Traditional File System

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A database is a structured collection of data, recorded on accessible media

for PC, to satisfy the requirements of multiple users timely and selective.
A database is a collection of shared data, between there are logical
relationships and description of these data, designed to meet the information
needs of an organization. Not any collection of data is a database; this
information must be organized by rules.he request for databases are
growing today because!
shift from ma"ing calculations to the need for information
increasing the amount and diversity of data processed
technological evolution
e#tension of the use of databases
oday, databases are used in many sectors, li"e schools, ban"ing, airlines
companies, online boo"ing and online shops.
Traditional fle system
raditional $le system was $rst attempt to computerization of data in an
ordered manner, but %& can't $t large organizations, because large
organization could have many departments and every department has its
own database. he answer for a new question involves writing a new
application, which ma"es new data $les.
raditional $le system can't solve the following problems for an organization
and was replaced by (ata )ase &ystem *anager +()*&,!
security issues
can't control users access
data are isolated
di-culties in accessing data
redundancy and inconsistency
raditional $le system is a collection of application that performs some
service for end.user, for e#ample ma"ing reports. /ach application de$nes
and manages its own data. he $le is the main type of organizing data and
between $les there is no relationship. /very data is independently describes
in every $le where it is.
Fig XXX Traditional file system
Database management system
DBMS is a suite of application that allows the user to de$ne, create,
maintenance and control access to database. he ()*& o0ers!
facilities to describe data stored
facilities to manipulate those data! insert, delete, e#tract and
DBMS is responsible for!
security enforcement ! prevent the access for non.authorized
bac"up and recovery! detect failure and restore database to a
previous form, if there was a failure
integrity enforcement! chec"ing that updates in the database do
not violate consistency constraints
interaction with the $le manager
concurrency control! preserving data consistency when there are
concurrent users.
here are 1 types of data manipulation language!
procedural! the user speci$es what data is needed and how to get it
nonprocedural! the user only speci$es what data is needed +&23,
Advantages of using ()*&!
controlling the redundancy of data
getting more "nowledge from same amount of data than traditional
$le system
bac"up of data
increase wor" productivity
increase the security
sharing data
ensuring data consistency
Disadvantages of using ()*&!
cost of ()*&
additional cost for hardware
cost of data conversion
&ame database could be seen from di0erent points of view resulting di0erent
description. he term for describe the structure of a database is schema or
diagram. here are there levels to describe a database!
a, The internal level! at this level the database is described from the
perspective of storing on physical devices, identifying the hard dis"s
and the way where the data are stored, the name of $les which ma"e
the data base.
b, The logical level! at this level the structure of database is abstractly
described, but e#actly. he logical diagram is ma"ing for each
database model in di0erent ways. %or our pro4ect, )right )oo"s
database, 5 will use the relational model, so logical level consists in!
tables which ma"es database
the structure of each table+name of columns,
data type
the relationships which connect tables
constraints of integrity
self.action operation after every change
c, The view level! describing how much a group of users can see or
modify the database. his is happened because users, in their activity,
need only some segments of database and to increase the security of
database. &o, a database could have only one internal scheme, one
logical scheme and more e#ternal schemes.
%ig 666 3evels of database
5n the database there are some data, which do not change over time, called
the database schema and some that change over time, called the instance of
database consists of the current values based data.
Courses +course, teacher,;
he schema of a relationship contains name of relationship followed by name
of attributes.
he instance of a relationship is made up of a collection of lines, which varies
in time. %or Courses, the instance of this relationship is given by the
following three pairs of attributes!
(atabase &mith
N/& 7eorge
8ava 8ohn
*ulti.level architecture ensures data independence, a ma4or feature of
()*&s. his property allows users or programs to refer to the data
abstractly, ignoring implementation details of database. (ata independence
has two aspects, physical and logical!
physical independence allows changing the physical diagram of
database without modify logical diagram or e#ternal diagram and give
the possibility for administrator to reorganize the database without
a0ecting the application that use the database.
logical independence allows to change the logical diagram without
modify e#ternal diagrams.
Data models
a) Hierarchical model
9ierarchical model was the $rst model used for develop database. (atabase,
in hierarchical model, is represented by a hierarchical structure of data
records connected by lin"s. 3ogical scheme of a hierarchical model is
represented by a certain number of hierarchical schemes. A hierarchical
scheme has a tree structure, the nodes are records and these records are
connected by lin"s. /ach node +e#cept the root, has a single lin" to a higher
level node +parents, and each node has one or more lin"s to nodes in the
ne#t lower level +children,.
Fig xxx Hierarchical model
b) etwor! model
his model was created to solve some problems that appear in hierarchical
model. he structure of this type of database could be described using these
two terms! nods and sets. A node is a collection of records and the sets
determine and represent the relationships, which appear inside the
database. his model allow relationships.
%ig ###
c) "elational model
?elational mode is based on the notion of mathematical relationship, which
belongs to an entity of the same type and it is easy to understand and
handling, which consists of a two.dimensional table +rows and columns,.
/ach row represents an entity and is composed by the entity attributes, each
attribute corresponding to a column of table. Characteristics of relational
data are perceived by users as tables
the association between tables is ma"e through equal values of
common attributes, which solve any queries.
)esides the advantage of being a precise and simple model, this model also
bene$ts by a recognized and accepted programming language, &23
+&tructured 2uery 3anguage,. his language is used by the ma4ority of ()*&
%ig ### ?elational model
Chapter #
Analysis and design
)right )oo"s sells all type of boo"s under many categories li"e Comics,
Coo"ing, 9istory, 3iterature B %iction, hrillers, Non$ction, ?eference, etc.
he store has many publisher supplying boo"s to it. A publisher can supply
one or more boo"s. he database created for this shop will help the
management to record details of all available boo"s in a database.
%ntities and Attributes
DATA mining
/#tracting "nowledge from data is a process of analyzing large amounts of
data and e#tracts relevant information from them using mathematical and
statistical methods.
he term is usually used by organizations that deal with processing
information about companies and $nancial analysts, but is increasingly used
more and more in the scienti$c $eld for e#tracting information from large
volumes of data generated by modern e#periments.
&ome successful stories using data mining!
granting ban" loans
patterns on travel behavior, used by air.companies or travel agencies
for selling air tic"ets or holidays.
&"yCat and &loan &"y &urvey
Comparing human genome of di0erent people, which meet a certain
condition or not, has allowed the discovery of genes for diabetic
Cpampers and beerD
Data warehouse
A data warehouse is a large database built by speci$c methods of
operational data stored by an organization : company. he purpose of such
deposit is to provide "nowledge! data are processed and analyzed by various
methods related to arti$cial intelligence, obtaining useful information in the
management of the design plans and strategies, and others.
A data warehouse is a database that is maintained separately from the
organizationEs operational databases. (ata from source systems are
e#tracted, processed and stored in special warehouses to support decision
ma"ing. (ata warehouse supports information processing by providing a
solid platform to analyze the historical data.
he ma4or features of data warehouses!
F orientation issues;
F integration;
F historic character;
F data persistence.
Database security
(atabase security means protecting databases against unauthorized use of them,
undesirable alteration and destruction of data or unauthorized data readings. o
achieve security of database is used technical and administrative controls. &ecurity
is generally associated with the following conditions!
5llegal access to data
3oss of data con$dentiality
3oss of data integrity
3oss of data availability
5t is more di-cult to protect the data against access by malicious purpose. 5t
recognizes that there is no safe method to protect G;;H, but there are measures
more e0ective or less e0ective. *alicious forms of access a database are!
Inauthorized reading of data
Inauthorized modi$cation of data
(estruction of data.
he notion of security of the database access is usually associated with malicious
action, while integrity refers accidental losses of data.
Techni$ues used &or database security'
5dentifying users
/ach user is granted some rights operation on di0erent portions of the database at
di0erent levels such as relationship, registration page, attribute. ?ights refer to the
possibility of reading, insertion, deletion or modi$cation of data. 5denti$cation is
usually by passwords set by the database administrator.
Protecting data by encryption
As could data could be reached by other means than through the ()*&Es, it is safe
if database is encrypted. (ecoding data can be done only after the user will enter
his:her password.
*anage of user rights
5t "eeps trac" of the strict access rights of every user to the portions of the
database and sets the rules for transmission from one user to another of the right of
access. Authorization forms! authorization to read +to consult database,,
authorization to insert +add data to database,, authorization to update +which
e#cludes deletion,, authorization to delete
(atabase testing

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