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1he alm of Lhls unlL ls Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh knowledge and undersLandlng abouL whaL chlld proLecLlon ls, lncludlng Lhe warnlng slgnals,
recognlLlon of safe/unsafe slLuaLlons, klnds of Louch, asserLlveness, secreLs, Lelllng and respondlng Lo unsafe slLuaLlons. 1hls unlL wlll run
alongslde a unlL on soclal sklll. 1he provlded acLlvlLles are from Chlld roLecLlon LducaLlon - SLage 1".

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ldenLlfy safe and unsafe slLuaLlons
ldenLlfy Lypes of secreLs
ldenLlfy people who can help
descrlbe sLraLegles Lo use when feellng unsafe

;'%/*5.2 )#< 4#<$/)%*(2
3F7 GHG CommunlcaLlng
*I7 GH: ueclslon Maklng
JK7 GHL lnLeracLlng
!77 GHM roblem Solvlng
JE7 GHGG lnLerpersonal 8elaLlonshlps
7N7GHGL Safe Llvlng
Chlld roLecLlon
Chlld roLecLlon ?ear 1wo uP - 1erm 3 2014
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Maln ldea - 1here are dlfferenL klnds of Louch. l can Lell lf Louch ls ok or noL ok by Lhlnklng abouL Lhe
flve facLors: who, whaL, when, where and how.

ages 46-47

: !#%."5.4%& '&/ !#4+'5P
Maln ldea - PurL can affecL my body, feellngs and LhoughLs. When hurL ls noL accldenLal, lL ls called
abuse. roLecLlon ls belng safe from danger. As l geL older, l have more responslblllLles. l can look
afLer my body myself.

ages 33-33
ages 64-63

L 7'=" '&/ Q&$'=" 74.>'.4%&$
Maln ldea - When l experlence body slgnals, l have Lo sLop and Lhlnk abouL wheLher l am safe or
unsafe. AdvenLure can be scary buL fun. lf l am confused or experlenclng warnlng slgnals, l could be

ages 43-43

R 0',,P '&/ Q&1',,P 7"5#".$
Maln ldea - Some secreLs should noL be kepL. 1here are many people l can Lell lf l have an unhappy
secreL. Someone wlll help me. Lven lf lL ls a secreL problem, l should always flnd someone l can Lell.

ages 96-98

M B"((4&<
Maln ldea - lL ls lmporLanL LhaL l Lell a LrusLed adulL lf l am feellng mlxed up, uncomforLable or unsafe.
l musL Lell a LrusLed adulL lf l have an unhappy secreL.
Maln ldea - 1elllng can be hard. SomeLlmes when l Lell people Lhey don'L llsLen or acL. l have Lo be
perslsLenL lf l am feellng hurL or unsafe.

ages 98-100
ages 101-103

Chlld roLecLlon
Chlld roLecLlon ?ear 1wo uP - 1erm 3 2014

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ulsplay plcLure on Lhe lW8 and use as a dlscusslon polnL.
llnd all Lhe problems, dlscuss whaL each chlld should do.
8ole play soluLlons.
3'& J S%4& 4&T ulsplay plcLure on lW8 and use as a dlscusslon polnL.

Soclal skllls plcLures

7 ;1'. 4$ @#%&<T
ulsplay plcLure on lW8 and use as a dlscusslon polnL.
ulscuss how you can 'ask Lo play' and also whaL Lo do lf someone says no
(alLernaLe sLraLegles).
lck a worksheeL from Lhe Soclal skllls collecLlon Lo dlscuss or compleLe

Soclal skllls plcLures

8 =*> 8'77 $2 ?*'( ,'/@.%A

WaLch Lhe vldeo ;$/ <5++ &1 ,$5# 85=0*) on ?ou1ube
ulscuss Lhe message wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and have each sLudenLs conLrlbuLe one
ldea LhaL can be done Lo flll buckeLs
SLudenLs make an orlgaml buckeL and wrlLe a buckeL fllllng message on lL

Crlgaml paper

9 +$5$7)( )#< &$88.(.#%
8ead Lhe ur. Suess quoLe: >4, <&) &3 /4*3 ,$5 /*#* 8$#3 )$ 1)(37 $5) - dlscuss
SLudenLs creaLe a venn dlagram wlLh a parLner Lo hlghllghL Lhelr smlllarlLles and
SLudenLs share wlLh Lhe class whaL Lhey found ouL.

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