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The Hunger Games, a multimedia franchise set in The Hunger Games universe,

is derived from the The Hunger Games trilogy, a series of books by Suzanne
Collins. The name of the series, the franchise, and the universe is based on the
title of the first book in the series: The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games
universe is a dystopia set in !anem "hich is located in #orth $merica. The
country consists of the "ealthy Capitol located in the %ocky &ountains and
t"elve 'formerly thirteen( poorer districts ruled by the Capitol. The Capitol is
lavishly rich and technologically advanced but the t"elve districts are in varying
states of poverty. )oung residents, aged *+ to *,, from t"elve districts are
chosen by random dra"ing 'or reaping( to participate in a compulsory annual
televised death match called The Hunger Games.
The three novels in the trilogy are The Hunger Games '+--,(, Catching .ire
'+--/(, and &ocking0ay '+-*-(. The books have either been adapted, or are in
the process of being adapted, as installments in The Hunger Games film series,
"hich includes the +-*+ film, The Hunger Games, follo"ed by The Hunger
Games: Catching .ire '+-*1(, The Hunger Games: &ocking0ay 2 !art * '+-*3(,
and The Hunger Games: &ocking0ay 2 !art + '+-*4(.
$dditional media "ithin the franchise include the soundtracks, The Hunger
Games: Songs from 5istrict *+ and 6eyond 'the soundtrack for the film
adaptation of the first novel( and The Hunger Games: Catching .ire 2 7riginal
&otion !icture Soundtrack 'the soundtrack for the film adaptation of the second

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