Board Meeting 7/11/14

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Board Meeting

July 11
, 2014

Meeting Called to Order at 3:25 p.m.

Chapters in Attendance
El Monte
South El Monte
Mark Keppel
San Gabriel

I. Advisor Training
a. When: TBA
b. Where: Almansor Court
c. Who: Chapter Advisors
d. Purpose: To get advisors to be more active

II. Officer Training
a. When: August 23
, 10am 2pm
b. Where: Almansor Court
c. Who: Chapter Officers

III. Upcoming Chapter Events
a. Manuel will have procedures, suggestions for events, etc.
b. Examples: voter Registrations, debate topics, fundraising with Screening of movies,
Presidential debates, phone banks, tournaments student panel, ice breakers, socials,
political satire screenings project competition, etc.
c. Workshops training on communications/ management
d. Timelines- planning events

IV. Sacramento Survey
a. A survey will be sent out or posted, please give us your honest opinion about how
you felt this years Sacramento trip.

Meeting adjourned : 3:59

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