Certified Job Description: Not Valid Without Seal

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This is to certify that Zamboanga del Norte Medical Center has engaged the services of Mr.
Neil John . I!a" who has been rendering services inherent to the position of #emodial$!i! Sta%%
N&r!e since J&ne '()(
This also certifies that this institution affirms the nature and status of his employment during
the period covered as described hereunder in his work profile, to wit:
In!tit&tion ddre!! * Sicayab, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte,
hilippines !"##
In!tit&tion Pro%ile *
Zamboanga del Norte $edical Center is a government hospital owned by the province of
Zamboanga del Norte% This is a licensed level & general hospital with an authori'ed "() bed capacity%
ursuant to *+ (&&) and +dministrative ,rder No% &##!-##&", the license of this hospital covers
services such as clinical laboratory-secondary, blood collection unit, ./0 testing laboratory, 1-ray
level &2Shimad'u 3##m+, "3# k04, 2Shimad'u 3##m+, "3# k0, .itachi (m+, ""#k0p4, pharmacy,
blood station, CT SC+N 2hitachi (##m+, "&#k0p4 and dialysis clinic%
Po!ition * .emodialysis Staff Nurse
Period o% Em+lo$ment * 5une 6, &#"# 7 5une (, &#"(
De+artment * Nursing Service Department
Stat&! o% em+lo$ment * 8ull-time
No o% "or,ing ho&r! +er "ee, * (#
-or,ing Sched&le * ) am to & pm9 :am to ( pm9 "&pm to :pm
nn&al !alar$ * hp!&, ###%##
+nnual Salary: +ppro;imately hp !&, ###, by nature of
the employment all mandatory premium contributions for
state insurances and withholding ta; are not deductible to
his wage< compensation due him%
Immediate S&+erior * Z.CEN B. PONTE/ R.N./ M.N. 0N.RSE II1
Not valid without seal

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