24 7 Parking Reading Nov 09 PR

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Guaranteed parking in Reading with 24 7 Parking

London, England (Nov 18 200! " 24 7 parking, experts in fnding afordable car
parking in London, have spread their wings and have taken their specialist secure
parking services to Reading.
As an iportant hub !or both the "# and insurance sectors and the seat o! two highl$
respected universities, parking spaces in Reading are scarce, and while this a$ be an
inconvenience !or the an$ visitors who coe to the cit$, it is a serious proble !or
couters who are !orced to trawl the streets looking !or a space ever$ da$.
As experts in providing contract parking in London, 24 7 %arking have now brought their
specialist knowledge o! the parking sector to Reading, having secured a wide nuber o!
spaces in the cit$.
Available in prie locations across Reading centre and the surrounding areas, 24 7
%arking&s secure !acilities ofer a convenient and afordable solution !or those travelling
regularl$ in the cit$ b$ car, providing a sa!e place to leave vehicles at afordable prices,
and the peace o! ind that there will alwa$s be a space available.
'(e are delighted to now be able to ofer the sae great secure London parking
services to couters in the Reading area,) stated *ick +ordin o! 24 7 %arking. '(ith a
wide nuber o! contract options available on our new locations, drivers in Reading can
beneft !ro guaranteed parking at reasonable prices, supplied b$ a well established
and trusted fr.)
#o fnd out ore about 24 7 %arking and their new secure parking operations in Reading,
please visit, http,--www.247parking.co or call .2.7 /01 7247 !or a 2uote.
#$out 24 7 Parking%
3stablished in 2..2, 24 7 %arking are experts in fnding long ter parking in London and
across the 45. (hether clients are looking !or a onths& parking or a $ears& parking, 24
7 %arking will fnd the ost convenient and cost efective options.
&onta't detail(%
24 7 %arking Liited,
1.6 Linen 7all,
/829/80 Regent :treet,
(/; <#=
#el, .2. 7/01 7247
3ail, in!o>247parking.co

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