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o Remember to Ask one question about vital signs

o Pulse
Rate 60 beats per minute (BPM) Say units full beats per minute
Rhythm Regular, Regular-Irregular, Irregular-Irregular
Symmetry Use radial
Synchronicity Radial with Carotid Pulse at same time
Volume +2, +3, +4
Contour Carotid Upstroke, Plateau, Slower Down Stroke
Mention that you would take Carotid, Brachial, Radial, Femoral, Popliteal and Doralis Pedis as well bilaterally
o Respiration DISTRACT PATIENT tutor is checking for you to do this (You get points)
Rate Regular Say units full breaths per minute
Breathing Labored or Effortless No use of accessory muscle
Symmetry Breathing
Chest Expansion Normal depth neither shallow or deep
o Blood Pressure
Find the Brachial Artery
Line the arrow of the BP Cuff with Brachial Artery
Cuff 2cm above ante-cubital fossa
Systolic Blood Pressure by Palpations Say units full millimeter of mercury (mmHg)
- Radial artery occluded
- Oslers Sign Checked when inflated cup Atherosclerosis State Negative
Wait 15 seconds
Blood Pressure by auscultations Say units full millimeter of mercury (mmHg)
Say you would do BP standing, sitting and laying down bilaterally
o Temperature dont do this but would if had a thermometer

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