News From The Field July 2014

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Y-USAs Learning & Career Development Center (LCDC) serves as a critical
resource for YMCA staff in their professional development. The following
improvements to LCDC represent another wave in an on-going process of
upgrades and improvements in aquatics, health and wellness, and child care.
The enhancements will bring these Y-USA programs more in line with industry
best practices for training and certification. They will also deliver more control
and flexibility to Y staff as they work within the LCDC system.
Open Class/Sanction Increase - We have increased the amount of
open classes/sanctions that Trainer and Faculty may have open from 11
to 20 in order to help you better serve your areas.
Trainer Acknowledgements - Y-USA will often make revisions to
course materials that will require Trainers to do an acknowledgement in
LCDC that they have recognized and downloaded the updated
materials. Trainers will now be able to access any Trainer
Acknowledgements they have completed and re-download the materials
from the acknowledgment if needed. You can find the Trainer
Acknowledgements you have completed at My Records > Submitted
Applications, Licenses, and Equivalencies in LCDC. For more information
on Trainer Acknowledgments, please see the LCDC Tip of the Month
section on page 2 of this newsletter.

101 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606
July 2014

LCDC Updates
Important Course Updates
Did You Know?

Have you earned the Y-USA
Trainer Skills Certification?
1. Orientation to the YMCA
Training System
2. Adult Learning Concepts
3. Facilitation Skills for Trainers

If not, you may not be currently
certified to teach!

Please share this newsletter with
anyone who you think may find it

Contact Bridgett Zeitler at:


Self-Service Wallet Cards with QR Codes - Students who hold a certification that issues a wallet card (for
example, in aquatics, health and well-being or child care) will now be able to print their card from their
computer shortly after the class is closed by the trainer. With the self-service printing option, Y-USA no
longer mails wallet cards to students or trainers, saving staff the 3-5 day delivery time to receive their card.
In addition, to allow easy, real-time verification of a certification, cards will include a unique ID number and a
Quick Response (QR) code.
How do I find the Trainer Acknowledgement to reactive my Trainer Certification?
Trainer Acknowledgements in LCDC can be found two ways:
1. Under the Inactive Trainer Certification on your Certification Status page. Click the black arrow next to the
Certifications name. A detailed roll up of the certification will display and any Trainer Acknowledgements
needed will be displayed in the Action required column.
2. In LCDC navigate to My Records> Submitted Applications, Licenses & Equivalencies. On this page you will find
a grid that is titled Trainer Acknowledgments. This grid will display all completed and pending Trainer
Acknowledgements. If you have an acknowledgment in pending status scroll to the right and click the glasses
icon under the Actions column on that acknowledgment to complete it.

Y-USA is very interested in hearing from those working in aquatics. We are looking to gather information and guidance
that will help inform our next steps in enhancing aquatic programming to magnify impact. This initial survey will ask
about your current aquatics programming but will also ask for your feedback on future opportunities for program,
training, and collaboration enhancements. Throughout the rest of this year we will be working to establish a strong
vision for Aquatics at Y-USA, and a roadmap that will help to lead us in to the future. Your thoughts, ideas, and
concerns are very important to this process.
Please click on the link below that will take you to a brief survey ( reliable sources say it takes 10 minutes max ) that
we are asking you to complete as soon as possible so that we can include your feedback as we move forward with this
process. (If you have already completed this survey, please do not submit another one. Thank you)

The Lymphedema Webinar, which is a post-training requirement for LiveStrong at the YMCA: A Cancer
Survivor Exercise Program Instructor, will be integrated into LCDC on 7/1/2014. Completions for the
Lymphedema Webinar, which is a post-training requirement for LiveStrong at the YMCA: A Cancer
Survivor Exercise Program Instructor, will be integrated into LCDC on 7/1/2014. Currently, students take the
webinar through Exchange and need to print out their certificate of completion to verify attendance and
completion of the course at the end to show the LiveSTRONG Trainer in order to complete the LiveSTRONG
Instructor course. Once the webinar is integrated into LCDC, the system will track the completions for the
Trainer. As of 7/1/2014, LCDC will require that all LiveSTRONG Instructor level courses be set up as blended
classes and the end date will need to reflect the two-week deadline post class room date for students to complete
the webinar. UPDATE: There was an issue in LCDC with the student enrollment component in the
blended learning component. A fix was deployed to correct the defect on Monday, July 7
and the
defect should no longer be an issue.

EnhanceFitness materials have been updated:
o The ODES tutorial video has been re-recorded to improve sound quality. The embedded link within the
PowerPoint (slide 31) directs you to the new recording. There has been no change to the EnhanceFitness
o There has been a small edit to the Participant Information Form, offering more specific responses to how
participants heard about the program. The form has been updated in the trainer materials.
All Trainer and Faculty for EnhanceFitness will be asked to do a Trainer Acknowledgment in the LCDC system to
get the updated materials. The Trainer Acknowledgement will be available 7/9/2014, your Trainer Certification
for EnhanceFitness will reflect as inactive in LCDC until you have completed the acknowledgement and
received the new materials.

The following changes have been made to the Foundations of Strength & Conditioning training design:
o The YMCA Personal Training Manual will no longer be produced and is no longer a required material of the
course. Relevant pages from the book have been extracted and placed into the participant guide as
o Trainer Guide references to the YMCA Personal Training Manual were either removed or changed to reference
a specific Appendix in the Participant Guide. Changes occurred on the following pages: iii, iv, 33, 37 and 42.
The version of the Trainer Guide has been updated to v1.3 and the copyright updated to 2014.
o PowerPoint deck references to the YMCA Personal Training Manual were changed on the following slides: 71,
72, 73, 74, 75 and 76. Also, version was changed to V1.3 on the first slide and copyright updated to 2014.
o Recent enhancements to LCDC enable wallet card self-service for students who achieve the Strength &
Conditioning Certification. Y-USA no longer mails wallet cards to students or trainers.
All Trainer and Faculty for Foundations of Strength & Conditioning will be asked to do a Trainer Acknowledgment
in the LCDC system to get the updated materials. The Trainer Acknowledgement will be available 6/11/2014, your
Trainer Certification for Foundations of Strength and Conditioning will reflect as inactive in LCDC until you have
completed the acknowledgement and received the new materials.

The following courses have been retired as of June 1, 2014 due to outdated material. We will continue to
update and reevaluate these courses as they pertain to the Strategic Plans Youth Development program area.
Managing Multisite Child Care Programs
Evaluating Youth Programs: Outcome-
Based Evaluation
Introduction to Kidzlit
Kidzlit Administration
Personal Fitness Program Director
Active Listening & Effective Communication
Adolescent Sexuality Issues
Case Management
Character & Self-Esteem Building
Conflict Management & Negotiation
Earth Service Corps Director
Fundraising Events
Managing Risks in Teen Programs
Outreach Skills
Peer Mediation
Understanding Teens & Substance Abuse
Working with Low-Income Kids
Youth Achiever Program director
Creative Curriculum for Preschoolers
Introduction to Property Management

Program Management & Development Trainer and Faculty levels have been inactivated as of 6/1/2014.
Due to outdated materials, Y-USA has inactivated the ability to become a Trainer or Faculty candidate for
Program Management & Development. Current Trainer and Faculty for the course are able to teach the basic
level for the course as needed.
Paper renewal forms and proof of CECs will no longer be accepted by Y-USA for Foundations of Group
Exercise and Foundations of Strength & Conditioning Instructor renewal. All renewal documentation and
applications must be uploaded and completed through LCDC. A new updated Health & Well Being CEC Booklet
will be available on March 12

As of January 1, 2014 Water Fitness Instructor is no longer able to be recertified by taking the
correspondence test at this website The alternative will be the option
that has always been in place which is the Y-USA Water Fitness Renewal course. Course description and
availability can be found in LCDC.

As of March 1
, the basic, trainer and faculty level for YMCA Swim Lessons for Individuals with
Disabilities is inactive due to outdated material. We are beginning a Strategic Planning process in
Aquatics to help us establish a comprehensive vision for Aquatics at Y-USA. This process will be
complete in early 2015. At that time we will have better understanding of future plans for this
important program area. We will update you as more information becomes available in early 2015.

Facilitation Change in Small Groups launched April 1, 2014. This course prepares Y staff to
facilitate small group discussions that engage and encourage participants to formulate and share
ideas to support others in problem solving and goal attainment. This course also helps staff manage
group dynamics using techniques that help the group focus on the topic at hand and function
positively and collaboratively.

Youth Sports Director will be updated in November of 2014. In preparation for the new updated course Y-USA
will no longer be accepting Youth Sports Director Trainer Candidates as of January 1
, 2014. Once the new course
has launched we will accept Trainer Candidates for it.
The new Annual Campaign Training (replacing Annual Community Support Training) has launched and is now
live for class offerings. This new course will consist of two eLearning courses (contains a total of 8 lessons) and a
two-day face to face classroom experience. To find the eLearnings for this course go to Search Available Classes in
LCDC and filter by Course Delivery Method- eLearning.
New eLearning courses launching 2014:
o Implementing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Standards in Early Learning
Programs - This course will prepare Y staff to incorporate Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA)
standards in their Early Learning Programs. This course will provide a review of the HEPA standards
and activities to guide strategies that incorporate the standards into early learning daily practices.
o Orientation to the Achievement Gap This course will provide an overview of the Achievement
Gap crisis in the United States, and the YMCAs response with three distinct program models. The
course describes how each program works, and how each is uniquely different from traditional YMCA
program models. - Available in March 2014

o Principles of Youth Development This course is intended to define the Ys beliefs about youth
development and how these basic principles influence the daily operations of youth development work.
This course will prompt participants to think critically about the Ys involvement in programs, such as
child care, youth sports, and after school programming, as well as the participants responsibility to
youth in our programs. - Available in March 2014

As of December 31, 2013, YMCA Lifeguard 4
Edition is no longer available as a class offering. All Lifeguards
will be required to recertify in the 2011 5
edition Lifeguard upon expiration.


The three required trainer classes; Orientation to the YMCA Training System, Adult Learning Concepts and Facilitation
Skills, are now components of the Y-USA Trainer Skills Certification. As you know all Trainer and Faculty must have
the 3 required courses in order to be active Trainer/Faculty with Y-USA. If you have obtained all 3 courses you will
now see Y-
Trainer/Faculty that have not completed all of the required courses for the Certification will become inactive until
they complete all 3 of the courses.


Through Capella Universitys collaboration with Y USA, we are offering monthly professional development
webinars to build knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed for cause-driven leadership. They will be offered
live on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:00 am Central Time so please be sure to visit the career
page on Exchange or for future topics and previously recorded webinars. For those who
have earned their Multi-Team or Branch Leader Certification or the Organizational Leader Certification, .25
recertification credits will be given to those who attend a webinar.
o June 11
: Leading with Emotional Intelligence.
Whether in a formal leadership role or not, you have a choice about how to use your influence and
personal power. Emotionally intelligent leaders inspire trust, commitment, and a passion for excellence.
Attend this webinar to learn more about these critical skills in fulfilling mission and purpose.

o July 9
: Enhancing health, well-being and performance through the practice of mindfulness
Do you often find yourself thinking about something that is not happening in the present moment? If so, you are not
alone. The nature of the mind is to wander and the wandering mind and lack of present moment awareness has been
shown to reduce happiness, negatively impact health and well-being, cause stress and anxiety, and impair
performance. The practice of mindfulness helps us to cultivate the ability to increase focus and attend to what is
happening in the present. Participants of this webinar will have an opportunity to learn about and directly experience
the practice of mindfulness.

o August 20th (Please note we had to move it back a week due to a conflict with the presenters
schedule): 4@Work: Understanding and Leveraging Generational Differences
The world of work is rapidly changing. Your ability to effectively work with people who are different from
you is becoming increasingly more important to your success and the success of your organization. There
are currently 4 generations in the workplace. While generational differences can present challenges,
these differences can also bring great value when understood and leveraged.

Now available on Exchange - Making Connections: New Employee Orientation. Starting work at a new
place can feel like the beginning of a journey. And new Y staff begin their journey at the Y with many
questions: What are the people like? How will I fit in? Is this a place where I can be successful? How will I
learn, grow, and thrive at the Y? With many paths and directions to get answers, Making Connections, the Ys
new employee orientation, is designed to provide Y staff with a good starting point and to help build their
commitment to the Ys cause. The online orientation helps connect staff to the information, resources, and
people to help them gain a comprehensive introduction to the Y, understand why the Y is a special place to
work, and become inspired to learn more about their role in helping the Y strengthen community. You can find
the New Employee Orientation eLearning on the home page Exchange under My Career.
2014 HR Forum- July 30-August 1, 2014 at Tradewinds Island Grand Resort, St. Pete Beach, Florida
You can find more information and the registration link at

Transform with Us EXPO-DITION 2015: The journey from Transaction to Transformation.
February 17-20, 2015 at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA.

Emerging Multicultural Leadership Experience (EMLE)- September 10-12, 2014, Long
Beach, CA. The Emerging Multicultural Leadership Experience (EMLE) returns in 2014 with
dynamic speakers, inspiring career development sessions, networking receptions, mentoring
opportunities and much more. The entire Experience is designed to provide emerging professional
staff of color the opportunity to become further engaged with and connected to the Y Movement.
After all, it does BEGIN WITH YOU! By learning from and meeting with leaders who are dedicated
to educating and mentoring younger staff, you'll be better positioned to grow and thrive at the Y.
Early Bird registration will open later this month. Stay tuned to email, hotfacts and Exchange for

2014/2015 MD ILI (AUGUST 2014 MAY 2015)- The program will strengthen cultural
competencies through a curriculum that includes independent study, workshops, projects, and a
global immersion in Senegal, West Africa.
This eight-day (March 14-22, 2015) Senegal immersion experience will focus on issues of socio-
economic class, access to land and resources, youth migration, and conflict resolution. Each of
these areas will be explored in an effort to expand awareness, enhance understanding of our global
connectedness, and inform our responses to our home communities. Participants will meet with
staff, volunteers, and community partners of the YMCAs in Dakar and Ziguinchor.
The application period is from June 1 July 30, 2014. Visit Exchange for more information.

The 10
cohort of New Branch Executive Institute is now being formed. NBEI is one of many Institutes
offered by Training and Leadership Development, and focuses on building the leadership competencies of
Multi-Team/Branch Executives who are in the first two years of their tenure as Branch Executives. This eight-
month Institute includes in-person classroom sessions, group work, e-learning, job shadowing, performance
coaching, and branch-specific long-term planning.
Registration is open in LCDC. Space is limited to 24 participants. The next cohort starts in May. Information is
also available by contacting Jim Kauffman at
If you would like more information about NBEI, please follow these links:
Institutes.aspx (check out the colorful flow chart graphic)
se/SearchResults (includes course description in LCDC) (registration for the LIVE chat)

Go to Alerts under My Profile and select Leadership Development to ensure that you know when the monthly News
from the Field is posted along with other great documents and resources from Training & Leadership Development.

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