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{Insert Date Here}

To whom it may concern,

On behalf of (insert name here):
This letter is to inform you that (insert name) is a dedicated member of the Gatherin of !hrist
!hurch" Our reliious beliefs which accordin to the bible re#uire we abstain from all forms of
wor$ and school on %aturdays to obser&e the 'ord(s Holy %abbath Day which is from )riday
sundown until %aturday sundown" *ith that said, we are re#uestin reliious e+em,tion from
wor$-school on %aturday(s for this reliious obser&ation" He-she is ,ermitted to attend
alternati&e days to ma$e u, for time missed"
*e trust that you understand our ,osition and e+cuse (insert name here) from wor$-school on
If you should ha&e any #uestions or need additional information concernin this im,ortant Holy
Day ,lease feel free to contact the .lders at (insert .lders number)"
(Insert .lder(s name)
The Gatherin of !hrist !hurch

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