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GOVONI | Via degli Orsi, n. 97 | 40014 Loc. Beni Comunali | Crevalcore (BO) Italy | Tel.: +39.051.982688 | www.govoni.

it 180
Headlight testers

Mechanical headlight tester
Mechanical headlight tester
351 000 000
351 001 000
Mechanical headlight tester
Mechanical headlight tester
Mechanical headlight beam tester with analogic graduated luxmeter, optical visor and
single photodiode.

Optical visor
Analogic graduated luxmeter
Lens of polycarbonate resin
Inclination setting
Sliding mechanism granted by precision
self-lubricated Nylon skates
Mechanical headlight beam tester with digital luxmeter, LASER visor and LASER positioning.

Visore LASER
Sliding mechanism granted by precision self-lubricated Nylon skates
Inclination setting
Lens of polycarbonate resin
Luxometro digitale
LASER pointing system
Optical visor
Inclination setting Sliding mechanism granted
by precision self-lubricated
Nylon skates
Analogic graduated
Lens of polycarbo-
nate resin
LASER visor
Inclination setting
Sliding mechanism
granted by precision
self-lubricated Nylon
LASER pointing system Digital luxmeter
Lens of polycarbo-
nate resin
Speci al t y Aut omot i ve Tool s
w w w . g o v o n i . i t
GOVONI | Ca t a l o g u e 0 1 . 2 0 1 3 181

Mechanical headlight tester
Electronic headlight tester
351 003 000
351 004 000
Mechanical headlight tester
Electronic headlight tester
Mechanical headlight beam tester with optical visor and analogic graduated luxmeter.

Optical visor
Analogic graduated luxmeter
Lens of polycarbonate resin
Electronic headlight beam tester with mirror visor, digital luxmeter and PC connection.

Mirror visor
Digital luxmeter
PC connection
Inclination setting
Sliding mechanism granted by precision
self-lubricated Nylon skates
Optical visor Analogic graduated
Lens of polycarbo-
nate resin
LASER visor
Inclination setting
Sliding mechanism
granted by precision
self-lubricated Nylon
LASER pointing system
Digital luxmeter
PC connection

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