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PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What is food web?

2. What is meant by thermal pollution?
3. What is acid rain?
4. What are the effects of population explosion?
5. What are HlV and AIDS?

PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks)
1 (b) (i) Discuss in detail the causes and consequences of overexploitation of
forest resources. (8)
(ii) Give a brief account of renewable energy resources and their significance. (8)

2. (a) (i) Give an account of energy flow in ecosystem. (8)
(ii) Discuss the importance of biodiversity. (8)

3. (i) Suggest measures to control air pollution. (8)
(ii) Land filling method for solid waste. (8)

4. (i) Discuss the factors influencing family size. (8)
(ii) Write a note on the various methods of family planning. (4)
(iii) What is AIDS? How to prevent it? (4)
5. (a) (i) Discuss briefly the structural and functional components of an
eco system. (Marks 8)
(ii) Write down the ecological succession and ecological pyramids. (Marks 8)

6. (i) What do you know about Tsunami? Explain the formation of
tsunami. (Marks 8)

(ii) Explain the sources and effects of thermal pollution. (Marks 8)

7. (i) Explain the following in detail
(ii) Discuss in detail the over-exploitation of forests.
(2) Land degradation. (Marks 4)
(ii) Explain the various Conventional energy resources. (Marks 8)

8. (i) Explain the following in detail
(1) Mineral Resources (Marks 4)
(2) Food Resources. (Marks 4)
(ii) Discuss in detail the over-exploitation of forests. (Marks 8)

9.(b) (i) Give a brief account of Global Warming. (8)
(ii) Discuss the energy requirement in detail for sustaining urban life. (Marks 8)

10. (a) (i) Write about the role of IT in environment and human health. (Marks 10)
(ii) Mention the causes of HIV transmission. (Marks 6)

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