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Profesora: Carolina Ravelo

Pre-requisito acreditable lengua extranjera Ingls
!"#$I!G S%&'!%S %( R"' )IS%(RIC"$ I*"GS: %) V"$& (+ %)
%)R-$V$ G&I' +(R )IS%(RIC"$ I!,&IR-
Read and answer in Spanish:
1) Classify the text according to the following criteria (Brinker, 1988)
) !"nction of the text (criterio de la f"nci#n text"al)
B) Context"al criteria (criterios context"ales)
B1) Channel of co$$"nication (for$a co$"nicati%a& Brinker considera cinco
B') (ext circ"lation (el )$*ito de la acci#n)
C) Str"ct"ral criteria (criterios estr"ct"rales)
C1) (he$e (tipo de te$a text"al)
C') (he$atic config"ration (tipo de desplieg"e te$)tico)
') (ranslate the title into Spanish& +dentify key words&
,) -hat is expected fro$ st"dents of .istory/
0) .ow i$portant is .istory as a s"*1ect in 2ew 3ealand secondary schools/
4) 5n"$erate the $ain ideas de%eloped in section 1&
)IS%(R- (+ %) %)R-$V$ G&I'S
1) re the following state$ents tr"e or false/ .ighlight in the text the e%idence which
s"pports yo"r answers&
a) 6as g"7as de los tres ni%eles f"eron creadas con el fin de $e1orar la
co$prensi#n lectora de los al"$nos&
*) 5stas g"7as per$iten reconocer el ni%el de co$prensi#n lectora de los
c) 6as g"7as se enc"entran entre las catorce estrategias $)s reconocidas en el
ca$po de la in%estigaci#n&
d) 8e*atir so*re la %alide9 de las afir$aciones in%ol"cra a los al"$nos en s"
proceso de aprendi9a1e&
e) 6os al"$nos redactan oraciones %erdaderas o falsas so*re los textos le7dos&
%) %)R-$V$ G&I' *%)('
1) -hich state$ents are categori9ed into:
6e%el 1
6e%el '
6e%el ,
') (ranslate into Spanish:
:(hro"gh state$ents that identify partic"lar feat"res of the i$age, the teacher can
also lead st"dents in a treas"re h"nt to find o*1ects, sy$*ols, actions, or
relationships that are of significance in the interpretation of the partic"lar i$age&;
,) Read the description of the (hree&6e%el approach and write the key concepts
related to each:
(e.g.) Step 1: tics, oraciones.
Step ':
Step ,:
'SIG!I!G %)R-$V$ G&I'S. 'V$(PI!G S%&'!% &!'RS%"!'I!G
1) <oin the sy$*ols to the le%el they correspond to:
$evel /
$evel 0
$evel 1
=raci#n en lat7n
6a ar$ada espa>ola
6as personas sentadas alrededor
de la $esa
!echas (1488?1@A4)
Bala*ra en he*reo
6a presencia de C"y !awkes
5n"nciados D"e re$iten al
posi*le p"nto de %ista del artista
de la o*ra&
6os D"er"*ines
6os *arcos
Read the s"$$ary and translate it into Spanish&

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