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A English for Professional Purposes

(Third Year- First Semester)
Translation and Interpretation I
Time Allowed - ! min.
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I. Find the '(anmar e)ui*alents of the following English pro*er+s and noti,es.
1. Resourcefulness without thrift breeds poverty.
2. When the Sire is knighted, his serf becomes gentleman.
!. "o wash your own dirty linen in public.
#. "heres many a true word spoken in $est.
%. "he grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
&. "o hoist with ones own petard.
'. (ike measuring other peoples corn by ones own bushel.
). *lease Return +ny ,ooks -ot on (oan to the Sorting Shelves.
.. *lease /o -ot Speak to the /river While the ,us 0s in 1otion.
12. -o +dmittance 34cept on ,usiness.
II. Find the English e)ui*alents of the following '(anmar pro*er+s and noti,es.
1) tay:,Ha&TrIefMuJ? txJuaemufacs;(EGm;acs;)cH/
2) wpfcsufcwf E!pfcsuf"ywf/
#) EGm;a&!$xGefus%;/
&) us';u()wf&(a*r! )wfu(us';&(a*r+f/
,) acG;Mu';r! -ufay;*.f-(/r&ay/
0) turwwfawm1 2smu( t"ypfw.f*+f/
3) 4545"r.fw(.f;a&Tr6wfay/
7) "rufc.f;ay:re.f;&/
8) .5;r9m;"c.f; -H;4cG.f1r"y:/
14) *w(tE;&m,f&!(*+f?

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