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Heres what you will need:

1. An Android device, of course.

2. Android SDK (Download it here). It is quite a big file, so Relax!
3. Windows PC or a Mac.
1. Download Android SDK and unzip the contents to a folder.
2. Enable USB debugging Mode in your android device. To do this, go to Settings -
> Applications -> Development and enable USB debugging
3. Connect your device to your computer in charge only or similar modes but NOT
in USB Storage mode.
4. Go to the folder where you have unzipped Android SDK and navigate to to sdk
5a. Windows users: Go to platform-tools folder. Hold down SHIFT key and right-
click anywhere in the folder. From the pop-up menu, select Open command window
here. This will open up a command prompt screen.
5b. Mac users: right-click platform-tools and choose [New Terminal At Folder]
6. Now, in the command prompt window, Windows users:
type: adb devices
Mac users:
type: ./adb devices
and press enter. You will see the name of the device connected at the moment.
8. Then windows users type:
adb shell
Mac users type:
./adb shell
and press enter
9. Next, type:
pm setInstallLocation 2
and press enter. (If this command fails, use this: pm set-install-location 2)

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