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Douglass Classroom Rules and Procedures

2014-2015 School Year
Class Rules:
1. Be rom!.
come to class on time
be inside the classroom door when the tardy bell rings
head directly to your seat
begin working on your Bell Work
2. Be reared.
be ready to work
bring textbook, paper, pen or pencil, and notebook
study for tests
have your ID tag on at all times
have your planner with you at all times
". Be ol#!e.
talk nicely to each other
respect the property of others
raise your hand and be recognized before speaking
listen to others when they are contributing to class
respect the ideas and opinions of others
4. Be os#!#$e.
ask for help when you need it
always do your best
5. Be roduc!#$e.
complete work on time
use time wisely
follow directions
Rule %#ola!#ons: Students will follow the rules of this school district and the
classroom Students who break a school rule will be directly referred to the
office Students who break class rules will be dealt with by the following
procedures! "#$ conference with%by &r Douglas and seat moved "if
necessary$' "($ conference with%by &r Douglas and parent or guardian
called' ")$ office referral by &r Douglas
Class Procedures:
Bell &or'
# *ou will find an assignment listed on the board some days when you
enter class' follow instructions and work on%complete the assignment
( +ollow the directions for how to complete the assignment
) When you complete the assignment, hold on to it until you are given
further instructions
, -ny homework or make.up work should be turned in at this time
/ -ny papers that you need signed need to be given to &r Douglas at
this time
0 &r Douglas will be taking attendance at this time
Comle!#ng and (urn#ng )n &or'
# -ll work should be completed on regular sized notebook paper
"college.ruled or regular.ruled paper$ unless otherwise directed
( -ll work must be completed in blue or black ink or pencil
) -ll papers should have your name, date, period number, and page assignment
in the upper, right.hand corner of the page
, Work must be turned in on time
Ma'e-* &or'
# &ake.up work for absences must be obtained during times that are convenient
*ou alone are responsible for obtaining, completing, and turning in make.up
( *ou have one day to make up work for each day that you are
absent' pick up &1 work the day you return from your absence
# 2xcessive absences will negatively impact your grade and may%can result in
failure if unexcused
# 3asses should only be issued in an emergency ") per semester$
( 3lease wait for a convenient time to use a pass
) *ou must sign out and sign back in when you leave class
-ood and Dr#n'
# Snacks or drinks are for between classes or during lunch
( +inish snacks or drinks before coming into class or place these items in the
trash upon entering the classroom
) 4andy or gum are not allowed to be eaten in the classroom
, +ailure to do the above will result in your disposing of these items
Cell Phones and .lec!ron#c De$#ces
# 4ell phones and I35D electronic devices are a distraction and are not to be
used in class 2ar buds and head phones are to be put away out of sight at all
( 4ell phones and other devices can be confiscated and turned in to the office
# Discussion or computation of your grade will only occur before or
after school or during lunch or during data chats setup by &r Douglas
( 2xtra credit will only be assigned on an individual basis following
consultation with a parent or guardian
) *our participation in class discussions, group work, and your
preparedness is important and considered as part of your grade
, 6o weighting of grades occurs &r Douglas uses a point system that
allows the student to see the importance of each grade
S!uden! )D (ags and S!uden! Planners
# *ou are expected to have your student ID tag on you at all times
( *ou are expected to have your student planners with you each day
1. *ou are expected to keep a folder and%or workbook of all your work
( 7he assignments will be checked periodically as part of your participation
grade It is also for your benefit in keeping track of your grade and
studying for tests
) - copy of these rules and procedures should be kept in the front of
your folder 7his will be part of your participation grade as well
&or'#ng #n /rous
# 5n certain occasions, when directed by &r Douglas, some group
pro8ects will be done -ll other work should be done individually, or with a
study partner%buddy
( When working in a group!
a 2veryone participates
b 2veryone stays on task until completion
1o2 !o +s' or +ns2er 3ues!#ons
# 9aise your hand and wait to be called on or assisted
( Be prepared to answer a :uestion if you catch a thinking ball, even if you do
no volunteer to answer
)4 You -#n#sh &or' .arl5 You Ma5:
# Write in a 8ournal' read an appropriate book or magazine
( Work on homework for another class
) Sit :uietly and relax
Penc#l Sharener
# *ou may sharpen your pencil before class begins or during group%independent
work time
2. ;; &h#le Mr. Douglas #s d#rec!l5 #ns!ruc!#ng !he class #s no! !he !#me !o
sharen enc#ls. ;;
) 7he pencil sharpener is located on the side of the brown bookshelf
# 3lace all trash in the wastebasket before class begins, during
group%independent work time, or when class is dismissed as you are leaving
2.66&h#le Mr. Douglas #s d#rec!l5 #ns!ruc!#ng !he class #s no! !he !#me !o
!hro2 a2a5 !rash.66
) Be sure your area is clean before leaving class
Boo'shel$es and 7!her S!orage +reas
# 7he bookshelves, filing cabinets, and magazine bins are not for your storage,so
please do not store any of your books or other items on them
( 3lease stay away from &r Douglas<s desk and computer area unless I am
there to answer your :uestion"s$
.mergenc5 Procedures
# During a fire drill, stand up and leave the room :uietly and orderly =o left out
the door towards the back of the school +ollow the sidewalk out and keep
walking until you are beyond the portables
". If there is an in.class emergency, two students will be chosen to leave the
5ne will go through the planning area to get 4oach 9ewis 5ne
will go to the office to notify administration
) In any other emergency, wait for directions from &r Douglas
, -bove all, stay calm in any emergency
8ea$#ng Class a! !he .nd o4 !he Per#od
# &r Douglas will tell you when you may stop working 5therwise, you should
work until the bell rings
( If class finishes early, you may gather up your things and clean u your area
) Stay seated until the bell rings or &r Douglas directs you otherwise

Dear 3arent or =uardian,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself &y name is &r 4had
Douglas and I teach -3 World and World history I am looking forward to a great school
semester with your sons or daughters 7his school year we are trying something new We
are working to build positive relationships with our students and integrate more reading
and writing assignments in our classes 5ur hope in doing so is meeting new state
re:uirements while better preparing our students for the future
-ttached to this letter, you will find a copy of the rules and procedures that your sons
or daughters will be expected to follow while he or she is in my class I would appreciate
it if you would read through these items with your student so that you will know what I
expect of him or her I have already thoroughly gone over these items in class and will
continue to remind the students of these things throughout the semester -fter reading
through these rules and procedures, I would like you to please sign in the space below and
provide me with some necessary information in case I feel it becomes necessary to contact
you about your son or daughter progress, and then return the letter to me
+eel free to call me or set up a conference with me at the high school ">>).)#?#$ if you
have any :uestions or concerns regarding my class or your student<s progress or you may
email me at cdouglas@hardeeflus 7hank you for taking an interest in your son or
daughter education
&r 4had Douglas
I have read &r Douglas<s rules and procedures for World Aistory class
is a member of this class and has read through the rules and procedures as well

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