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Kara Villalobos

Lesson: Solving equations

Date: November 20, 2013

Students will be able to identify the variable in equations and solve the equation
using properties of real number and operations?
Worksheet with equations and the steps that are needed to solve the equation
(talking to the equation)

Essential Questions:
How do the tools of algebra relate to equations?
How can you use operations on and properties of real numbers?
What is a variable and how is it used in equations?
What does the equations say?
What do I do to solve the equation and why?

After correcting homework and going over homework problems I posed two questions to
my students.
What is a variable and how do we use it?
How do we solve an equation?

This is how I stated the question to the students. Ponder this fact: What is a variable and
how do we use it? I want a complete sentence please.
This is the answer formulates by the class: A variable is a symbol that is substituted
for a number in an equation or expression.
I asked the students this question and gave them approximately 2 minutes to compose
a hypothesis. I then walked around the room and looked and what students wrote. Most
students wrote that it was a letter. After going around the room and looking at what
students wrote. I said I found one that is close and had the student read it aloud. I then
wrote different examples of equations not using a letter as a variable I put a box, a star, a
flower, a happy face and a taco. Then many change what they wrote to a symbol rather
then a letter.
I encouraged the students saying
That is good but is there more?
I heard a great answer but it needs a little more.
What can we add to that?
Can you read your answer?
Is there something that you can add to that?
That is wonderful but it needs more?
Is that all we use?

I feel this lesson went very well the students were engaged and I heard them talk
about math. They were asking each other questions and commenting on others questions.
Kara Villalobos

The questions could have been more open ended to allow more possibilities for answers.
I am having difficulty in finding the correct way to word my questions so that there is not
just one answer.

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