14th Cover

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Year 7

Music 14
ITS CHRISTMAS!!! Christmas is a time where singing is
TASK: Compare these two versions of Last Christmas. What
are the differences? Which is your favourite and WHY?
WIL: ,e-- me . What instruments are p-aying in "oth? (s
the tempo fast or s-ow? (s the dynamic -oud or /uiet? 0re
there a -ot of peop-e singing?
TASK: 1escri"e your favourite Christmas song.
WIL: What is its name? Who sings it? (s the tempo fast
or s-ow? What instruments are p-aying? (s the dynamic -oud
or /uiet? Why is it your favourite Christmas song?
I!ISH"D#! Luc2i-y ( have one more tas2 for you!!! We
wi-- need to start p-anning ne3t year4s Christmas concert
as soon as possi"-e . (nc-uding designing a poster for ne3t
year4s concert.
TASK: 1esign a poster for ne3t year4s 56*%%7 Christmas
WIL: Remem"er to inc-ude a time and date. You wi-- need a
-ogo. ,his year4s -ogo is a reindeer . ma2e sure yours is
8Christmasy9! 0-so use your imagination! Who wou-d you -i2e
to appear at the Christmas concert ne3t year? :ustin
;ie"er? Rhianna? <r may"e recent + $actor winner =att

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