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ZXMP S385 (V1.

SDH-Based Multi-Service Nde
&est 'uide
2 Test of NE-Level Management Functions...............................................................................................2-1
2.1 EMS Connection................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Connection between EM terminal and eqi!ment....................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Sendin" command# and recei$in" data.....................................................................................2-2
2.1.% Clo#in" &acce##in" t'e EMS......................................................................................................2-%
2.2 EMS Secrit( Mana"ement )nction#..............................................................................................2-*
2.2.1 Pre$entin" ille"al lo"in.............................................................................................................2-*
2.2.2 +#er o!eration at'orit(............................................................................................................2-,
2.% EMS Alarm Mana"ement )nction#..................................................................................................2--
2.%.1 Re!ortin" alarm me##a"e#.........................................................................................................2--
2.%.2 Recordin" alarm me##a"e#........................................................................................................2-.
2.%.% Settin" alarm #'ieldin"..............................................................................................................2-/
2.%.* Settin" alarm #'ieldin"..............................................................................................................2-0
2.%., 1er(in" crrent and 'i#tor( alarm#.......................................................................................2-12
2.* EMS Per3ormance Mana"ement )nction#.....................................................................................2-11
2.*.1 Sam!lin" !er3ormance !arameter#..........................................................................................2-11
2.*.2 Settin" !er3ormance t're#'old................................................................................................2-12
2.*.% 1er(in" and !rintin" crrent !er3ormance data....................................................................2-1*
2.*.* 1er(in" and !rintin" 'i#tor( !er3ormance data....................................................................2-1,
2., EMS Con3i"ration Mana"ement )nction#...................................................................................2-1-
2.,.1 4ra!'ical networ5 con3i"ration............................................................................................2-1-
2.,.2 E#tabli#'in" and cancelin" #er$ice c'annel#..........................................................................2-1.
2.,.% Settin" !rotection c'an"eo$er !arameter#..............................................................................2-1/
2.- EMS Maintenance Mana"ement )nction#.....................................................................................2-10
2.-.1 In#ertin" loo!-bac5..................................................................................................................2-10
2.-.2 6ata bac5!&reco$er( 3nction#..............................................................................................2-22
1 &est * N!-+evel Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
1.1 !MS )%%ecti%
No.: 2-1-1A
1.1.1 )%%ecti% .et/ee% !M ter$i%al a%d e"ui#$e%t
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
In t'e EMS #o3tware client o!eration window9 #elect t'e NE to be te#ted. Clic5 :Time Mana"ement; in t'e maintenance
men9 or ri"'t-clic5 t'e na$i"ation tree or to!olo"( in t'e client o!eration window and #elect :Time Mana"ement; in
t'e #'ortct men. And t'en $iew t'e NCP time o3 t'e NE in t'e !o!! time mana"ement dialo" bo8.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e time mana"ement dialo" bo8 di#!la(# t'e NCP time o3 t'e NE crrentl( #elected.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1. )or t'e #in"le-end eqi!ment deb""in"9 it i# onl( nece##ar( to qer( t'e NCP time o3 t'e local NE. In t'e ca#e
o3 inte"rated #(#tem deb""in"9 it i# reqired to qer( t'e NCP time o3 all t'e NE# in t'e networ5.
2. I3 t'e NCP time $ale in t'e time mana"ement dialo" bo8 i# 29 it indicate# t'at t'e EMS and t'e eqi!ment are
not connected.
No.: 2-1-2A
1.1.( Se%di%, c$$a%ds a%d receivi%, data
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
1. In t'e NE in#tallation window o3 t'e EM #o3tware9 ob#er$e t'e #tat#e# o3 t'e NE and eac' board.
2. Send t'e o!eration e8ection command# to t'e NE eqi!ment t'ro"' t'e EM #o3tware9 #c' a# re#ettin" board9
#ettin" alarm #'ield9 and $iewin" t'e alarm li#t.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
1. In t'e NE in#tallation window o3 t'e EM #o3tware9 t'e #tat#e# o3 t'e NE and t'e board# #'old be con#i#tent
wit' t'e actal rnnin" #tat# o3 t'e eqi!ment9 and no board t(!e mi#matc'in" alarm i# "enerated.
2. @'en an o!eration command i# #ent to t'e NE de$ice t'ro"' t'e EM #o3tware9 t'e NE eqi!ment can e8ecte
t'e command accordin"l(.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
No.: 2-1-%A
1.1.3 )lsi%, 0accessi%, t1e !MS
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Ao" ot o3 t'e EMS and clo#e t'e EM #o3tware. Re#tart t'e com!ter and rn t'e EM #o3tware once a"ain. Ao" in to
EM client a"ain.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
None o3 t'e o!eration !rocedre a33ect# t'e rnnin" o3 NE eqi!ment.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1.( !MS Securit2 Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
No.: 2-2-1A
1.(.1 Preve%ti%, ille,al l,i%
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Tr( to lo" in to t'e EM client wit' a random #ername and it# !a##word.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e #(#tem 3orbid# t'e #er to lo" in and !rom!t# Bille"al #erC.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
No.: 2-2-2A
1.(.( 3ser #erati% aut1rit2
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1. Ao" in to t'e EM client a# BrootC =#(#tem admini#trator? and create #e$eral new #er# t'ro"' t'e #er
mana"ement 3nction in t'e EM #o3tware. Set t'e #er# in di33erent #er "ro!# #c' a# #(#tem admini#trator9
#(#tem o!erator and #(#tem #!er$i#or.
2. 6e3ine t'e at'orit( o3 acce## to t'e #!eci3ic #bnet and NE 3or eac' #er t'ro"' t'e obDect mana"ement
3nction !ro$ided b( t'e EM #o3tware.
%. Ao" in a# t'e new #er# in trn 3or EM o!eration#.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e #(#tem #'old allow t'e #er# to lo" in. A3ter lo"in9 t'e #er# #'old 'a$e t'e #ame at'oritie# o3 acce## to t'e
#bnet and NE a# t'e !re#et $ale#.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1.3 !MS 4lar$ Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
No.: 2-%-1A
1.3.1 5e#rti%, alar$ $essa,es
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
@'en an( NE alarm occr#9 monitor t'e rnnin" #tat# o3 t'e NE in t'e networ5 at t'e EM client.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
@'en an alarm occr# to an( NE9 an alarm me##a"e #'old be re!orted atomaticall(. In t'e EM #o3tware to!olo"(9 an
alarm indication in a color corre#!ondin" to t'e alarm le$el will a!!ear on t'e NE icon and on t'e board in t'e
in#tallation window. Accrate detail# abot t'i# alarm #'old a!!ear in t'e alarm monitorin" window.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
I3 nece##ar(9 create alarm# b( connectin" a te#t meter9 n!l""in" a tail 3iber or a #er$ice cable.
No.: 2-%-2A
1.3.( 5ecrdi%, alar$ $essa,es
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
1er( 'i#tor( alarm me##a"e# in t'e 'i#tor( alarm monitorin" window.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e qer( re#lt #'old record accrate alarm in3ormation abot #!eci3ic NE# and board# wit'in t'e #elected !eriod o3
I3 nece##ar(9 create alarm# b( connectin" a te#t meter9 n!l""in" a tail 3iber or a #er$ice cable.
No.: 2-%-%A
1.3.3 Setti%, alar$ s1ieldi%,
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Set t'e crrent alarm t(!e a# BS'ield AlarmC t'ro"' alarm #'ield #ettin"9 and #end t'e alarm #'ieldin" command to
t'e alarmin" NE. >iew t'e crrent alarm# in t'e alarm monitorin" window.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
I3 t'e alarm #'ieldin" command i# deli$ered #cce##3ll(9 no more me##a"e #'old be re!orted abot t'e #'ielded
1. I3 nece##ar(9 create alarm# b( connectin" a te#t meter9 n!l""in" a tail 3iber or a #er$ice cable.
2. Cancel t'e alarm #'ield #ettin" at t'e end o3 t'e te#t9 3or t'e #a5e o3 normal o!eration o3 t'e eqi!ment.
No.: 2-%-&A
1.3.6 Setti%, alar$ s1ieldi%,
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Modi3( t'e #e$erit( le$el o3 t'e crrent alarm t'ro"' t'e alarm #e$erit( #ettin" 3nction. Send t'e #ettin" alarm
#e$erit( command to t'e alarmin" NE. >iew t'e crrent alarm and ob#er$e t'e #tat#e# o3 t'e cabinet indicator and
board indicator in t'e EMS.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
1. @'en t'e #ettin" alarm #e$erit( command i# "i$en #cce##3ll(9 t'e color o3 t'e alarm indication in t'e EMS
#'old corre#!ond to t'e #!eci3ied alarm #e$erit( le$el. C'ec5 w'et'er t'e #e$erit( le$el o3 t'e crrent alarm in
t'e alarm monitorin" window i# identical to t'e #et $ale.
2. T'e #tat#e# o3 t'e board indicator and t'e cabinet-to! indicator #'old al#o be con#i#tent wit' t'e #!eci3ied
alarm #e$erit( le$el#.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1. I3 nece##ar(9 create alarm# b( connectin" a te#t meter9 n!l""in" a tail 3iber or a #er$ice cable.
2. Re#tore t'e modi3ied alarm #e$erit( to t'e de3alt $ale at t'e end o3 t'e te#t. 3or t'e #a5e o3 normal o!eration o3
t'e eqi!ment.
No.: 2-%-'A
1.3.5 7uer2i%, curre%t a%d 1istr2 alar$s
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
1er( alarm# t'ro"' t'e crrent alarm monitorin" and 'i#tor( alarm monitorin" 3nction# a$ailable in t'e EM
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e alarm me##a"e# qeried #'old be con#i#tent wit' t'e rnnin" #tat# o3 t'e eqi!ment.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
I3 nece##ar(9 create alarm# b( connectin" a te#t meter9 n!l""in" a tail 3iber or a #er$ice cable.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1.6 !MS Per*r$a%ce Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
No.: 2-&-1A
1.6.1 Sa$#li%, #er*r$a%ce #ara$eters
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
,. Pre!are t'e te#t en$ironment accordin" to t'e connection# #'own in )i". 2 -19 #o t'at t'e #(#tem can create non-
Eero $ale# drin" t'e te#t on !er3ormance mana"ement 3nction#.
)i". 2-1 Connection# 3or Te#tin" Per3ormance Mana"ement )nction#
AdD#t t'e $ariable o!tical attenator9 to ma5e t'e tran#mittin" o!tical !ower o3 t'e eqi!ment lower t'an t'e recei$in"
#en#iti$it( o3 t'e o!tical inter3ace. 6o #o till t'e S6F te#ter indicate# bit error#. At t'e #ame time9 qer( t'e
!er3ormance in3ormation in t'e EM #o3tware.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
@'en t'e S6F te#ter indicator# bit error# e8i#tin"9 t'e corre#!ondin" error !er3ormance in3ormation #'old be
a$ailable in t'e crrent !er3ormance monitorin" window.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
)or P6F electrical tribtar( #er$ice#9 a P6F error detector at t'e corre#!ondin" rate can be #ed to re!lace t'e S6F
te#ter in t'e te#t.
No.: 2-&-2A
1.6.( Setti%, #er*r$a%ce t1res1ld
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
,. Pre!are t'e te#t en$ironment accordin" to t'e connection# #'own in )i". 2 -29 #o t'at t'e #(#tem can create non-
Eero $ale# drin" t'e te#t on !er3ormance mana"ement 3nction#.
)i". 2-2 Connection# 3or Te#tin" Per3ormance Mana"ement )nction#
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1. In t'e di"ital !er3ormance t're#'old #ettin" window9 re-#et t'e 1,-minte !er3ormance t're#'old o3 71ES. Set
t'e !!er t're#'old a# 1/2 and lower t're#'old a# -2. And t'en re#et t'e 1,-minte !er3ormance re"i#ter.
2. AdD#t t'e $ariable o!tical attenator9 to ma5e t'e recei$in" o!tical !ower o3 t'e eqi!ment lower t'an t'e
recei$in" #en#iti$it( o3 t'e o!tical inter3ace. 6o #o till t'e S6F te#ter indicate# bit error#.
%. Abot t'ree minte# later9 qer( 71ES !er3ormance o$er3low alarm in t'e crrent alarm monitorin" window
!ro$ided b( t'e EM #o3tware.
*. AdD#t t'e $ariable o!tical attenator9 to ma5e t'e recei$in" o!tical !ower o3 t'e eqi!ment "reater t'an t'e
recei$in" #en#iti$it( o3 t'e o!tical inter3ace. At t'i# time9 t'e S6F te#ter =error detector? indicate# no bit error i#
!re#ent. Abot 1, minte# later9 qer( 71ES !er3ormance o$er3low alarm in t'e crrent alarm monitorin"
window !ro$ided b( t'e EM #o3tware.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
@it'in t'e #!eci3ied !eriod o3 time9 w'en t'e !er3ormance $ale e8ceed# t'e #!eci3ied !!er !er3ormance t're#'old9
t'e corre#!ondin" !er3ormance o$er3low alarm me##a"e #'old be a$ailable in t'e crrent alarm monitorin" window
!ro$ided b( t'e EM #o3tware. @it'in t'e #!eci3ied time9 t'e !er3ormance o$er3low alarm me##a"e #'old di#a!!ear
w'en t'e !er3ormance $ale i# lower t'an t'e #!eci3ied lower !er3ormance t're#'old.
1. )or P6F electrical tribtar( #er$ice#9 a P6F error detector at t'e corre#!ondin" rate can be #ed to re!lace t'e
S6F te#ter in t'e te#t.
2. Cancel t'e c'an"e# to t'e !er3ormance t're#'old# at t'e end o3 t'e te#t9 3or t'e #a5e o3 normal o!eration o3 t'e
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
No.: 2-&-%A
1.6.3 7uer2i%, a%d #ri%ti%, curre%t #er*r$a%ce data
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
1er( t'e crrent 1,-minte and 2*-'or !er3ormance data in t'e crrent !er3ormance monitorin" window9 and !rint
t'e qer( re#lt#.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e crrent 1,-minte and 2*-'or !er3ormance data can be correctl( qeried and re#lt# can be !rinted.
I3 nece##ar(9 "enerate non-Eero !er3ormance $ale# b( connectin" a te#tin" meter or line attenator or ado!tin" ot'er
No.: 2-&-&A
1.6.6 7uer2i%, a%d #ri%ti%, 1istr2 #er*r$a%ce data
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
1er( t'e 'i#tor( 1,-minte and 2*-'or !er3ormance data in t'e crrent !er3ormance monitorin" window9 and !rint
t'e qer( re#lt#.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
T'e 'i#tor( 1,-minte and 2*-'or !er3ormance data can be !ro!erl( qeried and !rinted.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
I3 nece##ar(9 "enerate non-Eero !er3ormance $ale# b( connectin" a te#tin" meter or line attenator or ado!tin" ot'er
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1.5 !MS )%*i,urati% Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
No.: 2-'-1A
1.5.1 'ra#1ical %et/r8 c%*i,urati%
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
6emon#trate networ5 con3i"ration# t'ro"' t'e EMS #o3tware9 #c' a# creatin" a #bnet or NE9 and con3i"rin" NE#9
connection# and time#lot#.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
Networ5 con3i"ration# can be made in "ra!'ic mode.
No.: 2-'-2A
1.5.( !sta.lis1i%, a%d ca%celi%, service c1a%%els
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
6emon#trate t'e time#lot con3i"ration and cancellation t'ro"' t'e EM #o3tware.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
Time#lot con3i"ration and cancellation can be !er3ormed t'ro"' t'e EM #o3tware.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
@'en nece##ar(9 connect a te#tin" meter to te#t t'e e#tabli#'ed #er$ice c'annel#.
No.: 2-'-%A
1.5.3 Setti%, #rtecti% c1a%,ever #ara$eters
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e Networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
6emon#trate t'e con3i"ration !rocedre o3 !rotection c'an"eo$er !arameter#9 and #a$in" and c'an"in" o3 con3i"red
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
Protection c'an"eo$er !arameter# can be #et9 #a$ed and c'an"ed in t'e EMS.
@'en nece##ar(9 connect a te#tin" meter to te#t t'e e#tabli#'ed #er$ice c'annel#.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
1.9 !MS Mai%te%a%ce Ma%a,e$e%t -u%cti%s
No.: 2-(-1A
1.9.1 :%serti%, l#-.ac8
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
+n!l" t'e recei$in" end tail 3iber at an o!tical inter3ace on t'e o!tical inter3ace board o3 t'e eqi!ment or t'e
recei$in" end cable at an electrical inter3ace o3 t'e electrical inter3ace board. T'en9 !er3ormance loo!-bac5 on t'e
corre#!ondin" !ort in t'e EM #o3tware.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
!riterion of accepta"ility:
A3ter t'e recei$in" end tail 3iber =cable? i# n!l""ed9 t'e EMS #'old re!ort t'e AOS alarm at t'e corre#!ondin" !ort.
A3ter t'e loo!-bac5 o!eration i# !er3ormed at t'e corre#!ondin" !ort9 t'e corre#!ondin" #er$ice o3 t'i# !ort i#
@'en nece##ar(9 connect a te#tin" meter to te#t t'e e#tabli#'ed #er$ice c'annel#.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
No.: 2-(-2A
1.9.( Data .ac8u#0recver2 *u%cti%s
Preliminary setup:
1. 7ot' t'e !rimar( !ower te#t and t'e 3an !l"-in bo8 te#t are !a##ed. T'e eqi!ment i# !owered on and wor5#
2. T'e EM #o3tware 'a# been in#talled and t'e networ5 data 'a$e been !ro!erl( con3i"red.
%. T'e con3i"ration databa#e 3or t'e eqi!ment 'a# been downloaded to t'e NCP electronic di#5.
*. T'e EM terminal and t'e eqi!ment are connected !ro!erl(.
Z<MP S%/, =>1.2? Te#t 4ide
7ac5 ! data wit' t'e EM #o3tware and demon#trate data reco$er(.
!riterion of accepta"ility:
Networ5 con3i"ration data can be bac5ed ! to a #!eci3ied director( on t'e di#5. T'e networ5 data reco$ered 3rom t'e
bac5! director( #'old be t'e #ame a# t'o#e be3ore t'e bac5!.

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