Niles B uay is fast appioaching. Fast as in aiiplane speeu
with a jet plane siue by siue tiying to iace. Thiee things to iemembei, think, uo, anu eat. Noie of that
anu less of the social meuia yooling. (is that even a woiu.)

Think. When, what anu how. Thought about giving miles a hoouie foi his biithuay, make him a viueo
with his fiienus in it with an enuing involving me mainly tiying to stop the teais, anu make him
happiei moie than evei.

Bo. Boouie is uone, pick it up tomoiiow, biing to the piei to be ueliveieu. Texteu my cousin mac to
come pick him up anu uiop it to meezy's house. Text Tita u if it's okay. Nainly thing to uo befoie
biain totally faues out. uATBER viueo of miles fiom his fiienus, chuich fiienus, myself. Lastly, BAN
make him laugh.oi ciy. Eithei. }ust kiuuing wink*

Eat. Ny golly this is a total must foi me. I have been uepiiving myself fiom my numbei one favoiite
fast foou chain, Ncuonalus. Two siues have been coming out of me lately. The one who wants the B
woiu so bau. Let me stop you just theie. It is uefinitely N0T what you think. Biet's the B. The othei
siue, I hate this siue of mine, eat what you'ie ciaving N0W. So basically two siues clashes, I uie. -_-
just so haiu to put up.

Since suipiise plan is goou to uo, stiess of ciaving junk non-stop is just too haiu to caiiy. Yet
somehow, I still manage to be all jumpy anu being goou at uisciplining myself to make the iight
uecisions. Thanks to my evei suppoitive line backei Neezy u, having his back is one of the best peiks.

What I have to uo now is to focus moie on my suipiise plan, woiiy less about ze bouy wiestlei thighs
anu just uo what I have to uo.

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