Military Initiative Scope

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Microsite Strategy
Assumes that VisionPoint will use
goals, target audience, etc. to
identify a strategy for the microsite
including structure, content, call-to-
actions, lead gen opportunities. VisionPoint
XX hours plus
PM overrride $XXX.00 XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Microsite Content Development
Assumes that content will be
provided by client and VisionPoint
will use allocated hours for editing. VisionPoint
XX hours for
copyediting plus
PM override $XXX.00 XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Microsite Design
Assumes up to 10 pages and up to
two templates for the microsite.
Also assumes one design concept
and two rounds of revisions.
VisionPoint will deliver layered psd
files and details around
functionality for Client to develop. VisionPoint
XX hours for
design plus PM
override $XXX.00 XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Microsite Development
Assumes that Client will develop
microsite and integrate into
Percussion. Also assumes that
lead gen form will be integrated to
feed into HubSpot. Client - - - - $XXX.00
Lead Gen Offer
In order to drive leads, we need to
have an offer to be promoted on
the microsite to compel prospective
students to provide us with their
contact info. Then they can be
nurtured via email and remarketing
online ads through the
engagement process. Assumes
that Client will manage creation of
an online info session specific to
the military audience (undergrad,
graduate and degree completion).
General specifications of the offer
such as length of time, how to
navigate and how to present it
within the microsite are included in
VisionPoint's microsite strategy
budget above. Client - - - - $XXX.00
Possibly includes exhibit materials,
marketing materials, etc. Client is
developing the creative and
VisionPoint is utiliizing already
committed creative direction hours
to collaborate on the visual
execution (not the strategy) Client - - - - $XXX.00
Gardner-Webb University Military Initiative Scope of Work
INITIATIVE Notes / Assumptions
Notes re. hours
and resources
Average Hourly
# of VP Hours Services Budget Media Budget

Media Strategy / Planning
Assumes evaluation of online
advertising channels. Scope does
not include time for VisionPoint to
create any offers used in marketing
efforts. Deliverable will be a list of
all channels which will be
leveraged (e.g. Google Display
Network, Facebook, etc.) and
budget allocations by channel as
well as identification of high-level
advertising strategies i.e.
recommended programs for
targeting across channels that may
include search and display
networks, social media advertising
and remarketing/ retargeting.
Timeline for marketing plan runs
from initiation of this program
through February 1, 2015 VisionPoint
Plus PM
Media plan
cannot be too
complex b.c the
design and
hours are only
XX total for the
entire program. $XXX.00 XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Ad Strategy, Design, Copy, Campaign
Setup & Implementation
Based on online advertising plan
outlined during Media Strategy /
Planning, assumes strategy,
creative development (ad copy,
banners, etc.), campaign setup and
launch using budgeted hours.
Note, given the difference in the
major audience segments (i.e.
undergrad, graduate and Degree
Completion), there may be 3
separate online campaigns to be
set up and multiple copy and
design execution necessary. VisionPoint
Design hours
bank = XX;
Justin = XX incl
revisions. Plus
PM Override XXX.00 XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Monthly Ad Management & Reporting
Assumes that Client will assume
immediately after launch the
management and reporting of all
military online campaigns. Client - - - - - $XXX.00
Online Media Budget
Assumes that specific allocation of
media budget will be determined
during media strategy / planning.
Media budget will be managed by
Club. Assumes that this does not
include outdoor or print media. Client - - - - $XX,XXX.00 $XXX.00
Calendar of Events / Schedule for Visiting
Assumes that Club will provide
calendars by 6/16 in time to factor
into media strategy / planning. Client - - - - - $XXX.00
EMAIL X $XXX.00 $XXX.00 $XXX.00
Gardner-Webb University Military Initiative Scope of Work
INITIATIVE Notes / Assumptions
Notes re. hours
and resources
Average Hourly
# of VP Hours Services Budget Media Budget

Email Strategy
Assumes the creation of a lead gen
process/workflow specific to the
military audience, including data to
be collected, application(s) for
storing data and content used to
nurture prospective students, all in
relation to location in the sales
funnel. Client - - - - - $XXX,00
Email Content Development & Design
Assumes the design of email
template(s) and corresponding
content for all of the emails
identified during strategy. Client - - - - - $XXX.00
Email Development & Integration
Assumes email(s) will be
developed & integrated into
HubSpot as a template(s) and that
each of the emails outlined during
strategy will be set up using
appropriate template and
corresponding content. Also
assumes that approved workflow
will be set up and tested in
HubSpot and that integration
between HubSpot and AdmitGold
is set up and working correctly. Client - - - - - $XXX.00
Persona Development
Assumes that Client will coordinate
and VisionPoint will conduct 3
stakeholder interviews via phone
with current students (one
undergrad, one grad, one DCP),
then VisionPoint will create and
deliver three personas using data
collected by both client and
VisionPoint. Assumes minimal (if
any) client revisions to personas.
Also assumes that client will send
out survey, analyze and compile
findings, then share with
VisionPoint prior to stakeholder
interviews. VisionPoint
prep for
interviews: X +
interview and
notes/debrief X +
X persona
creation + X look
at data. Plus PM
override. $XXX XX.X #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Gardner-Webb University Military Initiative Scope of Work
INITIATIVE Notes / Assumptions
Notes re. hours
and resources
Average Hourly
# of VP Hours Services Budget Media Budget

Engagement Process Mapping
Based on the identified goals and
personas developed, VisionPoint
will develop one engagement
process map that will address all
three personas developed. The
engagement process map will
provide direction to Client
regarding offers and CTAs and the
channel in which those can be
distributed. For example, a specific
offer to the degree completion
prospective military student that
would be included in the email
nurturing content. VisionPoint
AM + Dir AS XX
+ strategist X.
Plus PM override $XXX XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Project Plan Development / Management
Assumes brief discovery
conversation to discuss Creative
Services' availability during
standing weekly call (already built
into scope). Assumes creation of
project plans for collateral, email
lead gen, and online info session
offer to ensure there is one place
for all steps in this initiative
including timing, dependencies and
owner(s). Includes 2 round of
revisions per project (6 total) to be
used if a deadline is missed or at
the discretion of Client. Projects
will be managed via weekly
progress calls with Creative
Services (most likely with
Undergrad Admissions). VisionPoint
X hrs to create
three project
plans. XX hour
per revision with
X rounds of
revisions (X hrs).
Time for initial
discovery call
and weekly call
is already built
into current
scope of work. $XXX XX #VALUE! - #VALUE!
Gardner-Webb University Military Initiative Scope of Work
INITIATIVE Notes / Assumptions
Notes re. hours
and resources
Average Hourly
# of VP Hours Services Budget Media Budget

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