Team Work Team Writing

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Team Work/Team Writing

Process: Take the time to introduce yourselves to each other beyond name. How
did you choose this program? Where have you gone to school in the past? What are your
career goals? What are your school goals? What is your time frame? What else fills
your life (children, job, work, sports, etc.)? Allow five minutes each subsequent meeting
for greetings and catch-up.

Purpose: It is easier to work together if you are whole peoplecompassion can
enter the picture. Digressive chat time is cut down.

Discuss the assignment:
Process: make sure you each understand what is being requested of you and
verbalize this, even if you are articulating like ideas. Each time you meet, review the
assignment, its relation to course objectives, and your individual and group progress.

Purpose: Verbalization and listening create common understanding and
consensus. Both also serve as reality checks.

Set an agenda:
Process: With calendars in hand, set a timetable of meetings and individual
assignments. For each meeting, set an agenda and complete the agenda within the
allotted time.

Purpose: You will keep on task more easily, and you will each know what to
expect. You will each have a say, which creates buy-in.

Share tasks:
Process: Rotate facilitation of meetings, for example.

Purpose: You will each gain new skills and refine already competent skills; you
will each learn to create a professional and supportive environment.

Leave your ego at home.

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