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L.A. Kalish et al. / Controlled Clinical Trials 25 (2004) 76C103!

re aso ns "er e the ti #e co# #it #ent $or tr ia l % a rtic i%a tion (26 &) and not "ant in' to dis
con ti n(e antih)%ertensi*e #edications (22&).
+e in*esti'ated "hether %artic(lar recr(it#ent so(rces "ere associated "ith di$$erent
screenin' o(tco#es. ,atients o$ the -)%ertension Center %h)sician "ere the #ost li.el) to /e
rando#i0ed (32&). Tele*ision ne"s re%orts also had a hi'h )ield (26& rando#i0ed). The lo"est
)ields "ere a#on' res%ondents to #ass #ailin's (!&) and %rint #edia (11&). 1es%ondents "ere
least li.el) to e2cl(de the#sel*es d(e to the ti#e co##it#ent i$ the) heard a/o(t the st(d) $ro#
a #edical %ractitioner and #ost li.el) to e2cl(de the#sel*es $or this reason i$ the) heard a/o(t
the st(d) $ro# te le * i s i o n o r #a s s #a i l i n ' s . 3 t h er e 2 c l (s io n r ea so n s " e r e $a
ir l ) c o n s t a n t ac r o s s th e d i$$e re n t recr(it#ent so(rces.
A#on' %atients "ho %ro*ided in$or#ed consent4 those on antih)%ertensi*e #edications at the
start o$ screenin' re5(ired an a*era'e o$ 4.7 screenin' *isits to the -)%ertension Center o*er a
#edian o$ 32 da)s. ,atients not on antih)%ertensi*e #edications co#%leted screenin' $aster
(a*era'e 3.0 *isits o*er a #edian o$ 15 da)s).
16. 6isc(ssion
As %atient interest in and (se o$ co#%le#entar) and alternati*e #edicine (CA7) increases4 the
need to de#onstrate e$$icac) and sa$et) o$ these %ractices also increases. 8nade5(ate research
th(s $ar is d(e in %art to 9:9: a lac. o$ ade5(ate or acce%ted research #ethodolo')9;9; <76= . A
%artic(lar challen'e in this real# is achie*in' the %ro%er /alance /et"een ri'oro(s scienti$ic
e*al(ation o$ a treat#ent and adherence to the essence and $(nda#ental %rinci%les (nderl)in'
the CA7 treat#ent. This notion o$ /alance "as a %riorit) in the desi'n o$ the >-A1, trial. The
#ethodolo') (tili0ed research %rinci%les and #ethods t)%icall) (sed to e*al(ate allo%athic
treat#ents (e.'.4 rando#i0ation4 /lindin'4 standardi0ation o$ the ac(%(nct(re 9:9:e2%erience9;9;
across the three treat#ent 'ro(%s and (se o$ a control 'ro(%) ai#in' to ens(re a#%le control and
scienti$icall) #eanin'$(l res(lts. At the sa# e t i #e4 at te nti on " a s d e*o te d t o ( %ho ldi n '
$( nda #e nta l %ri n c i %le s o $ T C 7 (e .' .4 T C 7 dia'noses and dia'nosin' ac(%(nct(rists9;
discretion in %rescri/in' %oints and #ethods o$ sti#(lation $or indi*id(ali0ed treat#ent). +e ho%e
that o(r #ethodolo') can /e ada%ted $or (se in other trials.
8t has /een di$$ic(lt to e2tra%olate clinical 'enerali0ations $ro# %re*io(sl) %(/lished case
re%orts and series /eca(se there has /een inconsistenc) in ter#s o$ n(#/er and location o$
%oints treated4 needlin' techni5(es (sed4 and d(ration and $re5(enc) o$ treat#ents <77= . 8ndeed4
this is a li#itation that %la'(es #ost o$ ac(%(nct(re research. The >-A1, st(d) e2%lores t"o
co##onl) (sed techni5(es4 indi*id(ali0ed thera%) and standardi0ed thera%)4 /oth /ased on the
%rinci%les o$ TC7. The %rotocol "as de*elo%ed "ith the colla/oration o$ ac(%(nct(re clinicians
and theorists and allo"s $or indi*id(ali0ed clinical decision' "ithin so#e constraints4 "hile
still allo"in' $or *alid co#%arisons /et"een 'ro(%s.
8n the ?nited >tates4 the 'eneral standard o$ ac(%(nct(re %ractice is to treat %atients t"ice
"ee.l) d(rin' the earl) %hases o$ treat#ent. @eedle insertion ti#e 'enerall) ran'es $ro# 15 to
30 #in. Aor treatin' h)%ertension4 the research tea# decided (/ased on %(/lished h)%ertension
st(dies and in%(t $ro# a tea# o$ e2%erienced ac(%(nct(rists in the Boston area) that the 30C
#in sessions t"ice "ee.l) $or 6 "ee.s "o(ld /e a reasona/le ti#e4 $re5(enc) and len'th to
o/ser*e an) %otential thera%e(tic /ene$its
L.A. Kalish et al. / Controlled Clinical Trials 25 (2004) 76C103
This sched(le "o(ld also #ini#i0e the de#ands %laced on the s(/Dects9;
sched(les4 there/) $acilitatin' recr(it#ent.
The %rotocol r e5(ired t he in*ol*e#ent o$ t"o s e%arate t )%es o$ ac(%(
nct( ri sts4 d ia ' nosin' ac(%(nct(rists (#as.ed to treat#ent ar#) and
treatin' ac(%(nct(rists (#as.ed to /lood %ress(re res%onses). 3/*io(sl)4
t"o ac(%(nct(rists "' in these se%arate roles "o(ld not ordinaril) /e
(sed in clinical %ractice4 /(t "ere needed to #aintain the'
constraints o$ this controlled trial. Altho('h se*eral %roced(res had to /e
de*elo%ed to %rotect the 9:9:se%arateness9;9; o $ the t"o 'ro(%s o$
ac(%(nct(rists4 the lo'istics %ro*ed to /e 5(ite #ana'ea/le and the %rocess
"as not o/Dectiona/le to st(d) %atients.
+e (sed an in*asi*e sha# control treat#ent that in*ol*ed needlin' o$
nonCac(%(nct(re %oints "ith #ini#al sti#(lation. 3ther in*asi*e sha#
inter*entions incl(de needlin' o$ ac(%(nct(re %oints that are not e2%ected to
a$$ect the clinical %ro/le# at hand and needlin' rele*ant ac(%(nct(re %oints
/(t at shallo"er de%ths and/or "ith li#ited sti#(lation <4!46547!=. 3thers
ha*e ar'(ed that control conditions in ac(%(nct(re trials sho(ld not in*ol*e
%enetration o$ the s.in4 re$erred to as nonC or #ini#all) in*asi*e sha#
ac(%(nct(re <4!= . >%ecial retracta/le needles ha*e /een de*elo%ed $or
research %(r%oses "ith the 'oal o$ deli*erin' a control "hile .ee%in' the
%atient /linded <74!0=. 3ther a%%roaches ha*e incl(ded %ressin' "ith a
$in'ernail <!1= or tooth%ic. <!24!3= and ta%%in' "ith the ri'id %lastic
9:9:'(ide t(/e9;9; that is o$ten (sed to $acilitate insertion o$ ac(%(nct(re
needles <!4= .
+e $elt that (sin' less in*asi*e or nonin*asi*e control conditions co(ld
introd(ce con$o(ndin' into the desi'n. Aor e2a#%le4 i$ %enetration alone
is e$$icacio(s and o(r control treat#ent did not in*ol*e %enetration4 "e "o(ld
not /e a/le to distin'(ish the e$$ect o$ %enetration $ro# an) e$$ect o$ TC7C
/ased ac(%(nct(re. There$ore4 o(r choice o$ an in*asi*e sha# ac(%(nct(re
control is a relati*el) conser*ati*e one. 8t incl(des the nons%eci$ic
%h)siolo'ical e$$ects associated "ith act(al %enetration o$ the s.in4 "ith its
attendant %s)cholo'ical reactions4 /(t (ses anato#ical locations that are not
acti*e accordin' to TC7 %rinci%les. +e are li#ited in o(r a/ilit) to st(d)
nons%eci$ic e$$ect s a nd other %s)chosocia l c o#% onents a ssociat ed "it h
9:9: %la ce/o9;9; e $$ ect s <63= . 1i'oro(s in*esti'ation o$ the %lace/o
res%onse "o(ld ha*e re5(ired a #ore co#%le2 trial desi'n "ith #(lti%le
control 'ro(%s.
+e also did not thin. that a con*entional %har#acolo'ic thera%) control
'ro(% "o(ld ha*e addressed the ai#s o$ o(r st(d). 8 $ ac(%(nct(re has an
e$$ect relati*e to the sha# control4 it #i'ht then /e a%%ro%riate to co#%are
ac(%(nct(re "ith #edication in a s(/se5(ent trial.
1 e cr ( i t # e n t a n d s c re e n i n ' $ or th e t ri a l %r o * e d t o / e a c
h a ll e n ' e . A lt h o ( ' h #a n ) % o t e n ti a l %artici%ants "ere *er)
#oti*ated4 the ti#e co##it#ent and t he re5(ire#ent o$ discontin(in'
#edications "ere deterrents $or so#e. The ti#e co##it#ent "as #ore o$
a /arrier $or those "ho heard a/o(t the st(d) $ro# tele*ision ne"s re%orts
or #ass #ailin's. 8t "as less o$ an iss(e $or %atients re$erred /) a #edical
%ractitioner4 /(t the *ast #aDorit) o$ these %atients "ere alread) a %art o$
the 7E- 9:9:s)ste#9;9; and this $a#iliarit) "ith the st(d) site #a) ha*e
/een in$l(ential. 8n addition to actin' as a deterrent to recr(it#ent4 the
re5(ire#ent that %artici%ants /e o$$ o $ antih)%ertensi*e #edications at the
start o$ the rando#i0ed trial also #ade screenin' considera/l) #ore
di$$ic(lt. A $i$th o$ %otential %artici%ants "ho dro%%ed o(t o$ screenin' $or
lac. o$ interest did so /eca(se the) did not "ant to discontin(e
#edications. A#on' those "ho consented $or $(ll screenin'4 the #edian
ti#e to screen %atients on #edications "as t"ice as lon'4 and re5(ired
57& #ore screenin' *isits4 than $or those not on #edications
L.A. Kalish et al. / Controlled Clinical Trials 25 (2004)
8n s(##ar)4 this re%ort descri/es a care$(ll) %lanned %ilot rando#i0ed
clinical trial e*al(atin' TC7C/ased ac(%(nct(re $or the control o$
h)%ertension. 3ne o$ o(r ai#s in desi'nin' the >-A1, trial "as to address
#ethodolo'ic $la"s in %re*io(s trials. +e %resent an a%%roach necessitatin'
the close a nd coordinated e $$ orts o$ a # (ltidisci%linar) t ea#. +e a lso
doc(#ent details o$ the ac(%(nct(re treat#ents and controls4 "ith
rationales4 so that the res(lts can /e inter%reted and re%licated. The
adherence to strict #ethodolo'ical techni5(es and the #aintenance o$
traditional ac(%(nct(re %rece%ts are co#/ined to %ro*ide a #odel $or $(t(re
e*al(ations o$ co#%le#entar) and alternati*e thera%ies."led'e#ents
This "or. "as s(%%orted /) Coo%erati*e A'ree#ent ?01 AT002104
a"arded /) the @ational Center $or Co#%le#entar) and Alternati*e
7edicine4 @ational 8nstit(tes o$ -ealth.
A%%endi2 A. >t(d) or'ani0ation
@e" Fn'land 1esearch 8nstit(tes4 +aterto"n4 7A G Leslie A. KalishH4 >c6
(>teerin' Co##ittee Chair)I >te%hanie >te*ensH4 764 7,-I ,atricia
ConnellH4 7,-I Allison Ee##el4 BAI 1(th Fisen/(d4 BAI Fric A. 7ac.lin4
,h6I J(lie @annicelli4 7,-I La(ra 3rti0.
-)%ertension Center4 7assach(setts Eeneral -os%ital4 Boston4 7AG
1andall K(s#anH4 76I Be*erl) B(c0)ns.iH4 1@I >haron 7a'innis4 1@I
La(ra >tanle)4 1@I Jean >(lli*anI 7ildred +asiles.i.
Ac(%(nct(re Center4 7assach(setts Eeneral -os%ital4 Boston4 7AG
Ja#es Tho#%sonH4 76I 7a) ,ianC>#ithH4 764 7>I Kate Billin's4 7AcI
Fd"ard Chi(4 7AcI Christian Connors4 7AcI A#) -(ll4 7A37I 6iane
8(liano4 7AcI Khi ,in' Li4 7B4 7AcI @icole >toc.hol#4 7AcI ,eter'is4 7AcI M(n -ao Khan'4 ,h6.
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