Rhubarb Crisp Recipe

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Arthur's Rhubarb Crisp

8 cups of diced rhubarb (about 2 lbs, - inch slices)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
2 tablespoons corn starch
cup ater
2 cups unbleached hite flour
1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
! cup (pac"ed) dar" bron sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinna#on
1 cup of sli$ered ra al#onds
cup of oli$e oil
1 egg, beaten
1% &re-heat o$en to '() degrees%
2% *horoughl+ ash the rhubarb stal"s% ,uts into to inch slices% &lace into a deep - .uart
p+re/ or corning are ba"ing pot%
'% &lace orange zest into a s#all bol% 0dd cup of the hite sugar% 1se the botto# of a spoon
and #ash the orange zest into the granulated sugar% 2tir and #ash again until the orange zest is
ell #i/ed ith the sugar%
-% *horoughl+ dissol$e the corn starch in the cup of ater%
(% &our the orange zest sugar #i/ture and the re#aining cup hite sugar o$er the rhubarb% *oss
the rhubarb and sugar3zest until the all rhubarb is ell coated%
4% &our the dissol$ed corn starch o$er the rhubarb and toss until it5s ell distributed%
6% In a large #i/ing bol, add the flour, oats, bron sugar, and cinna#on% *horoughl+ #i/
8% 0dd oli$e oil% 1sing +our hands, thoroughl+ incorporate the oli$e oil into the #i/%
7% 0dd the beaten egg and use +our hands to thoroughl+ incorporate the egg into the #i/ture%
1)% 0dd the al#onds and use a large spoon or batter spatula to thoroughl+ distribute the al#onds%
11% 2pread the topping #i/ e$enl+ o$er the rhubarb%
12% 8a"e for about () #inutes until the top is golden bron and the rhubarb is bubbling

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