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My case study student is a Caucasian male, 17 years old. I will call him John.

John is currently
a senior at Rocky Mount high school. John lives with both his parents. John is the oldest child of
three children, one younger sister and brother. John mother does not work and his father is self-
employed he is the owner a farm equipment/ trucking store.
John is a very hard working student; he has a GPA of 5.17. The first time John took his SAT
was in October of his junior year of high school. John has plans to attend the University of
UNCG This young man is in the International Baccalaureate(IB) program, The International
Baccalaureate (IB), formerly the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), is an international
educational foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and founded in 1968 The International
Baccalaureate (IB) offers four high quality international education programmers to more than
one million students in 146 countries. John enjoys learning but at this stage in his life school is
very challenging and sometimes difficult. What motivates John is to be successful, and it starts
in the classroom. During elementary and middle school John says getting good grades was not a
hard task at all, but high school is a whole different story. The classes are harder longer and more
challenging. He states there are many assignments, and they are intense. John also bilingual
his second language is Spanish. He is a member of the International and, Math Clubs and he is
also a member of the National Honor Society. Outside of school John the head of the Rocky
Mount young ducks organization and he's also an Eagle Scout.

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