The A.G.M The Vice President The Branch Manager The Branch Manager

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To, To, To, To, To,

The A.G.M The Vice President The A.G.M The Branch Manager The Branch Manager
Indian Overseas Bank HDFC Bank Limited State Bank of India ICICI Bank Ltd Shinhan Bank
Sipcot Industrial Park !", ITC Centre #nna Salai Commercial Branch $$%, Prakash Presidium &o ', Thirumalai (udali St)
Irrun*attukottai Opp to T)+)S ,uind- &un*am.akkam /ala0apet 1 234!$3
5ancheepuram Dist) Chennai 6 2%% %%4 Chennai 12%% %34 Chennai 6 2%% %37 +ellore Dist. Tamil &adu)
2%4 $%!
Certified True Copy of the Resolution passed at the Meeting of the Board of
Directors on 23
une 2!"#
R$%&'V$D TH#T in supersession of the earlier resolutions, the follo8in* .ank
$: ICICI Bank Limited, &un*am.akkam Branch at Chennai .earin* Current
#ccount & %%%"%!%%$!$%
4: HDFC Bank Limited, (ariam Centre at Chennai .earin* Current #ccount
& %%7%3$%%%4"3
3: SBI Bank Limited, Commercial Branch , ,uind- at Chennai .earin* Current
#ccount & %$%!2!244'33
7: IOB Bank Limited, Irrun*attukottai .earin* Current #ccount &
!: Shinhan Bank, /ala0pet at +ellore District .earin* Current #ccount &
.e operated in the follo8in* manner91
R$%&'V$D ()RT*$R that the follo8in* shall .e the authori;ed si*natories91
Group A+,
$) (r) <on* Beom 5im
4) (r) Dae <un Park
R$%&'V$D ()RT*$R T*AT the authori;ed si*natories shall have the follo8in*
authorit- in respect of the said .ank account91
%. -o.
Value of Che.ue/De0it Ad1ice
to Ban2/3nstruction to De0it
Persons authori5ed
$) &o Limit
Sin*le Si*nature .- an- one of the
si*natories of ,roup #
R$%&'V$D ()RT*$R T*AT the specimen si*natures of the authori;ed si*natories
8here necessar-, 8ill .e furnished to the .ankers of the Compan-)
R$%&'V$D ()RT*$R T*AT this resolution shall remain in force until notice in
8ritin* of is 8ithdra8al or cancellation is *iven to the Bank .- the Board of Directors of
the Compan-)
R$%&'V$D 'A%T'6 T*AT that (r) <on* Beom 5im, Chief =>ecutive Officer .e and
is here.- authori;ed to do all acts, needed to implement this resolution and to furnish to
the .ankers a Certified True Cop- of this resolution
(or %)-G7&& *3T$C* 3-D3A '3M3T$D.
ong Beo8 9i8
Chief $:ecuti1e &fficer

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