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Conditional Sentences Review-

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Fill in the correct tense
1. The towns _______________ (not/be destroy) if the volcano hadnt been so destructive.
2. If the inhabitants ______________ (evacuate) early enough, the terrible disaster would have
been averted.
. If the weather is gloo!y, we ___________ (stay) in the hotel and read.
". If I heard a loud, shrill, frightening noise while at the beach, I ____________ (return) to the
hotel i!!ediately.
#. $ tsuna!i would be set off, if a nearly volcano ______________ (eru%t).
&. If the curious children and adults hadnt gone on the beach to investigate the strange sound,
they _________________ (lose) their lives.
'. The disaster wouldnt have been so terrible, if all the hotels __________________ (%re%are)
for the %ossibility of a tsuna!i.
(. If you want to be safe during a tsuna!i, you _______________ (!ove) !iles inland.
). *hen the sea draws bac+ it !eans that a tsuna!i _______________ (co!e) soon.
1,. -any lives would have been saved, if the guest at the hotel ______________ (ta+e)
11. If there is a serious tsuna!i, the coastline __________________ (be) da!aged.
12. If the scientists who had observed the ash fro! volcano had alerted the nearby countries, the
e.tent of the disaster ____________ (be) !uch less.
1. If there were strong winds along with a tsuna!i, there ___________ (be) tre!endous da!age
to the coastline.
1". If scientists %redict tsuna!is, they ___________ (save) !any lives.

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