Identify External Environmental Factors and Asses Their Potential Impact On The M

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Francis Schefer

Identify external environmental factors and asses their potential

impact on the marketing mix
The organisations marketing strategy should be focused on meeting
needs and providing benefts. The four !s focus on the customer
and emphasise the variables "hich the marketing manager can
control over time.
There are # category!s that macro$external full under
%ultural and social environment
olitical and legal environment
&conomic environment
&xisting business structures
The political and legal environment encompasses the felds of
political science' history' philosophy' la" and economics.
The economic environment encompasses the felds of economics
and business administration' as "ell as the natural sciences and
The existing business structure refers to the competitive situation
the business is situation "ithin the boarder market.
(o" that )ustralia!s in the middle of a recession * marts getting
+uite a lot of business ,ith people trying to save as much money as
they can -./. (o" that )ustralia!s population is getting "iser and
"ont pay ridicules prises for named brands they are tending to go
"ith cheaper and less sort after brands "hich *mart has a numeral
si0e of. This afects the marketing mix buy making products even
cheaper and easily excisable' "hich "ill put more strass on the
market to drop the price of clothing and home' "ears
: http:$$""".ne"$money$david2and2libby2koch$david2libby2
kochs2yearly2forecast$story2fn3kicty2.4456677#897. :4.$6$49.7 -./
Francis Schefer
Identify consumer priorities' needs and preferences and the "ay
they impact the marketing mix
,hat are the consumers expectation
,hat are their needs and preferences
;o" do these afect marketing mix
%ustomers priorities' needs and preferences can include:
1e+uired or preferred products$services
rofered price point
referred purchase volume in units and dollars
referred method of payment
referred time and place to take delivery
In person: for example' door2to2door representatives "ith special
ofers on ne"spaper subscriptions.
<y mail. For example' receiving an invitation to =I night at a store
they have previously purchased electrical goods from.
>ver the phone: for example' and electricity provider calls ofers to
compare a consumers current rates "ith their o"n.
>n the internet: for example' a "ebsite that mentions a special
event or ofer "hich can be redeemed via online shopping.
*mart uses the four s in the marketing mix in diferent "ays for
example promotion is use +uite often "ith commercials and radio
advertising plying in big named time slots such as the voice. rice is
determent by ho" often people "ant there clothing -like %hristmas
sales etc./ it is also used to dra" customers into the shop. This is
done "hen they see a nice pair of ?eans for there kids and "alking
into see "hat the price is. roduct is used to sho"s the +uality of
item you are purchasing. lace *mart base there stores in rural
areas to get the customers a"ay from the opposition this also is
convenient for the customer

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