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Teaching ATTITUDES ideas

1. brainstorm
2. draw the feeling of…(caring)
3. make a comic strip showing ,,,(caring)
4. create a collage
5. write a poem
6. build with a variety of materials
7. make a maze you have to navigate to reach …(caring)
8. create a recipe for cooking up…(caring)
9. write a short story
10. make a booklet on the care and feeding of your Caring
11. create masks of how “caring” looks
12. do interviews in school
13. role-play
14. make a video
15. take a photo of someone being…(caring)
16. create a song

Make a rainbow with these attached:

I will respect myself by…
I will respect others by…
I will respect our school environment by…

Invent a story starting like this:

- Have you lost something?
- Yes, I can’t find Fairness at home/at school.

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