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Almost Super Human

Techniques for Unlocking Ultimate Human Potential
By Jason & Skye Mangrum
Copyright (C) All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: All inormation ound in this !ook is or edu"ational purposes only. #one o the inormation
is intended or diagnoses$ pres"riptions or to repla"e medi"al advi"e or treatment.
%hat you&ll ind inside this !ook are te"hni'ues that have !een used in se"ret !y
some o the most po(erul men and (omen in the (orld or thousands o years.
Many things you&ll read a!out in here (ill likely "hallenge you.
)or this reason$ ater ea"h te"hni'ue * en"ourage you to test it yoursel and (rite
do(n your results. +his (ay you "an keep tra"k o your progress.
,oing this gives you eed!a"k on (here you are$ (hi"h reveals a path or (here
you (ant to go. +his gives you "larity$ (hi"h surpasses the !elie system.
So (hen asked to do something you eel is -silly-$ doesn&t (ork or has no value$
"onsider testing it out irst. +hen re"ord the results. +hen$ keep going...
+here is a good reason these do -(ork- and you&ll understand (hy !y the time you
inish this !ook.
*t is through your o(n personal e.perien"e that you are !eing given an opportunity
to learn something ne( a!out yoursel today.
/ou are more than you think. * movies like The Secret and What the Bleep intrigue
you and you want more... do the te"hni'ues in this !ook.
Chapter : A Technique for !etting "eedback
+he irst te"hni'ue * (ant to share (ith you sets the oundation or (hat is to
"ome0 there is an interesting phenomenon you "an e.periment (ith$ that (ill turn
you some(hat into a human 1lie dete"tor.2
+he su!"ons"ious part o you a!sor!s and retains a lot more than you "an.
And it sends ele"tri" signals through your !ody$ (hi"h "an ae"t you physi"ally.
/ou "an use this !it o kno(ledge to "reate a tool you "an use to give you
inormation you (ouldn3t !e a!le to get rom the "ons"ious part o you.
)or instan"e$ the energy o thought$ (hen dire"ted !y intention$ "an inluen"e
physi"al strength in an instant 4 "ausing (eakness in the mus"les or in"reasing
strength a""ording to the 'uestion or statement.
Suspend your dis!elie or a moment and do this te"hni'ue:
5. 6old your dominant hand in an 1782 position$ putting a air amount o
pressure on your inde. inger and thum! to keep them glued together.
9. %ith your other hand$ hold out your inde. inger in a pointing position and
pla"e it (ithin the 1782 "ir"le.
:. S(eep the inde. inger rom right to let and i the !ody tests (eak$ the
inde. inger (ill !reak the "hain$ i strong$ the "hain (ill remain un!roken.
#e.t$ * en"ourage you to (at"h this video or a !eautiul e.planation o ho( this is
possi!le0 it also reveals another (ay to do it (hi"h * think is !rilliant:
#atch The $ideo Demonstration
#o( using these tools$ (e "an "ommuni"ate (ith the su!"ons"ious part o us.
* the energy is resonant (ith the thought (in other (ords$ i your su!"ons"ious
!elieves it is true) ele"tri" pulses animate and strengthen the physi"al mus"les.
* dissonant$ the energy (ill test (eak.
6ere3s your irst test:
Say your name. /ou kno( your name$ and so does your su!"ons"ious. So i you
say your name$ you (ill test strong. (;nless you aren3t eeling like yoursel<)
So say your name like (1my name is =====2) and s(ipe your inde. inger rom
right to let to see i it !reaks the "hain. Chan"es are$ it (on3t.
#o( regardless o your result$ (rite it do(n. +his is your irst re"ord.
)or the se"ond part o the test$ make a statement that is alse. +his should "reate
dissonan"e (hi"h (ill instantly (eaken the !ody and the "hain (ill !reak.
Say 1my name is (a riend3s name)2. +est it. Re"ord the result.
)or some people this (orks !etter !y using their middle inger and thum! to make
the 1782 sign. %hi"hever (ay (orks !est or you$ use it.
#o( that you kno( ho( to use the tool$ let3s have some un0
5. +hink o a "ir"le. +est (eak or strong>
9. +hink o a s'uare.
:. +hink o a triangle.
?. +hink o a "u!e.
@. +hink o a !all.
%hatever your results$ you3ll noti"e or some strange reason$ on some you test
1(eak2 and others remain strong.
#o( try these:
5. *magine the "olor grey.
9. *magine the "olor (hite.
:. *magine the "olor violet.
?. *magine the "olor red.
@. *magine the "olor green.
A. *magine the "olor gold.
B. *magine the "olor !lue.
6o( did you test on those> Certainly$ some "aused dissonan"e !reaking the "hain$
and others tested strong. * assure you$ there3s a reason or this.
#o( think o a !ad memory rom your past0
+est it 4 (eak or strong>
+hink o something that makes you "ry0
+est it 4 (eak or strong>
#o( turn that into a memory you3re ond o.
+est it.
+hink o something that makes you laugh.
+est it.
*magine holding a ood you don3t like.
+est it 4 (eak or strong>
*magine a ood you love$ and test it.
%rite do(n your results.
* you are truly ollo(ing along step !y step$ you3ll no dou!t !egin noti"ing a
pe"uliar eeling the instant !eore you dis"over the result o strong or (eak.
Almost like you "an !egin to tell (hat the result (ill !e$ Cust a split se"ond !eore
the inger either !reaks the "hain or not$ rom a leeting eeling (ithin you.
/ou may also noti"e that the level o resistan"e "hanges too0 some thoughts$
images$ "olors$ shapes$ et". may "ause greater strength or (eakness than others.
Do ahead and think o ive 'uestions$ statements or ideas you3d like to get some
eed!a"k on rom your su!"ons"ious$ and (rite them do(n.
6ere are some e.amples0
A) %rite do(n t(o imaginary (or real) !usiness ideas. Say to yoursel that
you3re going to test 1strong2 or the most proita!le idea that is !est aligned
(ith (hatever you enCoy and are good at. And (eak i the idea is not !est
suited to you$ your personality$ skills$ desires or a!ilities.
B) #o( read the irst idea to yoursel$ and test it. Re"ord the result.
C) +est the other idea$ and re"ord the result.
A) Dive yoursel ? 1!est ne.t step2 "hoi"es to make$ to get something you
(ant. *t "ould !e anything. Just (rite do(n ? possi!ilities0
B) Read the irst one and test it. %eak or strong>
C) ,o the same (ith ea"h o the ? possi!ilities.
,) * more than one possi!ility tests strong$ test the t(o possi!ilities against
ea"h other until you only have one (inner. +hen test again to "onirm it.
E) +his (ill likely amaFe you. *t3s un$ and produ"es in"redi!le results.
7!viously$ the one that tests strong is resonating (ith you at the "ore$ giving
strength to the !ody and mind. +his is your su!"ons"ious saying$ 1+his one<2
But again$ it is important to test ea"h te"hni'ue a minimum o ten times$ so you
"an get a mu"h more a""urate 1!est out o ten2 pi"ture. 7ne ans(er isn3t enough
eviden"e. /ou (ant a preponderan"e o truth. ;ndenia!le$ repeata!le proo.
Groo gives you "oniden"e$ (hi"h gives you the reedom to unlo"k more a!ilities.
+he only thing that ro!s you o these natural a!ilities is )EAR. Geople ear (hat
they don3t understand$ or have installed !elie patterns that !lo"k them.
But (hen you do these te"hni'ues and (rite them do(n$ as *3ve des"ri!ed 4 even
i you ear !e"ause you don3t understand them no($ you most "ertainly (ill gain a
"rystal "lear understanding o (hy these (ork$ and ho( to !eneit rom them.
6ave un testing yoursel.
Ask any 'uestion$ make any statement$ noti"e i (hat you think is true$ a"tually
tests 1(eak2 !y your su!"ons"ious. A spe"ial !ond (ill soon !e "reated !et(een
you and the su!"ons"ious part o you that is uni'ue and spe"ial to anyone else
you3ve ever met.
Remem!er$ testing in this (ay (ill reveal (hat your su!"ons"ious !elie patterns
are$ that are "reating the reality you e.perien"e no(.
So i you "ons"iously desire a thing$ !ut your su!"ons"ious !elies are dissonant
(not aligned (ith) (ith your desire$ you (ill not e.perien"e (hat you (ant.
+o get (hat you (ant every time 4 dete"t the su!"ons"ious !elie pattern (using
testing methods su"h as these) and "hange it to 1vi!e2 (ith the "ons"ious desire
you have. 7n"e your "ons"ious and su!"ons"ious are in agreement$ you (ill
e.perien"e your desire to its ullest through the magi" o Syn"hroni"ity.
And there are other (ays to selHtest.
Another (ay is to stand up straight$ eet shoulderHlength apart$ slightly !end the
knees and ask a 'uestion. #oti"e you3ll !e "ompelled to lean either or(ard$ or
!a"k(ard$ depending on the 'uestion or statement.
/ou "an program yoursel easily !y telling yoursel 1this means yes2 and 1this
means no2 or$ you "an let your su!"ons"ious sho( you !y saying$ 1sho( me yes.2
(you3ll lean or(ard or !a"k(ard) and then$ 1sho( me no2 and like(ise$ et".
*n this (ay you "an !e"ome your o(n human pendulum.
,on3t take these te"hni'ues or granted. +est them ea"h ten times and re"ord your
result. 6ave un (ith these and you (ill gain a pri"eless treasure.
Be(are that (hat your mind is o"using on at the moment$ (ill determine the
1strong2 or 1(eak2 in the test.
So i you3re daydreaming o in a good memory$ (hile saying my name is +om (i
that isn3t your name)$ your e."ess mental energy "an thro( o the test.
+he easiest (ay to ensure you3re getting an a""urate result every time is !y pla"ing
your main o"us on (hat you3re testing.
8eep in mind all this is giving you eed!a"k you didn3t have a""ess to !eore.
+his is providing a ne( tool you "an use to make !etter "hoi"es (hi"h lead you to
a !etter lie. #ever again do you have to !e 1stu"k2 in an important de"ision that
you don3t kno( is !est or you or not. +est ten times and re"ord your results.
Sometimes it is !est to (ait a moment !eore ea"h test to re"ompose yoursel.
+oo "lose together$ and you "an inluen"e the test through mental or physi"al
atigue. Just pause a moment$ o"us on the intent and test.
Regardless o your results$ you3ll deinitely noti"e there3s something 1more2 going
on here0 "ould this !e thought inluen"ing physi"al strength>
6ere3s a really great (ay to ind out0
5. Det a partner or good riend (ho3s (illing to try out something ne(0
9. 6ave him or her stand up and hold out their least dominant arm$ straight out
to the side$ palms open and ingers outstret"hed0
:. Gla"e t(o ingers on their (rist and instru"t them to 1make it strong2 so
(hen you lightly press do(n$ their arm (ill remain strong$ giving resistan"e
to the t(o ingers you3re using to press do(n the arm0
?. +ell them to say their name$ and press do(n lightly (ith your t(o ingers.
/ou should eel a "ertain amount o resistan"e as you press do(n$ and their
arm should remain straight$ and strong.
@. #o( tell them to say$ 1my name is ====2 and someone else3s name ("ould
!e your name) and test them. *nstantly$ you should eel ?IHAIJ less
resistan"e$ and their arm should "ome do(n 'uite a !it.
A. )atigue you say> +ry this. #o( tell them to think o a golden "ir"le. And test
them. *nterestingly$ the strength should return to their outstret"hed arm.
B. #o( tell them to think o something they don3t like. *t "ould !e anything.
+est them. Most likely$ almost all their strength (ill !e drained.
#o($ let3s get to the 1good stu02
%ith either hand$ run your ingers up the middle o their !ody (ithout tou"hing
them$ rom the (aist up to the top o their !ottom lip 4 as i you (ere 1Fipping
them up.2 ,on3t tou"h them. Just Fip them up. #o( test them.
;ndou!tedly$ you3ll noti"e a great amount o resistan"e and strength o""urs (hen
you try to press do(n on their arm (ith your t(o ingers.
#o($ take a(ay their strength (ith a do(n(ard stroke o your hand$ rom the top
o their !ottom lip$ do(n the "enter to the pelvi" region. +est them. Kuite a
dierent story$ isn3t it>
/ou don3t have to tou"h someone to inluen"e their energy.
/ou "an easily do this or yoursel$ too using the 1782 te"hni'ue.
Just Fip yoursel up$ and test. /ou3ll test strong.
#o($ unFip yoursel and test. /ou3ll test very (eak.
Standing in ront o your partner$ unFip them only (ith your imagination.
#o( test them$ and noti"e the immediate difference in strength.
Any time you3re eeling 1!o.ed in2 or lonely$ depressed$ vulnera!le$ et". mentally
or physi"ally Fip yoursel up. /ou3ll no longer !e mentally or energeti"ally e.posed
and (ill instantly eel some(hat !etter.
/ou "an also 1lo"k2 the energy in pla"e using your rightH!rain imagination to
literally 1Fip and lo"k2. *n this (ay$ others3 energies "an3t inluen"e you.
Just imagine Fipping up to the top o your !ottom lip$ and turn the key to lo"k it.
+hen do an 1782 selHtest and see i you3re strong or (eak.
Chan"es are$ Cust !y Fipping up you3ll test strong.
#o($ let3s play some more and see ho( your energy "an inluen"e others easily0
Standing in ront o your partner$ think o something negative a!out them. Even i
you don3t (ant to$ Cust imagine something negative and dire"t it to(ard them.
#o( test them and see i they3re strong or (eak.
#o($ think something ni"e a!out them and test them.
+hey get their strength !a"k$ almost instantly.
)ind a !ook (any !ook (ill do$ in"luding this one) and read a passage out loud
rom the !ook. Stop and test them. * strong$ !egin reading the same passage
!a"k(ards$ stop and test them. #oti"e the dieren"e.
*t is possi!le that your su!Ce"t (ill test (eak ater you read or(ards to them.
+he reason is !e"ause your energies may !e running !a"k(ards in your !ody.
7ten martial arts students or physi"al athletes (ho do a lot o"ise may have
their energies running !a"k(ards. +his has many sideHee"ts and none o them are
good. +his "an "ause a pu!li" speaker to 'ui"kly drain his audien"e ater even a
short spee"h. 7r a re"urring 1un"omorta!le silen"e2 in so"ial situations.
* you3ve ever met anyone and elt 1drained2 ater Cust a e( moments o !eing in
their presen"e$ you3ve e.perien"ed a person (ho3s energy is running !a"k(ards.
)or e.ample$ do @ Cumping Ca"ks and test yoursel.
/ou3ll "ertainly test (eak.
6ave your partner do @ Cumping Ca"ks and test them.
+hey (ill no dou!t test (eak.
Jumping Ca"ks are one o the many motions that literally "ause the energy in the
!ody to run !a"k(ards. +his ae"ts o"us$ a!ility to "on"entrate$ *K$ mental and
physi"al health and even lie span.
#o($ do a side(ays 1igure eight2 motion (ith !oth arms in ront o you or a!out
ten se"onds. +est yoursel. /ou3ll pro!a!ly test strong.
#o( do a igure eight (ith your pointerHinger Cust in ront o your partner or
a!out ten se"onds$ and test them. +hey3ll most likely test strong$ too.
7 "ourse "ons"iously$ that doesn3t make any sense<
6o( "ould a 1igure eight2 ininity sign dra(n in the air possi!ly inluen"e another
person3s physi"al strength> And yet$ i you have !een doing ea"h step and
ollo(ing a long in this !ook to a 1+2 you3ll !e staring at the result.
A side(ays 1igure eight2 pattern is the sym!ol or ininity. *t3s also ho( (ireless
"ommuni"ation is made possi!le.
Signals are !oth sent and re"eived simultaneously 1through the air2 in a igureH
eight pattern (hi"h esta!lishes a t(oH(ay "ommuni"ation at the same time.
+he (ay your mind sends and re"eives inormation is no dierent<
All energy in the !ody should "ross in this igure eight pattern.
* it isn3t "rossed$ it3s running straight up and do(n (or !a"k(ards) and a t(oH(ay
"onne"tion "annot !e properly esta!lished.
+his energy "an !e reversed and a "onne"tion reHesta!lished !y making "ir"ular
motions or ininity motions (ith the mind and !ody. ,on3t !elieve me !e"ause *3m
telling you$ test it out or yoursel and e.perien"e this personally.
* your energies are running !a"k(ards$ you "an drain an entire room in a e(
minutes. * "rossed$ you (ill inspire and strengthen the energy o the room (ith
your (ords$ a"tions and presen"e.
Chapter %: The &agic of Centering 'ourself
Just !y "entering yoursel$ you "an "reate instant "hanges (ithin the !ody.
Rela.$ and dra( an imaginary line do(n the e.a"t "enter o your !ody$ verti"ally$
rom your tail!one up through the top o your head$ splitting yoursel in t(o e'ual
halves$ mentally0
Gla"e your a(areness there or Cust a se"ond and noti"e ho( it eels to !e in the
"enter o your !ody. )eel ho( your spinal "ord "onne"ts into your !rain stem0
#o( "ome !a"k to normal a(areness. /ou3ve Cust made a mental "onne"tion (ith
your Central #ervous System$ a "ontrol panel or your !ody and mind.
+hrough your spinal "ord$ messages are "ommuni"ated to every part o the !ody
(hi"h governs thought$ un"tion$ memory$ emotion$ operation and a"tion.
#ormally$ your su!"ons"ious maintains "ontrol over these areas so you don3t have
to "ons"iously remem!er (hen to !reathe$ pump !lood into your heart$ ight
invading !a"teria$ orget traumati" e.perien"es$ and a plethora o other things.
* you had to "ons"iously remem!er ho( to instru"t your !ody and !rain to
un"tion and "ontinue its normal operation$ you3d pro!a!ly go insane or
un"ons"ious rom mental overload.
Lu"kily$ your su!"ons"ious takes "are o the details (hi"h grants you the reedom
to e.perien"e this reality to its ullest 4 i that is your "hoi"e to do so.
But /7; (the "ons"ious part o you) "an learn to step into the "ontrol room rom
time to time$ and play around (ith the "ontrols to see (hat they "an do0
%hat you3ll ind (ater the ollo(ing te"hni'ues) is that you "an 1lip the s(it"h2
and "reate an instant shit in your !ody$ your mind$ your emotions0 any area o
your lie or any pro!lem you have CA# !e "hanged in an instant.
)irst$ you learned the 1782 selHtesting te"hni'ue and the armHresistan"e te"hni'ue
so you "an kno( (hat truly resonates (ith you$ and (hat "auses (eakness (ithin
#o( you "an learn ho( to transorm A#/ (eakness into strength$ !y tuning into
the "enter o your !odyMmind or a single moment 4 and lipping the s(it"h rom
(eak to S+R7#D<
)or this te"hni'ue$ irst you3ll (ant to test or a memory that "auses (eakness.
,o the 1782 test to "onirm it "auses (eakness$ and no( let3s targetHin that
(eakness to ind its level o intensity$ and (here it3s lo"ated in the !ody0
5. +hink o a !ad memory. #oti"e (hat emotion pops up rom the depths o
your heart$ and la!el it. (sad$ angry$ resentul$ envy$ et".) /ou3ll test (eak.
9. #o( pay attention to (here you eel that energy "oming rom in your !ody.
*t "ould !e your head$ ne"k$ rightHthigh$ stoma"h$ heart$ any(here.
:. %hen you noti"e you "an think o the !ad memory and the eeling
asso"iated (ith it "omes up$ there (ill !e a sensation some(here in your
!ody$ that is strangely "onne"ted to the eeling. Like it3s "oming rom there.
?. Gut your a(areness in this area o your !ody$ eeling the emotion intensiy.
@. #o( give this emotion a num!er !et(een 5 and 5I$ a""ording to ho(
intense the eeling is0 5 N !arely there up to 5I N un!eara!le
So let3s say you3ve got a memory dren"hed in an emotion o sadness and
you dis"over it3s lo"ated in your heart area (ith an intensity o O0
+ake that thought0 that memory$ (ith all its emotional "onne"tions$ lo"ations and
intensity0 and move the thought to your "enter. +hink the (ord 1C7RREC+2 and
dra( the imaginary line rom your tail!one up through your spine and out the top
o your head$ pla"ing your a(areness in the "enter or Cust a moment.
#o( !a"k to normal a(areness and let3s see (hat happens0
+hink o the !ad memory again. And noti"e its lo"ation. 6as it moved$ gotten
smaller or vanished all together> Dive it a num!er o intensity using the s"ale o 5
to 5I. 6as the num!er de"reased signii"antly or gone do(n to Fero>
,o this te"hni'ue again$ and noti"e the num!er drop urther. * and (hen it drops
to Fero$ you3ll !e "ompletely neutral to the !ad memory all emotional energy (ill
!e gone rom it. /ou (on3t !e magnetiFed to it anymore.
+his also means you (on3t attra"t those types o e.perien"es again.
7n"e it drops to Fero andMor the emotional pattern stu"k (ithin the !ody !egins to
dissolve$ you "an selHtest again0 and you (ill "ertainly test S+R7#D.
+his is an in"redi!ly ee"tive method or deHprogramming yoursel and erasing the
emotional "onne"tion to !ad memories$ e.perien"es$ !elies$ and other inluen"es
(hi"h "an negatively impa"t every moment o your lie.
)or e.ample$ i you3re "onstantly struggling or money$ you "an think o a memory
long ago in (hi"h your ather on"e told you$ 1ri"h people are dishonest2 and lo"ate
that energeti" pattern (ithin your !ody0 then note the level o intensity o the
emotion "onne"ted (ith that thought and give it a num!er rom 5 to 5I. +hen$ go to
your "enter (ith an intention to 1C7RREC+2 and "ome !a"k out.
#o( repeat the pro"ess until the num!er rea"hes Fero andMor the energeti" pattern
"ompletely disappears rom (ithin your !ody$ i.e. you "an3t lo"ate it.
/ou may also noti"e other emotions !egin to sura"e on"e the previous one is dealt
(ith. Bring it to the sura"e and transmute the energy !y taking it to the "enter or
only a se"ond or t(o. +hen "ome !a"k out and test again.
/ou will see "hanges. /ou (ill noti"e the dieren"e. And i you keep pra"ti"ing
this$ you3ll see rom your o(n e.perien"e that your story "hanges. 7ld "y"les are
!roken. +hings that used to keep happening to you Cust don3t happen anymore.
* you seem to keep inding yoursel in !ad relationships or instan"e$ deH
magnetiFe yoursel to attra"ting !ad relationships. *magine the !ad relationships
you3ve had$ note the emotion(s) atta"hed and ho( strong they are0 Corre"t them
!y taking them to your "enter$ then reHtest and "orre"t until they3re all gone.
Sometimes several emotions "an !e "onne"ted to one idea$ thought or memory.
Sometimes several layers o emotions "an !e em!edded into a !elie$ su"h as 1ri"h
people are !ad2 and thereore the desire o 1* (ant to !e ri"h2 gets iltered out and
dis"arded !y the reinor"ed !elie$ 1* (ant to !e a good person$ !ut ri"h people are
!ad$ so * "an never !e ri"h.2
Remove the emotional !aggage you "arry (ith you through lie$ and you3ll ind
yoursel nearly loating. )irst$ ind out (hat you (ant. +hen$ learn i that3s (hat
you3re aligned (ith su!"ons"iously0 ind out (hat3s !lo"king you (emotional
!aggage) and dissolve the !lo"ks oneH!yHone until they no longer ae"t you.
/ou "an go urther0
Gerhaps you aren3t Cust !eing ae"ted emotionally.
+his is (here some popular "ourses miss the !oat 4 most are only designed to
remove or "reate shits in the emotions. +his "an and does help$ !ut to really
eliminate A#/ !lo"kage$ you must go through all si. levels o "auses:
5. Ghysiologi"al
9. Gsy"hologi"al
:. Mental
?. Emotional
@. Empathi"
A. Kuantum
/our intention drives the vehi"le o your imagination.
+est and remove all physi"al "auses and ee"ts related to your thought.
#o($ remove all the emotional !aggage.
#e.t$ remove the e."ess mental energy.
+hen$ move onto psy"hologi"al$ empathi" (ho( you a!sor! energy rom others)
and even the 'uantum va"uum itsel a"ross all o spa"eMtime and in all dimensions
(hi"h may have "aused$ or "ontri!uted to this parti"ular thought$ "on"ept$ !elie or
%ith pra"ti"e you3ll eel the "hanges o""ur the instant it happens.
Doing to the "enter is like pressing the 1Enter2 !utton on the "ons"ious operating
system o your mind. *t energiFes any thought it is given. 6olding your attention
there (in the "enter) or longer periods only (eakens the result. *t3s Cust a 'ui"k
1press2 (ith your a(areness$ and !a"k to your normal state.
+hen test and note (hat3s dierent than !eore.
/ou (ill "ertainly noti"e the dieren"e.
;sing these testing methods$ you "an learn to diagnose and "orre"t any misH
alignment in the !odyMmind system. )or e.ample$ i you have a re"urring pro!lem
in your let leg$ put your attention on that area o dis"omort and noti"e (hat
thoughts$ memories or eelings !u!!le up to the sura"e0
#eutraliFe ea"h thought and eeling on all si. levels o "ausation$ (ith your
intention to do so$ intending 1C7RREC+2 and going to your "enter. Ater the
memories$ thoughts and emotions asso"iated (ith the sensation in your let leg are
at 1Fero2 go !a"k and reHevaluate ho( that area in your leg has "hanged.
*t "ould !e a dierent sensation$ the pattern "ould move to a dierent area$ or the
sensationMdis"omort in your leg "ould !e "ompletely gone. *n se"onds.
7n"e the e."ess energy is removed$ the dis"omort is gone also.
* it stu!!ornly remains$ do the te"hni'ue on the opposite side. So i it3s the let leg
"ausing dis"omort$ "orre"t the same area on the right leg. +his oten restores
!alan"e to !oth sides evenly$ (hi"h "an oten remove the dis"omort.
*deas asso"iated (ith physi"al pains "an seemingly have no logi"al "onne"tion to
the pain itsel.
)or instan"e$ i your lo(er !a"k is hurting$ and you o"us your attention on the
area$ and a thought o inan"ial trou!le "omes to mind0 they are entangled. %hi"h
is good$ !e"ause it means on"e you neutraliFe the energy !lo"kage "ausing
inan"ial trou!les or you$ the pain "an leave your !a"k<
And vi"eHversa.
#o dou!t there is some resistan"e to (hat you3re learning here$ and that3s pere"tly
natural and 178.2
*t isn3t my pla"e (nor my intention) to "onvin"e you or 1sho( proo2 o anything0
only to present to you some interesting phenomena that you "an demonstrate to
yoursel$ and gain kno(ledge rom your o(n personal e.perien"e.
Sounds amaFing$ right>
Can you imagine ho( dierent your lie (ould !e i you had the a!ility to remove
any stress$ pain or ear>
,o you think your lie (ould "hange>
Be"ome !etter0 more enCoya!le0 more fruitful
Most likely$ you may !e eeling a !it o resistan"e to this "on"ept. +hat3s ok. 7ur
entire lives are saturated (ith ear$ stress and pain. *t3s a 1(ay o lie2 or most
people on the planet. +hey truly !elieve they Cust have to 1live (ith it.2
%ell0 not so$ a""ording to :@th generation Shaolin Drandmaster$ 8am /uen.
6e3s developed a methodology "alled 1+he /uen Method2 that proves !eyond
anyone3s a!ility to 1de!unk2$ that instantaneous "hanges and shits "an o""ur
(ithin the !ody without touching it.
+his results in a "omplete removal o pain$ ear and stress on a physiologi"al$
psy"hologi"al$ mental$ emotional$ empathi" and even 'uantum level.
*n se"onds to minutes.
Another an and student o ,r. /uen3s (ork$ Gaul %ong has developed his o(n
1lavor2 o the /uen Method "alled$ Chinese Energeti"s. 6e also in"orporates
systems su"h as Matrix Energetics, Reconnectie !ealing, E"T, Rei#i and $%&
into his System. ((earn &ore About Chinese )nergetics)
* pur"hased his 6ome Study Course. *t3s !asi"ally a teleseminar re"ording o him
(orking (ith several other students$ tea"hing them the method$ and (ithin
minutes$ having them perorm these "hanges over the phone on other students$
miles a(ay rom ea"h other<
*n a"t$ every student 1got it2 and (as a!le to "reate shits and "hanges in the other
students remotely$ many$ many times 4 in many dierent areas o their lives.
Sometimes$ an attempt (ould !e made to "orre"t a pro!lem$ and that pro!lem
didn3t "hange0
't first.
+his is (here most people (ould likely ly the B.S. lag and !e done (ith it0
But then0 Gaul (ould (isely instru"t the student to "orre"t a deeper issue$ related
to the !lo"kage0 and again$ (ithin seconds$ the student (as a!le to make the
Pshit3 and the ormer issue vanished along (ith its deeper "ounterpart.
*3ve studied Cust a!out every healing modality and "ons"iousness te"hnology out
there0 and *3m still amaFed every time * (at"h the /uen Method in a"tion.
*3ll give you a prime e.ample0 (at"h this short video o Gaul demonstrating his
method o Chinese Energeti"s ()ased primarily on the *uen Method+ to "orre"t oot
and mus"le pain0 in se"onds. 6o( does he do it>
%e3ll take a deeper look in a moment0
$ie* A Demonstration Here
Alright0 (ell that (as interesting$ (asn3t it>
*3m sure it pro!a!ly looks like 1magi"2 to the typi"al person unHtrained in the /uen
Method or Chinese Energeti"s$ !ut as amed poet and novelist$ Ben 7rki on"e
stated$ ,Magic )ecomes art when it has nothing to hide.-
So0 do /7; (ant to kno( the !ig se"ret>
*t has everything to do (ith an an"ient Shaolin se"ret "alled$ 1+he Midline
Grin"iple.2 /our !ody is an amaFing hiHte"h super"omputer that is unmat"hed !y
our most sophisti"ated te"hnology.
*t has a natural regenerative a!ility that has until no($ !een almost "ompletely
untapped !y humanH!eings.
* igured it (ould !e easier to let you learn a!out the Midline Grin"iple !y
(at"hing it !eing demonstrated:
$ie* A $ideo Demonstration Here
%hen you (at"hed Gaul in the other video 1magi"ally2 remove the guy3s oot and
ne"k pain (ith a (ave o his hand$ this is (hat (as a"tually taking pla"e. Gaul3s
hand didn3t do anything magi"al.
%hat he ,*,$ (as use his hand as a type o physi"al an"hor$ and himsel as a
surrogate$ along (ith a thought to ,.E%ETE all effects, of eery cause, to /ero
minus infinity, to the power of negatie infinity- then going to the Midline or a
splitHse"ond (ith his attention.
*t3s like giving a "ommand$ then pressing the enter !utton. *t energiFes intent.
*n"redi!ly$ i you eel or what0s different at this point$ energy does shit (ithin
your !ody. +his may seem amaFing and other(orldly$ !ut * en"ourage you to give
it a try (ith an e.periment.
5. +hink o something that !others you. *t "ould !e mental$ emotional or physi"al.
(start small at irst)
9. Dive the issue a num!er on a s"ale o 5 to 5I$ 5 !eing it almost isn3t there$ and
ten !eing very intense.
:. %hen you think a!out this issue$ you3ll likely eel a sensation some(here in
your !ody. +his isn3t your imagination Q your !ody is telling you %6ERE the
issue is energeti"ally lo"ated. )eel the sensation in that area o your !ody. * it is a
physi"al issue or pain$ the only reason you "an eel it in that area is !e"ause that is
(here the energy is lo"ated.
?. #o( using the Midline Grin"iple (e.a"tly as seen in the video) !ring your
attention to the straight line in the "enter o your !ody$ going rom the top o your
head all the (ay do(n to your tail!one. As i you had "ut a straight line do(n the
middle o your !ody verti"ally$ "reating t(o e'ual halves$ the right side and let
side o your !ody.
%hen you "an get the sensation o (hat this eels like$ put the thought to ,ELE+E
all "auses and ee"ts asso"iated (ith this issue into your Midline$ and hold the
thought in this area or a e( se"onds. (5M?th o a se"ond is all it takes)
@. #o($ "he"k the issue again. +hink a!out it. E.amine ho( you eel. Gut it on a
s"ale o 5 to 5I. 6as it "hanged>
Chan"es are$ you may !e surprised to ind out that it has. *t may not !e "ompletely
gone yet$ !ut it has "hanged.
+he sensation asso"iated (ith the issue may no( have moved to somewhere else in
your )ody. Gay attention to that.
,o the e.a"t same steps again. +here "ould !e multiple layers o "ausation that are
maniesting the issue.
)or !est results$ run this through all si. levels o "ausation as dis"ussed earlier.
,on3t !e too surprised i on"e you run through these 3rounds3 o "orre"tions that
your issue vanishes. *3ve !een diligently pra"ti"ing this method on mysel$ my
riends and amily0 anyone (ho3d let me 1give it a (hirl2 and * "an personally
attest that this does (ork.
* shared this method (ith my mother$ (ho (as e.perien"ing a heada"he and
nausea (hen * "alled her.
Just moments !eore my "all$ she (as inormed that her !rother (as in the hospital
due to a severe heart atta"k$ and may not make it.
By the end o our phone "all$ her nausea (as gone$ the heada"he (as removed and
the stress$ tension and (orry asso"iated (ith the re"ent ne(s a!out her !rother had
!een "orre"ted.
Apparently$ she (as Cust ,worried sic#.-
* hope that gives you some insight into this method$ and ho( (hat (e think and
eel a!out ourselves and others$ ,7ES sho( up as physi"al maniestations o
illness$ dis"omort$ pain and even disease i let unH"orre"ted.
+he D77, ne(s is that anyone "an do this<
*t isn3t magi"alR it3s the true (ay to 1"enter yoursel.2
Chapter +: T*o Po*er Tools
for &anifesting A &agical (ife
Regardless o (hat you may think o the movie$ The Secret$ there are t(o 1po(er
tools2 (as * "all them) that you "an start using in the ne.t @ minutes to !egin
maniesting a!undan"e$ prosperity and true happiness in your lie0
And they3re !oth rom that movie. A"tually$ they3re not *# the movie4they are
made reely availa!le on the (e! site.
#o$ The Secret doesn3t give all the inormation re'uired to ully employ (hat
they3re "alling 1+he La( o Attra"tion2 to (ork or everyone4in a"t$ it Cust !arely
s"rat"hes the sura"e.
But on their (e! site they give a(ay t(o small videos that are !oth less than @
minutes long4that you "an !egin using immediately to tap into the limitless po(er
o your mind and e.perien"e a radi"ally positive shit in your day0
* (at"h these t(o videos irst thingHevery single morning. But * don3t 1ust (at"h
them$ * immerse mysel in them.
/ou see$ (hatever you align your vi!rations (ith is (hat you (ill e.perien"e. +his
goes (ay !eyond the La( o Attra"tion. +here3s a"tually a s"ientii" term or it$
"alled resonance.
)or e.ample$ i you have t(o tuning orks set to an 1)2 tone and mount them on a
!o. (ith the openings a"ing ea"h other$ striking one o the orks ater a e(
se"onds (ill "ause the other ork to resonate (ith the e.a"t same tone$ set into
vi!ration !y the irst tuning ork.
+he La( o Attra"tion "an !e thought o as a ma"ro"osmi" aspe"t o these
phenomena. *t3s a rea"tion o vi!rational ields intera"ting (ithin larger vi!rational
+hat said$ let3s "ome !a"k to Earth or a se"ond and inCe"t some pra"ti"ality into
this "on"ept.
/ou open your eyes$ roll out o !ed and gra! a "up o "oee.
+hen$ you turn on the +S or the morning ne(s to stay 1in tou"h2 (ith (hat3s
going on in the (orld today0
/our senses are overloaded (ith the everyday s"heme o violen"e$ murder$
"orruption$ (ar and may!e a !it o (eather.
/our 1inner tuning ork2 is tuning into those e.perien"es$ as you emotionally rea"t
to the s"re(ed up situations and "ir"umstan"es all over the (orld.
+his is the daily ne(s.
6ey$ you gotta stay inormed.
+hen$ you head o to (ork and get stu"k in trai". %ith the turmoil o the (orld
still resh in memory$ your road rage ki"ks in and you !egin "ursing the TO year old
driver traveling 9I miles !elo( an a""epta!le speed limit right in ront o you
(ho3s had his turn signal on or the last ten miles0
+here3s a semi tru"k on the other side o you$ making it impossi!le to merge into
the other lane and es"ape rom the torment.
/our !lood !oils as your mind ra"es (ith images o your !oss meeting you at the
ront entran"e (ith a s"o(l on his a"e and an uninviting look in his eyes.
/ou sit do(n at your desk and though one hal o your mind is (orking on today3s
assignment$ the other hal is regretting every minute o it.
Ater (hat seems like endless hours o paid slavery$ it3s inally time to go home.
/ou3re eeling !etter already.
#ot !e"ause you3re eeling good, !ut !e"ause you3re relieved at the prospe"t o
getting a(ay rom (ork$ going home to rela.$ and (at"h some more ne(s on +S.
And may!e even a movie.
Ater a e( hours o the good ole3 television programming your mind$ heart and
emotions (ith the usual murder$ sui"ide$ suspense$ thriller and horror$ you "hange
the "hannel rom the nightly ne(s to a good movie$ programming yoursel (ith
e.a"tly the same thoughts$ thrills and emotions.
Ater the movie$ it3s sleepy time and you3re !eat. *t3s o to !ed$ (ith a glimmer o
hope that you (on3t get stu"k in ront o the old man tomorro(.
+hat3s a visual illustration o ho( most people live their daily lives.
Are you one o them> 0,o you %A#+ to !e>
* (hat you are 1tuning2 into on a daily !asis is (hat you "onsider informing and
entertaining, then you "an !et your !ottom dollar +6A+ is (hat you are resonating
But (hat i you turned the ta!les on reality>
%hat i you !egan programming yoursel (ith visions$ thoughts and emotions that
are even S+R7#DER than the steaming pile o horseHho"key you e.perien"e
every day>
,o you think you3d have a !etter morning0 a more enCoya!le "ommute0 a more
satisying evening>
%ell$ (hy don3t you try it2
* "an make promises and e.plain the !eneits till the "o(s "ome home$ !ut that
isn3t (orth the digital paper it3s printed on to you.
*nstead$ go the scientific route and do an e.periment. A very easy one.
+omorro( morning$ roll out o !ed$ gra! your "oee and (at"h these t(o videos0
one "alled$ 1+he Se"ret to Ri"hes2 and the other$ 1+he Se"ret to /ou.2
*mmerse yoursel in them or the ne.t ive minutes or so. +hat3s it. Just really feel
them as you (at"h the images "ome to lie on your "omputer s"reen.
A!out @ minutes$ that3s all it takes. Just do it. +ry it.
See (hat happens. +ake note o ho( your day goes rom there.
+his (ill prove to you$ through your o(n dire"t e.perien"e that (hat you resonate
(ith$ you e.perien"e.
7n"e you prove to yoursel that these t(o superH 1po(er tools2 help you instantly
"reate a !etter reality.
%at"h them )*RS+ +6*#D in the morning$ every day.
,oors (ill open or you and (indo(s o opportunity (ill present themselves to
you in (ays that (ill make your Ca( drop in amaFement.
Again0 this is !arely scratching the surface$ !ut these t(o simple tools are
in"redi!ly po(erul !e"ause they align your vi!rational ield and 1tune2 you into
e.perien"es o gratitude$ prosperity$ happiness$ love$ pea"e$ amaFement and
(onder o the magi"al$ mysti"al reality you are an integral part o.
Just (at"h the videos and eel them as you (at"h them.
,o this e.periment and see ho( your reality transorms itsel$ literally oernight.
The Secret To ,iches
The Secret To 'ou
Chapter -: Using &ind Po*er for &anifesting
&one. /0r An.thing )lse1
*magine i you "ould use the po(er o your mind to maniest money into your lie.
Sound arHet"hed>
*t3s easier than you might !e (illing to !elieve.
But your mindHpattern (or !elie system) tells you this isn3t so0 you3ve pro!a!ly
tried !eore and ailed$ and thus "onvin"ed yoursel that ,money does not come out
of thin3air4-
*t3s mu"h easier to maniest money$ (hen you3re not thinking o money0 !ut
instead$ all the things you "an )uy (ith money. )orget the 1middleHman2 or a
moment$ and o"us on the o!Ce"t o your desire.
*3m going to reveal a uni'ue method !y (hi"h anyone "an easily and assuredly
attain money and !e a!le to sustain it0 and (at"h it gro( into even greater
amounts o (ealth and prosperity over time.
+he highest se"ret o materialiFing physi"al o!Ce"ts into this plane o e.isten"e is
!y making a physi"al representation o ea"h o!Ce"t you (ant to "reate.
)or e.ample$ you "an pla"e a 5ision Board on the (all in ront o you.
Gin photographs or dra(ings that resem!le (hat you (ant to maniest into physi"al
+hese are your sym)ols.
Sym!ols "ommuni"ate dire"tly (ith the su!"ons"ious mind.
+his is "ertainly a good idea0 !ut an even !etter one is to also have an
'chieements Board !ehind you$ (here your sym!ols are removed rom the 5ision
Board$ and on"e maniested 4 pla"ed onto this !oard<
+he te"hni'ue employs another psy"hologi"al ta"ti".
Every time you su""eed at maniesting a thing you desire$ your mindHpattern
remem!ers the event$ programming your su!"ons"ious mind on ho( to operate and
per"eive your reality.
;sing this method$ you "an greatly in"rease the skill and potential o your o(n
maniesting po(er. Sym!ols are used every(here around the (orld0 and or this
very reason.
*3ll give you a "rystalH"lear e.ample.
The Statue of %i)erty in $ew *or# 6ity +his is a great sym!ol given to Ameri"a
!y the 7rand Temple 8rient Masons in 5TT?0
She is the ancient roman goddess %i)erta, ruler of %i)erty. !er official title is,
,%i)erty Enlightening the World- and she holds the "laming Torch of Reason
thrust toward the s#y, a sym)ol of the sun
+his is strong sym!olism meant to either "onvey a hidden meaning$ or to maniest
one0 As you (ill soon see or yoursel0 it3s !oth.
Sym!ols 1"all orth2 ;niversal Energy$ give it dire"tion$ purpose and a orm o
intelligen"e. An"ient and ModernHday Mystery S"hools reveal the se"rets o
sym!olism that )ring light to the wise, and dar#ness to the profane.
+his is another (ay o saying that on"e you understand the se"ret po(er o
sym!ols$ you gain an 1intelligen"e2 (hi"h !rings the %ight of Reason to you$ (hile
keeping others in the ,arkness o *gnoran"e and Suering.
*t3s time these se"rets are !rought out in the open.
;niversal Energy is also kno(n as prana$ or"e$ spirit$ "hi$ gong$ or kether. (these
are categori/ations of energy, organi/ed )y fre9uency+
*t3s like a lo(ingHstream0
!oundless and unrestrained0
ormless and void$ yet complete.
+he only or"e that "an hold this stream in pla"e is +hought.
+hought is like a glass !o(l that dips into the ininite stream in order to !e illed.
+his a"tion orms the stream o ;niversal Energy into the shape and "hara"teristi"s
o its "ontainer$ and is "reated in its image.
+he energy is still li'uid0 having no orm !ut that o the glass !o(l.
But then0 the temperature suddenly drops.
+he li'uid is roFen and made solid.
+he ;niversal Energy has no( maniested as i"e$ limited and having dimensions
su"h as height$ (idth$ mass$ spa"e and time. /et it is deinite and has purpose0
that o !eing ice.
%hen you "reate sym!ols$ you instantly "apture a portion o ;niversal Energy and
pla"e it into a "ontainer (ith the "hara"teristi"s or 1intelligen"e2 that you desire to
!e maniested in the physi"al.
+he energy 1reeFes2 (hen held in pla"e0 and the temperature drops.
As ;niversal Energy travels do(n the dimensions o spa"e and time it !e"omes
more ully "on"entrated and gains intelligen"e 4 and purpose.
*t then maniests in the physi"al dimension at the most appropriate time$ through
#o( the 'uestion !e"omes0
1But ho( do * hold the energy in pla"e$ so that it maniests>2
Remem!er the analogy o the glass !o(l0 this is the or"e o +hought.
+hought is not an a"tion0 it o""urs !oth "ons"iously and su!"ons"iously$
voluntary and inHvoluntary.
+hought is a or"e$ or a i)ration of moement through the ;niverse.
/our mind pi"ks up on these vi!rations and interprets them as sym!oli" visions and
eelings. +he stronger the or"e$ the more energy is "ontained and held in pla"e0
and the "ontainer expands.
+his is the reason why (hat you o"us on e.pands.
As the or"e o +hought gro(s stronger (through focus, concentration and detail+
the 1glass !o(l2 !e"omes an even !igger$ !etter "ontainer to house the ;niversal
Energy and reeFe it.
*ntelligen"e is given to the +hought !y the %ight of Reason.
)o"us upon this +hought0 "on"entrate the energy o your a(areness into this
orm$ and give it lie !y appointing it a deinite purpose or e.isting in the physi"al
plane. Dive the +hought as mu"h detail as possi!le$ !y (riting do(n all the
!eneits you "an imagine o having this +hought maniested.
#o( sym!oliFe the +hought in (hatever (ay you (ish. +he An"ients used sigils 4
or sym!ols o great po(er (which are actually categories of organi/ed and defined
:niersal Energy+ and (ere given names$ titles$ stories$ illustrations$
"hara"teristi"s and a deinite purpose. )rom this a"tion$ their gods (ere 1!rought to
lie2 and aided them in their magi"al (ork (hen "alled upon.
%hat *3m revealing to you right no($ is the S"ien"e and Art o "ausing reality to
"onorm to %ill.
And (hile it isn3t a""epted among the 1S"ientii" Community2 as su"h$ your o(n
e.periments (ill prove !eyond any shado( o a dou!t$ that you not only "reate
your o(n reality0
/ou "an "ontrol it.
6ere is the Method:
5. Gi"k one o!Ce"t that you (ould like to maniest into the physi"al plane. Start
small$ and as your po(ers o o"us and "on"entration in"rease$ move onto
larger o!Ce"ts. At irst$ you (ill !e ighting against your letH!rained 1ego2
(hi"h is hardH(ired into your mindHpattern that tells you these things are not
possi!le0 you don3t "reate your reality and "annot "ontrol it.
+his is a lie.
9. %rite do(n the statement that "alls orth the energy into the "ontainer0 the
(ords 1* C7MMA#,2 are very po(erul and similar to giving "ommands
to a "omputer. Anything ater the (ords 1* C7MMA#,2 (ill "reate the
orm in the likeness o its o(n image. (or e.ample: ,; 68MM'$. my
electricity )ill &';. in full )efore <uly =>st of this year4- et".)
:. #o( that the ;niversal Energy is "ontained$ it must !e held in pla"e. +his is
a""omplished through o"us$ "on"entration and detail. Con"entrate and
solidiy this energy !y "reating a sym!ol that represents it. )or instan"e$ take
your ele"tri" !ill and markHout the amount due (ith a pen or pen"il$ and
(rite 1I.II2 Cust a!ove it. +hen pla"e it !a"k into its envelope$ and in !ig
letters (rite$ 1GA*, *# );LL BE)7RE J;L/ :5st<2 4 +his is a sym!oli"
1"eremony2 that gives the ;niversal Energy a deinite purpose 4 to have the
ele"tri" !ill paid !eore July :5st.
?. +he more attention to detail you give$ the stronger the or"e !e"omes. )or
this reason$ pla"e your sym!ol in a lo"ation (here you3ll see it and !e
reminded o your intent$ every day. %ith purpose$ your sym!ol no( gains in
1intelligen"e2 and !egins its des"ent into the physi"al.
@. 7n the page (ith your "ommand statement$ (rite do(n as many dire"t and
inHdire"t !eneits you "an !rainstorm$ seeing ea"h o these things "ome to
pass in your mind3s eye as you (rite.
A. Create a pere"t s"enario o ho( this maniestation (ill sho( up in your lie
and (hat you (ill do as a result o its appearan"e. +ell a story. %rite it
do(n. Make it as detailed and vivid as possi!le0 ea"h ne( eort !rings
you another step "loser to maniesting your o!Ce"t. (But don0t )e attached to
how it manifests it may )e completely different from your story ? )ut
you0re giing it ,life- and intelligence as you write ? there)y strengthening
the force to )e controlled+
B. #e.t0 (rite a single 'uestion: ,What are the possi)ilities in which this can
manifest now2- Be still. Remain 'uiet$ and listen. /ou (ill soon pi"kHup on
+houghts$ ideas and theories that (ill tell you several possi!le (ays the
o!Ce"t o your desire "an maniest into your lie0 no(. (Remem!er$ energy
is not limited !y spa"e or time$ until "ontrolled and "ontained<)
T. %hen the ideas "ease and the mind is e.hausted o all possi!le avenues or
maniestation to take pla"e$ stop. +ake the paper and old until small enough
to it in your (allet$ or inside your purse. +he "on"entrated energy o these
(ords !ring greater strength to o"us and dire"t the ;niversal Energy0 the
"onduit is you. Energy is neither "reated nor destroyed$ !ut transormed
through the Mind. Remem!er 4 o"us$ "on"entration and detail orm matter.
O. )rom this point$ allo( your sym!ol to 1reeFe2 the maniestation into
e.isten"e and remove any remaining or reo""urring negative !elies to !e
dissolved !y the Light o Reason. +his is sym!oliFed !y your su!"ons"ious
as illuminating (hiteHlight. /ou "an "ast (hiteHlight around any negative
+hought (ith the intent to do so$ and eel it dissolve !a"k into its pure orm.
(!ere is wisdom@ %ight ;lluminates the .ar#ness4+
5I. Remain "ompletely unHatta"hed to ho( your maniestation o""urs in the
physi"al. Rest assured that through the phenomenon o Syn"hroni"ity$ your
+hought (ill maniest at the !est possi!le time and pla"e or your greatest
!eneit0 even i you don3t understand why in that moment.
#7+E: +he more programming your mindHpattern "ontains to dis!elieve your
a!ility and !irthright to "reate your o(n reality$ the stronger or"e (ill !e re'uired
to reprogram your mind and !e su""essul at maniesting the o!Ce"t o your desire.
*t is or this reason that *3m going to divulge another se"ret.
+he e( 1(ise ones2 are those (ho understand !oth the distin"tion and "onne"tion
!et(een the 8no(ledge o the E.oteri"$ and the Esoteri". All maCor religions are
a"tually E.oteri" tea"hings o Esoteric %isdom.
+his is (hy throughout our (orldHhistory$ you see the same re"urring themes over
and over again tea"hing the same prin"iples. Remem!er our study and"ise o
Sym!ols0 the E.oteri" tea"hings are a (ealth o sym!olism !ased on Esoteri"
%isdom. *n the E.oteri" studies$ you3ll ind many passages have a"tually !een
en"oded$ using an an"ient S"ien"e and Art kno(n as 7ematria.
+he greatest reason o this "oding is to prote"t the an"ient se"rets rom !eing
1a!used2 !y the proane$ i.e. those (ho are instru"ted and intentionally mislead !y
the E.oteri" sym!olism. +he truth (as "on"ealed and only given to those o
highest order0 the Griests$ 8ings$ Kueens and Magi"ians.
*t (as told that only 1Dods2 (those (ho kne( they (ere o ,ivine origin) "ould
have this kno(ledge$ and it should !e kept rom everyone else to maintain 7rder
out o Chaos.
*n other (ords$ those (ho kne( the Esoteri" %isdom ruled over those (ho didn3t.
+he right (as stri"tly reserved or Royalty and Religion.
+he E.oteri" is the e.ternal$ personiied energies sym!oliFing the Esoteri"$ (hi"h
are the inner3wor#ings o #ature and Reality in the ;niverse.
*n truth$ there is no e.ternal reality. +he latest resear"h into Kuantum Ghysi"s is
no( proving this to !e true. All reality ilters through the Mind to !e per"eived.
+his$ yet devastatingly po(erul e.ternalMinternal mindHs(it"h "an !ring you into
dire"t alignment (ith Dod M /our 6igher Sel M /our 6oly Duardian Angel M
*llumination. Enlightenment.
As my irst e.ample "learly illustrates0 the hidden message "onveyed !y the
Statue o Li!erty$ is an Esoteri" se"ret: ,8nly those who possess the %ight of
Reason are ;lluminated into "reedom4-
/ou "reate your o(n reality.
;se the tenHstep Method given (ithin this !ook$ and !e ree.
#o( you have a sureHire Method o "ontrolling your reality0 paying o your
!ills$ getting out o de!t$ o!taining (ealth and prosperity0 and anything else you
desire. ;se this (isely and neer interere on another3s %ill.
+here is a strong negative !elie a!out money$ intimately "onne"ted (ith our
glo!al "ons"iousness. )or this reason$ and or !est results$ do not o"us on
maniesting money$ !ut on "reating those material o!Ce"ts in (hi"h you re'uire. 7r$
on attra"ting the mental$ emotional and spiritual 'ualities that you desire to possess
as your o(n.
Leave the rest up to Syn"hroni"ity to 1s"hedule2 the events in your lie that !ring
your desire$ to you. +ake a"tion on those ideas (hi"h "ome as inspiration to you
and (rite them do(n.
)ollo( ea"h one as yet another 1"lue2 that leads you to reedom$ (ealth and
Experience the unlimited.
Chapter 2: A 3e* &one. &anifesting Technique
,o you need more money in your lie right no(>
Could you use some e.tra "ash to pay your !ills>
%ould you like to learn a!out a revolutionary ne( ormula to !ring more money
into your lie> *3m going to tea"h you a spe"ial te"hni'ue or maniesting money
into your lie right no(.
By no( you3re either skepti"al$ "urious or !oth. +hat3s pere"tly ok. *3m here to
present to you a ormula * dis"overed utiliFing a pro"ess o magnetiFation and the
prin"iple o in"remental improvement. ;sing this te"hni'ue$ you3re going to
e.perien"e your innate a!ility to maniest money$ (henever you (ant.
+he La( o A!undan"e states that the (orld and even the undamental nature o
the entire ;niverse is pure$ unlimited a!undan"e.
%hen (e realiFe this and shit our perspe"tive to see amaFing a!undan"e in
everything rom "ountless stars in the sky to the endless !lades o grass on Earth$
(e open our mind to the understanding that !y nature$ all things are oerflowing
(ith a!undan"e.
*t is only (hen our perspe"tive o"uses on la"k o a!undan"e that (e !egin to
"reate !elies o limitations$ "ontrol$ ear$ Cealousy and even hate. +his has lead to
(ars$ street violen"e$ poverty$ thet$ and the desire to have po(er over others.
+here is in a"t$ more than enough.
Everyone is entitled to a lie o a!undan"e and prosperity !y !irthright.
/our !elies and programming sin"e your !irth have "aused this a!ility to lie
dormant (ithin you0 yet it remains in your su!"ons"ious$ patiently (aiting to !e
+his te"hni'ue serves to a"tivate your latent a!ility to maniest money. /ou3ll
!egin as an ;nitiate$ meaning 4 you3re !eing 1initiated2 into this ne( (ay o
maniesting money into your lie. By the time you3ve !e"ome proi"ient at using
the te"hni'ue you3ll !e kno(n as a v5I Master Money Maniestor.
Just like any mus"le$ your mental a!ilities get stronger (ith pra"ti"e and"ise.
6erein is a method o tra"king your progress and a ne( (ay o thinking a!out
money so that you attra"t it more easily into your lie.
)rom this point on(ard$ orget a!out the physi"al maniestation o money0 the
green stu (ith dead presidents on it. *nstead$ or this"ise you (ill e'uate
money to value.
+he value o money is no( e'uivalent to your level o a!ility to maniest it.
+he levels o your a!ility are as ollo(s:
U5.II N v5
U5I.II N v9
U9I.II N v:
U@I.II N v?
U5II.II N v@
U5@I.II N vA
U9@I.II N vB
/our status indi"ates ho( 'ui"kly you3re a!le to maniest money:
*nitiate N :I days or more
Apprenti"e N 9OH5? days
Adept N 5:HB days
S"holar N AH9 days
Master N 5 day
/ou !egin at U5.II and as you train using the te"hni'ue given !elo($ your a!ility
to money in larger amounts (ill in"rease and the time it takes to !ring the
maniestation into your physi"al e.perien"e (ill get shorter.
*magine (hen you attain the a!ility to maniest U5$III or more in a single day<
7n"e you3ve hit this mark$ you "an maniest anything you (ant !y pra"ti"ing the
te"hni'ue and e.panding your !elie system$ using the in"redi!le a""omplishment
o a v5I Master Money Maniestor to over"ome everything<
+he Money Maniesting +e"hni'ue:
5. Sit still. Breathe in slo( and deep in even !reaths. %hen you inhale$ eel energy
in the orm o pure (hite light "ome in through the top o your head and go straight
do(n into your a!domen$ a!out 9 in"hes do(n rom your !elly!utton. 7n e.hale$
see "lear air (ith spe"ks o negative energy in the orm o dark lakes rom
your mouth. Repeat this pro"ess until the "lear air you !reathe out is as pure as the
(hite light "oming in.
9. Close your eyes and imagine re"eiving the amount o money you (ant to
e.perien"e. Beginners al(ays start (ith U5.II$ !e"ause it is oten the easiest to
maniest 'ui"kly. Ater all$ anyone reading this (e! site (ill have most likely
maniested U5.II in their lietime and there are no strong o!Ce"tions or limiting
!elies a!out having U5.II.
:. ,o not !e "on"erned (ith ho( the money "omes to you. +his part is vital and
(ill prove itsel (hen maniesting larger amounts o money in shorter periods o
time. 6o(ever you visualiFe or imagine money "oming to you is pere"tly ine$ !ut
remain "ompletely unatta"hed to ho( the money is maniested into your physi"al
?. Ans(er this very important 'uestion0 ,What will haing this amount of money
gie me that ; don0t hae right now2- * it3s U5.II$ then you "an honestly ans(er
that maniesting that amount (ill !uild a oundation or you to !uild your !elie
that you "an maniest higher amounts over time. * it3s a larger amount$ go (ithin
and think o (hat this amount o money represents to you. Explode (ith emotion
and e."laim your ans(er (ithin your o(n personal ;niverse !ehind "losed
@. +hink o yoursel as a giant magnet. %hen you inhale$ eel the energy you (ant
to attra"t (i.e. the energy o money) !eing or"eully pulled to you. Create this
sensation o 1pulling2 into your !ody. *ou can feel it. SisualiFe re"eiving your
desired amount o money in (hatever sym!oli" orm your mind presents to you$
and (hen you inhale$ you3re pulling this spe"ii"$ dire"ted energy into your !eing.
7n the e.hale$ eel your !ody rom the inside outR pulsate (ith magneti" or"e and
energiFing po(er.
A. Continue magnetiFing your visualiFation until you instin"tively eel a 1"li"k2 or
a sudden re"ession in energy. +his is ho( you "an tell your magnetiFation is
"omplete and you3ll eel the desired thoughtHorm is no( "loser to maniesting into
your physi"al lie.
B. Repeat this pro"ess every single day until the desired amount o money is
maniested into your physi"al e.perien"e. %hen that happens$ make a note o ho(
many days it took you to maniest this amount o money in a Cournal or note!ook.
)ind (hat status and level you3re at and re"ord that as (ell. /ou are no( a Money
T. ;se in"remental improvement to in"rease your a!ility to maniest money. Start
(ith v5 (U5.II) and move up the s"ale$ all the (ay to a v5I (U5$III.II). Be open
to any and all opportunities that present themselves to !ring this money to you.
/ou3ll 'ui"kly !egin to noti"e ho( many opportunities suddenly emerge to
maniest your desires. ,o not try to 1skip2 levels$ !ut instead make a "ommitment
to a""omplish ea"h level in the shortest amount o time. ,oing this (ill raise your
level and !uild your status 'ui"kly.
Again$ do not !e "on"erned (ith ho( the money (ill "ome to you. /ou "ould
re"eive your U5.II through inding it on a street "orner$ !y realiFing you had U5.II
you (eren3t a(are o in your po"ket$ or in any other (ay. +he intention to hold in
mind is to re"eive an unexpected sum o money. +hat3s the key.
%hat many "losedHminded people "all "oin"iden"e is a"tually the energy o
syn"hroni"ity in motion. Syn"hroni"ity is ho( your desires are made maniest.
*t may seem like nothing more than 1"oin"iden"e2 at irst that you (anted to
maniest U5$ U5I$ U9I or even U@I and then magi"ally re"eived it$ ho(ever it (ill
!e"ome mu"h "learer to you over time$ and as you strengthen your !elie system to
in"orporate maniestation into your lie that you (ill realiFe this method (orks.
%hen you3ve rea"hed the level o a v5I Master Money Maniestor$ you3ll kno(
!eyond the shado( o a dou!t that you "reate your reality and "an maniest
anything you (ant<
Remem!er$ you must pra"ti"e maniesting these amounts o money in order and
on"e you3ve maniested all the (ay through a v5I level$ o"us your intent on
in"reasing your status !y redu"ing the amount o time it takes you to progress
through ea"h level.
%ithin a very short time$ your energy ield (ill "ontain a strong magneti" or"e
that pulls energy dire"ted !y your intent to you easily and eortlessly.
/ou "an then go onto maniesting mu"h larger amounts and (at"h the
opportunities sho( up to !ring you money in any amount$ (henever you "hoose.
/ou are no( a master o money maniestation<
Chapter 4: A Decepti5el. Simple Secret
8atie (as frantic.
%e (ere trapped0 on a trail in the (oods$ in the dar#.
+he only thing !et(een us and the (ay home (as a massive reight train that
stret"hed as ar as (e "ould see in !oth dire"tions0 it came out of nowhere and
suddenly !lo"ked our path to saety$ and our "ar<
Like a s"ene straight out o a horror movie (e stood in the dark staring do(n this
massive o!Ce"t separating us rom reedom0 and )egan considering desperate
,We could clim) through the cars4- Someone !lurted out in the darkness. But
8atie (as too s"ared to move. )ear !egan to set in as the darkness "onsumed all
hint o remaining light.
,We could wal# to the )ac# or the front of the train and go around- Q But there
(as no end in sight. +his (as getting serious.
'nything "ould happen.
*t "ould !e parked or hours$ or the whole wee#end.
+he only (ay to really kno( (ould !e to ollo( the ront o the train until (e
rea"hed the engineer0
But the urther (e (alked$ the longer the train seemed to get.
8atie (as !eginning to have a pani" atta"k. All ear suddenly vanished as Skye
re"alled the po(er o "ommanding. There are no limitations. She rushed to 8atie
and took her hands in hers.
Ater reminding her o (hat she had learned Cust a e( hours earlier$ Skye asked
8atie to "ommand out loud (ith her: ,; 68MM'$. the train to moe out of our
way and ma#e it )ac# to the car safely4-
/ou "ould eel the "ra"kle o ele"tri"ity in the air0
Almost immediately 4 and to our utter astonishment Q the massive train in ront
o us e.ploded (ith a !ooming$ s'uealing$ s"ree"hing sound and sprang to lie. *t
made us all Cump$ then smile as (e (at"hed the !arely visi!le dark o!Ce"t move
or(ard and inally disappear in the distan"e.
Skye "ongratulated 8atie or moving the train$ as (e all (alked over the no(H
empty tra"ks and saely !a"k to the "ar.
+hat3s a pretty amaFing story to hear$ and more3so to lie the experience. %as it all
a "oin"iden"e> May!e.
But "oin"iden"e is a"tually Syn"hroni"ity in Motion.
Thin# a)out it every single small or large de"ision (e have ever made in our
individual lives led us up Hin pere"t timingH to that e.perien"e together.
Just as every de"ision and "hoi"e you3ve ever made has led you right here at this
pre"ise point in time$ reading these (ords. * even one thing had !een dierent$
none o these events (ould have ever happened.
Spiritual masters say ,enlightenment can happen instantly, or li#e the )looming of
a lotus flower.- +he same "an !e said o sudden$ po(erul realiFations.
As you read a !ook on any su!Ce"t you (ill have moments that you stop reading
Cust long enough to say ,'h ha4- or ,Wow, so that0s how that wor#s- or ,ah, that0s
why that happens4-
%hen you irst look at a math e'uation$ it makes no sense0 then ater you learn
the method$ you "an look at the same e'uation again and not only understand it$
you "an solve it.
+here is a point (here su!stan"e is gained rom the kno(ledge you o!tain and
a!sor!. )irst$ you are ignorant0 and then you in'uire0 ne.t$ you realiFe0 no(
you have the po(er o that kno(ledge and "an apply it to your (orld.
Geople (ill sell you "ourses and "harge you thousands o dollars to lush out the
truth o (hat * am a!out to openly share (ith you0
+here is only one guideline (hen using these t(o magi" (ords Q you must !e
"lear on what you want to make this (ork0. focus on feeling4
+hen put it in this statement: 1* C7MMA#,02 then state (hatever you (ant. *
kno( it sounds too simple.
/our dis!elie in this might a"tually aid in its po(er. /ou remain deta"hed rom the
out"ome !e"ause it Cust sounds too easy0 ,This couldn0t possi)ly wor#, ;0e tried
eerything4- 4 /our mind (ill say.
Dood. %hat "an it hurt to seriously give this a try>
* 1C7MMA#,2 all day$ every day and * have "ome to realiFe the po(er * have
over the out"ome o my lie. So have those * have told these (ords to through their
o(n e.perien"es (ith it.
7 "ourse your mind may dismiss the a"'uisition o your desires as "oin"idental.
But does it really matter2
Ater all$ you got (hat you (anted and never (orried a!out ho(. * you honestly
!egin to use this$ take into "onsideration that (hen using this "ommand$ do not
"on"ern yoursel (ith 1ho(2 it3s going to happen.
+he maniesting po(er takes the shortest and most direct path to get rom A to B.
All things great and small are possi!le (hen you use the (ords 1* C7MMA#,2$
!ut (hatever they are$ !e prepared.
7 "ourse you "an al(ays "hange (hat you (ant i you realiFe it3s not (hat you
thought it (ould !e. *t is never too late in this (orld and nothing is inal.
+he only thing "onstant in this (orld is change.
/ou "an either !e "ons"ious o your "reations$ or dragged along$ o!livious to them.
+here is only one rule.
+his is important i you truly (ant to apply this kno(ledge. /ou should #ESER
"ommand something or$ or "on"erning someone else.
Su"h as: ,; 68MM'$. so3and3so to fall in loe with me.- *nstead use$ 1*
C7MMA#, my true love to make him (or her)sel kno(n to me.2
+hat3s it. /ou "an "ommand anything (ithin the realm o your imagination4
nothing is impossi)le. All you have to do is "ommand$ and then look or the
"ommand to !e ulilled.
+his might sound 1too easy2 to (ork$ !ut there is psy"hology !ehind it.
%hen you !egin to use the * C7MMA#, statement$ you3re airming to yoursel
that you are consciously creating your reality$ rather than !eing a vi"tim o a reality
you "annot "ontrol.
+his alone im!ues your intentions (ith power.
/ou3re either a "reator$ and you are responsi!le or all you o!serve$ or you3re a
vi"tim$ and things happen to you. Which are you2
A!ove all$ you really Cust have to have "rystal "larity on (hat you truly (ant.
+hen (ith all the po(er and authority o a !eaen3sent Warrior or Wi/ard$ you
C7MMA#, (hat you (ant into your reality$ as i you are to part the red sea.
+he maniestation takes pla"e in (hatever (ay is the most dire"t$ and oten the
'ui"kest path. +he events that take pla"e along the path aren3t al(ays (hat you
might "onsider 1good2 and that3s (hy you a!solutely must !e(are o e.a"tly (hat
you3re (ishing or.
Be specific as possi)le.
* you apply these t(o magi" (ords$ prepare to get (hat you asked or0 and !e
ready or the sudden$ oten dramatic "hanges that must ta#e place along the path
you are "reating<
Chapter 6: #h. Do 7ad Things Happen8
%hen misortune strikes0 (hen "alamity o""urs0 when )ad stuff happens
%6/> * mean$ i it3s indeed true that you "reate the reality you e.perien"e0 the
D77, and the BA,0
* in truth$ you Hin a higher dimension o !eingH are making a de"ision to play a
great "osmi" 1game2 (ith yoursel$ and so you de"ide to e.perien"e separation$
identity$ Ego0 you "reate this reality you e.perien"e and you also "hoose to
1orget2 (ho you really are$ so the game !e"omes 1real2 to you0
* all that3s true$ %6/ (ould you ever "hoose to "reate !ad things in your lie>>
* mean$ you&d surely "hoose to only e.perien"e those things (hi"h are good or
yoursel$ and all those 1separate2 aspe"ts o yoursel$ right>
+his (ould seem to make sense$ e."ept or one detail0 ho( (ould you kno(
(hat eels good$ unless you also eel its opposite>
6o( "an you understand an e.perien"e o Light$ unless you e.perien"e ,arkness>
6ere$ *3ll make it easy or you. *ou can0t.
%hen you 1"hose2 to "ome here and e.perien"e Lie$ Love and 6appiness rom an
individual perspe"tive0 you also understood that S7 /7; CA# e.perien"e these
things$ you must also e.perien"e .eath, !ate and Suffering.
6o( else (ould you kno( (hi"h is (hi"h>
/ou "annot e.perien"e (hat it3s like to Love$ and understand (hat that means0
(ithout also e.perien"ing getting your eelings hurt$ heartH!reak$ sadness and all
the (onderully negative things that "an spring out o a relationship.
Remem!er the last time you had a huge ight (ith a loved one0 So much anger,
so much suffering
And yet$ (hat "omes ater it> Elation0 relie0 pea"e0 and L7SE<
Everything in "reation operates under the same macro3and3micro3scopic patterns.
Everything is a pattern.
* you don3t see the pattern$ that3s !e"ause you0re right in the middle of it4
+ake a e( steps !a"k and look at the overall design.
/ou (ill see the pattern.
)rom the time you irst realiFed your personal po(ers as Maniestor you "ould
look !a"k at your evolution to this day and see ho( you "reated ((hether you (ere
"ons"ious o it or not) every event in your lie.
)or those o you (anting to kno( irst (hat the la( o attra"tion is$ it states H -you
get (hat you think a!out$ your thoughts determine your destiny- H !asi"ally 1like
attra"ts like2 is a shorter e.planation or this metaphysi"al prin"iple o lie.
By some o these metaphysi"al 1attra"tion prin"iples2 it "an !e said that yes you
attra"t every event 4 good or !ad 4 into your lie all the time. +his is regardless o
age$ or se.$ your maturity$ regardless o edu"ation or e.perien"e. Everyone "reates
all the time$ and then attra"ts these things (hi"h 1happen2 to the person.
+his is not approa"hing deeply the internal "enter so mu"h as it is the !asi" outside
inluen"es. +hese are sensitive issues.
+hose o us that have to deal (ith these seemingly unorgiva!le e.perien"es o
a!use as a "hild still struggle (ith understanding.
+here is almost a tenden"y to reCe"t e.planations (e re"eive !e"ause (e do not
(ant to orgive$ the aggressor (as (rong$ (e (ere (ronged 4 deenseless.
%hen you look at 1attra"tion2 s"rat"hing the sura"e o understanding (hen it
"omes to maniestation$ it has to do (ith resonation.
/ou attra"t (hat you resonate (ith.
* you resonate anger you attra"t anger or e.perien"e (hat (ill give you a
Custii"ation to "ontinue your resonation$ "reating a dark harmony.
* you resonate happiness you (ill attra"t more events and reasons to !e happy.
#o( 4 staying on the sura"e o attra"tion 4 ho( you resonate is "losely related to
your !elie stru"tures.
6o( you are programmed rom the !eginning o your lie !y your parents. Later
!y s"hools and media your mind is !ent around the operating stru"ture o so"iety.
#o( you "an attra"t (hat has !een allo(ed in your restri"tive !elie stru"tures o
(hat you think you are allo(ed to have. Su"h as$ you "an 1attra"t2 (ealth$ !ut only
i the amount is (ithin your programmed !elie stru"ture$ other(ise you (ill la!el
yoursel greedy and you (on3t allo( that.
Just dealing (ith the !asi" e.ternal (orld$ !elie stru"tures "reated !y outside
sour"es determine (hat you are a!le to 1attra"t2.
*n the "ase o a young "hild or e.ample$ rom the point o attra"tion$ and the vie(
points o several "oa"hes and psy"hi"s * have !een told$ 1/es$ the "hild does "reate
and attra"t these events$2 0also$ 1these events (ere "reated to !e e.perien"ed
!eore entering this (orld.2
+o me this (as in"omprehensi!le at the time.
Belie stru"tures "reated in the mind o the young "hild !y the parents "ould "reate
these e.perien"es. Belie stru"tures that unless re"ogniFed (ill !e 'uite hard to
reprogram and thus "reate more o these e.perien"es throughout the "hild3s
lietime$ right up to the uture love relationships as an adult.
Still looking at the e.perien"e as an outside event you have one e.planation o the
east. )alun daa says the a!use is to !e seen as a good thing$ the happening to the
pra"titioner rids them o a""umulated 8arma they have "olle"ted over multiple
*n this pra"ti"e you not only raise your vi!rational level !ut your energeti"
"omposition do(n to a "ellular level evolves to a orm o high energy matter.
Druesome events that o""ur daily around the (orld$ !om!ings$ shootings$ !urning
o villages et"$ 0do (e as"ri!e those events to the vi!rational energy o the
And ho( a!out events related to (ars among nations>
Are (e$ the "itiFens$ responsi!le or having attra"ted the devastation o our homes
and lands>
Looking at the sura"e o energy study and attra"tion H /es$ !ut this is only one
e.planation. +he la( o attra"tion is a good pla"e to start (hen approa"hing the
reasons your (orld operates$ and like(ise a good pla"e to start (hen tea"hing.
But do not a""ept that it is the end o learning.
/our study o the (orld and energy should !e like the "ells o your !ody during
study H in a "onstant state o evolution. Ans(ers$ like your !ody$ like your soul$
like a lo(er$ like the planet$ like the universe are "reated in levels that must irst
!e o!served to !e understood.
/es these things do happen 4 or (hatever e.ternal reason you !lame 4 i you
!lame you do not understand. * you are looking or reasons a solution (ill never
!e seen$ and "hange (ill never !e ae"ted.
But it does not have to !e this (ay. )irst you must take responsi!ility.
#o( here is the dii"ult part.
/ou are personally responsi!le or the "reation o everything you o!serve.
Every single event$ person$ murder$ !om!ing$ and a"t o aggression or (ords you
are reading H you are the sour"e. +hat is the most dii"ult to a""ept$ !ut it is also
the !eginning o a true glo!al "hange.
/ou may reCe"t this$ you are ree to do so$ !ut you also dismiss the a!ility to
"hange these things.
/ou may hear a!out 1total responsi!ility.2 +his is a airly ne( "on"ept that * have
seen sura"ing to ollo( this 1attra"tion2 movement. +his is the ne.t step or
someone that has understood the energy a"tive in the 1La( o Attra"tion.2
*t is !asi"ally$ that the o!server$ 1you2 are personally and solely responsi!le or
every event and happening in your (orld. Everything that happens to anyone
any(here at any time is your doing$ is your responsi!ility. * you o!serve it you
"reate it$ and urther more "an "hange it.
)or this method you irst take total responsi!ility or your (orld$ and then you
have the po(er to look inside or (here that e.terior pro!lem e.ists in yoursel.
*t "annot outside you i it does not irst in you. All the good and the !ad
happenings o the (orld around you are present (ithin you$ right no(.
By "hanging this pro!lem area (ithin you$ you "hange the (orld around you.
As un!elieva!le as this sounds$ it has (orked$ there is eviden"e o this method. A
do"tor in 6a(aii. Dr9 He* (en has used this method to "ure mental illness.
Criminally insane patients have !een 1"ured2 (ithout ever meeting this do"tor.
+he man sat in his oi"e and looked at the individual proiles o the patients3 one
at a time$ studied the illness then studied himsel to ind the similar part o his
thinking. %here did this illness in him so that he "reated it in another person>
Remarka!ly$ as he i.ed himsel$ the patient improved$ to the point that they
!e"ame so sound they (ere released.
+his is very similar to another an"ient se"ret dealing (ith a""eptan"e.
*t states 17!Ce"ts and desires in me as in others. So a""epting$ let them !e
transormed.2 * (ill e.plain. +his is one o the (itnessing te"hni'ues that may help
you understand this ne( (ay o understanding and translating.
+ake (hen you are angry or e.ample$ you al(ays have a Custii"ation or eeling
this (ay. But (hen someone else !e"omes angry you say he or she is (rong$ you
"riti"iFe that person or displaying anger.
/our a"tions may !e natural$ or others they are (rong or perverted0
So or you$ all your a"tions seem ne"essary 4 no matter (hat they are H you have a
Everyone else (ill do the same thing$ same a"tions 4 dierent reasons to Custiy the
a"tions. %hen you are angry and you a"t it is or the good$ you punish someone or
their !eneit to punish them.
But (hen someone else gets angry at you$ no( they are (rong$ they are mad and
evil 4 your rationaliFation does not apply.
+here are dou!le standards$ all over the (orld$ (e have them 4 one standard or
onesel$ and a dierent standard or everyone else. +here is nothing !ut misery in
the (orld surrounding this person (ith the dou!leHstandard mind.
*n this state there is no Custi"e$ no e'uality$ and no truth. /ou "annot !egin to see
truth (hile you still in this dou!leHstandard mind.
Everyone !elieves that he is e."eptionalR he is outside the norm$ e.traordinary0
+his is the (ay every ordinary mind (orks.
* (ill tell you no( the truly e.traordinary mind is the one that kno(s he is
ordinary. 6e is Cust like everyone in his (orld$ (ith the same desires and issues.
/et (hatever you do you prote"t and !e"ome deensive o$ (hat you do is right is
good. *t may have dierent names !ut it is !asi"ally the same a"tions.
+his is not Cust something that happens on a personal level$ this happens on a ra"ial
level and a national level. +his is (hy the (orld is al(ays so "onused and in states
o upheaval and disagreement.
7ne army is strengthened or atta"k (hile another is strengthened or atta"k.
Every "ountry in this (orld is ready (ith an army to deendR they "all their military
a deense organiFation. /et to have "onli"t there needs to !e an aggressor. So (ho
is the aggressor> Look !a"k through your history !ooks$ (ho has de"lared to !e an
H+he losers. +he losers are de"lared and re"orded the aggressors !y the (inners.
+his is !e"ause the (inners are the ones re"ording history. +hey (ere right the
deenders$ the (inning team.
6istory (ould !e a mu"h dierent story i 6itler (ould have su""eeded$ then
Ameri"a and its allies (ould !e the aggressors.
+his is the same (ith everything (e do as people$ as ra"es and as nations. %e are
one things and everyone else is another.
;nderstand$ no one is dierent$ a spiritual mind$ a religious mind (ill kno( that
everyone is the same.
Be Cust$ i you have a Custii"ation or your a"tions give others the same
Custii"ation. * you are "riti"al o others apply that to yoursel as (ell.
Create and understand Cust one standard. ,oing this or irst time you (ill !e e'ual$
true$ and Cust 0and or the irst time$ you (ill !e a!le to see reality as it is.
So irst it is to understand that these things that in others in you. Ater
you grasp this you "an learn to a""ept them$ only then they (ill !e transormed.
So (hat do you do no(> /ou "an understand that yes these things in others$
(hat is !ad and (rong e.ists in others. %hat is right and good e.ists in you$ you
are inno"ent$ and you are already transormed 4 so ho( "an there !e any "hange>
/ou (ill think the (orld needs a transormation$ not you0
As long as this happens (e (ill al(ays have leaders$ proits$ and revolutionaries.
+hese people (ill go on prea"hing to 1"hange the (orld2 and to 1start a
revolution2 and (e have !een listening$ and revolting$ and making (ars and
nothing has "hanged.
Man is the same and the Earth remains unhappy. +he names and a"es in the ne(s
may "hange !ut the story is the same 4 the Earth is not happy.
So the 'uestion is not dealing (ith (hy these things happen$ or ho( the (orld "an
!e "hanged. +he pro!lem does not (ith the (orld$ it is you.
/our 'uestion "an no( !e ho( to "hange yoursel.
16o( "an * "hange mysel>2 is the !eginning o a spiritual 'uest$ a religious
pursuit. %hereas 16o( "an * "hange the (orld>2 is a politi"al 'uestion.
*n that "ase he is right and sees himsel as the model o ho( the (orld should
"onorm to !e$ it is up to him to "hange the (orld.
But or the spiritual person it is dierent$ (hat he sees in other people looks or in
himsel. /ou !egin to think o the (orld dierently (hen you start to think this
(ay. /ou see violen"e and you (onder (hether this violen"e e.ists in you. /ou see
anger or hatred or desire and you look inside to see (here this e.ists in you.
/ou (ill see things and your irst thoughts (ill rele"t in on yoursel. +he more
you look the more you (ill see that inside you is the sour"e o all evil. +hen the
'uestion is no longer ho( to "hange the (orld$ the 'uestion is no( more personal
4 the 'uestion is ho( to "hange you.
#o( it may !e a little "onusing !e"ause it is easy to "hange something e.ternal$
and more dii"ult to "hange something you "annot tou"h or see0
+he easy point is this H you start !y a""epting one standard. +hen you have already
!egun$ you have already !egun "hanging.
6o( to do this:
;nderstand inside you is the seed o potential to do all this things others do. +hat
seed or (rongHdoing that is in others$ is also in you.
+he murderer$ the killer a moment !eore he took the a"tion H there (as nothing !ut
a seed o potential in him. 6e (as not al(ays a killerR many o us "an admit having
thoughts o killing. +he seed is there.
+he seed or all these potential desires and a"tions is there.
7n"e you understand this you (ill !egin to have "ompassion or all people$ you
(ill look at them and they (ill !e a mirror.
Every person you meet (ill !e like looking into a mirror.
+his is the !eginning o "hange.
Chapter :: Ho* To ;(et !o< And !et 'our #ish
+o maniest anything$ you have to let go.
But this single "on"ept has proven or many to !e an almost impossi)le "hallenge.
*t is my intent that (ithin these (ords you (ill inally a"hieve the a!ility to 1let
go2 and thus a"hieve any goal you desire0 any (ish you (ant0
Anything you "hoose$ "an !e yours. %hen you learn to let go.
See0 letting go isn3t a pro"ess.
*t isn3t a method.
*t doesn3t re'uire any eort or energy.
*n a"t$ i you are putting orth eort or energy into letting go$ you aren0t letting go.
/ou are trying to "ontrol an out"ome.
And Cust like holding a irm grip on a (ater hose$ (hen the (ater tries to pass
through0 the stronger the or"e o your grip$ the less (ater "omes through. Makes
sense$ doesn3t it>
*t isn3t a!out "ontrol. ;t0s a)out command. +here3s a B*D dieren"e.
Controlling doesn3t leave any room or letting go.
But "ommanding means stating an intent$ 1"harging2 it (ith energy and then
stopping ALL thought so the original thought orm$ or potentialMpossi!ility
!e"omes a (eighted pro!a!ility and is allo(ed to pre"ipitate ("ollapse a (ave
un"tion) into physi"al reality.
+hat !asi"ally means to "reate a thought orm o (hat you (ant (your intent)$ eel
(hat having that eels like$ looks like$ smells like$ tastes like$ et"0 and then S+7G
/7;R +67;D6+ GR7CESS.
+his allo(s the potential energy to lo( unimpeded !y your thoughts$ !elies$
adverse emotions and (hatever else may slip through the "ra"ks0 (hen letting
go0 truly letting go0 you3re a""essing the FeroHpoint state$ (here ALL
possi!ilities and potentials$ now.
7 "ourse$ the highest pro!a!ility al(ays maniests.
But (hat "auses a Pthing3 to !e more or less pro!a!le>
+he key to maniestation$ "reation or manipulation is ound in letting go.
*n order to truly let go$ you must stop your thoughts.
+hat "an !e either the most dii"ult thing you "an try0 or the easiest$ and most
ulilling thing you3ll ever 1do.2
Students o meditation are taught and have installed a !elie that stopping thought
takes years and years o pra"ti"e$ diligen"e and skill.
6o(ever0 (hat i it "ould !e a""omplished in minutes>
%hat i you "ould have an e.perien"e o your thoughts0 which normally neer
cease Cust stop>
%hat do you think (ould happen>
%ould you die> )all asleep> Do into a tran"e>
7r may!e0 you (ould$ possi!ly or the irst time in your lie$ stop your thoughts
and let go.
And in that 1letting go2 you may e.perien"e something pretty )i/arre.
/ou Cust might !e"ome a(are 4 or the irst time 4 that 1something2 is still there.
+his "an lead into a realiFation o Sel. %hi"h "an dissolve the illusion you live in.
And perhaps$ it "an happen in Cust a e( minutes. 7r may!e seconds.
Are you ready to inally let go and learn (hat that means rom your o(n
%at"h +his Sideo By ,r. )rank 8inslo(0
Ho* To Stop 'our Thoughts
And no( you kno( exactly ho( to stop your thoughts and truly let go.
+he more you let go (it isn3t a"tually Pdoing3 something Q it3s a 1do nothing2
state) the easier it !e"omes to let go$ stop your thoughts or longer and longer0
And as a dire"t result$ you e.perien"e Gure A(areness0 the /ero3point state.
+he letHhemisphere o the !rain sees this 1spa"e !et(een thought2 as emptiness0
And yet$ the right hemisphere ((ith its 55V )illion !its o inormation pro"essing
"apa"ity) eels this spa"e rele"ts pure potential$ unlimited possi!ility. Anything
"an !u!!le up in the moment.
By the a"t o o)sering$ a (ave un"tion is "ollapsed and a reality is e.perien"ed.
So i you "reate a thought orm (ith the intent o 1* (ant so and so to !e my lie
partner2$ and !eore it has a "han"e to maniest$ along "omes a !arri"ade o
emotional atta"hments$ ears and !elies su"h as 1%hat i my ne( partner hurts me
too>2 or 1* don3t deserve to have so and so2 et"0
+hen guess (hat happens>
+hose ears$ ideas$ "on"epts$ !elies0 they get more charge their (eight o
pro!a!ility is Pheavier3 than your (ish$ goal$ dream or desire0 and so$ the
opposite polarity o (hat you (ant maniests.
*t3s going to !e one or the other0 you either get your (ish. 8r you don0t. *t3s like
you3ve got t(o magnets$ and they3re either repelling ea"h other$ or pulling into
ea"h other.
+here3s no inH!et(een. And it3s instant$ isn3t it>
So$ there you have it.
* you (at"hed the video on Stopping Thought$ did the"ise and paid
attention0 you let go.
#o( to get your (ish0
Make your (ish. Just have an intent. ,oesn3t matter (hat it is.
#o( pay attention to ho( that intent is rele"ted sym!oli"ally to you.
)or instan"e$ i your (ish (as 1* (ant to eat an apple today2 you might see an
apple in your mind3s eye.
#o( eel the te.ture o the apple0 sense the resh smell0 ho( the irst Cui"y !ite
tastes on your tongue0 the anti"ipation o the ne.t !ite0
<ust pay attention to it. Be 1a(are2 o it. ;se all your senses.
And #7%0 stop your thoughts.
At the irst sign o the ne.t thought !u!!ling up rom the a!yss$ pay attention to
everything around you$ no(.
Just pi"k an o!Ce"t in the room and look at it. Be aware of it. Be a(are o the spa"e
!et(een you and the o!Ce"t.
#o( move your a(areness into your !ody. %hoa0 interesting$ right>
,id you eel the 1(hoosh2 ee"t "aused !y the movement o your a(areness>
* not0 do this: Be"ome a(are o your right hand. Just eel ho( it eels. /ou don3t
have to look at it$ though your eyes (even i they3re "losed) may have a ha!it o
ollo(ing your a(areness. +hat3s ine.
%hatever happens$ happens. Just 1noti"e (hat you noti"e2 and that is all.
So you3re a(are o your right hand0 no( move your a(areness from there$ to
your let hand.
,id you eel the 1(hoosh2 o su!tle a(areness>
,o it again. Move no( rom the let hand$ to the right hand.
#o( move rom the right hand$ to the middle o your orehead.
#o( move rom your orehead to your legs.
* !et you3re eeling it no($ aren3t you>
+his is Cust playing (ith your a(areness. But (hen you3re !eing 1a(are2 o Gure
A(areness0 !y stopping your thoughts0 !eing a(are o the spa"e !et(een
(here one thought ends$ and another !egins0 you !e"ome Sel A(are.
/ou realiFe it3s the same a(areness outside o your !ody$ as inside. *t3s the same
a(areness in all o "reation0 the entire universe and !eyond0 it0s all *8:.
So ho( "an this a"tually !e"ome pra"ti"al and enri"h your lie>
*3ll give you a ne( tool0
The ;7o* = Arro*< Technique for )ffortless &anifestation
5. *magine you3re holding a !o( and arro(. +he !o( represents your %ill$ your
*ntent. +he arro( represents a thoughtHorm you (ish to maniest into physi"al
9. See a target in the distan"e. An ar"her3s "ir"ular target$ (ith the red !ullsHeye in
the "enter. #oti"e a 15IIW on the red !ullsHeye o the target. *n the ring outside o
the red !ullsHeye$ you see a B@. *n the ne.t ring$ a @I. +he ne.t$ a 9@0 and the
outerHmost ring o the target displays a 5I. Everything else "an !e "onsidered
1missing the target2 and thus a Fero. The target represents the physical world. /our
a"tual e.perien"e.
:. #o( aim the arro($ kno(ing that it represents your thoughtHorm. /our (ish. 7
"ourse you (ant to aim or the red !ullsHeye. +he 5II. As you pull !a"k the arro(
and eel the resistan"e$ you realiFe the 1pulling !a"k2 is an a"tion o "harging the
arro( (ith or"e0 (hi"h represents ho( you eel a!out$ sense$ taste$ smell$ hear
and see your thoughtHorm. *our wish. #aturally$ the more you pull !a"k0 the
greater the or"e0 the urther$ aster and stronger the arro( lies to it3s target$
(hen you0
?. LE+ D7. Stop your thoughts. )ree the !o(Hstring and thus the arro( rom your
grip. Allo( it to ly. *t is no( out o your "ontrol. *t3s in the air$ headed or the
target. All you did (as aim$ pull !a"k and let go.
@. *t is done. This next part is 1ust for cali)ration. %ith a state o total nonH
atta"hment0 1it3s Cust an arro(2 Q take a e( deep !reaths0 remain "alm and
rela.ed0 and "asually o!serve the target. *s the arro( there> ,id it hit the !ullsH
eye$ and get 5II0 or some(here else resulting in a lo(er s"ore> ,id it miss the
target "ompletely>
%herever you see the arro($ pay attention. +he num!er it lands on represents the
weight of pro)a)ility or that (ish to maniest into the physi"al (orld. * it3s lo(er
than 5II$ there3s a reason (hy.
And it AL%A/S has to do (ith letting go.
Be"ause$ (hen you3re reasoning$ you3re in left3)rain land.
See$ nothing a"tually happens (or "an) until you truly let go.
/ou "an hold onto that !o( and arro( all day long0 string pulled )ac# as far as
it0ll go !ut all that3ll happen is you3ll eventually tire yoursel out and either give
up Q no longer pulling !a"k$ and hen"e$ no or"e0 or you3ll get out o your o(n
(ay$ and let go.
* you get anything less than 5II$ you need to ad1ust your ';M$ or pull !a"k a little
urther. /ou have endless thoughts (until you stop them) and so$ you have endless
arro(s. #o limits.
/ou "an use this tool as many times as you (ant0 orever0 Cust remem!er$ i you
get a 5II$ you don0t need to use the tool again for the same thought3form.
*t (ill maniest$ so long as you stay out o (ay.
And the very !est (ay$ to stay out of the way$ is to move your a(areness
(remem!er the 1(hoosh>2) into your heartHield0 (hi"h is a"tually an energeti"
!ioHield surrounding the heart that rea"hes rom the heart area$ do(n through the
pit o the stoma"h0 (ithin and around the !elly!utton. *t3s a !ig ield<
*nterestingly$ (hen you really (ant to 1get out o the (ay2 drop do(n into this
area. Just !e"ome a(are o the area. +hat3s it. <ust ,whoosh- it right there.
Det out o your head$ and into your heart... so you "an get a 1gut eeling2 (hi"h is
your a""essHpoint to the right3)rain hemisphere$ and the FeroHpoint state<
/ou a""ess your letH!rain (hen your a(areness is in your head. 6ere$ you3re
limited to logic. All the airmations$ visualiFations$ tips$ tri"ks$ tools and
te"hni'ues in the (orld "an3t help you.
/our grip on the hose is too tight Q and your letH!rain likes it that (ay$ !e"ause
that makes it eel sae. Se"ure. *n "ontrol.
But drop into your heartHield$ and noti"e (hat you eel.
A*ou feel.A
%hen you use (hat you learned rom ,r. )rank 8inslo( or stopping thoughts and
at the same time drop your a(areness into your heart0 magi" happens.
/ou gain a deep sense o Sel A(areness.
+his "om!ined (ith the Bow B 'rrow Techni9ue * gave you "an !e very po(erul$
on many levels.
As (ith anything0 the more you use it0 the more you !e"ome a(are o it0 the
easier it !e"omes. +he stronger it gets. +he 'ui"ker and "learer you3ll see the
ee"ts o your "ause.
+his is the sole purpose o pra"ti"e. EnCoy the tool and your ne(Hound a!ilities to
stop your thoughts and make your (ishes "ome true.
Chapter >: The Problem *ith
$isuali?ation /And Ho* to "i@ It1
+here are a plethora o tools$ tips and te"hni'ues out there that "an give you
e.perien"es !eyond your (ildest imagination0 !ut most o them re'uire a skill
that less than 9IJ o the population o Earth seems to possess.
+his is the skill o SisualiFation. Many people have great trou!le (ith 1seeing2
things in their mind3s eye. %hen told to Psee3 a !lue !all or e.ample0 some
people "an a"tually see the !all$ visually.
But a greater maCority is not primarily visual.
+hey (ill have dii"ulty in seeing the !all$ (hi"h "an "ause rustration and
eventual a!andoning o the te"hni'ue.
Let me let you in on a little se"ret.
SisualiFation a"tually has nothing (ith the a!ility to see visually.
*nstead$ you imagine.
Everyone on this planet "an imagine. *n"luding you.
So i you "an3t 1see2 the !lue !all$ imagine it.
Remem!er !a"k to a time (here you had a !lue !all.
/our attention might go to the sense o tou"hing the !all.
*t might lo( to(ard the eelings you (ere having (hile holding the !all.
*t "ould Cust !e a 1kno(ing2 or a(areness that the !all is there.
Any o these are pere"tly ine.
6aving a(areness o the o!Ce"t o your thought is all you need to have pere"t
visualiFation. +he more you use the skill$ the !etter it gets.
So$ do this0
Remem!er a good e.perien"e in your past.
/ou might see it$ eel it$ hear it$ sense it0 ho(ever you !ring !a"k that e.perien"e
is natural and uni'ue to you. Just enCoy playing the memory out in your mind.
/ou are visualiFing the memory.
#o($ shit into your imagination0
+ake that memory$ and repla"e some o the "hara"ters in it (ith your avorite
"hildhood "artoon "hara"ters. Just imagine it. #oti"e ho( "ertain eelings atta"hed
to that memory "hange into other eelings$ some pe"uliar.
/ou "an use this visualiFation te"hni'ue to erase negative or un(anted emotional
"ontent rom !ad memories or traumati" e.perien"es0
5. +hink o a !ad memory or un(anted e.perien"e you3d like to erase.
9. Really play it out in your mind$ rom !eginning to end0
:. Gay attention to the eelings that !u!!le up rom this0
?. #o($ "hange the situation. Repla"e an angry "hara"ter (ith a silly "artoon
"hara"ter$ "hange the s"ene and "reate some kind o nonsense.
@. * you (ere severely em!arrassed$ "hange the "ir"umstan"e to something
that puts you more in "ontrol o the situation. Make it silly$ so you3ll (ant to
laugh (hen your attention is o"used on this mental e.perien"e.
A. #o( re(ind the movie to the !eginning. 7n"e the movie rea"hes the
!eginning 4 press your mental 1play !utton2 and (at"h the "raFy s"enario
you3ve "reated "ome to lie. +his is your ne( memory.
B. Again$ pay "lose attention to the dieren"e in emotional "ontent rom Cust
mentally transorming this e.perien"e. +his has lasting ee"ts.
As you "an see$ visualiFation isn3t hard0 so long as you3re not a"tually trying to
1see2 anything. *t3s possi!le that may not !e your primary "hannel or re"eiving
inormation0 and that3s ok. Just imagine. /ou3re already a master o that. :)
Chapter A: A (esson on ,aising $ibrations
)irst o$ everything vi!rates.
/ou "an !reak every su!stan"e in lie do(n to its !asi" mi"ros"opi" "omponents
and (hat you (ill see is nothing is solid H Cust a nu"leus (ith ele"trons rotating
around it.
#o( it3s these ele"trons possessing spe"ii" num!ers and shapes o or!its "reating
a uni'ue set o vi!rational re'uen"ies.
%hat the an"ient Buddhist 6anyashingyo said ages ago no( has !een proven
"orre"t !y progressing s"ien"e. -+hat (hi"h "an !e seen has no orm$ and that
(hi"h "annot !e seen has orm.-
%e no( kno( that everything vi!rates and has a spe"ii" uni'ue re'uen"y.
Every spe"ies and o!Ce"t in this (orld has a spe"ii" shared re'uen"y (ithin its
spe"ies and a""ording to its similar "hara"teristi"s.
So a ta!le has a re'uen"y$ a plant has a re'uen"y$ and a human also has
re'uen"y. Just as every spe"ies has a uni'ue re'uen"y$ every individual (ithin
that spe"ies (ill have its o(n uni'ue variation o that re'uen"y.
Ea"h re'uen"y is ininitely uni'ue and (ill never !e repeated.
%e kno( that everything has a uni'ue re'uen"y$ everything vi!rates$ and
thereore it makes a sound.
+hat doesn&t ne"essarily mean that you are a!le to hear all these sounds taking
pla"e. * think (e (ould get a lot less sleep i (e "ould$ nature (orks out in the
!alan"e it does or its o(n ingenious reasons.
/et some people say they "an hear plants$ or even Gythagoras (as said to have
heard the sound o the planets in motion.
So it vi!rates H it has a sound that "an !e measured in 6F$ or 6ertF.
+he human ear is "apa!le o hearing appro.imately rom 5@ 6F to 9I$III 6F.
Everything you say$ musi" and thought all "reate sound and thus have re'uen"y
and vi!ration. /ou are "reating re'uen"y and vi!rations Cust !y e.isting !ut also
(ith every little a"tion you make every day.
*n -95st Century S"ien"e and +e"hnology- %arren J. 6amerman (rites$ human
!eings are ormed !y a matter that vi!rates at a re'uen"y appro.imately ?9
o"taves a!ove middle C.
+hat&s @BI trillion 6F (meaning vi!rations per se"ond)$ so @BI trillion times a
se"ond. %o($ !oggles the mind.
7k no( (hether you play the piano or not *3m sure you understand the o"tave is
"omposed o T progressing notes. 7r do$ re$ mi$ a$ so$ la$ ti and do.
+he higher the o"tave H the higher the sound H the higher the vi!ration.
+his is (hy notes dier in sound to "reate melody$ imagine the antasti" or"hestra
o sound humanity (ould make H "ould you hear it...
#o( (e inally get into the !eginnings o resonan"e.
6ere&s (here your enlightenment through sound$ re'uen"y$ vi!ration all "omes to
realiFation. +he mira"le o resonan"e.
+he universe is made up o tons o re'uen"ies rom the lo(est to the highest$ all
o them e.isting in these endlessly dou!ling o"taves. 7verlapping$ dou!ling Cust as
the re'uen"y dou!les.
/ou&ll !ump into this e.ample oten$ to imagine all o e.isten"e as a giant key!oard
e.tending to ininity.
/ou "an hit a tuning ork that gives you the note -la-$ and have a singer respond
(ith the same -la- note. Both voi"es "om!ine to "reate a single re'uen"y (ave o
sound. +his is resonan"e.
*t&s a e'uation 4 i one sound is "reated and ans(ered !y the similar re'uen"y
they (ill resonate. Like attra"ts like.
So too it seems that like vi!rations attra"t$ and intera"t (ith other vi!rations similar
to them. 6ere&s (here the !asi" la( o attra"tion operates in the grand s"heme o it
/ou "an see it every day.
*magine this:
/ou3re talking to a riend$ everything is great$ you are laughing and "hatting Cust
getting along s(immingly. /ou share a re'uen"y (ith your riends$ you are o a
like vi!ration and thus you resonate and magi"ally get along.
#o($ into the room (alks gloomy Dus. All slou"hed over and ull o "omplaints.
/ou "an a"tually eel the -atmosphere- o the room "hange. Even skepti"s "an
admit to the eelings in this s"enario.
/ou "an eel the dieren"e the se"ond this sallo( person (alked into the room.
6umans to some degree "an eel ho( others are vi!rating and in "ases no matter
ho( physi"ally "lose they !e"ome "an still !e in a state o disharmony.

*t all !reaks do(n to resonan"e.
/ou understand !y no( that everything is vi!rating and has a uni'ue$ oneHoHaH
kind re'uen"y and like re'uen"ies resonate.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake&s (ork seems to "onne"t all this to the theory o
"olle"tive "ons"iousness. /ou$ me$ every human !eing in the (orld is "onne"ted !y
our !asi" similar (yet uni'ue) re'uen"y.
6e also states that i there is a "olle"tive "ons"iousness than it only makes sense
that there is a "olle"tive memory.
+his !rings me to a theory he "alls -Morphi" Resonan"e.- /ou "an Doogle this
* ind it a!solutely as"inating.
6o( do you kno( orm>
As an organism$ like an a"orn$ ho( does it kno( the orm and shape it is supposed
to take as an oak tree> Like some kind o geneti" program H you might say -"& mon
it&s in the ,#A$ every!ody kno(s that.-
But (hat Sheldrake$ s"ien"e and other !iologists (ould tell you is that ,#A "odes
or proteins and the other mi"ro "omponents that make up proteins.
#o(here does it give (ay to the ultimate orm and shape o the organism.
+ake your o(n !ody or instan"e. +he ,#A in your arm is identi"al to the ,#A in
your leg. %here does the inormation "ome rom that tells these !ody parts that
they are dierent and meant to have dierent un"tions and orms>
+his (here the !eginning o 1Morphi" Resonan"e2 and "olle"tive memory is
ormed. * it&s not in the ,#A H perhaps the inormation is "ontained (ithin the
similar vi!ration (e all share as humans.
Morphi" resonan"e is !asi"ally a ield o energy that is part o and surrounds an
organism. Also$ (ithin this ield inormation is "ontained$ some o (hi"h !eing the
orm o the developing organism.
6e (rites that the every spe"ies has a uni'ue ield that "onne"ts it$ and ields
(ithin those ields. Like the overlapping re'uen"ies.
+hese ields have a !uiltHin memory "reated !y the e.perien"es o the previous
organisms or those (ith a similar orm.
6ere&s an e.ample that really made morphi" resonan"e "lear to me.
()or !est e.amples you "an al(ays turn to nature$ mi"ro to ma"ro similarities)
Britain around the 5O@I&s$ it&s early in the morning and the milkman pa"es up the
(alk and leaves "ard!oard topped milk !ottles to your door step.
+he milkman heads o and leaves the early morning la(n in an undistur!ed
silen"e. Along "omes this little !lue headed !ird "alled a -!luetit- H a very home
!ased !ird it never lies more than a @ mile radius rom its home.
+he small aviator litters do(n to rest on one o the milk !ottles and gives into
"uriosity. ;sing his !eak he tears through the "ard!oard and inding the ri"h "ream
!eneath it appetiFing he drinks it all the (ay do(n to the milk.
6is tiny !elly ull he lits a(ay.
+his !ehavior (as previously unheard o and unreported. But ollo(ing the irst
e( "ases reported in Southampton in 5O9I more "ases (ere reported @I miles
a(ay$ then 5II.
+hese are !irds that never ly in a radius urther than @ miles rom their home.
Called the !luetit phenomenon$ the only e.planation (as independent dis"overy o
the ha!it !y these dierent groups o !irds.
*t (as mapped throughout Britain until a!out 5O?B (hen the people "ondu"ting the
resear"h "ame to the "on"lusions that the !ehavior had !een invented individually
over @I times.
Also there (as a measura!le in"rease in the rate the ha!it spread as time (ent on.
6ere&s another ki"ker in this !luetit story that really !lo(s my mind0
+here (as a similar phenomenon in other parts o Europe. *n 6olland all milk
delivery stopped in 5O:O and did not start again until 5O?T.
But (hen it did$ so again did the !ehavior resume among the lo"al !irds. #o( the
average liespan o this !ird is only a!out 9 years. +hey (ent though several
generations and any !ird (ith kno(ledge o the milk !ottle had long sin"e died.
+his remarka!le little !ird had on"e again and almost immediately reinvented this
!ehavior. *t&s only a matter o time. More and more you have seen ne( theories
and an"ient studies making a movement through the mass media0
,eepak Chopra (as on the Col!ert Report sharing the ininite.
Joe Sitale and riends (ere on Larry 8ing Live talking a!out attra"tion$ resonan"e$
and energy. Kuantum S"ien"es are proving true (hat spiritual masters have pulled
rom s"rolls or ages.
%e are in the greatest e.ample o Morphi" Resonan"e to date.
Chapter : Ho* to 05ercome An. Challenge
A situation oten appears to have the upper hand$ !ut it is only your internal
o!servation that makes it seem so. /our interpretation o (hat you !elieve to !e
a"tual is (hat is "reating the situation the (ay it is.
%e live in a multia"eted (orld o "onstantly "hanging o!servan"es !oth internal
and e.ternal o ourselves$ !ut there is sta!ility and strength in the immova!le0
/our situation is not uni'ue 4 it is a reo""urren"e$ a rele"tion o the e.a"t same
event happening right no( some(here else in this (orld.
+he outside pro!lem H irst understand that it is possi!ly not Cust e.istent as an
outside issue alone. /ou understand that this is also an energeti" (orld o "ausation
(hi"h "an lead to many a"ets o the same reality.
Change the o"us 4 "hange the energy pattern or ield 4 "hange the "hemistry 4
"hange the un"tion. /ou must "hange your perspe"tive o the pro!lem !eore you
"an understand a solution.
*t (ould seem the (orld is made o a"ts 4 something that has already happened or
is "ertain to happen. ;n"hangea!le$ unavoida!le$ hard to "ontrol$ deinite$ stay
(ithin the lines a"ts. 6istori"al a"t: +he sun (ill al(ays rise$ right>
)a"ts give rise to more a"ts. *n the (orld o a"ts nothing really "hanges. *n most
minds (hat happens tomorro( is as a result o the a"ts o today.
#o($ on the lo(est levels (e "an agree that there is another or"e in this puFFling
(orld and that is the realm o 1possi!ility.2
+here is a possi!ility that it might sno( tomorro($ !ut there is also a possi!ility
that it might not0
A possi!ility is like a a"t !e"ause it is something deinite$ it is a happening. But
the a"t is 4 possi!ility is something that may or may not happen.
*t deals (ith the uture H the "hange$ the lu"tuation$ the moving.
%hile the a"t is i.ed$ it is in the past.
+he a"ts o the past are not ne"essarily the deault or your uture.
Many inventors try to "reate and ail !ut "ontinuing on in the realm o ininite
possi!ility they su""eed.
Gossi!ility is the uture 4 it is not yet i.ed or inished 4 it is open.
So a"ts are i.ed$ inished and past.
Gossi!ility is never in the past 4 it has everything to do (ith (hat you aspire to. *t
is (hat is moving you to(ard your (ishes$ your hopes and your ears.
*n this !asi" (ay the (orld is made up o a"ts and possi!ilities.
;nderstand the possi!ility is the possi!ility or a a"t (hi"h is a spe"ii" event$
out"ome$ or thing HH it is deinite$ i.ed$ a sure thing 4 it Cust hasn3t happened yet.
%hen you admit to the a"t that the (orld is not only a"ts !ut also one o
possi!ilities 4 you are open to a ne( (ay o understanding reality. #o( you have a
ne( perspe"tive o the (orld$ the point o vie( o possi!ility itsel.
/our vie( has "hanged you no longer vie( the (orld as a i.ed set o immova!le$
un"hangea!le a"ts that are sure to !ring a!out more undenia!le a"ts.
*t is a !eautiul thing (hen you "hange your vie( to see the (orld as !eing open to
!e"oming something more0open to ininite possi!ilities.
Shiting your point o !eing rom !eing the vi"tim o seemly helpless
"ir"umstan"es to that o !eing the master o your ininite potential !egins (hen
you s(it"h your vie( o the (orld.
Change your (orld o a"tuality to one o possi!ilities.
Empo(er and "harge your o(n mind or positive "hanges in your lie (ith the
possi!ilities (aiting in the ininite or dire"tion.
%hen one is a vi"tim o the (orld they (ill see a"ts and only a"ts. +hey even see
the uture as a"ts that Cust haven3t happened yet0
)or them$ things Cust are the (ay they are and there3s nothing anyone "an do a!out
it. )ollo(ing the ootsteps o others$ taking the right "hannels$ going through the
paper(ork and the red tape 4 many trod the path most (orn.
+here is no openness$ no "han"e anything "ould turn out dierently$ there is no
possi!ility. *t3s saer$ easierR oten all it takes is a little resear"h and an inspired
mind to dis"over unlimited possi!ilities in the most"ted pla"es.
Every "hallenge$ every ne( set o a"ts and impossi!le situations is a ne( (orld o
opportunities. All you have to do is s(it"h rom !eing the vi"tim o a"ts H to the
master o possi!ilities.
Change your o(n point o vie( (hen it "omes to your (orld.
Change your (orld !y "hanging your perspe"tive rom 1)a"tuality2 to
+his is the irst step to getting a real grip on the situation to ae"t a real "hange.
Shiting your perspe"tive o the (orld to a vision o possi!ility is to s(it"h over
into a (orld (here everything you think o !e"omes instantly real. +his is !e"ause
your deinition o (hat is real has "hanged and shited to possi!ility.
*t3s not that there are no a"ts$ or there are no solids or points o deiniteness. 7nly
(hatever appears as su"h "an !e instantly seen as !eing ull o potentiality.
#o( you not only see (hat a thing or situation is 4 you see (hat it might lead to0
the ne( opportunities$ the multiple solutions$ the out"ome that (ill !est suit all
!eings involved.
Gotentiality is not Cust a vie(point o possi!ility it is a (ay o !eing. A ne( (ay o
!eing and understanding the "onstantly "hanging states around you.
%hen you make the shit to master 4 you not only "hange your (orld to one o
possi!ilities0 /ou !e"ome possi!ility itsel. /ou not only ae"t the "hange and
o!serve the "hange$ you are the "hange.
Step into this (orld and you (ill "ome to a (ay o right !rained thinking that leads
you to a ne( "apa"ity o eeling and using intuition.
All this is Cust a ne( (ay to take or e.perien"e the reality you are in no(.
Gerhaps you have heard %erner Erhard3s "omparison: reality is like a train.
/ou "annot Cust ride the train. /ou "annot even drive the train. +he train itsel (ill
still ollo( the predestinated set o tra"ks.
6e says (hat you must do is get out and in ront o the train to lay do(n a ne( set
o tra"ks.
*t is said that the (orld o possi!ility is outside the train$ the tra"ks and the ground
all together. +he reality o possi!ility is like a plane.
A plane H lying through the unlimited sky$ ree to "hange dire"tion at a thought$
and ree to ollo( every desire instantly. +his is a ne( state o e.isten"e.
Enter a higher state o !eing and understanding. /ou think it and it is H an entire
(orld as possi!ility H (ith no gap !et(een thought and maniestation.
Ater there is a "hange in vie(point$ or the (ay you take in inormation rom the
o!Ce"tive (orld H there (ill !e a "hange in interpretation$ the middleman !et(een
(hat you live and ho( you understand it.
+here is a premise that says the outer "haos in our (orld is a result o the inner
"haos (e all proCe"t. * think that is at least a great start in e.plaining the he"ti"
(orld (e all inha!it.
/ou have heard that thoughts !e"ome things "reating the reality around you.
+aking this in 4 it3s dii"ult most times to 'uiet the thoughts (e have running into
and out o our minds at any given time.
,o you ever noti"e the events that happen around you at any given time (hen you
have errant thoughts running (ild through your mind>
/ou are !eating yoursel up a!out somethingR mentally you kno( something "ould
have !een done dierently. 1* only * had said this instead2 Cust then some other
!ad event happens.
/ou !urn something you (ere "ooking$ a "up is kno"ked o the "ounter and "omes
"rashing to the loor. 7r$ no matter ho( hard you look you Cust "an3t ind your
Stepping !a"k you "an "learly see that you3re state o mind and (hat you "hoose to
o"us on is (hat you resonate (ith.
Everything is "onstantly moving$ "onstantly "hanging and there are ininite
possi!ilities. +here is a possi!ility that your thoughts inluen"e the out"ome o not
only uture events !ut present situations.
By "hoosing a point o o"us o the (orst that is happening no($ it is a"t even then
you are not physi"ally looking at the situation dire"tly.
/ou "annot see them !ut you truly !elieve (ithout a dou!t they are still present in
the negative situation$ and again you o"us more energy to(ards misery.
*nstead o the 'uestion 1(hat "an * do to get them out o this horri!le situation>2 H
Ask H 1(hat situation (ould make them the happiest$ (hat (ould they like to
Energeti"ally H negative thinking "auses a"tual noti"ea!le destru"tive energeti"
events. +hings around you$ shorted ele"tri"al applian"es$ and !urnt light !ul!s are
easy vi"tims in your home H rele"tions o negative thinking and eeling.
Most o the time the mind operates in a negativeMear !ased rame o mind.
+o attain pea"e o mind and silen"e the "haoti" mind that is "onstantly "reating our
reality ((hether (e are "ons"ious o it or not) (e have to "reate a harmony (ith
our inner dialogue.
)irst (e must !reak through the "onli"ting voi"es e.isting in our minds rom
religious$ so"ial$ "ultural "onditioning. +his ear !ased inner dialogue inhi!its your
ull a!ility to "reate using 'uantum thought.
)or no( most o (hat you "reate is !ased in the ear !ased thinking !elonging to
someone else.
/our tea"hers$ your amily$ people that loved you and people you hardly kne(
have all aided in your earul and rea"tive programming.
%hen you get to the !ase o all these thoughts ra"ing in your head on a daily !asis$
(hi"h ones are even yours>
%hen you remove all this destru"tive and ear !ased mind "hatter it leaves your
mind ree to "reate the harmonious lie you (ant or yoursel.
6o( "an (e 'uiet this mental "haos$ ho( "an (e regain "ontrol o this out o
"ontrol situation>
* love the (ay nature is t(o steps ahead o us at all times$ giving us the tools (e
need and tea"hing us ho( to use them (ithout our ever kno(ing the ull potential
o their uses. Employ at least t(o o your physi"al senses to interrupt the rampant
mind "hatter.
)o"us attentively on (at"hing or listening to the immediate surroundings. * you
are o"used on the a"t o !eing an o!server o the moment$ it automati"ally takes
your o"us rom the inside to the outside.
+he ne.t time you ind you start (orrying a!out something to the point o getting
angry or rustrated take three deep !reaths and snap your ingers or o"us on an
immediate sound around you. +he sounds o !irds or "ri"kets$ the !eautiul 'uiet
rustling sound o leaves "linging to !are !ran"hes.
Any t(o sensory o"uses (ill (ork or this"ise. 7n"e you "an 'uiet these
inner negative distra"tive thoughts you "an !egin to "reate a (orld the (ay you
(ant it$ and not the (ay others have made it or you.
Another point to "onsider (hen looking at the inner (orld "reating or attra"ting the
outer is this:
%hat you are o!serving and o"using on is the negle"t$ take a look at yoursel and
ask 4 1(here am * negle"ted$ (here have * negle"ted mysel>2
+his is hard !e"ause it is oten the last pla"e (e"t to ind the "ause o an
e.ternal pro!lem. +ake a good look at your lie$ and i you "an ind a point o
negle"t dealing (ith yoursel 4 "onront it dire"tly.
* this deals (ith a loved one let them kno( ho( you eel.
* this is sel negle"t 4 take "are to address this orgotten part o yoursel.
+ake "ontrol o the situation to ind the sour"e o the pro!lem$ then do not Cust see
the issue as a"t$ see the possi!ility or a Coyous out"ome to !eneit all.
#o( there is one last !it o o"us or you H as the sour"e o every event and
intera"tion in your lie.
+ake this time to a""ept responsi!ility or every happening in your lie.
;nderstand that this a""eptan"e is (hat gives you the starting point to inluen"e
"hange in (hatever dire"tion you (ant it to go.
#o( (e have spoken o ininite possi!ility$ and o our inner (orld "reating our
outer instead o the other (ay around. Let3s go urther.
+here is one last thing. /ou0 (here are you and ho( "an you advan"e in the a"e
o all this (orldliness>
;nderstand this mental (orld you "reate and o!serve. Gossi!ility or a"t is all a
shado(. +here is one thing$ !esides all this "hange$ outside all this moving (orld$
mind and !ody.
7utside and yet very intimate$ there is the unmoving$ un"hanging "enter.
Be a(are o this unmoving "enter and you (ill see the (hole o the (orld moving
around you. 8no( that lie is "hangeR lie is possi!ility !ut some(here (ithin all
that is an unmoving "enter.

A(areness is enough to set you ree o "ir"umstan"es. +he eeling 1* am
unmoving2 is li!erating$ it is truth.
8no( this and you are dierent$ the outside (orld is "onstantly "hanging a shado(
(orld$ you are un"hanging$ the "enter$ you are real.
%hen you get involved in the (orld$ (hen you !e"ome the "hange$ you are the
"hange H this is (hen the pro!lem arises.
Gro!lems are not "reated !y the outside "hanging (orld. +hey are "reated (hen
you make the asso"iation 1* am this "hange.2
%hen you eel that it is happening to you like 1* am getting si"k2 there is a
distur!an"e. * you "an step outside yoursel and !e the unmoving (itness$ you (ill
eel that these "hanges are no( outside o you.
/ou "an !e separate rom them.
/our true immortality lies in the realiFation that the (heel o the (orld (ill go on.
Just kno( that you are not the (heel$ you are the
S(it"hing your o"us to the unlimited (orld o possi!ilities around you (ill help in
the understanding and a!sor!ing o helpul inormation that (ill "ome to you rom
many sour"es.
Chapter %: The Secret of True (o5e
#ot only do many "ouples noti"e a diering o interests$ sometimes even a "lash H
or many reasons$ spiritualists ind it espe"ially hard.
+hroughout history the greatest spiritual leaders$ gurus and philosophers that have
"hosen to share their lie and love a hus!and or (ie have had their share o
Conli"ts in interest and rustration are "ommon as it is oten times hard or a
spouse to understand "on"epts and se"rets outside their physi"al reality.
*t is or the master and not the spouse to learn patien"e$ understanding$ orgiveness$
passivity$ and surrender in the a"e o seeming disharmony.
+here is al(ays a harmony and it e.ists in the pra"titioner.
Aairs o the heart 4 love H "annot (here there is o(nership and deinition.
+he more you deine a relationship (ith a person$ the less o a person they !e"ome
and thereore less ulilling or you.
La!els and a"ts (hen "onne"ted (ith a person make them an o!Ce"t$ something
that is deined$ and then "annot !e loved.
Love must !e a surrender to !e elt.
16us!and 1or 1(ie2 is a title$ a limited (ay o understanding and interpreting a
person you love. 16e is this$ he likes that2 is all your mind3s (ay o deining
something and o(ning something$ giving it limitations.
%hen in all a"tually he and you are unlimited$ the more la!els you pla"e$ the more
your mind !e"omes rustrated !e"ause no( you "annot !e ulilled !y it.
Love and relationships outside the mind. /ou !e"ome rustrated and angry
and eel put out$ a la"k o "ommuni"ation. Sho( gratitude and appre"iation o his
e.isten"e$ his very orm.
A Buddhist monk on"e gave this advi"e (hen (e asked a!out our marriage. 6e
said 1/ou "an3t make someone happy$ only they "an do that$ all you "an do is share
happiness (ith those you are (ith.2
* kno( no( that even this "annot !e taken literally or it (ill not !e understood. But
(e (ill get to that soon.
%hat you and most people ind to !e the pro!lem is Cust the rele"tion in the
mirror. )or e.ample$ you are standing !eore a mirror. /our nose it"hes. Rea"hing
out$ you s"rat"h the rele"tion o your nose in the mirror.
;nsatisied !e"ause your nose still it"hes$ you !e"ome rustrated !e"ause you
"annot understand$ you are s"rat"hing$ taking an a"tion.
But the pro!lem still remains.
/our nose is still it"hing and it seems to !e getting (orse. (give me one moment
here$ my nose it"hes) +his is the pro!lem or many people. +hey "annot understand
the separation.
+he one (ho is (itnessing$ the one (ith the it"hy nose.
+hey only eel a pro!lem$ so they try to remedy it e.ternally in the (orld they "an
see$ the mirror 4 (hi"h is only the rele"tion.
*t is most unulilling and rustrating$ sometimes the apparent pro!lem (ill get
(orse or !e"ome reo""urring i you run or try to shun or ignore.
+his (ill only leave you eeling angry$ !lo"ked and it"hy.
/ou "an try dierent approa"hes$ al(ays e.ternal$ al(ays (ith the same results.
/ou (ill noti"e reo""urring issues in dierent relationships$ dierent people$ same
eelings or you0 the same lessons.
*t doesn3t matter (ho you are (ith or (hat they preer and are interested in or not
interested in !e"ause it is you (ho is "reating the lesson or yoursel$ the
disharmony is in you$ not the apparent outside "ause.
* (ill say that the pro!lem you see in "ommuni"ation (ith outside people is
apparent !e"ause there is a part o yoursel you are having trou!le "ommuni"ating
(ith. #ot so mu"h a negle"t$ !e"ause that is not (hat you o!serve and (hat you
A disharmony (ith a personal outside relationship is rele"tive o a disharmony in
"ommuni"ation or shutting out o something personal inside.
A "lash o interests outside might represent something you are not aligned (ith
(hen it "omes to your spiritual purpose.
So the 'uestion is not (hat you are negle"ting.
+he 'uestion is (hat inner spiritual voi"e are you not "ommuni"ating (ith> %here
is your disharmony (ith your inner voi"e and messages so that it maniests in your
outer (orld>
Consider sometimes$ that (hat you see$ hear and e.perien"e are Cust inner
messages that you are translating into something that is easier or you to intera"t
(ith and understand.
But the root$ the !eginning the meaning o everything is taking pla"e inside the
proCe"tor. %hat you are o!serving is the movie that "annot !e physi"ally altered.
*t is the end result o an inner "onstru"t. %hat you are seeing has already !een
"reated in the studio o your mind and no( it is past. %hat you are seeing has
already happened. *s already re"orded$ and though you are seeing the inished
produ"t no( or the irst time$ the mind thinks it3s ne(.
Consider this. +he movie is made$ it has !een in produ"tion$ and no( you are
sitting !a"k (at"hing the inished ilm or the irst time. *t seems ne( as no( you
"an see ho( all the pie"es o your "reation "ome together to orm a "omplete sho(.
#o( it is real to you.
But you "annot edit the s"reen. All you "an do is see the inished and past (ork
play out !eore you.
#o( you "an make your notes$ you say this is (rong$ the timing is o here$ !ut it
is already something "reated.
%hat you are seeing is not a mistake$ !e"ause you are the (at"her. As the editor$
you have the po(er to make the "hanges$ !ut you "annot make them to the s"reen.
/ou are seeing the potential or harmony$ or the ilm to mat"h up and play the (ay
you (ant to see it.
Ba"k to the studio$ i you "an eel hurt it is not "orre"t yet. /ou "an get upset
!e"ause it (as not done the (ay you (anted it$ though you "ould not see that until
you sat do(n to (at"h the movie.
Shouting at the s"reen (ill not "hange the ilm.
#o( understand you are not the ilm$ you are not even in the pi"ture. /ou are not
the theatre (here you sit to (at"h$ you are not the "ast in the pi"ture$ you are not
the studio$ and you are not even the dire"tor.
/ou are the "reative o!server$ the (itness.
/ou (ant to make "hanges to see the ilm play out pere"tly$ yet here you are (ith
everyone else$ eeling hurt !y the mistakes and shouting at the s"reen.
/ou may think the pro!lem is in the s"reen$ the ilm$ !ut this is over$ "reated and
done$ it is Cust the "reation$ not real.
/ou are the one (at"hing$ the one eeling !e"ause o this unreal thing. /ou shit
o"us rom yoursel$ !lame the movie or making you eel this (ay 4 or not
understanding the (ay you eel. But does the ilm understand> ,oes the "ast "are>
#o$ they have moved on to "ontinue "reating your uture ilms.
%hat happens no(>
/ou eel this (ay and as the "reative po(er H the (riter H you let this unhappiness
and an outside$ unreal inluen"e ae"t your (riting in uture ilms.
#o( your movies !e"ome even less satisying or you$ even more rustrating$ more
disharmonious$ !e"ause 1as you eel$ you "reate more o (hat you eel.2
And i you are !laming this unreal$ already past maniestation or the (ay you are
eeling no($ you give up responsi!ility.
/ou "annot look or the real sour"e !e"ause you !elieve you have already ound it.
Gut simply$ i your pro!lem is a eeling$ then the sour"e o your pro!lem is (ith the
one eeling.
#o one "an make you eel$ only you "an make yoursel eel$ and only you "an
"hange it. But this is not an e.ternal thing.
* have this or you$ a ne( (ay o looking0
Most people (ill ind it dii"ult to understand they are the "reator o their lives
(hether they are "ons"ious or un"ons"ious o this. +he ne.t step is a""epting the
responsi!ility or everything$ every a"tion$ every event$ every happening.
1But (hat a!out these things that happen to me like si"kness$ and a""idents> All
around me things are happening that * (ould never "reate.2 Responsi!ility and
allo(an"e are the !eginnings o a great "hain rea"tion. But this (ill "ome later.
)or no( understand the eyes are "onstantly moving$ not only rom o!Ce"t A to
o!Ce"t B$ !ut they are also made o many "ells that are "onstantly s(irling and
moving. Some are moving$ some are dying and some are ne(ly "reated taking in
the resh (orld.
So you are "onstantly seeing a ne( (orld through ne( eyes$ !oth "onstant in a
state o luid motion. +he eyes are spe"ial$ * (ill tell you this.
But you kno(. %hen you irst elt love$ (hen it (as ne( to you$ there (as no
understandingR you (ere in a type o madness. But you remem!er$ and pro!a!ly
still noti"e that look in your !eloved3s eyes and !e"ome lost.
/ou have heard the eyes are the gate(ay to the soul$ * (ill e.plain. +he eyes are
the meeting point !et(een you and your !ody. /ou share a deep "onne"tion (ith
them more so than (ith any other part o your physi"al !ody.
Eyes "an !e used (ith this inner Courney$ you have a "onne"tion there that is
uni'ue$ they are "losest to you. +his is also (hy (hen you kno( ho( to look you
"an see into the depths o others. #o(here else "an this happen (hen looking upon
someone$ no(here are they more near than in the eyes.
/ou "annot really look into someone else3s eyes unless you have looked !ehind
and !eyond your o(n.
+his is (hat makes love uni'ue.
/ou "an stare into your !eloved3s eyes$ look straight into them.
* you Cust look into someone3s eyes (ith no love they "ould eel oended$ they
might look a(ay$ !e"ause you are trespassing$ entering (ithout permission.
But (ith love you do not have this$ the eyes are open$ inviting$ you are allo(ed to
enter$ there is no (ant to keep se"rets.
+here is (illingness in deep love$ surrender$ ea"h is (el"ome in the other$ those
(ho have e.perien"ed this (ill kno(. +here is a "onne"tion here in the eyes that
does not in the !ody$ mind$ or in any other (ay. +his you have elt.
%hen it "omes to arguments (ith love$ ea"h person !e"omes rustrated !e"ause o
the (ant to !e right. +hey do not eel understood$ like they "annot properly
interpret ho( they eel (hi"h only adds more rustration.
+here is an a""eptan"e that "omes (ith understanding that ea"h e.perien"e is
uni'ue to ea"h person. %hat is so or you$ (hat is truth$ method or te"hni'ue or
you may not !e so or someone "lose to you.
+hat (hi"h is your 1right2 to you may not !e (hat your love deines as 1right.2
Everyone3s per"eption and understanding (ill al(ays !e uni'ue to them.
%hat to you is the greatest pursuit and higher purpose to others may not make
sense. Be"ause they have a dierent purpose$ a dierent re'uen"y$ thus to !e
aligned (ith their spiritual purpose$ no matter ho( similar their interest$ it (ill
al(ays !e uni'ue.
Ask yoursel$ i he never took an interest in your pursuits$ i no one did$ no one
ever kne( (hat you (ere up to0 (ould you still do it> %ould you still !e happy>
/ou are only seeing one side o the (orld$ one side o the pro!lem$ and it is solid
or you. %ith your studies$ this 'uestion (ill leave you (ith many dierent
ans(ers rom many degrees and s"hools. 1Can * save my relationship in little
"hunks$ or should * Cust pi"ture the pere"t relationship>2
But did you ollo( these proessionals (hen you de"ided to stay (ith this person>
+o share everything (ith this person$ or did you surrender to the unkno(n>
%as it risky$ magi"al$ "raFy$ and une.plaina!le 4 this is a true love e.perien"e$ it
makes no sense...
/ou are let revitaliFed and ull o lie$ no sadness$ no depression$ there is an
a!undan"e o lie and e."itement. /ou shared something (ith no name$ and then
you (ere ulilled.
Most people today are so "aught up in the mind they miss this$ you are taught the
right thing to do$ is o(n this love 1san"tiy it2 !ut (hen you o(n them they are a
thing and "an no longer ulill you.
* (ill say$ do not try to o(n a love.
/ou (ill only eel it less. *nstead$ surrender to it.
;nderstand that the pro!lem you have "annot !e solved e.ternally$ or it (ill never
!e solved. +he pro!lem and the solution !oth !egin (ith you.
Last$ "lose your eyes to the distra"tion o seemingly e.ternal pro!lems$ and !egin
to "ommuni"ate (ith yoursel.
%hat inner messages are you ignoring$ (here are you not listening>
* you see the e.ternal pro!lem as someone (ho is not listening$ stop and look at
yoursel irst. Shit your a(areness !ehind and !eyond your eyes. * you stop your
eyes$ there (ill !e a point (here you shit.
%hen all movement "eases your a(areness turns in(ard and you (ill !e the
(itness. Many outside voi"es "an tell you e.a"tly (hat to do in any situation.
But it is only through the shit inside that you may !e a!le to hear.
Most inormation and advi"e you re"eive hits the (all o your !elies your a"ts
and is stopped there. Many dierent sour"es and te"hni'ues are out there or the
ready pra"titioner or seeker.
But * (ill say to you do not "reate a !arrierR do not "reate (alls o"tation.
Learning ho( to !e"ome the (itness (ill allo( you to understand and !e
unmoved. /ou (ill !e "lear$ ree. Sadness$ disappointment$ rustration are all a
result$ a rea"tion$ there is a lesson and you may not even !e a!le to see it.
Sometimes (hat you"t (ill !e the "ause or is (hat is stopping youR you have
"reated an imaginary (all (ith your"tation o an end result.
+here is a story 8a!!alists tell o t(o men in a home or the insane. +ogether they
plan an es"ape$ i the (all surrounding the !uilding is more than A eet they (ill
dig under$ and i less they (ill help ea"h other over.
+he night o the es"ape$ the t(o men split up.
7ne stays to keep guard (hile the other runs to inspe"t the (all.
+he one (ho (ent to "he"k the (all returns (ith a sad look on his a"e.
2+here is no hope$2 he says$ 1(e3re stu"k. +here is no (all.2
%ith"tation !ased on (hat you think is real$ that the pro!lem is something
e.ternal you !uild these imaginary yet seemingly real (alls.
All you must do is drop your"tation and step !a"k as the (itness to see there
is no (all.
Let go o your deinitions o (hat you think something is or should !e$ to see (hat
it truly is.
Allo(an"e is the key that unlo"ks the door to a true love e.perien"e.
Chapter +: Do 'ou 7elie5e In &iracles8
/HereBs Ho* to Do Them1
1Mira"les2 or most$ are "ategoriFed under either religion or pure sor"ery.
And i you don3t !elieve in either$ you pro!a!ly think o them as either lukes$ or
pure nonsense.
But (hat i there really (as a S"ien"e to maniesting mira"les> #ot something only
the 1elite2 or spiritual Masters "an perorm0 !ut a real Art and S"ien"e o *nstant
+ransormation$ availa!le to you$ me and everyone on this planet>
*3ve re"ently !een introdu"ed to something so po(erul0 so trans3formatie *t
is a "hallenge to put into (ords e.a"tly ho( * eel a!out it.
+his is a"tually more than inormation0 it3s like a 1Cons"iousness +e"hnology2
derived rom earlier "overt studies done !y s"ientists in the Soviet ;nion$ "alled
+here3s Cust no (ay * "an ully give you a "lear enough pi"ture o (hat *3m talking
a!out here$ (ithout sharing (ith you a perspe"tive on this te"hnology dire"tly rom
its ounder$ ,r. Ri"hard Bartlett$ ,.C.$ #.,.
6ere is an e."ellent intervie( "ondu"ted (ith ,r. Bartlett that sheds light on this
phenomenon that literally "an transform your life in an instant$ Cust as it has or
thousands o others.
(isten to Inter5ie* on &atri@ )nergetics
Ater (at"hing this video$ * highly suggest you head over to his oi"ial (e!site at
(((.Matri.Energeti"s."om and !egin to devour this inormation that (ill Q most
ASS;RE,L/$ "hange your lie rom the inside out.
; caution you (hat you3re a!out to learn is going to o!literate your !elie
stru"tures and the (ay you see reality.
* en"ourage you to do as mu"h resear"h as you possi!ly "an on !oth ,r. Ri"hard
Bartlett and Matri. Energeti"s.
/ou3ll ind (as * have)0 there is a plethora o inormation reely availa!le on the
(e! rom ,r. Bartlett himsel$ and his many pra"titioners o Matri. Energeti"s.
+his (ill transorm you in (ays unimagina!le$ i you open your heart to it.
Chapter -: Ho* to "ind 'our Purpose
/ou and * are "onne"ted (ith the rest o humanity (hen it "omes to a deep longing$
a 'uestioning let to !e illed.
#ot so mu"h a 1(hy are (e here>2 as it is a0
1%hat am * meant to do (hile * am here>2
Are (e all !orn e'ually (ith reedom o "hoi"e$ and ultimately reedom o
destiny> 7r are (e preprogrammed at !irth (ith one deinite purpose H something
!uilt into our genes that (e are meant to ulill>
)irst let3s get a irm understanding o this that (e deine as purpose. As this is (hat
many use to deine themselves$ or e.ample H those that make this "onne"tion
1(hat * do (ith my lie is (ho * am2
(%ikipedia: Gurpose is the 'uality o one !eing determined to do or a"hieve a goal
Really look at the statement: +he 1Kuality2 o !eing$ is the o"us and not the goal.
Gurpose is something (e stay "onused a!out oten !e"ause (e are looking or an
a"tion to give us ulillment0 Gurpose or the religious mind$ "an !e preordained
!y god or let open to the ree(ill o man.
+here are many vie(s as to (hat purpose is and ho( to ind it and deine it so you
"an spend your lie ulilling it or ailing.
* (ill tell you no(.
,rop it$ (hatever you deine as 1purpose2 or 1your purpose2$ (hatever atta"hment
you have to this sear"h o 1my reason or !eing here.2
Let this atta"hment all a(ay.
*t (ill not !ring ulillment !e"ause purpose is not an a"tion0
*t is a 'uality o !eingR it is a state o passion$ a eeling o a lie ulilled.
A lie illed (ith meaning.
* hope no( (e are "lear on purpose. *t is not (hat you doR it is a 'uality o !eing.
%e have previously addressed matters o love and o the heart. Saying the head
and thus the ego do not have a pla"e in matters asso"iated (ith !eing.
* you !egin to deine these matters o the heart H like love and passion H they (ill
no longer ulill you. +he deinitions and the presupposed limitations you !elieve
(ill make you happy is a"tually (hat (ill keep you rom eeling ulillment.
*t (ill make (hatever the a"tual thing is not real to you anymore.
* you have seen 1+he Se"ret2 they dis"uss purpose and again it is not a spe"ii"
a"tion. +hey do not say: 1*t is in the right Co!2 or 1*t is in the pere"t amily2.
+hey (ill tell you$ to ind purpose0
1)ollo( your !liss.2
/ou kno( many things !ring you happiness and ulillment. *t "ould !e in a
surrender0 helping a person$ helping a "ause$ tea"hing a "hild$ loving a spouse$
there are many 1things2 you (ould "all a purposeul pursuit. But you are "onusing
the eeling (ith the a"tion.
Many things that !egan as your supposed purpose (ill not "ontinue to ulill you
unless you "ontinue to have that eeling.
/our 1lieHpurpose2 no longer !rings you Coy$ you !egin to 'uestion 1(ell$ is this
really my purpose>2
Gurpose is like all things Hin a luid state o possi!ility. Closely linked (ith passion
(hi"h is an undeined eeling o Coy and ulillment.
Some have told me you "reated your lie !eore entering the !ody$ this in"luded
(hat you are meant to do (ith your lie$ (ho you (ill meet and (hen$ your Co!$
your spouse$ ho( many kids. Everything.
;n"ertainty a!ounds and the same psy"hi"s (ill say$ predi"tions "an !e proven
(rong. +arot "ard reading and s"rying are only rele"tions o one dimension o
possi!ility$ and it is not stone.
So i you are looking or a purpose$ or (hat you should !e doing to eel ulilled 4
then you (ill not ind it. A"tually the pro"ess is !a"k(ards.
;nderstand ollo( your passion$ surrender to it and you (ill !e ulilled 4 you (ill
have the 'uality you kno( as purpose in your lie.
Be ulilled and eel purpose in all you do.
Reality (ill !e"ome deli!erate$ a (orld o possi!ility. +hen as you eel more Coy in
(hat you do every day$ you (ill resonate (ith purpose and attra"t more situations
to make you eel this (ay.
/ou may have ound any num!er o things that have seemed pere"t !ut (hen tried
did not !ring the results you (ant. 6umans are "lassi"ally guilty o putting too
mu"h energy into something that does not re'uire so mu"h.
%e are taught to e."eed and or"e$ over(ork and over dedi"ate. *t is proven that
too mu"h energy or eort a"tually negates thought and a!ility.
/ou have seen the man that seems to (ork harder than anyone$ al(ays he pushes
and dedi"ates. 6e al(ays seems "onused$ and though he tries hardest is passed
"onstantly H !y others it seems do less !ut al(ays end (ith more.
6e is or"ing too mu"h energy. * you look at the human mind the (ay you look at
any other ele"troni" pro"essor you (ill noti"e the similarities.
Any very ei"ient ma"hine i you or"e too mu"h energy through it (ill not
operate properly. /ou (ill short it out and it (ill not (ork at all.
#o( !alan"e the energy and it (ill e."eed your"tations.
,o not try to overdo and over think everything !e"ause you (ill miss.
E."ess eort (ill negate any progress you "ould make. )ind a (ay that is in the
middle$ not an e.treme. ,o this$ and allo( yoursel to !e ulilled$ to have a lie
(ith meaning$ then 4 there (ill !e a 'uality o purpose in everything you do.
Chapter 2: Ho* to Cure an Addiction
%hat is the !ase$ the !eginning the !asi" or"e !ehind addi"tion>
*s it related to desire> ,oes it have anything to do (ith a missing or a longing0
some (ill tell you it does.
7pinions and proessional 'uotes and statisti"s (ill tell you (ith priests at their
side that the Addi"t in 'uestion is trying to ill something. A need that "annot !e
ulilled !y something physi"al$ thereore they "ontinue to ail and "ontinue to all
vi"tim to their 1unhealthy2 o!sessions.
+he mind and all its synapti" ires are the sole produ"er o the "hemi"als released
into the !ody that makes you eel the (ay you do. So *n truth$ anything you are
addi"ted to is a eeling generated (ithin your o(n !ody.
*t doesn3t matter the addi"tion0 se.$ "igarettes$ ood$ !eing vi"timiFed$ they all
"reate a rea"tion in our !ody 4 and that is (hat (e are addi"ted to.
+here are many or"es !oth seen and unseen at (ork here.
)irst$ you are not addi"ted no($ right no( you are not. * you not doing this thing
that 1makes you eel guilty2 right no($ don3t eel guilty !e"ause that does not
4 let alone as an addi"tion.
And i indeed you are doing that thing right no( that (ill later make you eel
guilty$ listen to me no( 4 enCoy it$ !e"ause it is (hat you (ant to !e doing. *t is
only ater the a"t that you (ill eel guilty again and "lassiy it as an addi"tion.
Admit irst that you are doing this thing !e"ause no($ you enCoy it. /ou are not
addi"tedR you (ant to do it.
/ou (ant to smoke in this moment$ you (ant to make love in this moment$ and
you (ant to eat a "ookie in this moment. *t is something you enCoy.
/ou are not alone.
* you have done these things !eore$ (hen you (ere younger$ these things (ere
not addi"tions then. +hey (ere Cust things you (anted to do. So irst you must !e
rid o a vi"tim mentality and allo( yoursel to admit. /ou are doing these things in
the moment !e"ause you (ant to do them.
/ou (ant them$ you "reated and you "ontrol them$ not the other (ay around.
#o( you are on the mountain$ no( you "an take the higher perspe"tive and say yes
* do them !e"ause at the time * (ant to do them.
But ater(ard * still regret them no( (hat do * do>
6ere is (here (e address a strange energeti" and vi!rational phenomenon (e "an
apply to this.
7pposing energies (ill "an"el one another out "ompletely.
+he result is silen"e.
*n the "ase o vi!ration and sound this is already !eing taken to market. /ou may
have heard that "ar designers have "reated a devi"e that emits a sound to "an"el the
sound "reated !y your engine thus making the "ar run almost silently.
+he t(o opposing re'uen"ies o sound "an"el one another out and you are let
(ith silen"e.
#o( to move on there are 'uestions you must ask yoursel$ (hy you (ant to
disappoint yoursel$ (hat does that do or you.
Be"ause you are doing (hat you (ant to do H !ut then you make yoursel eel
disappointment and disgust> /ou "ontinue doing (hat you (ant$ even though you
kno( it (ill make you eel !ad later.
+his may not make sense at irst$ !ut * (ill say0
Stop disappointing yoursel.
/ou "an do this immediately !y smoking and not eeling !ad. ,o this or B days.
,o not allo( yoursel to eel guilty a!out doing something you have al(ays done$
your !ad eelings and guilt (ill only maniest ugly things or you$ and make it
almost impossi!le to 'uit. *n that "ase even i you do i you 'uit$ (ith this energy$
there (ill al(ays !e longing.
Some may not agree. But trust i you do this thing you (ant$ do not eel !ad$ then
it (ill no longer take the orm o this Custii"ation or you and it (ill all a(ay.
+here (ill !e no dii"ulty.
Currently your 1addi"tion2 is only your Custii"ation to eel a sense o
disappointment (ith yoursel. /ou (ill noti"e (hen you enCoy the (ant and it alls
a(ay H i you do not ind the sour"e o this disapproving !elie stru"ture you (ill
only ind something else in lie to ill it.
)or e.ample$ you enCoy every smoke illed !reath the (ay you did years ago$ stress
leaves$ you smile and laugh$ perhaps it (ill not even take a (eek or you to (ave
good!ye to this old a"'uaintan"e.
Be"ause it no longer uels that hidden need H that !ase 1addi"tion2 you have$ (hi"h
is to eel guilty. ;nderstand this$ e.perien"e this and move or(ard.
#o( to ind the !ase 4 the !eginning 4 the root o the maniestation o sel
Ater a""epting responsi!ility or everything you "reate you "an !egin to vie( the
(orld dierently H you "an "ome rom a point o a"tion instead o rea"tion.
#o($ * have sear"hed and "ome a"ross something that (ill help you get out o the
irst physi"al (ay o understanding.
* (ould like you to ind a (ell.
* (ill not ask you to go into the deep resear"h or yoursel$ !ut it "ertainly is
as"inating to dis"over the deep "onne"tion you share (ith (ater$ and the (orld on
a "ons"ious$ su!"ons"ious and perhaps super "ons"ious level.
* you look into the (orks o ,r. Emoto$ * am sure you (ill ind his (ork on (ater
"rystals as"inating. Basi"ally$ and * (ill say this is very !asi" H he e.periments
(ith e.posing (ater to dierent (ords in various orms: spoken aloud$ (ritten in
dierent languages and thought in"luding prayer.
+hen ater e.posing the (ater to (ords he reeFes it and takes pi"tures o the
momentary "rystals that orm. +he results are astonishing.
%ords that you (ould "onsider positive and !eautiul yield intri"ate$ "omplete and
!eautiul sno(lakeHlike patterns. %hile on the other hand ugly (ords and
thoughts: like (ar and hate$ as (ell as "ertain kinds o musi" "reate ugly
in"omplete "rystals and dis"oloration.
6e has e.perimented (ith groups o people praying or a !ody o (ater. +aking
samples rom !eore and ater.
Beore the prayer H the (ater rom ugly or in"omplete "rystals. And ater a e(
minutes o prayer H no matter the religion H !eautiul "omplete "rystals orm.
Every !ook pu!lished !y Emoto "omes ull o "olor photos o all his results$ * am
sure you "an even ind the photos online.
#o( "onsider (hat$ i anything (e "an agree upon ater these results.
7ne$ (ater "an !e inluen"ed !y thoughts and (ords.
+(o$ (ater re"ords the message given.
And three H %ater$ !ased on (hat it is given (ill rele"t and yield a result.
#o( "onsider that your (orld$ your !ody is more than BI per"ent (ater.
%ater that is intimately "onne"ted (ith you$ tou"hing you$ "omposing you$ lo(ing
through you0 inluen"ed !y you$ your thoughts$ your (ords$ all this happening
!eore any a"tion takes pla"e in the (orld around you.
Every day (ith every spark o desire$ airmation$ negative !urden and rea"tion
you are programming your !ody to yield something !eautiul and intri"ate$ or
something ugly and in"omplete.
#ot only (hat you say to yoursel !ut ho( you say it inluen"es your makeup and
thus your (orld every day.
Su"h as this: 1try to !e !eautiul2 yielded an in"omplete misshapen "rystal (hile
1you are !eautiul2 "reates a !eautiul !alan"ed pure "rystal.
* have had trou!le (ith airmations in the past !e"ause the mind steps in and (ill
say 1this is not true2 )or e.ample H 1* am ri"h2 or 1* am happy and it2 the mind
(ill argue and say sho( me. But really the mind is !a"k(ards$ it is looking to the
past or a "reation to "ome in the uture.
#o( (hen you look at (ater (ith an open as"ination$ you (ill ind a "hange$
possi!ilities (ill !egin to arise. And even the mind (ill say 1that sounds possi!le2
7ur (orld is "hanging$ Cust as (e are$ !e"oming more open to ne( (ays o
thinking$ healing and living.
* have told you this modern dis"overy only to travel !a"k through ages to an
an"ient sutra * mentioned earlier.
1At the edge o a deep (ell$ look steadily into its depths until H the (ondrousness.2
%hen you look deep into this (ell$ it (ill !e rele"ted in you.
)orget thinking and Cust look.
+he mind is deep like the (ell.
Just as you are a(are the (ell is mu"h deeper then the sura"e$ so you (ill realiFe
the mind is the same. *t is deep to many levels.
As you look (ithout thinking the depth o the (ell (ill !e rele"ted in you$ the
(ell is Cust an outer sym!ol o your inner depth.
8eep looking H meditating$ until you are (onderHilled.
* "annot say ho( long$ !ut as you look there (ill !e a time (hen thoughts are gone
and (onder ills you.
*t is said Lao +Fu (as (alking over a !ridge (ith his student Chuang +Fu (hen he
stopped and spoke to him. Lau +Fu told him to remain on the !ridge looking do(n
into the river until the (ater stops and !ridge starts lo(ing.
7nly then (as he to go ind him.
Chuang on"e given this mediation !uilt a hut on this !ridge and stayed or months H
looking do(n into the (ater.
Ater all this time it happened$ the river (ater stopped and the !ridge lo(ed.
/our mind (ill ask ho( this is possi!le.
Anything is possi!le (hen the i.ed thought is a!andoned. *normation is relative.
Einstein has said everything is relative. *t is all perspe"tive. * you are riding on a
train (at"hing the trees pass !y that is (hat you understand$ i the ride is smooth$
you (ill eel that you are stati" and it is the tree that are speeding !y.
#o( it is also said that i there are t(o smooth trains running side !y side through
empty spa"e and there is no point o "omparison to see.
#either (ill appear to !e moving.
At irst you (ould think that the !ridge is stati"$ unmoving$ (hen in reality the
!ridge is lo(ing "onstantly. Everything is...
Constantly moving$ "onstantly lo(ing like (ater.
Chuang +Fu must have had some glimpse into this mi"ro stru"ture o the !ridge.
Everything moves on this mole"ular level that is apparently solid. But the parti"les
move so ast that you "annot see$ this is (hy is eels stati".
Just as (hen you turn on a an$ (hat on"e you kne( to !e separate !lades appears
as a solid disk o "olor that seems to !e stati" and unmoving. *t is Cust that your
eyes "annot see at that speed.
Chuang must have stared so long that the mind dissolved and (hen this i.ed mind
dropped he "aught a glimpse o the lo(ing o the !ridge$ (hi"h (as moving so
ast the river appeared to !e still !y "omparison.
)or this te"hni'ue$ (hen you are a!le to drop the mind and !e (onderHilled$
everything (ill !e"ome like a mystery to you.
And (hen this happens mind (ill !e nothing more than a mystery H then "an you
!egin to !e "apa!le o kno(ing yoursel.
%hen it "omes to addi"tion$ and inding (hat it is you are truly atta"hed to$ use
this te"hni'ue to ind the sour"e.
%hen you are done$ i you have not orgotten "ompletely that you ever "laimed
addi"tion$ you (ill have ound and removed your true sour"e.
)orgive yoursel... and "reate something !eautiul in your lie$ like shimmering
(ater your (orld (ill rele"t the messages you give yoursel.
%hen you drink (ater rom a !ottle or glass$ (herever you are$ hold it or a
moment and airm or pray something !eautiul$ and allo( it to "reate or you.
Chapter 4: The Secret of )SPC Telepath. =
Precognition D The Alpha (e5el
Can t(o people separated !y vast distan"es a"tually "ommuni"ate using nothing
!ut their minds> Skepti"s say not a "han"e.
6o(ever$ there are numerous "aseHstudies and e.periments that may suggest
other(ise. )or instan"e0
Journalist 6arold Sherman "ondu"ted an e.periment in 5O:B (ith a amous Ar"ti"
e.plorer$ Sir 6u!ert %ilkins.
6u!ert !een hired !y the Russian government to sear"h or a plane that "rashed
some(here near the north pole.
+hree nights a (eek at 55::I ES+$ %ilkins (ould go over the events o the day in
his mind. Sherman (ould then try to 1pi"k up2 on his thoughts rom more than
:$III miles a(ay.
Reginald *verson$ a radio operator or the #e( /ork +imes$ s(ore in a signed
aidavit that his eorts to "onta"t %ilkins via short(ave radio had !een rustrated
!y poor re"eption$ getting through only 5: times in @ months.
6e also attested that Sherman had re"eived more inormation via telepathy than he
had !y short(ave radio.
Another pioneer in the ield o telepathy$ Mary Sin"lair "laimed that she "ould
reprodu"e dra(ings hidden in sealed envelopes. 6er a""ura"y stunned many$ !ut
her e.periments (ere unsupervised and thereore ailed to provide proo (orthy o
the s"ientii" "ommunity.
,r. Joseph Banks Rhine (as the irst to put telepathy testing on a s"ientii" !asis.
Solunteers in his la! in ,uke ;niversity in #orth Carolina took part in thousands
o 1"ard guessing2 trials using Xener "ards.
Rhine "laimed that some o his volunteers proved the e.isten"e o ESG !y s"oring
mu"h higher than (ould !e possi!le !y "han"e.
,r. Ernesto Spinelli3s resear"h into ESG testing on more than 9$III "hildren o
various ages revealed some mind3expanding eviden"e.
6is indings "on"luded that "hildren three years o age s"ored an in"redi!le ?AJ$
(hereas 9IJ is "onsidered (ithin the realm o mere "han"e.
+hat is more than t(i"e the amount than they should have o!tained !y statisti"s o
"han"e$ a""ording to ,r. Rhine.
+he ive year olds s"ored around :@J a""ura"y$ and the last group$ the si.HtoHeight
year olds s"ored 9AJ.
+he older the "hildren (ere$ the lo(er (as their ESG s"ore. ,r. Spinelli3s testing
gave eviden"e to the idea that as (e gro( older$ (e !uild up mental !arriers that
inhi!it our a!ility to !e re"eptive to telepathi" transmissions.
/ounger "hildren have not yet "onstru"ted these !arriers$ and as these tests have
sho(n$ seem to possess a higher "apa"ity or telepathy and ESG$ resulting in higher
+his also suggests that telepathy is a 'uality everyone is !orn (ith$ !ut !e"omes
"losed o or !lo"ked as (e develop and solidiy a sense o identity.
+hese indings may hold fascinating impli"ations.
But$ there remains a "riti"al pro!lem or those (ho have demonstrated these
a!ilities$ pra"ti"ed them and gained proound eviden"e o their e.isten"e0
Most (ho3ve tried 1ESG2 e.periments and ailed$ have missed out on a "riti"al
"omponent re'uired or a""urate e.traHsensory per"eption0
+hey3re in !eta.
At 9I "y"les per se"ond o !rain(ave a"tivity$ 1!eta2 as it3s reerred to$ is your
normal (aking state. *t3s the state o a(areness designed or taking a"tion.
But no one in s"hool taught us this$ so (e also do all or most o our thinking in this
1!eta2 state. +his "reates a !leedHthrough !et(een !eta$ and our natural thinking
state o alpha 4 (e get mi.ed messages$ and our 1ESG2 ails us.
+he intuition3s "hannel in the radio o your mind is ound in alpha$ not !eta.
+his re'uires the !rain to operate on a lo(er re'uen"y.
But a pro!lem persists0 i (e get the !rainH(ave a"tivity do(n to say$ 5I "y"les
per se"ond$ on"e a person !egins the thinking pro"ess$ the !rain(ave Cumps !a"k
up into 9I "y"les per se"ond o a"tivity.
So ho( "an (e possi!ly do any thinking in alpha>
+he ans(er has inally !een dis"overed. By taking the !rain(ave a"tivity do(n to
@HB6F 4 +6E+A 4 on"e a person !egins thinking in this state$ the re'uen"y Cumps
up to 5IH596F 4 allo(ing them to think in alpha<
Altering your !rain(ave is a lot easier than it sounds.
,o this te"hni'ue and re"ord your results:
5. Close your eyes. +ilt your eye!alls 9I degrees up(ard. #o( tilt your head
9I degrees do(n(ard and tou"h the tip o your tongue to the roo o your
mouth. Just sit there and !e"ome a(are o your (hole !eing.
9. +ake a deep !reath *#$ and in your mind$ imagine the num!er :$ three times
(hile !reathing 7;+ slo(ly$ until the lungs are empty.
:. +ake another deep !reath *#$ and in your mind$ imagine the num!er 9$ three
times (hile !reathing 7;+ slo(ly$ until the lungs are empty.
?. )eeling your entire !ody rela. deeper and deeper (ith every !reath$ !reathe
*# deep and hold it or a moment0 then imagine the num!er 5 three times
(hile !reathing 7;+ slo(ly$ until lungs are empty.
@. 7n"e you have emptied your !reath the inal time$ !egin "ounting do(n
rom 5I to 5$ (ith ea"h slo( 7;+ !reath and ea"h num!er$ eel your !ody
and mind dou!le in rela.ation0 O$ T$ B$ A$ @$ ?$ :$ 9$ 50 eel yoursel rom
head to toe$ "ompletely rela.ed.
A. /ou are no( in Alpha.
)rom this state$ noti"e the e.pansive eeling you have.
#ote ho( everyday stresses have Cust Pmelted3 a(ay$ and you "an sense the energy
o the (hole room$ as (ell as (ithin your !ody.
+his is the state rom (hi"h you (ant your thinking to o""ur.
+hings are mu"h "learer here. Glus$ you have a""ess to a 1still$ small voi"e2 rom
(ithin0 this is your intuition.
#o( do this or a pe"uliar e.perien"e0
%hile in alpha$ imagine you are standing in ront o another you.
+his Pother you3 is identi"al in every (ay$ e."ept he or she has already
a""omplished some goal you have !een desperately (anting to a"hieve.
Ask this Pother you3 or some advi"e$ and then (at"h0 and listen.
%hile on the Pintuition "hannel3 the inormation "omes in mu"h more "learly$ and
you might surprise yoursel as you dis"over that you "an o!tain ans(ers and realH
lie solutions you might have never thought o !eore.
#o($ !eore doing any e.periments or pra"ti"es in meditation$ ESG$ "hanneling$
remote vie(ing$ astral proCe"tion$ energy (ork or anything else involving the
mind0 use this te"hni'ue to go into Alpha irst 4 then (at"h out<
Alternatively$ you "an use a proven system to get you deep into 'lpha !y one o
the true pioneers o the method0 (earn the Sil5a Ultra&ind )SP S.stem
+he only (ay to kno( or sure ho( your skills are improving is to pra"ti"e and
"ondu"t your o(n e.periments. And always (rite do(n your results<
6ere are t(o ery cool sites that provide some tools you "an use to pra"ti"e:
Gsy"hi" S"ien"e
Sheldrake 7nline ESG +esting Gortal
By using these te"hni'ues$ * guarantee you3ll !e amaFed at ho( 'ui"kly your story
"hanges or the !etter0 things you never kne( (ere possi!le are no( at your
ingertips$ and you "an no( enCoy a (hole ne( kind o lie e.perien"e.
*s it all in your imagination> 0May!e yes$ may!e no.
+he !etter 'uestion to ask is$ 1does it (ork>2
*t shouldn3t matter i it3s psy"hi" energy or psy"hology at (ork0 (hat matters is
the results you get rom doing it. More pra"ti"e$ !etter results. %ith daily pra"ti"e
o these skills$ you Cust might ind yoursel !e"oming0 Almost Super Human.

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