Muhammed Azhary Khirallah: Name: Date of Birth Marital Status: Nationality: Address Mo. Phone: Military: E-Mail

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Name: Muhammed Azhary Khirallah

Date of birth: 18
April 1989.
Marital status: Single
Nationality: gyptian
Address: ! "#tober $ %iza $ gypt
Mo. &hone: '111(8!)!)9*
Military: &ostponed
(MA+,: azhare-.''!/yahoo.#om
CAREER Objective:
0o a#hie1e the high ele1ated targets of the #orporation + 2or3 for in
"n the personal le1el to a#hie1e greater effi#ien#y in the produ#tion
pro#ess to gain Kno2ledge to satisfy my managers and finally to be the
best employee.
4a#ulty of media

"perating system. 56in7(1isita(&(.'''(988 .
Mi#rosoft offi#e(internet s3ills.
1. Arabic : mother tongue.
2. English : good.
Personal Details:
+ am fast learner9 ability to 2or3 2ell under pressure9 self( moti1ated9 high
mental and physi#al effort 9 ha1e the ability to 2or3 as a team member or
indi1idual9 Ability to 2or3 2ith all le1els of management.
1. Se#retarial9 :onesty. 8. 0eam 2or3.
.. &ositi1e9 energeti# and able to 2or3 under pressure. 9. Ambition9 %ood ;ob
<. =ui#3 learner and highly moti1ated. .
). >#ellent mar3eting and #ommuni#ation s3ills.
*. "rganization in 2or3.
!. >#ellent leadership s3ills.
7. ?usiness de1elopment.
&laying football 9 tra1eling 9 sear#hing the +nternet
%ood #ommuni#ate 2ith the others.
@eferen#es and letters of re#ommendation a1ailable on reAuest.
Personal Caracteristics:
Personal S!ills:

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