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(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)

Course & Branch !"E # $#%E&
'itle of the %a(er )le*ible AC 'rans+ission!a*" !ar,s -.
/ub" Code 031E.- 'i+e 3 2ours
3ate .54.345.1. /ession A6
%A8' # A (6 * 5 9 3.)
Ans:er A&& the ;uestions
1" 3efine and e*(lain 'C/C :ith neat dia<ra+"
5" $hat is U%)C=
3" $hat is sub#s>nchronous resonance= E*(lain :ith neat dia<ra+s"
1" /tate the salient features of U%)C"
5" $hat is the role of dc lin, in U%)C=
6" E*(lain ?arious control attributes for different )AC' controllers"
%A8' @ B (5 * 1. 9 5.)
Ans:er A&& the ;uestions
0" $ith neat sche+atic dia<ra+ e*(lain the ?arious basic t>(es of
)AC'/ controllers in detail"
-" E*(lain the benefits of ?arious )AC'/ controllers :ith suitable
9" E*(lain the (rinci(le of o(eration 6G2#//8 da+(in< sche+e
:ith dia<ra+s"
1." E*(lain 'CB8 :ith dia<ra+s"
11" E*(lain the basic o(eratin< (rinci(le and control ca(abilit> of
15" E*(lain the +odelin< (rocedure of U%)C for (o:er flo: studies"
13" E*(lain the o(eration of /'A'CA! :ith an aid of bloc,
11" E*(lain transient stabilit> enhance+ent sche+e for shunt
15" E*(lain the o(eration of ?arious ?ariable i+(edance t>(es of
series co+(ensators :ith neat dia<ra+"
16" E*(lain basic o(eratin< control sche+es for ?ariable i+(edance
t>(e co+(ensators"

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