Experience China Case Study AnExperience China Case Study Analysisalysis

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Experience China : A National Image Campaign in the United States

Having spent a huge amount of money ,the Chinese national image improvement
campaign could have been better ,following the points according to my analysis on
the case given:
1. China being heavily criticized on its Made in china figure should bring in
changes to its industrial image,formostly in the manufacturing field, wiping out its
low value added products tag.
Action: China must portray its valued indigenous products and later announce it
e!pertising on the core technologies to lift the competitiveness of Chinese products
brands by adhering more to the fields of research and innovation rather than copy
". China should announce and e!plain its five year plans to the world which would
include its long term development strategy, growth pattern and development
concepts to win a good image of its economic policies.
#. China needs to address the domestic issues to move the media to portray its
%. &nvestigation and shuffling the cabinets of ministers in the government accused
of Corruption, land seizures and evictions.
'. %nnounce free information centers for (eeping a chec( on H&).
C. %nnounce support and relief to minorities.
+mesh ,umar

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