August 2014 Newsletter Dunbar 2

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Welcome Back to

I will be at Paul Dunbar School on
Monday and Tuesday for the first
I can be reached by calling
!".#$#.%&' or !".#$#.%&'' (office)
I also ha(e a website that is lin)ed
through the Paul Dunbar website*
Choir will be starting very soon. Before school
practice, will be announced as soon
as my two schedules from both
schools are finalized.
Band will be starting very soon. Before school
practice, will be announced as soon
as my two schedules from both
schools are finalized.

Classroom ctivities
!rades "re#$%
&he students are singing merican "atriotic songs in
observance of 'abor (ay, clapping )uarter, eighth, and half note
patterns, and will begin lessons on the piano keyboards,
identifying the musical alphabet letters* C, (, +.
!rades ,$-
&he students are singing merican "atriotic songs in
observance of 'abor (ay, identifying the instruments of the
orchestra and their families, and playing on the piano
keyboards, identifying the musical alphabet letters* C, (, +, ., !.
!rade /
&he students will be learning how to play the flute, a band
instrument. &he class will be playing beginning songs utilizing
the notes* Concert Bb, C, (.
!rades 0$1
&he students are learning how to play band instruments. +ach
student is assigned to play an instrument and beginning songs
utilizing the notes* Concert Bb, C, (, +b, ., !.

2onday &uesday Wednesday &hursday .riday
, Dunbar
Thursday .
/riday ,
4 - / 0 1
33 3% 3,
.irst (ay!

34 3-
31 35 %6 %3 %%
%- %/ %0 %1 %5
Mrs. Brauns Music
Classroom @
Paul Dunbar School
ugust7September %634

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