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Monographien zu den Sprachen und Literaturen
des indo - tibetischen Kulturraumes
Herausgegeben von Michael Hahn
unter Mitarbeit von Jens - Uwe Hartmann und Konrad Klaus
Band 3
Ldited with an introduction
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Ldited with an intioduction
The signet showing Supriya in his ship is taken from a Narthang series of
wodcuts of Klemendra's Avadanakalpalata
CIP-Titelaufahme der Dutshen Bibliothek
The Supriyasartbav8hajataka f e. with an introd.
by Ratna Handurukaoe. - Bonn : Indica-et
Tibtica-Verl., 1988.
(Indica et Tibtica , W. 15)
ISBN 3-923776-15-2
NE: Handurukande. Ratna [Hrsg.J; GT
\ lndIca et Tibetica VcrIag - Bonn 1V
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Ohne ausdriickliche Genehmigung des Verlages ist es nicht gestattet. das Werk oder einzelne Teile daraus
nachzudrucken. zu vervielfaltigen oder auf Datentrager zu spicher. -
Printed in Germany by R. Schwarzbold. 5305 Witterschlick bi Bonn
Acknowl edgments 7
Introduction 9
Text of the Supriyasartha viha -jitaka 33
Index of proper names 1 02
Bi bl iography 1 04
It gives me great pl easure to express my gratitude to Professor Dr.
Minoru Hara of the University of Tokyo with whose help I had easy
access to the manuscripts of the Supriyasirthavihaitaka used i n this
edition; to Professor Dr. Michael Hahn of the University of Bonn
(now Marburg) for valuable comments on the text and for publishing
it in the indIca et TIbettca series edited by him; to Dr. Jens-Uwe
Hartmann and Dr. Konrad Kl aus, coedi tors of the indIca et 1IbetIca
seri es, for going through the manuscript careful l y and making several
heipful emendations; to Dr. Magdalene v. Dewall of the University of
Heidel berg for concerned interest in this publ ication; to Dr. Tilaka
Mettananda of the University of Peradeniya for provi ding me with
congenial surroundings in which I coul d work at this text; and to the
Research Grants Committee of the University of Peradeniya for al
locating funds to cover the expenses incurred In getting copies of the
manuscripts used.
Peradeniya, 1 1 . 7. 1 988
Ratna Handurukande

The text of the Supriyasirthaviha -jitaka presented in this pub
lication is based on seven manuscripts found in Kyoto and Tokyo.
These designated by me as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are as follows:
A Leaves 2 7 1 a5 - 292b2, containing adhyiya 32, of the Bhadrakal
pivadina manuscript No. 75 (E 264) in the possession of the
Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University. 1 The colophon of the
manuscript ( 292b) giving the name and identity of the story
reads: Iti Sribhadrakalpivadine Asokopaguptasalbhi$al)e Supri
yasirtha vihaitakaparivarto nima dvi trilsa titamo 'dhyiyal. The
script used in the manuscript is Newari . The numbers given in
the text are those of the leaves of this manuscript.
Manuscript No. 1 27 (E 265) of the Supriyasirthavihajitaka (36
leaves, 7 lines) in the possession of the Faculty of Letters,
Kyoto University.2 The colophon of the manuscript reads: Iti
Sribhadrakaipi va din e Asokopaguptasalbhi$al)e Supriyasirtha vi
(ha)jitakaparivarto nima lvadina/ dvitriT{Satitamo 'dhyiyal. The
script is Newari.
Supriyasirthavihajitakaparivarta inserted in the Dlvyivadina
Manuscript No. 1 71 in the Tokyo University Library.3 The colo
phon reads: Iti Sribhadrakaipivadine Asokopaguptasalbhi$ale
Supriyasirtha vihajitakaparivarto nima dvitrUl)sa titamo 'dhyi
ya(l). The word 'a$tamo' however is wrItten above the word
'dvitrifsatitamo presumably by the person who inserted the
chapter in the Divyivadina manuscri pt, at the place where one
expects chapter 8. Chapters 8 and 9 are missing in this Divyiva
dina manuscript. The script of the manuscript is Newari.
D Leaves 223a1 - 241 b2 containing the thirty-second chapter of
the Bhadrakaipivadina manuscript No. 266 kept in the Tokyo
1 Goshima, Kiyotaka and Noguchi , Keiya. A Succinct Catalogue of
the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Possession of the Faculty of Letters,
Kyoto Uni versl ty. Kyoto 1 983, p. 2 1 .
2 Ibid. p . 37.
3 Matsunami , Selren. A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in
the Tokyo University Library. Tokyo 1 965. pp. 7 1. 223.
UnVerSIty Lbrary. The manuScrpt S dated I O26 Of the NepaleSe
8aqVat era ( l 9O6 A. D. ) and tS 8crpt S DeVanBgarI. The cO=
lOphOn gVen at the end Of the chapter S the Same aS that O!
A, B, and C.
LeaVeS 88b8 422b8 cOntann the thrtysecOnd chapter Of
the Bhadrakalpivadina manuScrpt NO. 27 kept n the TOkyO
UnVerSty Lbrary. The Scrpt Of the manuScrpt S DeVanBgar.
The cOlOphOn S the Same aS that Of A, B, C and D.
LeaVeS 8O9a7 88Oa8 Of the Safbhadrivadinamili manuScrIpt NO.
429 kept n the TOkyO UnVerSty LIbrary. The Scrpt Of the
manuScrpt S NewarI. The StOreS n thS cOIlectOn are alSO
related n the fOrm Of a dalOgue between ASOka and Upagupta.
The 8uprya StOry here, caIled the Bhagavatsupriyasirthaviha,/an
mivadanaparivarta, fOrmS the fOrteth n the cOIlectOn aS Stated
n the cOlOphOn: Iti Sa(fbha)dravadinamiliyaf Bhagavatsupriya
sirthavihajanmivadinaparivartas (mS. pravrttas1 catvarifsad
adhyiyaQ samiptaQ. The Supriyavadina S aISO the laSt StOry n
thIS manuScrpt.
LeaVeS IbI 6a6 cOntanng the thrtySecOnd chapter Of the
Bhadrakalpivadina manuScrpt NO. 479 kept n the TOkyO Un=
VerSty Lbrary. The cOIOphOn readS: Iti Sribhadrakaipivadane
Asoko(pa)guptasafbha:aQe Supriyasartha vihaanmaparivarto nama
dvitrifsatitamo 'dhyiyaQ.4 The Scrpt S Newar.
A Study Of the Varant readngS Of the SeVen manuScrptS re=
cOrded n the nOteS tO my edtOn Of the teXt ndcateS that all the
manuScrptS are cOpeS Of a cOmmOn archetype. That thS archetype
waS nOt the OrgInal can be SuggeSted On accOunt Of SeVera! errOne=
OuS readngS cOntaned In all the manuScrptS. A clOSe cOrreSpOnd=
ence Of readngS n ABCDEC SuggeStS ther belOngng tO a cOmmOn
hyparchetype aS dStnct frOm that Of F. fOund the readIngS O! F
mOre acceptable than thOSe Of ABCDEC n many nStanceS.
bu. pp. 99, 22O.
2 bd. pp. I OO, 22O.
lbId. pp. 162, 287.
4 bd. pp. I 9, 22O.
" COmpare nOteS gVen at VerSeS 6b, 72d, 8Oa, 9Ob, 9 I a, I 26bc,
I 87a, I 4Oc, 16c, I 9O!, 2O6c, 228a, 224a, 226ac, 28Oa, 244a, 244c, 261d,
28b, 27Od, 281a, 289a, 887c, 878a, 894d, 4O8a, 426c, 42c, 442b, 444d,
448b, 468b, 4d, 476d, 489d, 6I 9d, 68Ob, 668cd, 68 I b, 692a, I 1a,
26b, 82d, 6d, 96c, 7OOb, 7 I 8c, 728a.
8upryaSBrthaV8ha|Btaka I l
The language and the StyIe Of the teXt S that Of the claSs Of
rratVe Iterature calIed 'avadinamili', mOStly metrcal adaptatIOnS
`Older wOrkS, the perOd Of cOmpOStOn O! wh ch S Sad tO be
abOut the SXth century A. D. and Iater. The fOIlOwng fOrmS Of the
gerund Or ndec!nable partcple Occurl ng n the teXt, where the
SuffX 'tvi' haS een uSed eVen when the roOt haS One Or
mOre pre
fIXeS (rregular frOm the pOnt Of Vew Of cIaSScal 8anSkrIt) , can be
nOted: safbaddhvi I 2d, I 88b; safdhrtvi I 48b; safsidhitvi 2O4b; prok
tvi 288c, 878c, 6OI a; inatvi 22c; praQatvi 29b, 78b, 778d; abyanu
buddhvi 8I 9a; anubuddhvi 828c; abhyanusmrtvi 876c; safSrutv8 42lb
samupasthitvi 486c; samanumoditvi 678c; pradattvi 6)9d; safprarva
O4c; prabhuktvi I Oa; pragatvi 7OI b; parityaktv8 72c; anuSBsltva
727c. There S One nstance where the SuffIX 'y8' waS added n fOr
ng a gerund In the abSence Of a prefX tO the Verbal cOmpOnent, M17.
sthipya 7 I 8d.
nStauceS Of the Occurrence Of a pecular fOrmatOn Of the paSt
paSSVe partcple can alSO be lSted aS fOllOwS: pradiptiti 887b;
pradiptitin 888b; abhidiptitiQ 84Ob; pradiptitam 84Od; prasup
tl;e 87Ib;
pirQiti. 416b; samicchitaiQ 442b; samicchitaf 77c; samrddhltBQ 78b,
86b, 9Ib, 98d, 7O8b; svasvecchitam 97d; anuir1ita 7 l 8b. 8mIar
fOrmS were nOted n a metrIca recenSOn Of the Macqa legend
ncluded n the Mahaitakamil
The cOntent Of the StOry related n thS teXt can be paraphraSed
aS fOllOwS, the numberS gVen n parentheSS beI ng thOSe Of the Ver
SeS n the teXt.
The Buddha then related One Of h S Own paSt StOreS ( I 2) . t S
aS fOllOwS: n the paSt, there lVed ln the cty Of KS , a kng, Brah=
madatta by name, a rghteOuS ruler, deVOted tO hS Sub|ectS. At that
tme, a rch and prOSperOuS merchant called PryaSena lVed n Bena=
reS . he had a SOn, knOwn aS 8uprya, wSe, StrOng, handSOme and Of
gOOd Speech. CIeVer and nteIlgent eVen aS a chld, fulI Of deVOtOn
tO hS teacherS, he maStered all the artS and ScenceS and tOOk tO
trade aS hS mOde Of Ife. n cOurSe Of tme, hS Old and feeble father
fel I ll and ded, callng tO mnd hS famly gOdS. The kng then made
8uprya the chef Of merchantS and dd hIm hOnOur (89) .
nternItZ, M. A History of Sanskrit Literature. VOl. . Calcutta
I 988, p. 29 I .
2 handurukande, katna. The Manicida Study. BuddhSt 8tudeS.
(Bukky Kenky) . VOI. V. Edted by


nternatOnal BuddhSt ASSO=

catOn. hamamatSu. Japan. I 97, p. 27 I .

1 2 lntrOductiOn
One day, Seein peOple cOme tO hiS hOuSe, 8uprIya aSked them
why they turned up at h!S manSiOn daily. They Said that they, bein
pOOr, came tO him whO waS rich and an eXcellent iVer. 8urpriSed and
diStreSSed On hearin that the peOple Of KBSi were pOOr, he eXpreSSed
hiS wiSh tO Share all hiS wealth with them. DiSSuaded by the peOple
themSelVeS frOm dOin SO, he decided tO O tO Sea, tO f!nd |ewelS
with which he cOuld make eVeryOne rich. 8ummOnin hiS friendS, the
merchantS, he Said he waS Oin tO Sea and aSked thOSe amOn them
whO wiShed tO dO SO, tO accOmpany him. ThOSe merchantS re|Oiced at
the idea Of |Oin!n him in hiS |Ourney. ASked tO cOme with OOdS fOr
Sale, they went tO their reSpectiVe hOmeS, paid ObeiSance tO kinSmen
and friendS, receiVed their apprOVal and returned with their merchan=
dSe. Then the merchantleader and fiVe hundred merchantS Set Out
frOm their hOmeS in BenareS, riteS Of bleSSin duly ObSerVed ( l O88) .
COin paSt mOuntain, Villae and prOVince, the merchantS Saw a
lare Ocean in the far diStance. On reachin itS ShOre, 8upriya, the
leader, SpOke tO a Seaman and bade him take them tO Sea. The Sea
man areed and brOuht a StrOn Ship. The merchantS went in, bOw=
in tO it and think!n Of the family OdS. Launched by the Seaman
and Set in mOtiOn by the windS, the Ship Sailed and reached a ratna
kara, a mine Of |ewelS, in the hue Ocean. There, delihted, 8upriya
cOllected many |ewelS and bean tO return hOme with hiS friendS.
8uddenly, !n the middle Of a fOreSt, a thOuSand th!eVeS came tO rOb
them Of their | ewelS. 8upriya, nOt aVailin himSelf Of the Opt!On
iVen tO him Of Oin away unharmed, leaVin h\S fOllOwerS tO le
rObbed, Sent the thieVeS away, iVin them a Sum Of mOney and ad
ViSin them nOt tO indule in theft. The merchantS returned hOme and
related the incident tO their friendS and kinSmen, whO pra!Sed 8upriya
Sayin, "YOu are VirtuOuS, 0 illuStriOuS One (84O) .
Thereafter 8upriya liVed, practiSin enerOS!ty and bent On the
welfare Of the wOrld. The thieVeS accOSted him fOur timeS On hiS
|OurneyS and aSked fOr wealth tO liVe On, fOr they nO lOner rObbed
OtherS, l!Stenin tO hiS adVice. The kind 8upriya aVe a SeVenth Share
Of hiS wealth and aSked them aain tO refrain frOm theft. Then, aS
!here waS SOme ShOrtae at the time Of eXaminin the accOuntS,
8upriya went tO Sea aain a f!fth time and a SiXth t!me and On each
OccaSiOn, he aVe the thieVeS their Share Of wealth, SaVed hiS fellOw=
merchantS, and On returnin pract!Sed enerOSity and accumulated
meri! ( I 72).
Yet aain 8upriya went tO that mine Of |ewel S, the Sea, and waS
cOnfrOnted by the thieVeS aS uSual On hiS return ]Ourney. "e are
thieVeS l!Vin in the fOreSt. e are nOt craftSmen, merchantS, cOw
8upriyaSBrthaVBhgBtaka I 8
herdS Or farmerS. e need tO liVe and we liVe by theft. TherefOre, O
away yOurSelf and we Shall plunder all yOur wealth," the thieVeS Said.
LOOkin upOn them with cOmpaSS!On, 8upriya aSSured them that he
wOuld iVe them wealth which they cOuld en]Oy and liVe rihteOuSly.
he carried Out hiS prOmiSe and the thieVeS went tO their abOdeS in
the fOreSt, pleaSed (73-88) .
But, a Sad 8upriya wandered abOut !n the fOreSt, and Sat under
a tree, th!nkin, 8eVen timeS haVe l !Ven wealth tO theSe th!eVeS
and yet !hey are nOt SatiSfied. hOw then can l SatiSfy the whOle
wOrld w!th wealth? But that eXactly iS what l haVe VOwed tO dO. hOw
can that wiSh be accOmpliShed? hat purpOSe iS there in life if One
cannOt fulfil One'S Own prOmiSe? hO will cOnSOle me, enlihten me
Or help me in thiS enterpr!Se? Bereft Of hOpe and deSpOndent in
mind, 8upriya fell aS!eep, all hiS SenSeS OVerpOwered by drOwSineSS
( 89-94).
8eein 8upriya whOSe SenSeS we
e St!lled by Sleep, the OddeSS
Of the fOreSt SpOke, cOnSOlin him. "DeSpair nOt, O EXalted Be!n.
YOur prOmiSe will be fulfilled withOut fail. Be StrOn and perSeVerin.
There iS a wiShcOnferrin em in the pOrtcity Of Badara in Jambu
dVpa. CO there, et it and effect the welfare Of the wOrld. " The
OddeSS Said thiS and diSappeared. 8upriya wOke up, remembered what
he heard in the dream and thOuht, here iS BadaradVpa and hOw
dOeS One et there? l cOuld nOt aSk that OddeSS. l dO hOpe She
appearS aain and tellS me." AS he lay thinkin, he fell aSleep aain
(96I O4) .
The OddeSS came and SpOke tO 8upriya aain. "BadaradVpa,
where there are many wealth=cOnferrin emS, lieS in the weStern
guarter. lt haS tO be reached, paSSin fiVe hundred iSlandS, SeVen
hue mOuntainS, and SeVen lare r!VerS On the way. Only Creat Be
!nS can paSS theSe, and they, tOO with the help Of the OdS, and
their Own Strenth and Virtue. BeyOnd, On the way tO BadaradVpa,
are the fOllOwin:
The ocean called AnulomapratiJomaka, where windS Of the Same
name blOw. CrOSSin th!S Ocean by Sh!p, One reacheS the mOuntain
AnulOmapratilOmaka, where aain the AnulOmapratilOmaka windS blOw,
mOVed by which a perSOn lOSeS cOnSciOuSneSS, eyeS halfblinded and
SenSeS bewildered. But it iS pOSSible tO paSS that mOunta!n, by
anOintin One'S eyeS with the herb called AmOhB and tyin !t arOund
the head. lOllOw thiS prOcedure and mOVe On, fOr there iS nO Other
way ( JO6I I ) .


1 4 !ntrOductOn
The ocean called Avarta wh ch can be crOSSed wth the help Of a
Shp. here, wndS called Varamba, blOw VOlently. TheSe wndS Swng
a perSOn rOund and rOund n a whrlpOOl SeVen tmeS, mOVe hm a yo
jana fOrwardS tO emerge at a SecOnd whrlpOOl, tO be whrled agan
SeVen tmeS. ThS prOceSS S repeated at a thrd, a fOurth, a ffth and
a SXth whrlpOOl, there beng a dStance Of a yojana between each Of
them. A yojana further, that Shp wll emerge, wth wh ch t S pOS=
Sble tO crOSS the Ocean. On dOng SO, One SeeS a huge mOuntan,
Varta by name. A cruel rak$asa called Sa:tkha lVeS On that mOuntan.
There S alSO a medcnal plant there, Sa:tkhanbh) whch ShneS
durng day and SmOkeS at nght. NO One can tOuch that plant whch
S clutched by a naga whO SleepS durng the day and mOVeS arOund at
nght. Only by gettng hOld Of that plant whle the niga' S aSleep,
anOntng the eyeS wth t and tyng t arOund the head, can One
clmb OVer that mOuntan. DO SO, fOr there S nO Other way ( 1 1 7- 1 28).
The huge ocean NTloda. here lVeS a cruel, mercleSS rak$asa
called kaktaka. hS eyeS, brght lke a blaZng fre and bearng the
cOlOur Of the rSen Sun, reman Oen when he S aSleep, and clOSed
when he S awake, whle hS breath SOundS lke the thunder Of clOudS.
There S alSO a herb called Nakar n that Ocean. AnOntng OneS
eyeS wth t and tyng t arOund the neck, after rectng the dharani
fOrmula, Eraq, preached by the BuddhaS, One can gO near tht
rik$asa and crOSS that Ocean guckly. lOllOw thS prOcedure fOr there
S nO Other way tO gO paSt that Ocean. BeyOnd the NlOda Ocean,
there S a huge mOuntan, NlOda, unbrOken, blue, lOng and Very hgh.
There S a demOn there, NlagrVa, whO, cruel, mOSt mercleSS, and
ferce, S accOmpaned by fVe hundred fOllOwerS. The eye Of One whO
lOOkS at that dark blue mOuntan SufferS n]ury, and fantneSS OVer
cOmeS hm. A yojana ahead, there S a herb called AmOgha. !t S held
by a naga, whO haS pOSOn n h S tOngue, eye, breath and tOuch.
hen aSleep he SSueS fOrth SmOke, tOuched by whch all bengS,
brdS, beaStS and OtherS fall dead. ObSerVng relgOuS VOwS after a
bath, cultVatng thOughtS Of cOmpaSSOn, and rememberng all the
VctOrOuS BuddhaS, One ShOuld get hOld Of that herb, anOnt the eyeS
wth t, te t On the head and paSS that mOuntan, unhndered by
bIndneSS, fantneSS Or the danger Of demOnS ( 1 29- 1 44).
The large ocean Vairambha. The Varambha wndS blOw n thS
Ocean whch leS beyOnd the mOuntan NlOda. EVen SeaanmalS, de
mOnS, gOblnS and SprtS cannOt mOVe In tS water, whch S Strred
up by the wndS. NOrth Of that Ocean, there !S a wOOd, Tmr]aV,
wth a grOVe Of Sal treeS and a large well n the mddle Of t. A huge
Serpent, Tmrk$ a, lVeS there. !t SleepS fOr SX mOnthS, when a cOn=
tnuOuS Stream Of SalVa flOwS Out Of tS mOuth. BeyOnd, there S a
8upryaSartha Vhg taka 1 5
bambOO grOVe and a maSSVe rOck, where there S a large caVe n
whch there S a luStrOuS herb called 8aqtmOhan . t S Only after
anOntng the eyeS wth t and tyng t On One'S head that One can gO
paSt the Sleepng Serpent. lOllOw thS prOcedure and gO beyOnd Tm
I]aV, wth cOurage, lVng On rOOtS, frut and leaVeS (l45- 1 55).
Seven mountains and seven ri vers beyond Tamritavi. All SeVen
mOuntanS are cOVered wth bambOO thOrnS. CO OVer them bndng
yOur feet wth cOpperSlabS (tamrapatta) and then there wll be SeVen
laro alkalne rVerS, On the bankS Of whch are grOVeS Of SlkcOttOn
(salma1i) treeS. Nake a huge bOat, tyng tOgether plankS Of the Slk=
cOttOn tree, and crOSS the rVerS wthOut tOuchng the water ( 1 56-
1 59) .
The Trisanku mountain lOcated beyOnd the rVerS S full Of Sharp
thOrnS, alSO called TrSaDku. PrOtect yOur feet wth Sl abS Of cOpper
bOund wth cOrdS Of reed and gO OVer the mOuntan, when yOu wlI
See the TrSa:|ku rVer. There are Sharp thOrnS n thS rVer, each
meaSurng eghteen fngerS' breadth (angula). Nake a bOat agan wth
plankS Of the SlkcOttOn tree, and crOSS thS TrSa:|kuka rVer wIth=
Out tOuchng tS water (I59-1 62) .
AyaskTla, a Very h!gh mountan, Seen neXt, haS !he AyaSklH
rVer beyOnd t. CrOSS theSe wth the pOwer Of herbS and charmS
(I63-1 64).
A$tidasavakra, yet anOther hgh mOuntan, wll appear neXt. lt
S cOVered all OVer wth treeS and there S nO way Out eXcept by
|umpng frOm tree tO tree. DO SO, eXertng the pOwer Of yOur
Strength and rememberng the BuddhaS. The rVer A ]daSaVakrk,
whch leS beyOnd thS mOuntan, S large, Swft n Speed and full Of
crOcOdleS. CrOSS t wthOut tOuchng tS water, yOur feet bOund wth
cOrdS Of reed (165-1 68) .
Slak$la, SmOOth and Slppery, a hgh mOuntan wth nO entrance
Or track, wll appear neXt. Perce t wth rOn pegS and gO OVer t,
bent lOw. And beyOnd, there wll be the rVer Slak, rapd and
deep, teemng wth SeamOnSterS and crOcOdleS. CrOSS t by Shp,
wth the pOwer Of SpellS and Strength, and thnkng Of the BuddhaS
069-1 72).
Dhimanetra S the name Of the mOuntan that leS beyOnd the
Slakgp rVer. huge and nVSble, l ke a maSS Of SmOke rSng hgh, t
8pllS SmOke, tOuched by whch all bengS becOme mOtOnleSS, ther
8enSeS OVerpOwered. They de and gO tO the abOde Of Death (Yama).


16 IntrOductOn
There S a huge caVe On that mOuntan. LOOk fOr t and Open tS
dOOr. And behOld, lt wlll be full Of SerpentS. CO paSt lt and yOu wll
See, at the tOp Of the mOuntaln, a pOOl wth plenty Of water and a
huge rOck lnSlde. 8pllt Open the rOck and there wlll be a caVe, where
there lS a herb called 8aqt| Van, and a | ewel, JyOtraSa, gltterng
llke a large lamp. kub yOur bOdy wlth the herb and yOu can gO OVer
the mOuntan, paSt the SerpentS whO wll nOt be able tO Stlng yOu
( I 78I 8 I ).
The seven Asivia mountains and the SeVen SVl rlVerS lle
beyOnd the mOuntaln Dhumanetra. There S a large grOVe Of SllkcOt
tOn treeS On the bankS Of the SVa rlVerS. Bulld a StrOng Shlp wlth
plankS Of theSe treeS, and get On bOard, cOVerlng yOutSelf wlth a
plece Of fleSh. The SerpentS llVng there wlll Smell the fleSh, and
mOVe tO the OppOSlte bankS. YOu can then mOVe On ( I 82=I 86) .
SudhivarI)a, a huge mOuntaln, wlll appear neXt. Cllmb lt and yOu
wlll nOtlce that the earth arOund lS gOlden. The kOhtaka prOVnceS
there are large and prOSperOuS. And yOu wlll See the clty, kOhltaka
(ha, twelVe yojanas ln length and SeVen ln breadth; SurrOunded by
SeVen rampartS, embelllShed wth SlXtytwO gatewayS; reSp\endent wlth
beautlful, wellOrnament
d, gOlden hOuSeS; replete wlth all klndS Of
gOOdS, an eXcellent abOde Of Sr, the COddeSS Of PrOSperlty; crOwded
wlth peOple; reSembllng the heaVen Of the Thlrty COdS; full Of parkS
decked wlth flOwerS that blOOm and treeS that bear frult at all Sea
SOnS, herbS Of all klndS, and eXcellent pOndS haVlng an abundance Of
flOwerS, Splendd and |ubllant wth flOckS Of blrdS. Klng kOhltaka, a
Supreme ruIer, ruleS OVer that clty ( I 8I 92) .
Nagha, a chlef Of merchantS, lVeS ln thlS clty. he lS a great
and nOble perSOn, bent On the welfare Of all belngS. he wll Speak tO
yOu Of adaradVpa. lOllOw hlS lnStructlOnS, and acgulre that great
wShcOnferrlng gem frOm there. YOur prOmSe wlll then be Surely
fulflled. " 8aylng thlS, the gOddeSS dSappeared ( I 92I 9) .
8uprya wOke up, remembered hS dream and decded tO fOllOw
the lnStructlOnS Of the gOddeSS, SO that he cOuld get that | ewel. he
SpOke tO hS frlendS abOuthlS decSlOn tO gO tO BadaradVpa. They
tred tO dlSSuade hlm but he wOuld nOt change hlS mlnd. 8uprlya'S
wfe, 8ulapanB, whO heard abOut hS lntended departure frOm hlS
frendS, wept and lamented, and made OfferngS and pald reSpect tO
the famlly gOdS n hlS name. Then She lVed lke a wdOw, clad n
whte, wearng nO OrnamentS, eyeS full Of tearS ( I 972 I ) .
The wSe and nOblemlnded 8uprya Set fOrth On hlS | Ourney,
8upryaSBrthaVBha|Btaka 1 7
rememberng that gOddeSS and payng ObeSance tO the guardan OdS.
he paSSed the fVe hundred lSlandS, the SeVen mOuntanS and the
SeVen rVerS, lVng On frutS, rOOtS and flOwerS. At the end Of twelVe
yearS, he reached the cty Of kOhtaka and StOOd n a park, where he
Saw a man apprOachng hm. "S there, n thS great cty, a leader Of
merchantS called Nagha?" 8uprya aSked, and the man Sad, "There is
a wealthy merchantchlef by that name here, but he S On the Verge
Of death rght nOw, afflcted wlth a SeVere dSeaSe. " 8uprya, de|ected
On hearng thlS, heaVed a Sgh and thOught, "Nay he nOt dle befOre I
See hlm, fOr whO then wll drect me tO BadaradVpa?" Then he went
tO See Nagha, but waS StOpped by the dOOrkeeper, whO Sad that hS
maSter waS ll and bereft Of hlS SenSeS. " am a phyScan cOme tO
See yOur Slck maSter," 8uprlya Sad, and waS let lntO Nagha'S reS
dence. he ObSerVed the SymptOmS Of Nagha'S dSeaSe and knOwng
that he had Only SX mOre mOnthS tO llVe, he dd eVerythng pOSSlble
tO appeaSe that lllneSS. PreScrbng Sutable medcneS and a whOle=
SOme dlet, 8upr!ya, Sklled ln the art Of heallng, attended upOn Na
gha, aS a gOOd SOn wOuld a father, payng heed tO all hS needS (2I 7
Magha reganed hS health and SpOke tO 8uprya. "YOu are ndeed
a fOrtunate perSOn. here haVe yOu cOme frOm and fOr what pur=
pOSe?" 8uprya replled, " Shall tell YOur hOunOur why T haVe cOme
frOm JambudVpa. LSten carefully, O Creatmlnded One. There S, n
the cty Of VBra(aS, a hOuSehOlder called PryaSena, a leader amOng
merchantS. am hlS SOn, 8uprya, a merchantchef mySelf. Ny cOm
paSSOn arOuSed On Seeng peOple ln dlStreSS, reSOlVed tO make them
happy. i haVe cOme tO Seek yOur help tO acgure the great |ewel SO
that may fulfll my reSOlVe. i wSh tO gO tO the cty Of BadaradVpa
wth yOu. Be SO klnd aS tO lead me there, COOd 8lr" ( 28924) .
Nagha nOted 8upryaS regueSt and Sa d, "YOu are yOung, O
Creat Beng, and yOu haVe a mlnd that S great and a bOdy whlch lS
rghteOuSneSS ltSelf (dharmakiiya). I nOte that yOu are endOwed wth
eXceSSVe Strength, eXcellent, SurpaSSng that Of human bengS. YOu
haVe cOme from JambudVpa, paSt theSe rVerS and mOuntanS. cOn=
Sder yOu tO be a gOd pOSSeSSlng Superhuman pOwer but bearng the
guSe Of a human beng. There S nOthng that cannOt be achleVed by
yOu. TherefOre, ll aS I am, llke tO accOmpany yOu tO the cty Of
BadaradVpa, tO help yOu fulfll yOur reSOlVe. Bent On the welfare Of
OtherS, yOu are nOt cOncerned eVen abOut yOur Own lfe. hO wlll nOt
want tO dScard One'S Own lfe tO help yOu n thS, yOur enterprlSe?
Brng a StrOng Shp and prOVSlOnS, SO that we can Set Off On Our
|Ourney fOr the gOOd Of the wOrld. 8uprya dd SO and Nagha n
fOrmed hS knSmen and frendS abOut hS mpendlng departure. Thelr


l 8 ln!roduc!Ion
dSSuaSonS haV ng Ialed, Nagha and 8uprya en!ered !he ocean, on
!her |ourney ( 24729) .
AS !hey wen! I n!o !he ocean, Nagha, grpped by pan, Spoke !o
8uprya, "Dear c hld, am S!ruck by a SeVere dSeaSe. 8pread ou! a
SoI! couch Ior me, repoSng on whch wll con!nue !he |ourney. ^S
we proceed, VarouS colourS and SgnS wll appear. Keep me nIormed
oI !heSe." 8uprya prepared a couch, and Nagha, ge!!ng up Slowly,
lay down on !, callng !he godS !o mnd (27O278) .
8e! n mo!on by !he wndS, !he Shp moVed on and 8uprya Saw
!he wa!er become a yellowSh wh!e. nIormed oI !hS, Nagha Sad, "!!
S no! !he wa!er !ha! S whI!e. Bu! n !he Sou!h, you wll See a h gh,
wh!e moun!an, !he Shadow oI wh ch haS g Ven !he wa!er !S Shade.
Twen!y Vare!eS oI mneralS are Iound on !hS moun!an, mel!ng
whch pure gold and !he lke can be ob!aned. People oI JambudVpa
!ake !heSe and go back happy. ThS S !he IrS! Sgn on !he way !o
BadaradVpa" (27928) .
lur!her on, aI!er a long dS!ance, 8uprya Saw !he wa!er !urn
dark, !he colour oI ron. AmaZed, he nIormed Nagha who Sad, "Tha!
S no! So, dear ch ld. There S, n !he Sou!h, a moun!an oI !he colour
oI ron, whIch haS gVen !he wa!er !S hue. Here agan are dIIeren!
!ypeS oI mneral S, mel!ng whch rcheS lke gold can be ob!aned.
ThI S moun!an S alSo IamouS Ior !S gemS lke !he ca!'S eye (vaicirya
gemS) . Nen Irom JambudVpa go back home, !akng !heSe mneralS and
gemS. Know !hIS !o be !he Second Sgn on !he way !o BadaradVpa"
(287296) .
AS !hey wen! n!o !he Iar dS!ance, 8uprya nIormed Nagha !ha!
!he wa!er had !urned dark blue. Nagha eXplaned !ha! !he wa!er had
receVed !S colour Irom a huge me!al moun!an n !he Sou!h. "ThS
moun!an, rch n mneralS, |ewelS and weal!h, helpng !hemSelVeS !o
whch mor!alS go back home, S !he !hrd Sgn on !he way !o Bada=
radVpa, " Nagha added ( 298O2) .
lur!her on, 8uprya nIormed Nagha !ha! !he wa!er waS red.
Nagha Sad, "The wa!er here S no! red. Look a! !he Sou!h, and you
wIl See a copper moun!an Iull oI copper and o!her mneralS, |ewelS
and weal!h, whch men ga!her w!h delgh!. ThS moun!aIn, !he Iour!h
Sgn on !he way !o BadaradVpa, haS gI Ven !he wa!er I!S Shade oI
red" ( 8O8=8O8) .
8aIlng aan, 8uprya no!ced !ha! !he wa!er waS all yellow.
Nagha eXplaned oncc agaIn !ha! a go!d mouU!a n n !he Sou!! had
8upryaSar!haVahga!aka 1 9
gVen !he wa!er !S hue. "People !ake gold Irom here w!h whch !hey
en|oy !hemSelVeS and prac!ISe generoS!y," he added (8O98l 8).
AS !hey moVed on, 8uprya Saw !he wa!er become a brgh!
wh!e, and amaZed, he aSked Nagha !he reaSon Ior !hIS. Nagha Sad,
"There S, n !he Sou!h, a SlVer moun!aI n, whch con!a nS SlVer, and
VarouS gemS beSdeS, whch people !ake away. ! S !hS moun!aIn
whch haS gVen !he wa!er !S Sheen oI wh!e" (8l 48l 8) .
They con!nued !he |ourney, when 8uprya no!ced !ha! !he wa
!er waS green. Nagha eXplaned how !he wa!er had acgured !hIS
Shade Irom a huge moun!an n !he Sou!h con!anng ca!'S eyeS, whch
people help !hemSeIVeS !o and !ake away ( 8l 9828).
Jhe wa!er Iur!her on appeared !o be aS clear aS cryS!al. 8uprya
learned Irom Nagha, !ha! a cryS!al moun!an n !he Sou!h waS reIlec
!ed n !he wa!er. "keSden!S oI JambudVpa en|oyed !he weal!h oI
!hS moun!an !oo," Nagha added (824829) .
Froceedng Irom !here, 8uprya Saw wa!er oI a blend oI blue,
yeIlow, red and wh!e. "O merchan!, See here a moSac oI colourS,
!he amaZed 8uprya Sad. "! S a moun!an oI Iour k ndS oI gemS n
!he Sou!h !ha! haS gVen !he wa!er !S colour n !hS nS!ance, " Na
gha eXplaned ( 88O88) .
Then 8uprya Seemed !o See lampS nSde

!he wa!er. "! appearS

aS !hough lampS haVe been l! n !he wa!er. ha! Sgn S !h S, Cood
8r"" aSked 8uprya. "They are no! lampS a! aI I , dear chld, bu! S!rong
herbS, lendng !her luS!re !o !he wa!C:. Jhe beS! oI phyScanS uSe
!heSe and !ake pleaSure n appeaSng all dSeaSeS. And !hS S !he
!en!h and laS! Sgn on !he way !o BadaradVpa, " Nagha Sad (887
8uJrIya Ihen aSked how long !he ]ourney Io BadaradVpa w|l\
!ake and how much more dIS!ance !hey needed !o coVer. Nagha con=
IeSSed !ha! he hmSelI had no! been !o BadaradVpa bu! recalled
hearng !rom SenIor merchan!S !ha! one had !o go beyond !he Shore
In a wtS!erly drec!Ion ( 84o847) .
Nagha !hen remaned Slen!, aSSa| led by !he pan oI dSeaSe, hS
whoIe body n !orten!. 8uprya, rememberng Ihe oddeSs, prayed Iha!
Nagha'S l!e be SaVed. Nagha heard !hS and Spoke to 8uprya. "An
noIerab!e paI n aIIlc!S my body, my dea:. JhereIore, !ake !he shp
aShore and dSoSc oI my body accordng !o r!e, when my lIIe S no
more. Do no! greVe oVer my dea!h and be dS!reSSed I n mInd. " 8u
priya followed his orders. When Magha died, he paid homage to his
body, had it burnt and let the bones be borne along by the sea ( 848
867) .
Discarding grief over Magha's death, Supriya wondered where he
would go next and then decided to l et fate take its course. Just then,
the ship was carried away by a strong wind, and Supriya, ful l of
heroic vigour, sailed towards the west (8678O) .
Reaching a huge forest near a montain made of four varieties of
gems, Supriya wandered about there, eating roots and fruits, when he
saw a high, slippery mountain many yojanas away. Supriya, though
very strong, coul d not cl imb it, try as he would. Then he rubbed his
feet with honey and managed to cl i mb over the mountain, to continue
his journey ( 8 I 86).
Many yojanas further, Supriya saw another mountain, which he
found unable to cl imb over. Hel pl ess and dejected, he fel l asl eep.
Then, a yak$8, cal led NBida, recognised him as a great bodhisattva,
who was on hi s way in quest of a jewel to effect the welfare of al l
beings. Deciding to help Supriya, NBida spoke to hi m and said,
"Move on and you wil l see three high peaks, a yojana away from
here. Go past these, with the help of a sharp cane." NBida then
woke Supriya, and disappeared. Suprlya followed his instructions (86
877) .
Next, Supriya saw a crystal mountain, which no man coul d enter.
He spent day and night, feeling dejected, unable to find a way of
passing it. A Y8k$8 cal l ed Candraprabha, l iving on that mountain,
decided to hel p Supriya, knowing his worth and Intent. "Grieve not,
Good Sir," he sai d, "at a distance of about a krosa from here, you
will see a sandalwood forest, with a huge rock in it. Split open this
rock and you wil l see a cave, where you will find a herb cal l ed Pra
bhisvara, possessing five beneficial qualities. It will not let weapons
touch your body, nor wil l it permit the appearance of evi l spirits. It
will bestow power and strength and provide light. Take this herb and
proceed, when you wil l see a staircase made of four kinds of jewel s,
ascending which you can go past the crystal mountain. As you do so,
the herb wil l disappear, but
do not grieve over this. " Candraprabha
said this and disappeared. Supriya acted accordingly, and everything
happened, true to Candraprabha's word (878897).
As he went ahead, Supriya saw a city of gold, beset with gar
dens, groves and pools. Delighted, he went to its gate, but found the
place desolate and empty. Dejected, and thinking, "When wi l l I go to

Supriyasirtha vahaitaka 2I
Badaradvipa and get that jewel?" he fel l asleep, overcome with drow
siness (8984OI ) .
Then the goddess who spoke to Supriya at first came again at
dawn and spoke. "Wel l done, Great Being, wel l done. Take cOUl'age
and look at me. I have come to console you and to congratulate you.
Crossing di fficult and impenetrabl e regions, you have now reached the
city of Badaradvipa. Rejoice on that account, and move on, mindful,
and with senses guarded. Fearless, go to the c ity gate and knock at
its door three times. Four kinnara maidens, wel l-formed and well
adorned, pleasing and skilled in all the arts, wi l l come and try to
entice you, fondly saying, 'Welcome, O Great Being. Come and make
us happy. Be lord, master and husband to us who have no husband.
Look at these beautiful houses and mansions. Li ve in them as you
please. Here are good garments, di vine and fine, and also ornaments.
They are al l yours. Food and drink of al l kinds, delicious and whole
some, are found here, in pl enty. Partake of these, O Noble-minded
Sir, and hel p yourself to these riches, minerals and jewels. The gar
dens here, decked with flowers at al l seasons, are ful l of herbs and
trees bent with the weight of fruits. The pools here, full of cl ear and
pure water, have an abundance of flowers l ike the lotus and the l ily,
and are frequented by birds, swans and the l ike. Bathe In these, then
dine and wine and enjoy yoursel f with us.' Resist their charms, how
ever, and look upon them as if each of them were your mother, and
preach them the good doctrine. Pleased on hearing your ambrosia-l i ke
words, they wi l l gi ve you a wealth-conferring gem. Ask them about
its virtues, do as they tel l you, and see that the world rejoices with
the riches the gem will yield (4O242I ) .
Go next to the second city of the kinnara maidens, and knock
at the city-gate three times. Eight charming women, l ovel i er than
those in the first city, will come and try to lure you. But, regard
each of them as your mother as before and preach them the doctrine.
They will then give you an even better jewel. accept it, learn its
virtues, do as the maidens tell you, and give del ight to all men,
fulfilling their hearts' desires (422428) .
Sixteen kinnara maidens will come, when you knock thrice at
the door of the third kinnara city. They, beautiful in l imb, divine in
form, wel l-versed in al l the arts, bent on amorous enjoyment, wil l
exercise their seducti ve charms on you. Behave as if they were your
sisters, enli ghten them with your doctrinal discourses, receive the
valuable gem they will give, and endowed with the wealth it offers,
confer delight on all men (42948).
22 Introduction
On your knocking at the door three times at the fourth kinnara
city, thirty-two damsels wil l appear. Pleasing in form and charming in
manner, they too wil l wish to enchant you. Think of them as your
daughters and teach them the doctrine. They wil l give you an excel
l ent jewel, which will confer wealth and pleasure. Give away that
wealth and work for the wel fare of all beings. Thus all your wishes
will be fulfilled, and you will attain enlightenment too, as a result of
these good deeds. " The goddess disappeared, after giving these In
structions to Suprlya ( 437-445) .
Supriya woke up early i n the morning, remembered what the
goddess told him In his dream and decided to test the truth of what
she said. He went to the city of gold, and was greeted by four char
ming damsels, who said and did exactly what was predicted in the
dream. Suprlya resisted their charms and the maidens led him to a
mansion in the city, made him sit on a spl endid seat, and sat aside
themsel ves. Looking at them with a kindly eye, Supriya spoke to them
of the ten evil deeds that one must avoid and the ten good deeds
that one must cultivate. "Bodily evil Is three-fold, that of speech
four-fold, and of mind, three-fol d. Such are the ten evils. Injury to
life, theft and Improper behaviour rel ating to the senses are the
three evils born of bodily action, while their ill-effects are shortness
of life, poverty, not having a wife, and birth In an evil state in the
end. False speech, slander, harsh words, and loose talk - these are
the evils of speech, their consequences being a leprous body, dumb
ness, being reviled, and being shunned by others. Desire, hatred and
false views are the evils of the mind, resulting in being subject to
the aversion of others, their hostility and defectiveness of 11mb.
Therefore, mothers, give up these ten evils and practise the ten good
actions. " At the conclusion of this discourse, the kinnara maidens
praised Supriya saying, "You are fortunate Indeed, 0 Great You
are young, yet sel f-possessed, unattached to sensual pl easure and
devoted to the doctrine." Then they gave him a splendid jewel . Being
asked about its virtues, they spoke of its wish-fulfilling power and
said, "Bathe on the fifteenth day of the month, observe the precepts,
place the jewel on a banner and wish for anything you desire. Then
the jewel will shower what is desired, continuously, the distance of a
thousand yojanas around. Enjoy the wealth at will yoursel f, give gifts
to those in need, do good and make others do good too with the
wealth the gem confers. " Pleased, Supriya carried out their orders
( 446-48 1 ).
Then Suprlya went to the slIver city of the kinnaras, met the
eight beautiful kinnara maidens, resisted their efforts at enticing him
to enjoy sensual pl easures and preached the doctrine to them. There-
Supriyasartha vahaja taka 23
upon they gave him, besides many jewels, a most brilliant gem. Asked
about the power of that gem, the maidens said that Suprlya should
observe the precepts on the fifteenth day of the month, place the
jewel on a banner and express his wishes, when it will let fall what
Is desired, two thousand yojanas around. This Supriya did and he
practised virtue with the wealth obtained ( 482-51 4) .
Next, Supriya went to the city of cat's eyes, where he was re
ceived by sixteen attractive kinnara damsels. Not succumbing to
temptation but winning over their hearts by a doctrinal discourse,
Supriya accepted the glittering jewel which they offered. As instruct
ed by them, Supriya observed the precepts on the fifteenth day of
the month, placed the jewel on a banner, and wished for wealth,
which the maidens said will fall over a distance of three thousand
yojanas. It happened as predicted, and Supriya, delighted, made good
use of the wealth ( 51 5-548).
Then, from a distance, Supriya saw the fourth kinnara city,
made of four varieties of jewels. Amazed, he went there and was
welcomed warmly by thirty-two damsels of exquisite beauty. There, he
declined their persuasive pleas to share their worldly pleasures with
them, but won them over and shared the doctrine with them instead.
Pleased, the maidens gave him an eminently splendid gem, with the
instruction that he shoul d pl ace it on a banner, after observing the
precepts on the eighth day of the month, and give expressin to his
desire for wealth which will be showered al l over Jambudvlpa. Fur
ther, they complimented him on having undertaken the arduous jour
ney to Badaradvipa, w,ich he had now successful l y compl eted, and
bade him return home (549-600) .
The kinnara maidens also gave instructions to Supriya regarding
the homeward journey, as follows. "Go past the seven mountains in
the west and you will come across a mountain, high and impassabl e.
There, a very cruel and fierce rak$asa called Lohitaka will l et loose
a dark and strong wind with sparks of fire in it, but move on, carry
ing this jewel placed on a banner. By its power all those who create
obstacles on your way will be destroyed. You wil l have no fear any
where. Beyond that mountain, there will be yet another, where a
fierce naga, Agnimukha, will let forth thunder for seven days and
nights. Then take resort in a jewel -ca ve, and when the naga falls
asleep at the end of seven days and nights, climb the mountain and
resume your journey (601 -608).
You wil l see flat land then and on it a kind of grain, fragrant,
pure, free from the red coating und"r the husk, sown and grown on


24 Introduction
unploughed land. Valaha, a king of horses, huge and white, will feed
upon that grain, come on the eighth and fi fteenth day of the month
and say; 'Anyone who likes to return to his own country has only to
mount me. I will take him there in a moment. ' When you see that
horse, bow down at its feet and request him to take you home. He
will certainiy do so" ( 609-6 1 5) .
Supriya preached the doctrine again t o the maidens, bade fare
well to them and set out homewards. Past the mountains of Lohitak:a
and Agnimukha, he came to the flat land, when the horse-king made
his offer of a ride home, three times. Supriya bowed down, circumam
bulated him and requested that he be granted the favour. The horse
king stood, his back bent low. Supriya mounted him, and in a mo
ment, he was taken swiftly across the sky and left in the park at
VaraQasi. Supriya fell at the horse-king's feet and wished that he,
the horse-king, his benefactor, be a master of all worlds in return
for the good deed he had done by bringing him back home. The
horse-king too applauded Supriya, saying, "Well done, 0 Great Being,
well done. Your promise has now been fulfilled. It i s only Great Be
ings who act in this manner, intent on the welfare of all people, " and
like a radiant fire, he went back to his abode ( 6 1 6-644) .
Supriya went home and his wife, Sulapana, seeing hi m come, fell
off the window at once, drawn towards him, as it were, by the noose
of affection. Seeing her motionless, Suprlya placed her on his lap and
sprinkled her with water from that jewel, whereupon she regained
consciousness and paid him respect. Supriya went to his mother next,
related all his experiences and gave her jewels. The mother, Priya
bhadra, praised her son. His kinsmen also came to see him and so did
the merchants. Amazed on hearing about his adventurous journey,
they applauded and complimented him. Then, Supriya went to king
Brahmadatta, paid obeisance to him at his feet, and showed him the
valuable jewel. The king, expressing his admiration of Supriya's a
chievement, advised him, asking him to live happily, promoting the
welfare of all beings. Then, bidding him farewell, Supriya went to his
own home (645-664) .
The thousand thieves came to see hi m there to ask for wealth
again. Pleased at their request, Supriya asked them to return to their
respective abodes and to wish for anything they wanted. Then, on the
eighth day of the month, Supriya bathed early in the morning, ob
served the precepts, placed the first jewel on a banner, circumambu
lated it three times and asked for wealth, looking up towards it. And
the jewel showered riches continuously, over the distance of a thou
sand yojanas. Rejoicing, the thieves helped themselves to as much
Supriyasarthavahajataka 25
wealth as they wanted, and so did other people ( 665-678).
King Brahmadatta died in course of time and Supriya was made
king by the ministers. Then, on the fifteenth day of the month, Su
priya paid homage to the second Jewel and it rained wealth over a
distance of two thousand yojanas. The third jewel, being honoured
and asked for wealth, let fall a shower of whatever was desired over
three thousand yojanas. Then, on the full-moon day, Supriya placed
the fourth great jewel on a banner, paid homage to it, and wished
that it rains gems and other treasures. This it di d continuously over
the whole of Jambudvipa. The people collected whatever they wanted
and all became rich, prosperous and happy ( 679-698) .
Supriya then addressed the people and said, "Listen, Good Sirs,
to what I say. Now that I have gone to Badaradvipa and brought
back these good jewels, make good use of them. Place them on ban
ners, pay homage to them and ask for your hearts' desires. Prosper
with the wealth the jewels confer, take refuge in the Three Jewels,
and practise the course of conduct leading to enlightenment. They
who take refuge in the Three Jewels, with faith and their minds
pure, and follow the path of conduct leading to enlightenment, will
not be born in evil states. Born in happy states and being vessels of
good vi rtue, they will always be happy. Acquiring the equipment ne
cessary to reach enlightenment in due course, they will attain full
enlightenment and reach the Buddha state. " The people followed su
priya's advice and there was well-being on earth, while Supriya's
fame spread far and wide (699-71 1).
The bodhisattva Suprlya grew old in course of time and left the
kingdom for a hermitage, after handing over the duties of kingship to
his eldest son. There he led a pious life, and at death, was born in
brahmaJoka as the lord of the brahmas ( 71 2 -7 1 5) .
"I, the Buddha Sakyasillha, was the bodhisattva Supriya; these
thousand monks were the thousand thieves; Kasyapa Buddha was that
goddess; the monk Siradvatisuta ( Siriputra) was the merchant Ma
gha; Venerable Ananda was Nilada, the yak$a; Venerable Aniruddha
was the yak$a Candraprabha; Devadatta was the yak$a Lohitak:a;
Mara was the serpent Agnimukha; and Maitreya, who is practising the
course of conduct leading to enlightenment, was the great horse,
Yalaha ( 71 6-720) .
Thus, monks, as Supriya bodhisattva, I protected the merchants
from the thousand thieves on seven occasions, went to Badaradvipa,
brought jewels from there, and gave satisfaction not only to the

2 Introduction
thousand thi eves but also to all i nhabitants of Jambudvipa. It i s thi s
Supriya, who, born in brahmaJoka, fOllowed the path to Buddhahood.
Thus the Blessed One has done hundreds and thousands of di fficult
tasks over three world-ages, before bei ng born as a uni versal mon
arch i n the clan of the sakyas, when, gi vi ng up his kingdom, he went
to the mountain Gayasir:a, sat under a bodhi tree, overcame the ar
of Mara, and gained the vi ctory of enl ightenment. Si nce attai ni ng
enl ightenment, I, a perfectly enlightened one, a lord among sages,
and a preceptor of the three worlds, have wandered about preaching
the doctri ne to enl i ghten others" (72 I 732) .
I have not been able t o trace the Supriya story, the gist of
which is outlined above, in the Pal i tradi ti on. However, the Valihas
sa-jitaka (Pal l Jitaka No. I 9) related wi th reference to a monk
who had become a backsl i der, his passion aroused by seei ng a fi nely
dressed woman, though di fferent from the Supriya story, contains
some el ements in common with i t, as the fol lowing summary of it
"Once, i n Tambapar) ldipa, there was a yakkha-ci ty cal l ed Siri
savatthu, peopled by yakkhinis. When shi pwrecked sai lors were
cast on the shore from the ri ver KalyaQl to Nagadlpa, the yak
khinis woul d assume human form, enti ce them and use them as
thei r husbands. On the arrival of other castaways, they woul d
eat their former husbands and take the new arri val s as thei r
lovers. Once, five hundred merchants cast ashore there became
the husbands of the yakkhinis. In the night the yakkhinis l eft
them and ate their former husbands. The el dest merchant di s
covered thi s and warned the others, but onl y hal f of them were
wil l i ng to attempt an escape. Now it happened that the Bodhi
satta was a horse of the Valahaka race and was flyi ng through
the air from the Himalaya to TambapaQl) 1 . There, as he passed
over the banks and fi el ds, he asked in a human voice: 'Who
wants to go home?' and the two hundred and fifty traders beg
ged to be taken. They climbed on the horse's back and tail and
hp took them to their own country. The others were eaten by
thE yakkhinis. *
The Jitaka together with i ts Commentary. For the first time
edi ted .n the origi nal Pali by v. Fausbl l . Vol. II . First publi shed
I 879. Repri nted London I 93, pp. J 27! 3O. The .Titaka or Stories of
the Buddha's former births. Vol . I I . Translated by W. H. D. Rouse. First
publ i shpd ! 896. Reprinted London ) 967, pp. 89~9 I .
2 Mal alasekera. G. P. DictionalY of Pali Proper Names. Vol . II. Lon-
do < \'' 5 . " . \Jo. \ ':\ , -a.\ J(...
Supriyasartha vihaji taka 27
The Supriya story. a version of which is presented in thi s pub
l i cation. i s found el sewhere i n the fol lowing Sanskri t sources: Chapter
8 of the Divyivadina.1 a compi lation said to have been made between
the years 2OO and 36O A. D. 2 , where the title given to the story is
Supriyivadina; chapter of K:;emendra's A vadinakalpalatf,3 the com
posi tion of which is attributed to the eleventh century A. D. 4, where
t.he ti tl e of the story is Badaradvipayitrivadina; and the Badaradvi
pajitaka formi ng chapter 2 of the Haribhat tait8kamili.
Chapter 3O of thp Tibetan canonical work cal l ed the mDo
mdzans-blun, " the Sutra of the Sage and the Fool " publ i shed in Ger
man translation by I . J . Schmidt (St. Petersburg ! 843) relates the story
of the Buddha when he was a merchant called Great-gi ver who went
on a long sea-voyage. 6 The Ti betan mDo-mdzans -blun i s i tself a
translation of a Chi nese col l ection called Hsien-yi-ching. the com
pilation of which took pl ace i n the year 446 A. D. accordi ng to the
oldest catalogue of the Chinese Tri pi taka.7 A Sanskrit or Prakrit
original of this collection, if ever there was one, has not yet been
found. Legend has it that the tales were heard i n Khotan by Chinese
1 Cowel l . t . B. , and Neil. R. A. . ed. The Di vyivadina. Cambridge
188, pp. 9 I ~ I 23 . Vaidya. P. L. ed. Divyivadina. Darbhanga 1939, pp.
2 Vaidya. P. L + ed. Divyivadina. op. ci t. p. xi .
3 Das, S. C. , and Pal) <i t Harl Mohan Vldyabhu!ana ed. K$emendra's
A vadinakalpala ti with i ts Tibetan version. Bi bl iotheca Indi ca. 2 vols.
Calcutta I 888 and 19 I 8. Vol . I. pp. I 77229.
Vaidya. P. L. ed. A vadinakalpaJati of K$emendra. 2 vol s. Dal"bhanga
! 969. Vol . I. pp. 6! 4. Translated i n the Joural of the Buddhist Text
Society of India. Vol . I I I . part I. Cal cutta 1896, pp. 1 - 1 1 ; op. Cl t. vol .
l I T, part I I I . I 896. Appendi x I 8 pp. contains the text of the tadara
dvipayitri vadina.
4 Vaidya. P. L. . ed. A vadinakalpalati. Vol. I, op. ci t. pp. VJI -VI I l .
` Typescript of Badaradvipaitakam of Haribha t taitakamala l ent
by Professor Mi chael Hahn. Part of a monograph bei ng printed as:
Haribhat ta's Jitakamili. The Eleven !egends A vailable in Sanskrit.
Kathmandu ( Thi s i nformation i s from a check l i st of Mi chael Hahn's
publ ications sent to me in July I 987 .
6 Rockhi l l , W. W. Tibetan Buddhist Birth-stori es. Extracts and
Translations from the Kandjur. In: Journal of the American Criental
Society ! 8 ( ! 897 ) , pp. I and 5.
7 Hahn, Mi chael . Das Datum des Haribhatta. I n. Studien zum Jai
nismus und Buddhismus. Gedenkschrift filr Ludwig Al sdorf. Hrsg. von
Klaus Bruhn und Albrecht Wezl er. Wi esbaden ! 98 ! , p. 12O.

monks who translated them into Chinese.! Story No. 392 of the
Hsien-yi-ching is parallel to chapter 30 of the mdo-mdzans-blun
referred to above. The Mongolian translation of this compilation of
stories made from the Tibetan has been rendered into English recent
ly. In this translation. the story of the merchant who went on a long
sea-voyage. entitled Great Charity Goes to Sea. forms the thi rty-fi rst
chapter. 3 This story. also relati ng the adventurous journey of a mer
chant who goes to sea to fi nd a wish-conferring gem ( cintamani) is
not the same as that of Supriya. though it has some semblane in
matters of detail.
The Supriyasarthavaha -jataka ( SSJ hereafter) , the a vadanamala
version of the legend of the merchant Supriya. a bodhisattva. who
brought wish-conferring jewels from Badaradvipa. appears to be a
faithful metrical adaptation of the Di vyavadana ( Di vy) text. elaborated
at some places. with a few changes or attempts at i nnovations here
and there. The following notes i ndicate the nature of such di fferen
ces. If I ndeed they can be so called. Parallels. if any in the A vadana
kalpalata ( AI) and the Haribhat tajitakamala ( HJM) . are noted.
A. Di vy (Cowell and Nell. pp. 9 1 -98; Vaidya. pp. 58-62) contains an
Introductory story { nidinakathal. an incident from the time of
Gautama Buddha ( paccuppanna vatthu) . relati ng the circumstances
that led the Buddha to narrate the story. which very briefly is
as follows: At the end of one rainy season. the Buddha and a
retinue of monks set out from the city of Sravasti to go to the
province of Magadha. As was customary. a number of merchants
accompanied them. to attend to their needs upto the time of
their arrival at RBjagrha in Magadha. Seeing them. a thousand
thieves living in a forest between the two cities decided to rob
the merchants. letting the Buddha and the monks proceed un
harmed. The Buddha did not allow this to happen. He pointed
out a treasure from which the robbers took as much wealth as
was owned by the merchants. This happened si x times as the
Buddha and the monks went back and forth from Sravasti to
1 Frye. Stanley. The Sitra of the Wise and the Foolish (mdo
bdzans (! / blun) or The Ocean of Narratives (uliger-un dalai). Trans
lated from the Mongolian . New Del hi . (Library of Tibetan Works and
Archi ves) 1 98 1 . p. VII .
2 I am indebted to Prof. Michael Hahn for the i nformation re
gardinr: the exact number of the parallel story sent by letter dated
6. 7. 87.
" Frye. Stanley. The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish. op. cit. pp.
1 42- ) S,L


Supriyasarthavahajataka 29
RBjagrha. The seventh time. the Buddha went with only the
monks, with no merchants accompanying them. The thieves then
decided to allow the Buddha to proceed and to rob the monks
thereafter. This they began to do. but the Buddha prevented
them from doing so. He showed a huge treasure and asked the
thieves to take as much wealth as they wanted, which they di d.
Now i t occurred to them that they should entertain the Buddha
and the monks to a meal. for they had received that amount of
wealth thanks to the Buddha himself. The Buddha accepted their
i nvitation and delivered a discourse at the end of the meal.
which resulted in the thieves attaining the first of the four
stages of religious development { srotapattiphala) , They were then
ordained as monks. at their request.
The monks commented on this incident whereupon the Buddha
said that he had the occasion, not only then but in the past
too. to ransom a group of merchants from these thieves. who
were. however. not satisfied with the wealth so received. This
led him to undertake an arduous journey to Badaradvipa on
their account. On the successful accomplishment of this journey
which lasted a hundred years. he brought back wealth. made the
thieves content and established them In the ten good paths of
action. The Buddha then related this past story. viz. the Supri
SSJ does not contain this Introductory story but the concluding
section of the text contai ni ng the identification of characters
( verses 7 1 6-720). where the thousand thieves are identified as
"these thousand monks" {yac ca caurasahasral tad ado bhik$u
sahasrakam (vs. 7 1 7ab) presupposes the existence or the ac
quaintance of the author with such a story.
AK verses 3-30 contain an abbreviated version of the introduc
tory story of the Divy while the HJM has no such story.
Di vy gives the name of the ruler of the kingdom where Supriya
was born as King Brahmadatta of the city of Benares ( Cowell
and Neil. p. 98; Valdya. p. 62. 8) . Elsewhere in Divy Brahmadatta
is referred to as king of Kasl (Cowell and Neil. pp. 1 00. 1 2 1 ;
Vaidya. pp. 63. 1 8. 75. 1 3- 1 5. 75. 25)
SSJ According to the text of SSJ adopted by me. the ruler is
King Brahmadatta of Kasl ( verse 3) . The name Brahmadatta oc
curs elsewhere in SSJ ( vss. 9. 658. 660. 679) . I n all these in
stances the manuscript F had the readi ng Brahmadatta later cor-



rected to Priyadatta, which is the reading of ABCDEG in all i n
stances except at verse 658. Here ABDE read Brahmadatta and
C, l ike F, has the reading Brahmadatta corrected to Priyadatta.
It appears that the original reading was Brahmadatta which was
changed later to Priyadatta to harmonise the name of the king
with those of Supriya himself, Supriya's father Priyasena and his
mother Priyabhadra.
AK refers to the king as King Brahmadatta of Benares ( vss. 3 1
and 34, 1 90) .
HJM The king i s Brahmadatta of Benares ( prose fol lowing verse
1 ) .
Di vy, AK, and HJM do not give the name of Supriya's mother.
55J gives her name as Priyabhadra ( vs. 649) .
Di vy, AK, and HJM do not refer to Supriya's wife.
55J refers to her, giving her name as Sulapana ( vss. 2 1 6, 646) .
Before going to Badaradvipa, Supriya brought jewels from Rat
nadvipa: Divy ( Cowel l and Neil, p. 1 0 1 ; Vaidya, 63. 24) ; AK ( vss.
48, 5 1 ) ; HJM ( prose fol lowing vs. 8 and vs. 9) .
Ratnadvipa i s a city ( Ratnadvipapural) according t o AK ( vs. 48) .
According to 55J (vss. 20, 23, 25, 29, 37, 43, 67) , Supriya
brought j ewels from a mine of jewels ( ratnikara) in the ocean.
The name of a rikasa living in the sea called Niloda found on
the way to Badaradvipa:
Tarak:a Divy ( Cowell and Nei l , pp. 1 04 with manuscript readings
raktiko and raktiko noted, 1 05; Vaidya, pp. 65. 26, 65. 32, 66. 2)
and HJM ( prose fol lowing vs. 2 1 ) .
Raktak:a i n 55J ( vs. 1 29) and AK ( vs. 73) .
The name of a mountain near the city of Rohitaka.
SUdhavadata in Di vy (Cowell and Nei l , p. 1 07; Vaidya, p. 67. 23) ;
SudhavarQa in 55J (vs. 1 86) .
Sudhasail a i n AK ( vs. 92) . Not mentioned i n fUM
Name of a city found on the way to Badaradvipa.
Rohitaka i n Di vy (Cowel l and Neil, p. 1 07 mss. rohitakaItha;
Vaidya, p. 67. 25) .
Rohitaka i n 55J ( vs. 223) , AK ( vs. n) , and HJM ( prose fol l owing
vs. 23) .
RohitakaTtha in 55J ( vs. 1 87) .

I .
1 .
2 .
Supriyasartha vahajataka 3 1
The respective distances over which the jewel s given t c Supriya
at the first, second, third and the fourth kinnara cities could
and did rain weal th.
A thousand yojanas Di vy ( Cowel l and Nei l , pp. 1 1 6, 1 2 1 ;
Vaidya, pp. 72. 27, 75. 22) ;
55J ( vss. 478, 675) ;
AK ( vs. 1 8 1 ) ;
HJM Not mentioned.
One yojana Mss. ABCDEG of SSJ ( yojanavistiral)
Two thousand yojanas Di vy ( Cowell and Nei l , pp. 1 1 7, 1 2 1 ;
Vaidya, pp. 73. 4, 75. 27) ;
SSJ ( vss. 51 0, 683) ;
AK ( vs. 1 83) ;
HJM Not mentioned.
Four yo;anas Mss. ABCDEG of 55J ( caturu yojane
u) .
Three thousand yojanas Divy ( Cowel l and Neil , pp. 1 1 7, 1 22;
Vaidya, pp. 73. 9, 75. 29) ;
55J ( vss. 544, 689) ;
AK ( l acuna in the text ) ;
HJM Not mentioned.
Twelve yojanas Mss. ABCDEG of 55J at vs. 689 ( yojane
The whole of Jambudvipa Di vy (Cowel l and Nell , pp. 1 1 8, 1 22;
Vaidya, pp. 74. 3, 76. 2) ;
55J ( vss. 593, 695) ;
AK ( vs. 1 88) ;
HJM Implicitly so vss. 31 ff.
A hundred yojanas Mss. ABCDEG of 55J ( sa tayojanavistire)
Badara, king of the fourth kinnara city.
In Di vy (Cowel l and Neil, p. 1 1 8; Vaidya, p. 73. 32> . the kinnara
maidens refer to Badara, their brother, the king of the kinnaras,
who gave the j ewel .
SSJ: No mention of king Badara. The kinnara maidens themsel ves
gi ve the emi nently splendid j ewel to Supri ya (vs. 587) .
AK (vs. 1 87) : The kinnara maidens speak of their brother, Bada
ra, whose abode is Badaradvipa, an island named after him.
HJM: Suprlya is told by a goddess that the lord of Badaradvi pa,
a kinnara ki ng, wi l l gi ve hi m the wi sh-conferring j ewel cinti
naI)i and he recti ves it from the ki ng as predicted ( p1ose fol
lowing v s . 25) .
K. Time taker. by Sl I pri ya 1 reach Badaradvipa.
Introducti on
Di vy. one hundred years (Cowell and Nei l , pp. 98, 1 2 1 ; Vai dya,
pp. 62. 5, 75. 1 4) .
AK: one hundred years for the ful l journey ( vs. 1 92) . Twel ve
years to reach the ci ty of Rohitaka where Magha l i ved (vs. 98) .
SSJ: Twel ve years t o reach the city of Rohitaka where Magha
l ived (vs. 22 1 ) . Time taken to reach Badaradvipa not speci fied.
HJM: Fourteen years to reach Badaradvipa ( prose fol l owing vs.
25) .
Name of the horse-ki ng who brought Supriya from Badaradvi pa
to Varatl asi.
Balaha Divy (Cowel l and Nei l , pp. 1 20ff. , Vaidya, pp. 74v 25ff. ) ;
AK (vs. 1 89)
Yalaha SSJ ( vss. 6 1 0, 6 1 2 , 629, 634, 636, 720) .
Sukesa mss. ABCDEG of SSJ at vss. 6 1 0, 6 1 2.
Sukesin mss. ABCDEG of SSJ at vss. 629, 634, 636, 720.
Edgerton notes the use of the name Kesi n for . Yalaha i n the
prose of Mahivastu ( Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary, s. v.
kesin) .
Balahaka HJM (prose after vs. 25; prose after vs. 30) .
(27 1 a) lathasau srighano nathai punai praha nijalJl katham
purat pratyagatai) pQjalJl grhitva bhumiparpi tam II 1 I I
sruyatal2 sakala l okal i) ) mama purvakathalJl subham I
jagaddhi tarthe bhramatai) patnilJl tyaktva parigrahan II 2 I I
tadyathabhut3 pura kasyalJl brahmadatto naradhipai I
sunitidharmabhrc chasta prajavatsalabhumipai)5 II 3 I I
tada tatrabhavac chriman varatlasyalJl vatikpatii)
priyasenabhi dhai sriman sarthavahai) samrddhiman II 4 I I
tasyatmajo 'bhavad dhiman supriyakhyai suviryavan I
di vyati sundarai) kanto darsaniyai subha!ikai)6 II 5 I I
sa bal ye ' pi sudhir vij fi ai) sarvaguru!u bhaktimin I
+ - o - v o v o o o o - o o o + + o + o + o o o o + - o - o + o + o o v + v o - + v v o o I I 6 I I
sa sastrastrakalavidyaparagato vicak!at: ai) I
mahasadhur vat: igvrttir vyavaharahitarthabhrt II 7 I I
1 BCDG begi n wi th the formul a olJl namo ratnatrayaya and E with
OlJl namai) sakyamunaye. F has the fol lowi ng i ntroductory verses i n
stead of verses 1 and 2 .
athasoko mahipalas tadanumoditasayai) I
upaguptalJl gurulJl natva safjal i s caivam abravit I I
bhadanta trijagannathai) sakyasilJlhai suviryavan I
tadrk chasta munindro 'nyo nasti sarvahitarthabhrt I I
i ti raj foditalJl srutva so 'rhan yatir mahamati i) I
upagupto munindralJl talJl salJlpasyann evam adi sat I I
naitarhy eva maharaja sakyasilJl ho munisvarai) I
suviryavan mahabhijfai) sarvasattvahitarthabhrt I I
purapy ayalJl mahasattvo bodhisattvo suviryavan I
bodhayitva jagat sarval saddharmalJl samasadhayat I I
2 sruyatalJl A, sruyase B
" ttlatra F
4 corrected to read priyadatto F, priyadatto ABCDEG
5 babhuva vasudhadhi pai) F
6 subhasika AC, subhasi kai BEFG, subhasi kai) D


34 Supriyasarthavahajataka
tada tasya pita vrddho rogibhito 'tidurbaJ al) J
svakulesasmrtirp dhrtva kilagato divarp yayau II 8 I I
tatal) sa supriyal) sidhu<r> brahmadattena1 bhibhuji
sarthavaho vaDignathal krtva sarmanito 'bhavat I I 9 I I
ekada svajanan aha dr!tvi svagrham agatan I
svayarp janann api sudhil sa kautukat smitananal)2 II 1 0 I I
ki(27 1 b) martharp pratyaharp sarve pragata mama mandire
ninetihasasarplapail3 manmanal)sarppramodakal) II 1 1 I I
ity uktavantarp tarp prahul) katham ajnal) sudhir api I
vittavan val)ija<rp> nathal pradata krtakausalal " 1 2 I I
tat tva<rp> pramodayan nityarp parayama svajivikan I
ity isayigatal sidho nidhanis te vayarp tatha " 1 3 I I
savi!ado4 janan aha karuDyavan katharp janil) I
nidhanal) kasidesiyi mameti vismayo mahan " 1 4 "
sarve 'pi midrsa bhavyi manasiti vicintayan I
svastho 'smi sarppratarp dul) khadagdhas tac chrutavin dhruvam " 1 5 I I
samanavibhaval karyal) sarve paural) svakair dhanail) I
svayam eva sukharp bhuktvi ki rp sararp dul)khite jane " 1 6 "
iti bruvaDarp pratyfcul) kim uktarp bhavata vibho J
vidhinapi na yac chakyarp tat katharp sidhate naral) II 1 7 "
atha yad diyate dravyarp tad api mfrkhalak!aDam I
svayar daridral) sarve 'pi nidhana bahusas tathi II 1 8 / I
pirviropitakausalyo nrpas tvarp ca dhanadhipal) I
vibhavadyis trayal santi katharp diridryam ipnuyal /I 1 9 "
1 brahmadattena corrected to priyadaO F. priyadattena ABCDEG
2 tukirp smiyananin A. tukan smitananan BDEG. tukin smivana
nin C
3 hisyai sarppalya A. hisyail) salipya B. hasyail) sarppalya CDEG.
hasyail) sarplipya F
4 savi!adi mss.
pi miyacchakyarp AG. pi mayicchakyar BE mamicchakyarp C.
mayacchakyarp D

ratnakarat samamya tani dattva dhaninvitan I
sarthavahatmaan kuryam iti bhfyal) samabravit II 20 "
tatal) sa supriyaQ Srlman sarvasattvahitarthabhrt
sarvan chrisampadapannan kuryam iti samidadhau " 22 "
iti sa niscayarp krtva sirthavaho vaDlkpatil) I
gatva ratnakare ratnan1 sarpsadhiturp samaicchata " 23 / I
tatah sa supriyo dhiman sarthavahal) suviryavan I
suhrmaitravaDiksarpghan samahiyaivam abravit /I 24 / I
bhavanto 'harp gami!yami ratnakaramahambudhau I
yadl vo vidyate vancha samiyata vrajemahi || 25 / I
tac chrutva te vaDiksarpghal) sarve samanumodital)
supriyar sarthavaharp2 tarp pasyanta evam fcire " 26 "
sarthavaha samicchamo ganturp tvaya mahimbudhau3 I
tan nal) sarvan bhavatsarpgharps4 tatra sarpnetum arhat! " 27 "
evam taih prarthitarp sarvarp nisamya sa mahamatil) I
sarvarps an svasahiyirs ca sarpasyann evam abravit " 28 "
yadicchatha maya sardhar ganturp ratnakare 'mbu(272a)dhau
tat paDyadravyam Maya samayatotsahanvital) " 29 "
evam tadbhasitam srutvi sarve te vaDijo mudi I
gata svasvgrh jnatin bandhavarps ca suhrjjanan " 30 "
natvanujnarp samisadya dhrtva svastyayanarp vidhim I
tat paDyadravyam adaya sarthavaham upacaran " 31 "
tan sarvan samupayatan dr!va sarthapatir muda I
svastyayanavidhirp dhrtva bhaDQam adaya pricarat " 32 / I
1 ratnarp ACDEFG. ratna B
2 sarthanatharp F
3 sahio mss.
4 bhatasarpghans ACDG, bhavyetsarpghins B. bhavetsarpghans E,
bhavansarpghans F.
upasaran F

36 Supriyasarthavahajataka
tatab sa sarthavahas taib paicavaJikchataibl saha I
muda salJlprasthito gehid varaJ)asya( lI viniryayau II 33 I I
tatab sa pracarat sarvaib sarthaib samanvito muda I
gramai j anapadai chailan ullanghya pracarad drutam II 34 I I
tatab sa nirgato durat samapasyan mahodadhim I
samik!ya tal samanamya pracarals tlram ayayau II 35 I I
tatra sa samupasritya sarvasarthasamanvitah I
karJ)adharalfl samamantrya prarthayad evam natab2 II 36 I I
mahibhiga samayamo gantulfl ratnakare vayam I
tad bhavin svasti nab sarvin netul ratnakare 'rhati II 3 7 I I
iti tatprarthital srutva karnadhiras tathetl sab I
drQhil3 nivam upiniya tan
pasyann evam abravit II 38 I I
bhavantab svakulesanal smrtvi sarve saminatah I
atra nivi samasrltya salti!thantalfl samihltib II
39 I I
tac chrutva sirthavihas til naukil natvinumodltah I
samaruhya kulesinal smrtvi tasthau samasrayan II oc I I
tatas t e val)ijab sarve natvi nival tathi4 kramit I
samiruhya kulesinal smrtvi tasthub samahitab II 4 1 I I
tin sarvin nausamisinan karJ)adhirab samik!ya sah I
krameJ)a svastini tatra tilJl naukam anvacirayat II 42 I I
krameJ)a salflciriti nauki preryamiJ)i samiraJaib I
k!emeJ)isu mahimbhodhau ratnikaram upisarat II 43 I I
tatrivatirya naukiyab sarthavihab samik!ya sab |
dattvi yathocltal mulyal suratnani samagrahit II 44 I I
tatal sa tinl ratnani samidayabhinanditah I
sirdhal sarvall sahiyais tair rudi salPasthito 'sarat II 45 I I
1 palcavao changed to sahasravao B
evam idarit C, irat nata G
3 drQho ACD
4 tatal C, yathi D
o cirita loki ACDG, kramat salcarlta loki BE, k!emasalcariti sa
nau F
Supriyasartha vihajitaka
tatal sa supriyal srimin sarvasirthasamanvitab
pratyagato mahitavyi antike samupisarat II 46 I I
tatra caurasahasrel)a dr!tal sirtha(272b)samanvltal
upigato 'tavimadhye supriyal sa vaJ)ikpatil I I 47 I I
tatra sarve 'pi te caural sasarthalJl tam upagatam I
samik!ya sahasopetya mu!ltum upatasthire1 II 48 I I
sarvin samik!ya tals cauran salnirudhya puralsthitan
sirtha vihal samimantrya salpasyann evam abra vit2 I I 49 | |
kil bhavantal samilabdhum Ihasmakal puralsthital I
tad vadadhval puro me 'tra yad yuyam abhiviichatha II 50 I I
eval tatkathltal srutvi cauril sarve ' pi te punal I
salnirudhya sasirthal tal pasyanta evam abruvan II 5 1 I I
sarthaviha tvam evaiko3 gacchasmibhir na rudhyase I
sarvan sirthin Imin atra mu!l!yamo vayal dhruvam I I 52 I I
eval tadbhi!ital srutvi sarthavaho mahimatil I
sarvals tils caurakin pasyan punar evam abhi!ata II 53 I I
bhavanta e!a sirtho me salJnisrltal) sahiyakab I
tat sarvin api muicadhval mu!ltul mibhlvaichata4 II 54 | |
etan mulyam ahal disye yu!makam abhiviichitam I
etair dravyail sukhal bhuktvi salcaradhval sadi mudi II 55 I I
iti tadgadital srutvi sarve t e cauraki mudi I
tathi hiti pratijiiya mumucus tin vaJ)iganan II 56 I I
atha sirthapatis tebhyal) sirthamulyal pradiya sal I
tatalJ salprasthitalJ sarvasirthasamanvito 'carat II 57 I I
1 abhitasthire F metre!
pasyann evam abhi!ata F
3 ekaivako AG, ekaiko BE, ekaikako C, aikaiva D
4 vibhivilchaya ABCDEG

38 8upryasrthavhQtaka
eval|| mrge samlOkya pratygatO 'bhnandta| |
sarva sal|tstyamna sa vrasl|t samyayau " 58 "
tatra svlayam sdya ]t|amtrabandhavn |
mantrya sarvav(ttntat|| vstarea nyavedayat " 59 "
Srutv sarve 'p te ]tbandhumtrasuh(]]an |
dhanyO s tval mahbhga ty uktv tal|| praSal|tsre " 60 "
tata sa srthabh(c chrmn sarvasattvahtrthabh(t |
k(tv dnal|t sadrthbhya sarvl|tl lOkn vyanOdayat " 6 1 "
tatas tath caturvre caur| prhu pryal|| ]anam |
dyatl|t bhgam asmabhyat|t kuruka mahgana" " 62 "
]ayO 'stu te playsmn arayavsna|i sad
tvay cbhhtal|t yadvan muyma|t parn na tu " 63 "
tatha dadau suprlyO 'sau saptl|tSal|| karuSaya |
mnynI373a) muta satatal|| vbhavrthavdtn " 64 "
tath vrasl|| prpta sahyasusamanvta^ |
samnkarae sal||khym agraht praman mud a 65 "
dravyasal|tkhyvlcreu kll|| cln nynO 'bhavat tad
tad d(]v cntaym sa punar gantuq mahOdadhau " 66 "
caturdh prgatas tasmt punar ysym dvtrdh |
eval|t dvltrcatupaca aq v sa suprya sudh |
gatv ratnkare 'mbhOdhau ratnn samasdhayat U 67 "
tatha tebhya sa caurebhyO dattv mulyal|I vnOdayan
sarvn srthn partrya svadeSal samupyayau " 68 "
1 sarve salbhyamnOsau AG, sarve sastyamnausO B, sarve
sal||styamnO 'sau DE, sarva|t s

al|styamnOsau G
"sm upyayau ABGOEG
3 uk tv sal||pra F
sarvl A, sarv BGOEFG
" "]ana|t AOEF, )an|t B, "]ane C, "]ane|t G
"usa mss.
7 8O n F but th yayau pramudta wrtten abOve the l lne. evat||
yayau pramudta ABCOEG

tatra svag(ham sadya ]t]amtrabndhavn |
sarvn upasthtn paSyal|ts tad v(ttntal|| nyavedayat " 69 "
tac chrutv ]taya sarve se$]amltrasuh()]an |
vsmts tal|| mahsattval|| samkyaval|| praSat||sre U 7U U
dhanyO 's tval mahbhga sarvalOkahtrthabh(t |
sad te maugal al|| bhuyd ty uktv te tatO 'caran " 7 1 "
tata sa suprya Srmn sarvasattvahtSaya
k(tv dnal|| sadrthbhya|t sdhayan puyam 8carat U 73 U
tatah sa supryO dhrO dh(tv svastyayanal|| vdhm
tat ayabhqam dya svabh(tya saha prcarat " 73 "
tata sat||prasthItO gehad vrnasy vnrgata |
caran ratnkare tatra tath svast samyayau U 74 "
tatra samkya ratnn sal||g(hya prbhnandta|t |
tata pratygatO rayasampe sa samsarat 75 "
samkya tam upytal|t caur sarve 'p te mud |
]avena sahasOpetya mre nrudhya tasthre U 7 U
tath mre sthltn sarvl||s tl||S caurn sal||vlOkya sa
suprya samupmantrya paSyann evam abhata U 77 U
bhavantO 'ham hym supryO vaI)l|t pat|t |
kmarthal|t me purO mre sal|tnrudhybhlt]hatha U 78
It tadbhSl taqt Srutv sarve caur samkya tam |
suprlyat|| a)qI nthal|t v]yaval|| babhre " 79 "
vi)ns bhal373b)van sdhO vayal|t caur vanSrlt
SlplnO vaI]O nsma gOpl k((tO 'p na a 80 "
anenOpakrameava ]vkl|t pIaymahe
< > d am harmahe 8 1 "
tad acchasva tv am evtra sarva l|| ravy
1 sdhayat mss.
" "yanam mud F
3 'raya sa sampe sam ACOEG, 'rae sa sampe sam" B
4 t (hat AG, "t]hata BE, "tI $]hata C, 'ti:;thatal 0
o bhavn mss.
caura samSrth AGOG. caur samSrI " BE

40 Supriyasartha vahaa taka
iti tatkathital srutva supriyo viryavan sudhit) |
tan sarvan karuDidrtya salpasyann evam abravit || 82 | |
bhavanto 'halJl pradasyaml yumikam abhivafchl tam |
dravyal tena sukhalJl bhuktva salcaradhvalJl sada subhe || 83 | |
i ty uktva sa mahidata sarvasattvahitirthabhrt |
caurasalJlghin samisvasya punal priha smltaanal) || 84 | |
atrapi taskara yiyalJl nidhanal) sadhanah klml u |
yumabhyal saptadha dravyalJl saPtalJlslJ pradadau muda |
tadisayagatan drtva saldolayltamanasal) || 85 | |
i tl bruviDalJl te prahur dina evalJl vayalJl vlbho2 |
salJlprirthayima1 sadhani yadl tvalJl ki m u vatsala || 86 | |
team etad vacal) srutvi svapratijfim anusmaran |
bahu dravyalfl punar dattvi tasmat salJlprasthlto 'gam at || 87 | |
dattvaslalfl pramudltis te yayuh svasramam vanam |
tebhyo dattvi bahu dravyal tat
al) salPrasthlto 'sarat || 88 | |
tatas caran vane 'nyatra tarutalasamisrltah3 |
vlaDDatmi samadhiya dhyitvaivalJl samacltayat | | 89 | |
ete 'pi ca maya dravyal l saptadha parltoitit)4
etair apl dhanalr ete caurit) salto1lta na hi || 90 | |
tasmit sarvalfl jagallokal tarpayeyarp dhanalh katham
tan mayitra pratijfatarp tat salsidhyet kata mahat | | 9 1 | |
yena svayal pratijfaya sidhayi tUlJl na sakyate |
tasya kllp jivitar janma dhik pravidahatarp bhave || 92 | |
kasyitra bhajanalJl krtva sidhayeyam aharp katham |
ko mim atra samasvasya salflrak1ed abhi bodhayan || 93 | |
* sadhani na kim C
2 prabho D
3 metre!
4 piratoltat) mss.
o tat sarvva mss.

Supriyasartha vihaja taka

iti cintaviaDDatma nirasabhihatasayat) |
middhanidribhyavakrantasarvendriyol babhiva sat) | | 94 I I
tam samikya mahasattvalfl nidranlscalltendriyam |
vaadevi mahesakhya samasvasyalvam adlsat || 95 | |
ma viida mahasattva sidhyate praDidhir dhruvam I
tat tvalJl viryamahotsahalJl dhr tva dvipantaralJl vraja || 96 | |
jambudvipe ki latrasti badaralJl nama pattanam |
tatrasti ( 274a) srimaharatnalfl cintamaDir2 hi tarthadal)3 || 97 | |
tat tatra pattane gatva maharatnalJl samik:ya tam |
ratnatrayalJl smarann eko viryinvitat) subuddhiman || 98 | |
pradayasu samagaccha tena kuru4 j agaddhitam |
tatha salJlsetsyate ninalJl pratljfa te mahattari |
lty adlsya mahidevi tatralvantarhitabhavat | | 99 | |
kutra sa badaradvipal) kathalJl va tatra gamyate
iti talJl devatalJl pratulf supri yal) sa sasaka na || 1 00 | |
tatat) suptaprabuddhat) sa svapne tad devatodltam |
smrtvativismayapannacitta evalJl vyacintayat || 1 01 | |
kutra sa badaradvipal) kathalJl vi tatra gamyate |
iti talJl devatarp praturp svapne saknomy ahalJl na hi || 1 02 | |
tatah si devata bhiyas tathagatya puro mama
taddipagamanayatra dlsam upayam adiset | | 1 03 | |
i ti ci ntaparitatma talJl devi lJl samanusmaran |
middhanidrabhyavakrantasarvendriyo 'bhavat punat) || 1 04 | |
tadi sa devata caiva samagatya pura<t sthl ta |
samikya tal mahasattvalJl samisvasyaivam adisat | | 1 05 | |
ra viida mahasattva salJlSr DU!va samahital) |
taddvipagamanopiyalJl disal copadlsamy aham || 1 06 | |
1 siddho ni drao AB. middho nidrao CDEFG
maDi mss.
3 rthadalJl A. rthada BCDEFG
4 kuvya A. kravya C. kuryya D
vata mss.
4 1

astl sa badaradVpO dlgbhge paScme kla I
tatra mahnt ratnn santl sarVrthadny ap U I 07 U
tanrge samatkramya pacadVpaSatny apI I
mahanta(t parVat sapta mahnadyaS ca sapta ya U I 08 U
etan Vryaba!enapl dharmadeVanubhVatah |
langhaytVa mahasattValr gantaVyat purar lta( U I 09 U
tatra ya udadhl( khyatO 'nu!Omaprat!Omakah
tatranulOmak Vantl pratIOmaS ca VayaVa( | I I 0 U
tatO VryabalenaVa dharmadeVanubhaVatah I
purua( plaVam aSrtya sal[|tr;a( param

apnuyat U I II "
tatO 'tkramya SallaS canulOmapratllOmakah I
tatrapl VayaVO Vant pratllOmanulOmata( || I I 2 U
yalr yata( puruas tatra tmlrkta!Ocanah I
VlmOhltendryO 'dhrO na(asat[t|O bhaVed p U I I 3 U
tata tu puruO mOgham samadaya mahauadhm | I274b)
taya netre '|aytVp baddhVa ca mastake 'p tam U I I 4 U
mahaVryabalenalVa dharmadeVanubhVatah |
parVatam taq samu!langhya sal[|krameta smahlta(| U I I U
tVam apl h tatha tatra saqtkramasVa samahtah ,0
tadanyatha suVryO 'pl kaS cld gantuq na Saknyat U I I U
tata( samudra aVartO namambuparlprltah I
tatra VantI mahuVega Varambha nama VaaVaI U I I 7 U
yas tatra puruO gacchan dharmadeVnubhaVatah
mahatplaValp samaSrItya sattaret sa suVryaVan

U I I 8 U
' sapta y ABCEG. saptadha D. saptamah F
2 purual Om. ACG. drdha0t plaVaI samaSrlt\a 0
santtrnalt sahasa C
paruas ABDEFG
o Om, A
6 pirli Lah F

tatralkasmln sa Varte bhrmayet saptadhanlal
prerya dVltya Varta unmQ]ayec ca yO]ane U I I 9 U
eVal[| dVltya Varte t(tye ca caturthake I
pacame cpl $a$]he ca bhramayet saptadhnllal U I 2O U
nlrudhya yO]ane calVam unmQ]ayec plaVaq| hl tam |
tat[| Vahanatp samaSrltya samahltO tared alam U I 2 I U
maIaVryabalenasau dharmadeVanubhaVata I
dqha@ plaVam samaSrltya nlstaret tanmahOdadhe U I 22 U
tataS capl mahan ucca VartO nama parVata |
tatra Saukhbhldha krurO rakasO Vasate sada U I 23 U
tasyOpar catukrOSe Sankhanbh mahauadh I
astl dhumayate ratrau s dlVa |Vaate sad U I 24 ||
nagaparlg(htaq| tal[| spra]uq| kO pl na Saknute |
sVapatl sa dlVa nagO ratrau sa!pcarat sada U I 2 U
tasmln nage dlVa supte g}htV talj| mahauadhm |
a]aytVa taya netre saq|baddhVa mastake ca tam U I 2 U
parVatalj| tat[| samaruhya dharmadeVanubhaVata |
mahaVryabalenalVa sVastl satnlstaret tata U I 27 U
tVam apy e!adVdhanena saq|carasVa samahlta |
tadanyatha na SaknOtl kO p nlstartuq| tata U I 28 U
tatO tlkraHya nlOdO namastl ca mahOdadhl { I
raktkgO rkasas tatra krurO nlVasate kpa U I 29 U
tasya suptasya netra;t VV(tan bhaVanty apl |
udtabhanuVar;tn |ValadagnlrucnI ca U I 3O U
praSVss tasya nlSVs gar|anmeghasya nadaVat
|agrataS csya netra;t nmltanl sarVada U I 3 I U
1 tatra kasmln samaVarte ADE, "kasmln samaVarte BCFG
Om. D
pra]ul mss,
? nladO mss.
nSVa" mss.
tadabdhau makar nma vdya!e ca mahau$adh
samanv$ya samlOkya grhDiYat !q saya!nata U I 33 U
a] aI 37a)ytv tay netre saqbaddhv mas!ake ca tm I
erapkhyq mahvdyq dhrapq buddhabhtm U I 33 U
samuccrya samdhya sarvn buddhn anusmaran I
tadrk$asasampena QatvSu nIstaret tata|I U I 34 I I
!vam apy e!q samdhya saqkramasvSu nstara |
etadvdhq vH tatra Qantuq kO pI na Saknute U I 3 U
nHOdaqt taq mahambhOdhm atkramya mahn naQa| I
akhapqa eka nHabhO cchdrO drQhamahOcchraya| U I 3 I I
nHOdO nama tatrastI nHaQrvO nSacara| |
krurO !InrdayO raudra|I pacaSatasahyaka|i U I 37 U
parvataq taq mahanlaq paSyatas tasya !Ocane I
vyaQhta!am ap ya!O murcha ca ]yate 'pI h U I 38 h
upar yO] ane tasya ymOQhkhy mahau adh I
nQaparQ;hta tqt samanvI ya samaharet U ! 3 / I
sa naQO rasanad; ]ISvsasparSav$O mahn I
yada svapat nQO sau !ada dhmayate sada U I 4U U
sparStas tena dhumena ye ye pakm;Qdaya| I
te !e p ]an!ava{r sarve mrti yantI yamalayam /I I 4I U
ta!ra snatv vrataqt dh;!v maItrac!tasamanv!a|I I
sm;tv sarv |nan na!va grhQlyit !q mahauadhIm U ! 43 U
a]aytva !aya ne!re saqdh;!va mastake ca !am I
parva!aq taq samaruhya saqtkraman nIs!are! tata| U I 43 U
' Iadaddhauma" ABCDEF, !adahrauma' G
bhi:;I Dir ABDEG, bha:i Dirp C
aSts tatra mahan A, as!I !atra mahn BCDEG
4 nHadO mss.
vyaghitatamapiyata ACO, vyQhta!amapIp! BEG, vynha!atq ~
map Natah F. 8u! cOmpare Ditryivadin,: vybadhayate. VAIDYA,
P. L. , ed. ep. cI!. p. . .
8upryasrtha vhgtaka
tatha' sarpkramatas tasya !Imraq: na bhaved ap
murchap |ayate nava prahareyur na rak asa| U I 44 / I
tatO tkramya varambhO namst ca mahOdadhi |
tatsamudre sada vntI vaIrambha nma vayava| U I 4 U
!adabhk$bh!e !atra sarve 'pI |ala|an!aa
bhutapretapSacS ca kumbhapqa| ka(aputana|i U ! 4 U
'i ' 'ki' "i "k;'''i ' kd'"' U I 47 U
tadabdher uttarasyqI ca tamra]av maha!ta I
tanmadhye 'st mahat Salavanaq: kpO mahan ap U ! 48 U
mahams tatra ca tmrkO vasate ]aQara| sada I
sa svped ap $apmasn ndrvymOhtendrya| U I 4 U
tad tasya mukhl lla| sphartv pravahetsad
tasyOpar mahn vepuQulmaS ca vdyate sada II I U U
tatra mahachll cst tattae ca mahadQuh I
tasyIpI 37b saq:mOhan nma prgvaant mahau$adh| U I 6I U
tm suvryanalena tvaq samanv$ya samahara
aaytv tay netre saqbaddhv mas take ca tam U I 3 / I
tam Sayum svaptaqI vk$ya tats am pen a saqkrama I
anna vd

hna tatra saqcarasva samhta| 1 / I 3 U

tadanya!h ta SaknO! tatra Qantuip hI kaS cana I
tad etadvdhna ta!ra saqcarasva samhIta U I 4 U
subhadram !e bhaven nunaq nrutpataqI mahamate
!atra bhutvp mulan pattrp ca phalany ap U I U
tmr(avm atkramya saqkramasva suv

yvan |
tataS ca parvata sapta savepukap]akac|ta U I U
tmrapa]]a| padau baddhv tatra samkya sqtkrama
tata| sapta ca vdyante kranadyO maha!tara| U I 7 U
1 tatas ABCDEG
BE, sa` rarevam,
C, srevaq D, saravaraq G
sravaq A, sracaraq
"kramat A, kramt C, 'kraman DG, 'krama|| E

4 8upryaSartha vah a]aIaka

Ieat[| Ireu SarvaIra SalmaIvanam aSI ca |
SalmalphalakaiS IaIra baddhva p!avat[t mahaIIaram || I 68 I I
SamaruhyaSp[Sann ambu SaqtIaraSva SamahIa[t
karanadr aIkramya IrSankur nama parvaIa[i || I 69 I I
IaIra IrSankavO nama SanI Ik$(taS ca ka(t]aka[i |
Iamrapa]]a[i padau baddhva veIrapaSa SamahIa || I O | |
IaIra vryabalat[t dhIva Sat[tkramaSva vlOkayan |
parvaIat[t Iaq SamulIanghya IrSankur nama nmnaga || I I | |
IaIrap ka(t]akaS Ik(ta[t SanI ca$]adaSangula[i |
SalmalphalakaS IaIra baddhva dqhaIarat[t plavam
Iam aruhyaSpSann ambu Sat[tIaraSva SamahIa[i | | I 2 | |
evatp IrSankuka nama nad caSIl mahaIIar |
IaIa evam ayaSkHa parvaIaS ca mahOcchraya[i || I 3 I I
IaIa evam ayaSkHa nama nad mahaIIar |
au$adhmanIravryaS Iat[t SaqIaraSva SamahIa[t || l 4 | |
IaIO SIl parvaIaS ca$]adaSavakrO mahOcchraya I
Sat[tchannaS Iarubh SarvaS IaIra na Sara(i kva cI | I I 6 | |
mahavryabalenava naIva buddhan anuSmaran |
vk$ agrad v(k$am aruhya Sat[tgacchaSva SamahIa[i | I I | |
parvaIat[t Iam aIlkramya nady a$]adaSavakrka |
grahakula mahavega vdyaIe ca mahaIIara || I 7 | |
IaIra Ivat[| veIrapaSena padau baddhva SamahIah |
manIravryabalenap Sal[tIaraSvaSp|Sa ]alam || I c8 | |
Iat (27a nad qt SamaIkramya Slak(i O nama nagO mahan
ucchrIO mdur advaraS IaIra na Sara(i[i kva cI | | I9 I I
' phalakeS ABCDEG
SarvveS mSS.
'vakrIya ABCLEG
IaIra mahadayaSklan SamakO]yanaIa[t kraman I
vdyavryabaIenap Sat[|caraSva SamahIa[t || ! 7O I I
parvaIat[t Iam aIkramya Slak(ia nama mahanad
agadhaImahavega makaradgrahakula | | I 7 I | |
IaIrap plavam aruhya naIva buddhan anuSmaran
vIdyavryanubhavena Sat[tIaraSva SamahIa | | ! 72 I I
Iat|t nad!t[t SamaIkramya dhumaneIrabhdhO naga I
mahan dhumayaIe dSyO dhumaraSr vOcchrIa[t || I 73 I I
ye IaddhumaparSp$ ]aS I e Sarve bhhaIendryah I
nISce]a deham uIS]ya gacchanIy aSu yamaSrayam II I 74 I I
SO 'ImahaprapaIO 'IaS IaIraSI mahaI guha |
Samkya Iadguhadvaram udgha]aya prayaInaIa || I 76 | |
Sa guhaSval [t purJia vagnldahlIendrlyal |
Samkya Iam aIlkramya SaqtkramaSva SamahIa || I 7 | |
IaSyOpar nayaSyapl palvalaq ca bahudakam |
IaSmnn udakaSaqpur(te vdyaIe ca mahacch!a || I 77 | |
manIravryanubhavena Iat[t SamuIpa]ya d|syaIam I
guha mahaIIar caSI Samkya SarvaIO vSa II I 78 | |
IaIra Sat[Qvan nama mahauadh ca vldyaIe |
]yOIraSO mat)S cap mahaddpaprabhaSvara I | I 79 I I
au$adht[t Ia!1 Samadaya vldyamanIranubhavaIa[t |
Sarvakayat[t Iaya lpIva Sat[tkramahn Samk$ya Ian || I 8O | |
vdyamanIranubhavena Iadau$adhprabhavaIa |
Sarva aSv$aS Ie p dat[tSIuqt nava Saknuyu II I 8 I | |
evalt IaSman nagaI SvaSI Salpkrama(ial bhaved ap
Iaqt nagat[t SamaIkramya SapIaSvI $ aparvaIa I | I 82 | |
kO]yanarO kraman A, kO]yaIarO kraman BCEG, " kO]yatarO
kraman D, kO]ya IaIO kraman F
vdyaIe mahaI S I a F
darSIuq ACDEG, daSt[tIut[t B, daSIuq F




48 8upryasarthavaha|a taka
tan ap samatkramya saptaSivi$anmnaga I
tattre$u mahac cBstl Salmalvanam utka]am II 1 83 I I
tatra tatphalakaIr baddhva dqhataraq mahat plavam
aruhyatmanam acchadya ma!psapeSyabhsatpkrama I I 1 84 I I
taqt maqtsagandham aghraya sarva aSvISa apI I
sahasa te tata paraqt gatva stl\Bsyant dukhta II 1 85 I I
tatO p samatIkramya sudhavarn mahan naga I
tam adhruhya saqpaSye(27b) svaramayaqt mahtalam II 1 86 I I
tatra | anapadan ddhan rOhtakan mahattaran I
tatra rOhtaka]hakhyaqt sa!ppaSyen' nagaraqt mahat II I 87 II
dvadaSayO|anayamam saptayO|anavIsttam I
ve$]taq saptaprakarar dva$a]IdvaraSObhItam II 1 8 8 I I
ghar hemamaya kanta saqmataIr vIra|tam I
sarvapayasamddhaqt Srdevbhavanam uttamam II 1 89 I I
sadhu maha|anakIr)|am trIdaSalayasaqtnbham I
parvta!p mahOdyana sarvartupu$pamattqlta
sarvartuphalIbhlr vk$a sarvauSadhdrumar apI I I 1 90 I I
nanapu$pasamapannasarOvarabhIma)tqtaI I
nanapakgaaS cap pramOdta praSObhIta II 1 9 1 I I
tatra rOhtakO ra|a sarvalOkadhpO mahan I
sarvavapkprabhuS castI Srman maghadhpO mahan II 1 92 I I
mahasattvO mahavrya sarvasattvahtarthabhI I
sa te tadbadaradvpapravttantam upadSet II 1 93 I I
yatha tena samakhyataqt tatha kuru samahta
gatva tatra maharatnaq samadaya samavra|a I I 1 94 I I
tada aqsetsyate nunaq pratI|a te mahattara I
tad eIadvIdhm adaya saqcarasNa samahta II 1 95 I I
' sapasyan B, drak$n F
sarvO$a" mss.
meghadhpO ABCDEC, magI\BbhIdhO F
"!aram ABCDC, "tataq E, `tarut F
Itthaqt te vrgatO nunaq nIrutpatat|t Subhaqt bhavet
tat suvryamahOtsahaI samcarasvanumOdIta I
Ity adSya mahadev sa tatO 'ntarhItabhavat II 1 96 I I
etad eva samadI$]aqt taya devya nSamya sa I
suprIya pratbuddhas tat smtvavaqt samacntayat 1\ 1 97 I I
ahO svapna hagamya mahadev purO mama I
badaradvpayatraya) samadSat vstaram II 1 98 I I
etat sat yam asatyat[ va bhaven na |ayate maya I
Idaq kasya purO gatva pccheyaqt ka samadSet II 1 99 I I
nunam yaq mahadev mama davabhI prerta I
svapne py atra Samagatya samadSat vIstaram I I 2OO I I
tat katha!p na bhavet satyaqt yad devya vacanaqt dhruvam
tat sarvatp sat yam eva syan nava mthya bhaved ap I I 2OI I I
t devya yathad$]aqt tatha kartuqt samutsahe I
tat taqt devm anusmtva gaccheyalt tatra saqtpratam II 2O2 I I
dam sarvahtarthena sadhtat|t setsyate yadi I
tad me saphaIO yaqt syat sattvahte parSra( 277a)ma II 203 I I
Itl tatrapy ahaqt gatva sat|tsadhItva mahamat)m
sarvasattvahtarthanI kurvaltS careya sarvatha II 2O4 I I
tatO me saphalaq | anma |vtalt carthasadhanam I
sarvaparISramaS cap saltsddha syad bhave tra h II 2O6 I I
t saltcntya sadv| a suprIya sa suvIryavan I
sarve$atjt hItacttena vayasyan tan samabravIt II 2O I I
pratyagacchata yuyaqt bhOh sadhanah svam puraq drutam
b d d prat

t ` n a
qt pu ri

uq dd ham II 2O7 I I
yasyamI a ara vtpaq
te tadamanan nava puryate tanmanOratha I
svapne devya yathadI $ ]alt dharmadevadvtyakaJ: II 2O8 I I
' Sramaqt mss.
"srddhO A, "sl ddha BCDEFC
bOdhsattvo mahasattvO F
bhO mss.

50 8upryaSartha vahaia taka

vIryarathaSamaruqhO lOkapalanakamuka I
Smptva ratnatrayal|t deval|i SvaSaukhye 'nadarO 'bhavaI /I 2O9 / I
Sthtva tatra ]anan rak$a palayan matpargraham I
dattvarctva ca mannamna ty udantam SamadSat /I 2 1 0 / I
nyavedayan SaSrunetra ma gaccha SvapnadeSata
kqt tu pura Sa prat]a kutrakak vra]eh katham / I 2 I l / I
yad nunalJt Saqtcar$(tur vayam ap carI$(tava I
Samakar(tya graq te$al[t Suprlya punar abrav! /I 2 I 2 / I
taSkara(tal[t SaptaSatam ap Sal[ttO$taqt na tu I
prati]ha puryate ken a mahat me Sahayaka /I 2 l 3 / I
tat Svapnal[t tathyam eva Syad yuyaqt h n$parakrama
tl tan pre$ayam aSa kathabhlr manayan muhu I
gaIadaSrumukhan bhuya SalcOdya Sat[tvcarayan || 2 I 4 / I
tatra Sarve kramat prapta kathayam aSur ambkam I
pravttq taSya patn ca rudant ba$palOcana /I 2 1 5 / I
Sulapanatha tannamna dattvarctva kuleSvaram
nrbhuSatta SukIavaStra vdhaveva Samacarat / I 2 1 6 ||
tata Sa Sanmatr dhraS tal[t devl[t SamanuSmaran |
Sarvaqtl okadhpal|tS cap natva Sal[tpraSthltO 'carat / I 2 I 7 / I
tata SO 'nukramat[tS tan pacadvpaSatany apI I
Samatlkramya Sal|tpaSyann ekak caratl kramat /I 2 1 8 / I
^tataS tan parvatan Sapta Sapta cabdhImahanadi I
krame(ta Samatkramya pracacara Samahta /I 2I 9 / I
tatra bhuktva Sa mulanl pu$padalaphalany ap I
yatha devSamBdl$(aq tatha Saqtdhaya praSarat /I 22O ||^
1 ? rak$ya mSS.
2 muda ACD, mumh C
Sulapatha tan" A, Surapana B
Suklanrbha(ta vaStra ABCDLC
praca " mSS. , read pracarat?
^ 2I 9, 22O Om. ABCDLC
Sa Saqtcaran varSar' dvdaSabhr vlanghya tam
ovaqt .
t / I 22I / I
mahanagar am aSadya tatrOdyane SamaSraya
Iatra Sa SupryO dh(277b)ra puruaqt Samupgata I
dar8t /I 222 I I
Sat|tpaSyan Samupamantrya papracchaIval|t Sam8
aSt bhO puru$Btrap rOhtake mahBpur
e I
SarthavhO mahaSattvO maghO nBma va)t ikprabhu II 223 / I
t tatp|$ (am kar(tya puruSaJ Sa Samk$ya tam
Surya!Jt SupraSannaSyat| SaqtpaSyann evam abravtt II 224 I I
aSt bhO puru$BSmn S a maghal) Srman va(tkprabhu |
kp tv etarh mahavyadhgraStO m|tyuSampaga I I 226 I I
t tadgadtaq Srutva Suprya Sa vcak$a
)ta I
tadvpattv$ a(t )tBtmB nSvaSyaval[t vyacmtayat II 226 | |
ma havaSau mayad|$(O maghO m|tyuqt vred ap I
kO me tra badaradvpagamanav|ttlm dSet / I 227 / I
tI vcntya dhman Sa Sarvavdyavcak$a)t a 1 _
Sarat I I 228 / I
talJt maghat|t rOg)talJt dra$(ul
tadbhavanam upa
t ^ I
tam tatra Samupayataqt prave$(um tadg|h8n aram
dvrapaIaJ SamalOkya vcaryavam abhaata /I 229 I I
bhOh puru$adhuna matra pravlSatu bhavan yataJ I
aSmtSvam maharOgI bhavat mOhltendrlya" / I 23O | |
t tadbha$tal|t Srutva Supryah Sanmat
k|tI I
dvarapaI aqt tam lOkya" Sud|$ (vavam abha$ata II 23I I I
vadyO 'haqt Svamnal[| !.e 'tra rOg(ta![t dra$ ,um nga! a |
tad bhavan SvamnO rOgaq Sal|tdarSayatu SB@pratam /I 232 I I
d CC " nn abdar DL
1 "rann ada A, rann abde B, "rann ab at , ra
2 bhO mSS.
" SUrSam mSS.
bhO mSS.
5 tvatarh mSS.
^ " ntare ABCDLC
DhO mSS.
" vmOh" F
9 "pulal[t SamBIOkya ABCDLC


II IadbhaSIIam SruIva dvarapalah SamkSya Iam l
agaccneII muda prOkIva praveSayan maghal ayam |l 233 | l
IaIra Sa upavS]aS Iam rOgnam SamapaSyaIa |
IadaIuranmIIan SamkSyaIvam vyacI nIayaI |l 234 l |
ha mahaSarIhavahO yam SarvavanIgyhIarIhabhrI |
maharukpargraSIanga SapmaSaIr mIyum apnuaI l | Z36 | l
I vIcnIya Sadvaldya|i Supryah Sa VicakSa(ah l
SarvOpayavIdhanena IadrOgam paryaSanIayaI || 23 l |
paIhyabhOgyOpacaranl bhaSa]yan ya!hOcIam |
IadrOgaparSanIyarIham vyupadISyanvaSevyaIa || 237 | |
IaIa|t Sa |anakaSyeva SaIpuIra SamupaSIhIIa[ |
SaSuSruSavdhanena IadrOgam SamaSanIaya(278a) I || 238 l |
IaIO magha| Sa nrOga|i parpuS]endrya|i Sudh|i |
Supryam Iam mahaSaIIvaqt SaqpaSyann evam abravI || 239 l |
dhanyO S Ivam mahaSaIIva kuIa ha SamagaIa| |
yenarIhena ca IaI SaIyaq purO me vakIum arhaS || 24O | |
I IaIprarIhIaqt SruIva Supryah SarIhabhrI Sudhh |
Iaq maghaqt SarIhabhnnaIhaq S

a@paSyan evam atravI || 24I | |

SarIhavaha yadarIhena ]ambudvpad havra]e |
Iad ahaqt bhavaIe vakSye SaqtS(t uSva mahamaIe || 242 | |
varaaSyaqt va(t gbharIa pryaSenabhdhO grh
IaSyaIma]O va(tgbharIa Suprya I vSruIa | l 243 | |
yal lOka du[ khnO dS(va |ayaIe karu(ta may l
Ie maya Sukhna|t karIuq praIi| mahaI kIa l| 244 | l
IaIpraI] abhSddhyarIhaq: mahavryaSamudyaIa[ |
SaqSadhIuqt maharaInatp bhavacchara(tam avra)e II 246 | |
SuSruSru' ADC, SaSruSru' BCEF
" nIaye ABCDEC, " nIaVeI F

8upryaSarIhavaha|a Iaka
yaI IaIra bhavaIa Sardhaq badaravipapaIIane |
ganIum cchamy ahaq SadhO Ian maq SaqtneIum arhaSt || 24 | l
I I IaIprarIhIaq SruIva SarIhavahO magha[i Sudh| |
Supryaqt Iaqt mahaSaIIvaqt SaqpaSyann evam abravI || 247 | |
Iaru(taS Ivaq mahaSaIIva dharmakayO mahamaI| |
paSyam Ie mahavryam amanuSyaqt mahOIIamam || 248 I I
yaI Ivaq vryamahOISahar eIannadnaga ap I
Svayam eka[ Samullanghya ]ambudvpad hagaIa | l 249 | |
Iad bhavanIaq mahabhi|aqt devaq SaIIvahIOdyaIam |
nveSadhar (aq manye SaddharmaSukhaSaqbharam || 26O I I
yaI Ie na vdyaIe km cId aSadhyaq karma duSIaram I
I paSyamy ahaq IaIra mahavryaq mahadbalam | l 26\ | |
Iad ahaq bhavaIa Sardham badaradvpapaIIane |
yanIum cchamy ahaq nunaqi IvaIpraI| abhSddhaye || 262 I I
ap Iv ahaq mahBvyadhparmukIO 'Sm SaqpraIam |
Ivam ca parah IarIhena Svgve 'p nradara[ | | 263 | |
kaS Ie parahIarIhena prOdyaIaSya mahaImana |
Sva)vIam ap IyakIuq nOISahed dharmalabdhaye || 264 | |
Iad vaISa Sudqhalp navaqt Saqvaraq ca Samanaya I
yad avayOr ]agadbhadrayaIrayanaq: bhaved apI || 266 | |
evam IadbhasIam SruIvu ( 278b) SuprIya|t SanmaIr muda

eI praI]pya IaIhaneIuH IaIO SaraI |l 26 | l

IaIra S a Sudqhaqt naukam upanyabh nandIa |
Satpvarat ca Samabhyarcya SameIya magham abravI | l 267 | |
deva maya SamanIa Sudqha nau SubhacIB l
Saqvaraqt ca SamarOpya Sarvaq Sa]| kIam dhruvam | l 268 | |
1 deva ABCDEC
2 "vryya mSS.
"rIep F
4 "ktIam cara ADC, kIaqt ca IaI BCE
!ad bhaVan manya!e kala!p yaSyedanqt mahama!e
sVaS!yayanaVdhqt dh|!Va !a!ha praS!ha!um arha! I I 269 | |
!ac chru!Va Sar!haVaha Sa magha SamanumOd!ah I
]a!bandhuSuh|nm!ran Samaman!ryaVam abraV! I| 20 I I
bhaVan!O 'haqt gam$yam ra!nakare mahOdadhau I
!a! SarVe 'p Samadhaya caran!u SarVada Subhe I I 2 I I I
!ac chru!Va ]a!aya SarVe Suh|nm!ramaha]ana I
SarVe 'p !am ana!Va !a!ra gan!uq nyaVrayan II 22 I I
SarVar nVaryamanO 'p Sar!habhr! Sanma! h kr! I
ya!ra gan!uIp Samu!Sah praS!htuqt SamaSdhya! II 23 I I
!a!a Sa Sar!habh|n ne!a Supryaqt !aqt mahama!m
SaqtpaSyan Samupaman!rya Sadaram eVam abraV! I I 24 | |
Va!Sa panyaq Samadaya dh|!Va SVaS!yayanaqt mud8 I
S]k|!ya Samagaccha SaqgacchaVO 'dhunambudhau II 26 I I
eVaqt !adbha!aqt Sru!Va Suprya SO 'bhnand!a I
!a! pai)yaqt Samupanya dh|!Va SVaS!yayana muda |
S]k|!ya Samu!Sah maghaSya Samupacara! '11 2 ||
!aqt Samk$ya Samaya!aqt maghO 'p SaqtpraSad!ah I
dh|!Va SVaS!yayanaqt !ena Saha SaqpraS!h!o 'Saa! II 27 I I
!a!a Sa pracara!pS !ena Suprye( a SamanV!a I
Sa!ppaSyan SarVa!O marge !am abdhqt Samupayayau I I 28 I I
Samk$ya !aqt mahambhOdhqt prana!Va SaqpramOd!a I
d|qhaqt naVaqt Samaruhya SaSupryO muda!ara! II 29 I I
!a!raVa!aryamai}O 'Sau magha Sar!hapa! ru]a I
parkran!O mahadu[ khaparkhnnaSrayO 'bhaVa!' II 270 I I
1 !a!a AC
2 k|! mSS.
!a!ra A
"k|!Va mSS. Bu! cOmpare 2e.
"paSara! ABCDEC
6 bhaVe! mSS.
ta!a Sa parkh nna!ma SVakuleSam anuSmaran I
Supr 279a) yaqt !aqt mahaSa!!Vaq SaqipaSyann eVam abraV! II 27 ! I I
Va!Sa!ra mama kaye 'Smn baqharOgO' 'bh|aya!e I
!ad ahaqt dharyam aIambya !ar!uqi naVa Saknuyam II 272 I I
Ian me SukOmala!p Sayyaqi VS!araya!ra Saqtpra!am I
ya!rahaqt SamupaSr!ya !ar$yammam ambudhm II 273 I I
aSmnn abdhau pra]ayeran VVdhara]!any ap
VVdhan nm!!n ]ale '!ra Vk!an ca I I 274 I I
!Bn SarVai) panyaVarnan VVdhany ap I
SamIk$ya !Va!|t purO me '!ra Samabhyakhya!um arhaS II 276 I I
eVam !a!Samupakhya!aqt Sru!Va Sa Suprya Sudh I

a Sayya!p praVS!arya !aqt paSyann eVam abraV! II 27 I I

Sar!haVaha !a!ha Sayya SukOmal praSar!a I
!ad a!ra SamupaSr!ya !]ha dhya!VeSVaraqt Smaran || 277 I I
! !a!ka!h| !am Sru!Va Sa magha u!!h!a[ Sana I
!ac chayyaSan

am aSr!ya !aS!hau dhya!VeSVaraqt Smaran II 278 I I

!a!a Sa preryamai)O 'Sau naukaSr!O ' nIaI) krama! I
ekapai)qaraVari)abhaqt panyaqt SamapaSya!a II 279 I I
!a ]alaqi pai}quVari}abhaq Samkya SO '!IVISm!a
maghaSya Sar!haVahaSya pura!a eVam abraV! I I 28O I I
S1r!haVha V]anya yad a!rahaq mahOdadhau
pat)quVart)aqt ]alaq SarVaqi SaqtpaSyam h Saqtpra!am I I 28! I I
eVam !adbhaS!am SrutVa Sa magha Sar!habh|! Sudh I

yaqi VSaypannaqt !aq paSyann eVam abraV! II 282 I I

Supryedaqi |aI aqt sarVaq naVa par)qaraVart|akam I
ap !u paSyaS prOccaq daknaSyaqi sudhanagam I I 283 I I
!aSyaI redaqi ]aIaq sarVaqt chayanubhaVara !am I
VqSa!dha!uO!ran V dyan!e Ia!ra parVaIe II 284 I I
` padharOgO ADC, VadharOgO BE, VyadharOgO C, Va]arOO F. Bu!
cOmpare baqhaglanO n Divyavadana ed. P. L. VA!DYA, p. 9. 2 ! .

yan 8k!Va 8uV8raddr8Vya nrm8any 8 I
yany aday8 nV8r!8n!C ]ambudVi8n8ra muda II Z I I
r8!h8m8t|l b8d8r8dV8nm!!8t|t m8ny8!am ! I
C!8! !8dbha!8t|l 5ru!Va 8ury8 r8!y8budhy8!8 || Z I I
!8!O dUrC bhg8CCh8n 88 8ury88 !8nm8hambudh8u I
un88 !8|Z79b)d ud8k8t|l 88rV8l|l 588!r8V8r8m 885y8!8 II Z7 I I
!8ql nOd8k8m aOky8 8ury85 Ca!V8m!8 I
m8gh88y8 8ar!h8Vah88y8 ur8!8 CV8m 8br8V! || Z I I
y8! 8ar!h8Vah8 ]anya un8r 8!r8 m8hOd8dh8u |
588!r8V8rJt8qt 88l|l 88rV8t|l 85yam kh8u 8atr8!8m II Z9 | |
!l !8dbha!8t|l 5ru!Va m8gh8 8ar!h88! 8udh I
8ury8t(l !8t|I m8ha88!!V8t|l 88ql85y8nn CV8m 8br8V! I I Z9U I I
V8!8Cd8m ud8k8t|l n8V8 bh8V8! 588!r8V8r8k8m" I
8y 88! 588!r8V8ragO d8k88yat|l 88mky8!am II Z9I | |
!88y8!8d8nubh8VCn8 any8m h8 r8]!8m I
8!ra dha!ugO!raJl Vdy8n!C VVdhan C8 II Z9Z I I
yan 8k!Va 8uV8raddr8Vya VVdhany 8 I
V8Uryadn r8!nan r88dhy8n!C m8han!y 8 II Z93 | |
yan !C dha!ur8!nan ]ambudVya n8ra muda I
88madayabhn8nd8n!8 r8!yag8!a n]a5r8m8m II Z94 | |
b8d8r8dV8n8m!!8t|i dV!y8t|I ]ay8!am d8m I
CV8l|i !8dbh8!8l|l 5ru!Va 8ury8 88m8budhy8!8 II Z9 I I
!8!O g8CCh8n 88 drC C8 88rV8t|l n8m8y8t|l ]88m
88m885y8! ur88 !88y8 m8gh88y8 !8C C8 raV8d8! II Z9 I I
8ar!h8Vaha!r8 ]anya 88rV8t|l nl8m8y8t|l ]88m I
V8h8!y C!8n nm!!8tJ C8 88muadC(um 8rh8! II Z97 I I
r8k!8 8bOVC 588!r8 B
2 "nya m88.
3 r8k!8 bClOw 588!r8 B
" r8k!8 8bOVC 588!r8 B
r8k!8 8bOVC 588!r8 B, "V8rat|tgO ACD, `V8rt|JOgO EFC
"n8nd8k8 ABCEC

! !8dbhB!8t[l 5ru!Va m8gh8 CV8m 8bha8!8
I _
n8!8n nI 8m8y8t|l hy 8mbhO d8k88yat|l 88mtky8!am I I Z9 | |
!8!r8 y8d Vdy8!C IOh88rV8!O !m8h8!!8r8 I
!88y8 CChayanubhaVCn8 88rV8Vary 8nur8]!8m II Z99 I I
!8!ra dha!ugO!ra Vdy8p!C VIVdhany 8 |
y8!O r8!nanI ]ay8n!C dr8Vya VVdhany 8I || 3OO I I
!an m8r!ya 88maday8 r8!yag8!a naI8y8m
d8!!V dan8t|I 8ukh8t|l bhuk!Va 88l|lC8r8n!C 88da 5ubhC |l 3OJ I I
b8d8r8dV8n8 m!!8t|l !|!y8m d8m uCy8!C I
!8C Chru!Va D8nd!a!ma 88 8ury8 r8!y8budhy8!8 II 3OZ I I
!8!O g8CCh8nn 885y8! 88 88rV8t|i C8 Oh!8t(l ]8l8m I
!8d d|(Va V8m!85 Ca88u m8gh88y8V8t urO V8d8! II 3O3 | l
8ar!h8Vaha!r8 85yam 88rV8t|i C8 Oh!8t|l ]8l8m
C!8nnm!!8m akhya!um 8rh8! mC urO bh8Va\ZO8)n I I 3O4 I I
C!8! !8duk!8m ak8ry8 88 m8gh8 8ar!h8bhJ! r8bhu
8ury8t|l !8t|l m8ha88!!V8t|l 88t85y8nn CV8m 8br8V! I I 3O II
V8!88 na!r8 |8!8ql r8k!8t d8k88yat|l !u dJ 5y8!am |
!8!ra Vdyu!C !amr88rV8!8 88rV8dha!uman II 3O | |
y8!r8 r8!nanI !amradIdr8Vya VVdhany 8 |
!8!r8!an 88maday8 r8!yag8!a n8ra muda II 3O7 | |
b8d8r8dV8D8mI!!8tJ C8!ur!h8m d8m uCy8!C |
!8C Chru!Va 8ury85 Ca88u 88m8bhIn8nd!O bh8V8! || 3O I I
!8!O Vra 8nn 885y8C C8 88rV8l|l !8m8y8ql ]8l8m |
!8d d|(Va V8m!85 Ca88u m8gh88y8V8t|l urO V8d8! Il 3O9 \I
8ar!h8Vaha!r8 85yam 88rV8t|I !8m8y8l|i ]8l8m
k8!h8m 8!r8 ]8I 8t|l !8m C!8ddhC!ul 88mad58 | | 3\ O I I
!8C Chru!Va 88 m8gh85 Cah8 nCd8l|l !8m8y8t|I ]88m I
8uV8rn88rV8!O hy 88! d8k88yat|l 88mky8!am II 3 I I | |
"!8r8l|l ABCDEC

68 Supriyasartha vahai taka

tasya cchayanubhavena pamyam atra rafj i tam I
atra suvaqlaratnani samadaya muda naral) I I 3 Z I I
pratyagatai) sada dana dattva bhuktva sukha mUda
saddharmasadhanaraktal) salJlcarante sada subhe I
tac chrutva supriyas casau prabodhito 'bhyanandata I I 3 3 I I
adraki c ca tato gacchan sa sarva subhraka jalam I
tad drtva vismayapanna! sa magha caivam abravit I I 3 I 4 I I
sarthavahatra pasyami sarvalJ suklamayalJl jalam I
kenai tad rafji talJl casya hetu me samupadisa I I 3 I I I
tan nisamya maghas ta ca sapasyann evam abravit I
vatsatra daki l)asyalJ hi vidyate rupyaparvatal II 3 I I
etacchayan ubhavena rafj l tam i dam ambaram I
tatra rupyal)i vidyante ratnani vividhani ca II 3 I 7 I I
tatrapy adaya rupyal)i ratnani manava muda
dattva danalJl sukha bhuktva sacarante sUbhe sada I I 3 I I
tac chrutvabhyanubuddhva sa supriya! pratyabudhyata I
tata! sa pracaras tatra pradrak:id dharitalJl jalam II 3 9 I I
tat prek:yativismito 'sau maghasyaiva puro 'vadat
sadho sarvalJl haridvarl)alJl jala tat kena he tuna I I 3ZO I I
I ti tadbha:i talJl srutva maghas talJl cal yam abra vi t I
atrasti daki l)asya ca drsyata parvato mahan I I 3Z I I I
etacchayanubhavena jalam ihinurafji tam I (280b)
tatra vaiQuryaratnani vldyante nirmalani hi I I 3ZZ I I
tatra tani samadaya manava abhinandital) I
danalJl dattva sukhalJ bhuktva sacarante sada subhe I
tan ni samyanubuddhva sa supriyal) prabhyanandata I I 3Z3 I I
tato gacchann apasyac cal sarvaf sphatikasafni bham I
taj j alalJl ca samik:yaiva maghasya purato 'vadat II 3Z4 I I
* tatapasyat sa gacchac ca F
sadho 'tra ca jalaf sarvaf vahet1 sphatikanirmalam
tenaitad rafj italJl vari taddhetuf me samadlsa I I 3Z I I ni samya magha! praha supriyalJl talJl samik:ya sal)
ato 'stl dak:il)asyaf hi sphatikaparvato mahan II 3Z I I
etacchayanubhavena jalam atranuraijitam I
tatra grhl)anti ratnani vividhani nara muda II 3Z7 | |
tatsafpattlsamapanna jambudvipa nara! sada 1 2
danalJl dattva sukhalJl bhuktva safcarante sada subhe I I 3Z I I
i t! tatsamupakhyatalJ3 srutva so 'bhyanubodhita!4 I
sat yam eva parijiaya samabhinandito 'bhavat II 3Z9 I I
tato gacchan puras tatra nil alJl pitaf ca lohitam I
avadatalJ ca paniyalJl vimisritaf dadarsa sal I I 33O I I
etan misralJl jalaf dr:tva supriyo vismayanvital) I
maghasya puratas caitat pasyann evam abha:ata6 I I 33\ I I
sarthavahatra pasyaml caturvarl)avimisritam
jalam etat kathalJl kena hetuna me sHmadl sa I I 332 I I
tan ni samya maghas cas au supriyal vismayanvitam I
mahasattvalJl mahiviryaf safpasyann evam idisat II 333 I I
ato ' pi dak:;i lasyalJl ca caturatnamayo naga! I
tasya cchayanubhivena jalam ihanuraijitam I I 334 I I
tatrapi ca samadaya catiratnini manu:;a! I
danaf krtva yathakamaf bhuktva carant! satsukham II 33 | |
it! taddesitaf srutva supriyo 'bhiprabodhitai)7 I
sat yam evaf parijiaya babhuva prabhinandltal II 33 I I
? vahate A, vahe BCDEFC
2 ab om. ABCDEC
3 etat tatsamupadi:;tam AhCDEC
" bhi bodhita! F
tasya ABCDEC
abravit B
7 bhi scabodhita! ACD



!8!85 Can!8r]8C 85y8d da V8 r8d!!a{ |
!a S8mky8 ur89 !8Sy8 m8gh8Sy8 S8 ny8VCd8y8! || 337 | |
8n!8r]8C !r8 85yam dan V8 r8dI!!an |
kCna!r8 r8]l!8l|I SadhO !8nnm!\8ql S8mBd58 || 33 | |
!8n n58my8 m8gh8S !8t|l C8 Sury8q VSm8yanV!8m
m8haVry8||I S8mu!Sah8tl S8t|l85y8nn CV8m 8br8V! || 339 | |
V8!Sa!ran!8r)8C S8n! m8h8u8dhyO bhd!l | ZI 8I!a( |
C!8!r8bhanubhaVCn8 S8rV8KtI2 ]8!8tl r8d!!8m II 34O | |
!8!r8u8dh S8maday8 bh8gV8ra r8mOd!a(| |
S8rVCall S8rV8rOga r858myan8nd8y8n!y 8 II 34 | |
V8!S8!an nm!!an d858 ]anamy 8!O n8 h |
g8m8n8lI b8d8r8dVC r8!]anamy 8h8q kh8u | | 34Z | I
C!8! !8!S8muad(8t|l n58my8 SuryO muda |
Sar!h8Vah8l|I m8gh8t|I 85y8n bhUyO y CV8m 8bh8!8 || 343 | |
k8da!r8 b8d8r8dVI88!!8nBn!8t|l bh8Vy8! |
!O g8my8t|l ky8C C8!8! S8muakhya!um 8rh8! || 344 | |
! !8!rar!h!8l|I 5ru!VB m8gh8 S8 Sury8t|l C8 !8m |
m8haS8!!V8t|l m8haVry8tl S8t|I85y8nn CV8m 8br8V! || 34b | |
m8ya b8d8r8dV8l|I S8rV8qI n8Vabhd}5y8!C |
8n!ka! Sar!h8Vahant| ||l V|ddhanatl 5ru!8m CV8 h | | 34 | |
!8S ! r8||l S8mu!!ry8 85CmabhmukhO VrgC! I
CV8m C!8! S8makhya!8t|t Sar!h8Vah8l1 5ru!8ql m8ya || 317 | |
C!8d CV8 k8!h!Va S8 m8gh8S ! ||I 2 Vy8V8S!h!8|
y8d rOg8VCd8nakran!8( S8rVaIlg88rI!8 || 34 | |
!8m ev!i rOgl8q dp]Va Sury8 SO dCV8!am
dhya!Va Sm|!Va S8m8t|l n8!Va rar!h8y8d CV8m ad8ra! || 349 | |
1 dhya!VanuSm(!Va S8t|ln8!Va BF, dhya!VanuSm|!Va S8t|tn8!Va COrrCC!
Cd !O r68d 88: dhya!Va Sm(!Va S8l(in8!Va C8 E, dhya!Va Sm|!Va S8lim8~
n8!Va G

Supriyasartha Vuh8]a!8K
r8kCm8t|I svainar UaIh8l|I k8m8SV8 mC 87au!8\m
oV8tJ: !8!{rar!h!8t|I 5ru!Va Suriy8tn S8 m8hO V8d8! |l SbO i l
8S8hy8VCU8na V8!Su raUurBh\1!a 18n8u m8P8 I
!8U ea nty8!am n8ukB !IrC !r8 Saqlr8!8t I8ghu iI tl I I
VC!r8a5Cn8 b8ddhVa maHI naV8ltI mC dCh8m 8rC8y8
pra8muk!8m d8Hl kay8l S8t(lKuruV8 y8!haVldn II 352 | |
DV85y8qi bhaVnO bhBVB bn8V8n\.l S8rV8dCDnam
!8n mC !r8 5OC8nal k| !Va ma bh8V8 d1n8man8S8h I I 3b3 I I
cva tadhbnianr srntNa !8!ha sa snpriyas \8!8 !
!IrC nt!Va b8b8ndhaS8u vC!r8a5Cn8 !8l[l pl8V8m || 354 I I
!8!ran!8rC m8ghO dhya!Va Sm|!Va t8!n8!r8y8l]l muda
kaC dh8rmabhS8t|lyuk!8( kay8l|l !y8k!Va dV8t]l y8y8u || bb I I
!8!8h ka8g8!8q: m8!Va !8t|l m8gh8t(l Sury8 S!h8C |
r8!(hay8 S8m8bhy8rCy8 V8hnna S8m8dah8y8! l| Jb | |
!8!8S !8d8S!! S8t|lg|hy8 raVah8y8! m8hOd8dh8u
!8!8S !8C ChOk8m u)|h!Va S8 CV8qI S8m8CIn!8V8! | | 3b7 | |
d8lJI O!8tJl .8maruhy8 ku!r8 yaSyam Sair8l ZIb)!8m
d8VCn8 rCr!O y8!r8 !8!rabhS8l|IS8rCy8 h | | 3b ||
CV8t|l VCn!y8man8Sy8 Sury8Sy8 m8ham8!C I
!8! O!8m !IVr8VCgCn8 Vayuna8h|!O mbh8S || 3b9 | |
!8d 88h|!8i.. ugrCJI8 Vayuna VIky8 Sury8) I
VIry8O!8tJ: S8maruhy8 raC8r8! 85CmaqI d58m I| 3O | |
!8|r8 ar5VC C8!Hr8!n8m8y8Sy8 8rV8I8Sy8 S8l\ |
S8l]Ir8ya!O m8ha(8VyalJI r8C8Car8 viIokayan || 3\ | |
!8!r8 S 8 h88mHlan bh8K$ 8mat}O VI8]8tS !8!8 |
8nCk8yO]8nanI!y8 58kt}8qI d8d8r58 8rV8!80 | | 3Z | |
!8!rOCC8!8r8m udV1ky8 SO bhg8!8S !8d8n!k8m I
8bhrOhuqI SuVtryO n8 585ak8 k8!H8HI C9D8 II 0U | |
S8 m8gh8: Sury8Hi V8d8! ABCDEG
2 Sm|!Va n8!Va ku\C5V8rC F
J !8H: DrOCC88r8m F


2 Supriyasarthavahaataka
tatra sa madhunalipya pad au samabhiruhya tam |
nagal tato 'vatirIo 'pi' gacchan muda carals tata! II 34 | |
tatra phalani mulani bhak!an sa prasarat2 tata! |
anekayojananitya dadarsa nagam uccakam || 3 | |
tam abhiroQhum udvik!ya ni !saraI)af3 samantata! |
bhraman parye:amaI)o 'sau kutra cin nabhyapasyata4 || 3b | |
tatra margam alabdha!' sa vi:;adaparitapita!
taccintaya paritatma nidrahatendriyo 'bhavat || 37 | |
tada tasmin nage yak!o nilado nama6 tl:thati6 |
sa taf nidravasibhutaf samik:;yaivaf vyacintayat II 3 | |
puru:;o 'yaf mahasattvo bodhisattva! suviryavan
sarvasattvahi totsahi saddharmasrisukhirthabhrt || 39 | |
ratnartham i ha prayata! parikli!to 'bhikhedita! |
tad aham asya sahayyal kalpayeyam ihadhuna II 37U I |
evaf niscitya nilado yak:as tasmin prasuptite |
tatpura! samupasrtya7 salpasyann evam abravit || J7I I I
atrai :;a tvam ito gatva yojanaf pasya parvate |
trl !i splgaI)i vidyante mahaduccatara!)i hi II 37Z | |
tatra vetraf8 sitaf8 dhrtva salkramasva samaruhan
evaf proktva sa niladas taf prasuptaf prabodhayan
tato 'ntarhita ekante sthitva pasyan samasrayat I I 373 I I
tan nisamya prabuddhal sa supriya! prabhinandita! I
utthaya sahasa gatva tatra bhraman vyal okayat9 II 3J4
1 1
1 'bhi F
2 vracarat l
nissau mss.
4 kutra vivitrabhyadyata A, kutracinnatprapadyata C, 0cinnabhya-
padyata . 0
, alabdhaf ACO, alabdhi BEFG
6 namodhyati:;thata F
7 "pasritya ABCOEG
8 vetrasitif mss,
9 kayan F. - For footnote U see next page.
cd om. ABCOEG

tan nisamyabhibuddha! sa supriyo vismayanvita!
samutthayibhyanusmrtva tad evaf samacintayat1 I I 37 1 12
aho devasamadi!?taf3 suptenatra maya srutam I
etat satyaqt bhaven nunall tat tatha safkramamy aham || 37 1 14
tata!) so 'bhibhramafs trili sp lgali samapasyata |
tatra vetraf' sitaqt" dhrtva parvataf taf samaruhat || 377 | |
tatra sa viryavan pasya(282a) nn avaruhya samahita!) |
tata!) safprasthito bhuyo 'py adrak:;it sphatikal nagam || 37 | |
taf6 samlk!ya manu:;yalam agamyaf mahadudgatam I
samantato bhramals tatra margal sa7 nalabhaF kva ci t8 | | 379 | |
tatra margam apasyan sa tadabhlrohaI)aya hi |
vyavatasthiv ahoratral taccintabhlhatasaya!9 || 3O | |
tatra nagelO sthito yak:;as candraprabhabhidho mahan |
sa taf cintahatatminaf samik!yalvaf vyacintayat || 3 | |
puru!o 'yaf mahasattva! sarvasattvahitarthabhrt |
safsadhituf maharatnam ihayato mudadhuna || 382 | |
e:;a mar gam ihalabdhvi clntaparo 'bhitl!thate |
tad asyahal samasvasya margal saldarsaye 'dhuna || 33 | |
itl salJcintya yak:;a! sa tal sametya pura!sthital) |
samasvasya prasannatmall salpasyann evam abravit || 34 | |
cd om. ABCOEG
1 ci ntat F
2 3 om. ABCOEG
3 daivasaD F
4 37 om. ABCOEG
" vetrasito ACOEG, vetrasitro B, vetrasitam F
tat mss.
7 sonalabha ABCEG, so na 0
8 d margaf naivabhyalabhat sa vai F
9 Dcintadl hataD A. cintahihata BCOEG
tatragebhi ABCOFG, tatragebhi corrected in margin as: tatra
nage E
prasannasya!) F


S upry8SarIh8Vah8]a\8 ka
SadhO maIr8 V$ Id8 IV8qt S8q\C8r8SV8 S8mah I8h
krOS8maIr8m IO Q8IVa dr8k$y8S C8nd8n8t(t V8n8m | | 3 | |
I8IranuS8mC8r8n p8Sy8 Vdy8Ie m8h8II S la
Iaq S8muIpa]y8 Vrye8 p8Sy8S m8h8Im Quham || 3 | |
I8Syaq pr8bhSV8ra nam8 S8mVdy8Ie m8h8u$ 8dh |
Iaq p8C8Qu8S8qp8nnat S8mk$yaday8 S8qVrg8 || 37 | |
I8Sya QU8pr8bhaVen8 kaye S8SIr8qt kr8men n8 h |
8V8Iar8qt n8 l8Sy8nIe S8rV8du$ [aSurad8y8h || 3 | |
b8l8q Vry8qt S8malOk8m S8 l8bhed yO d8dhaII Iam
I8I Iaq dh}IVa pr8yah IV8q SrSOpan8q C8 prek$ 8Se || 9 | |
I8Ir8 Ien8 C8Iur8In8SOpanen8 S8maruh8 |
Sph8]!k8p8rV8I8q SV8SI S8qkr8m8SV8 V Ok8y8n || 39O | |
I8Io V8I8r8IO bhy8) SanI8rdhaSy8!' S8u$8dh
I8da IV8ya n8 k8rI8Vy8m SOk8V ad8rOd8n8m | | 39 I | |
eV8m C8ndr8pr8bhO y8k$8 Supry8qt I8m m8ham8Im |
S8m8nuSaSy8 S8qip8Sy8mS I8I8 SO nI8rhI IO 'Vr8|8I || 39Z | |
I8C ChruIVa SupryO dhman S8m8bhIbOdhI8S I8I8h |
pr8yaI8S C8nd8ne r8ye d8d8rS8 m8h8Iq SIam | | 393 | |
tal S8muIpa]y8 Vryer|8 S8m8Ik$8I8 m8h8dQuham |
I8Ir8 S8mk$ y8 SO drak$I pr8bhaSV8raq m8h8u8dhm" l | 394 | |
Iaqt S8maday8 u ryaIO m8hab8lO IVry8Van |
I8IrabhIOk8y8n" r8In8SOpan8t(t 8bhy8p8SV8I8 || 39 | |
I8I8 S8 SuprIy8S Ien8 praruhy8 Sph8[i k8r(i n8g8m |
y8k$ 8deSIIqmrQe| 282b) p8 pr8C8kram8 S8mahl I8It | | 39 | |
aSy8SVu '
2 i8hOS8dh ABDEFG
duS{Surad8y8 ABCDEF. S8rVudu$|u] G
sumaIOky8 ^BCDEU
o hi tva AS
6 bht1v8San I8r ABCFG. bhUyOSanI8r" 0
v8sad8" A. " V8ISad8" BCDEFG
8 m8hO$8" mSS.
9 "I:8V8u ABCDE

IaIO V8!ry8 S8qp8Syan pr8C8Cr8 m8hI8le |
I8I8(t SanI8rI I8Sy8 pr8bhSV8ra m8h8u$8dh || 397 | |
IaIr8 S8qpr8SIhIO p8Sy8I S8uV8r8n8Q8r8qt C8 S8
armOdyan8S8qtp8nn8qt puk8rlS8mVI8m || 39 ||
I8d d$[V S8 mud I8Sy8 dVr8m up8Q8I8 pun8
8p8Sy8n nlr|8n8q Suny8qt d}$[VOdyne S8mSr8y8I || 399 | |
I8Ir8 SIhIV V $8(tIm dhyIV8V8qt S8maCnI8y8I
y8d d8m h8 p8Syml I8d 8p Suny8k8qt kh8lu || 4UU | |
k8dh8qt b8d8r8dVp8q prpy8 l8pSym VChI8m |
eI8CCnIap8rIIm mddhO SeIbh ndrI8(t || 9U I | |
I8qt S8mk$y8 m8haS8IIV8m eI8CCnIkulS8y8m |
S prVadeV8Ia praI8(t S8meIyalV8m 8bh$8Ia || 4UZ | |
Sdhu Sadhu m8hS8IIV8 dh8ry8m 8mby8 p8Sy8 mam
IaV8 m8nObhn8ndarIh8q S8mSV8SIum Q8Im || 4U3 | |
S8rV8kanIr8durQ(t nlSIran IV8yadhuna |
S8mprapIO b8d8r8dVpap8II8n8q S8qtpraSd8 I8I || 4U4 | |
S8qQOpyaIr8 pr8y8Inen8 S8rVendry(t S8rV8I8 |
SuSm}Im m8n8Sa dhIVa S8qtC8r8SV8 S8mahI8 || 4U | |
8Ir8 SVO n8Q8r8dVar8q Q8IVa S8m8bh l Ok8y8n |
I8Ik8pa[e IrdhakO[y8 S8qI$[h8SV8 S8maSrI8 || 4U | |
I8IO p k!nn8rk8nyaS c8I8SrO r8IS8qnbha |
n rQ8CCheyu Subh8dranQ k8laVdyaVC8k8(ah | | 4U7 | |
`$ 8dh] ABCDEG. m8hO$8dh F
2 I8I8] F
I8qt mSS.
S8meIeV8m ACOG. S8meIyeV8m BE
' I8yadhu" A. I8Vdhu" BCOEFG
' 8Ir8qISVO A. 8IrISVO BC. 8IrarSVO D. 8Ir8SyO E

tai: sarva maDQita ramyas1 tvaf sami kya pramodi tai
vasikartuf samanamya2 vadeyur3 evam adarat I I 408 I I
svagataf bho mahasattva samehi no 'bhi nandaya I
asmakam apatinaf hi bharta svami patir bhava II 409 I I
pasyemani suramyall grhali mandi rali ca I
safpasyann eu sarveu saframasva4 yathasukham II 4 1 0 I I
vi vi dhani suvastral)i di vyani sobhi tany api I
bhuaDany apl sarval)i santy etanl bhavantu te || 4 1 1 I I
sarvaDY apy atra bhogyani panani vi vi dhany api I
sarasani supathyanl santy etani samahara II 4 1 2 I I
dhatudravyaDi sarval)i ratnani sakal any api
tavadhinani sarvali pasyan grhila sanmate I I 4 1 3 I I
aramaDY api vi dyante sarvartupupamaDQi tai i
sarvauadhiphalanamralr6 drumai! safsobhltany api I I 4 1 4 I I
pukari DYo 'pi vi dyante7 suddhasitambupurDi ta!
hafsadl paki bhi ! purDii: pupali padmotpaladlbhi i:9 I I 4 1 5 I I
tisu snatva yathakimaf bhuktvi bhogyaf sapanakam I
asmabhl ! saha safrakto ramamaDa! sukhaf cara || 4 1 6 1 19
evaf ta! kinnarikilntai: sarva apl puraisthi tai: I
samlkya tvaf vasikrtya praccheyu ramituf sadi II 4 1 7 I I
tada tvafl tasu sarvasu mitrsafnasamahitai: I
samupasthipya safpasyan saddharmaf samupadisa I I 4 1 8 I I
1 ramya mss.
2 saminasyai A
3 vandeyur ABCDEG
4 safcarasva AC
di vyabhi F
6 sarvoao F
7 c pukariDyoimaif vldyante F
9 padmidi bhi ! F. But cr. vs. 457.
9 4 1 1 -4 1 6 om. ABCDEG
Supriyasartha vahajataka
tava dharmamrtaf pitva sarvas ta abhibodhiti!
srisafpradafl maharatnaf prayaccheyui prasiditii II 4 1 9 I I
tan maha( 283a) ratnam adiya samabhi prccha tadgul)an
tadguDalS te samakhyayui: sarvas tai: saqlpramodita! I I 420 I I
yathi tabhi! samakhyatal!l sal!l srutva tval! samahi ta! I
tatha krtva jagat sarval!l sarvarthai r abhi nandaya I I 42 1 I I
tato vraja dvi tiyal!l ca kinnarinagaral!l tatha I
gatva tannagaradvare tridhakotyabhyupasraya II 422 I I
tato 'tau ki nnarIkanya ni rgaccheyu ramopamil |
purvatisundara! kantai kalavidyavicakaDa! II 423 I I
ta api sakal a ramas tval!l samikyabhi nandl tal I
vaslkartul!I prayatnena bodhayiyanti purvavat II 424 I I
tasv api JananisaIJ1J nam upasthapya samahi tai: |
saddharmal!l2 samupakhyiya sarvas tai sal!lprasadaya II 425 I I
tava dharmamrtal!l pitva sarvas tal: saflprasidita! I
purvottaraf3 maharatnal!l safpradasyanti te dhruvam II 426 I I
tat samikya samadaya [ tall pari Pfcchata tadguDin
tadgul)afs tal samakhyaya nandayiyanti te manai I I 427 I I
yatha tabhl l: samakhyitaf tatha krtvabhi nandayan
sarvin naran apitarthail sal!l toayan sukhal!l cara I I 428 I I
tato gaccha trtiyal!l ca kinnarinagaraf tatha I
pasyan sametya taddvaral!l tri dhakotyabhyupasraya II 429 I I
tatas ca ni rgatal) kantai:4 oQasaki nnaratmajal I
di vyarupal: subhadrangal: sarvakalavi cakal)al: I I 430 | |
tas ca sarvil samikya tvaf rati kriQanuragitil I
vasikartul!I prayatnena nandayiyanti te manal:" I I 43 1 I I
1 sal!l padal ABCDFG
2 rmma mss.
3 plrvottamal!l mss .
4 kanyai F
" d O yanti purvavat F


68 Supriyasartha vahajitaka
tasv api bhaginisarpjnim upasthapya samahital) I
saddharmasamupakhyanais taJ sarva abhibodhaya I I 432 I I
tava dharmamrtaf pitva sarvas tal) abhibodhitaJ
maharatnaf!l pradasyanti bhadraf srisukhasafpradam I I 433 I I
tat saf!lpasyan samadaya saf!l prccha tadgulan! tal) I
tadgulani samakhyaya kuryus tas te 'bhibodhanam II 434 I I
tabhir yatha samakhyitaf!l tathi krtva samahital) I
vaichitarthai r naran sarvan saf!ltoya prabhi nandaya II 435 I I
tada te vafchitaf!l sarvaf saf!lsetsyate prasadhitam I
tataJ srisarvasaf!lpattisamapanna( 283b) 1 sukhaf!l cara II 436 I I
tato gaccha caturthaf!l ca ki nnaranagaraf!l tatha I
gatva samikya taddvaraf!l tridhakotyabhyupasraya II 437 I I
tato 'pi niscariyanti dvatrif!lsat kinnaratmajal) ' I
ratirupa ramakaral) sarvakal avi cakal)aJ II 438 I I
ta apt tvaf!l samikantyai) sarval samanumoditai)
vasikrtya samiccheyu ramituf!l sarvada sukham I I 439 I I
tasv api tvaf!l sutasafim upasthapya samahitai) I
saddharmaf!l samupakhyaya sarvas ta abhibodhaya II 440 I I
tas te dharmamr taf!l pitva sarvai) samabhibodhitai I
pradasyanti maharatnaf!l bhadraf!l srisukhasaf!lpradam II 441 I I
tat saf!lpasyan samadaya sarvaf!ll lokan samicchitaiil |
sarvadravyaill samapannan krtva samabhinandaya II 442 I I
e taddharmamaha tkirtisribhadrarthasamrddh i man I
sarvasattvahitaf!l krtva saf!lcarasva sada sukham I I 443 I I
sada saf!lsetsyate sarvaf! samabhisadhi taf!l dhruvam I
etatkarmavipakena bod him api samapnuyal2 II 444 I I
evaf!l sa devata tasmai supnyaya yathakramam I
saddharmasadhanaf!l dharmam adi Syantarhitabhavat II 445 I I

samio mss.
2 nuyat mss.

Supriyasartha vahajataka
etat sarvafl samakarIwaJ supriyah safpramod tUo
prati buddha!l samutthaya pratar evafl vyaci ntayat " 446 "
aho sa devatopetya svapne mam evam adisaI I
etat satyarl bhaven nunafl tad gatvahafl vi l el<aye2 II 447 "
i ti saf!lci nt. ya dhiman sa3 suvarDanagarafl gata!l I
taddvaram upasaf!ll<ramya4 tri dhake(yabhyupasrayat " 448 I I
tato 'bhi ni rgatal) kanyas catasra!l ki nnaratmajal I
di vyatl sundara!l kanta!l l< alavi dyavi cakaDa!l I I 449 "
t.a t, sarvas Utf mahasattvam samabhikyabh i nandi ta!l
puratal) samupasritya pasyantya evam uci re II 450 I I
svagatal te mahasattva kac ci t sarvatra kausal am
samehy atra pure 'smakam apatil l am pati r bhava " 451 I I
i mani pasya ramyal i gr haJi mandi raJi " ca I
sampasyann eu sarvelI salJ1 ramasva yathasukham II 452 "
etany api ca sarvaDi sami cchaya7 samah ara I
surasapathyabhogya( 284a) ni panani vi vi dhani ca " 453 "
vi vi dhani slivastraDi dl vyan sobhi tani ca I
bhuaDanyU api a sarvani santy" etHn " bhavantu te " 454 "
dhatudravyani sarvaDi ratnani sakal any api I
tavfdhi nani sarvaDi pasyan gr haDa san mate " 455 "
udyinany api vi dyani l sarvartupupamaDci tai l I
sa rvauadhi phal anamrai r drumai |t samsohh i tanyl O al aml O " 4f6 "
* sff; k hvP\ " A RCnr; (;
' v i i okavan ABC. " kayal. Dt. yan n \;
3 tam mss.
" I dvii ramul opasarpkramya D
pasrararat A, pacarat C, pasracaL (
" ( ) b n i l ani C, sobhanani D
sarl l cchaya mss.
" r.1 an i c:a (:
` samebh<l ni A. sametani fCDEG
I U tani C C


70 Su priyasarth a vahaja tak a

pukari DYo 'pi vidyante suddhasitambupuri tal: I
harpsadi paki bhi l purDal pupail padmotpaladibhi l: I I 457 ||
tasu snatva yathakamarp bhuktva bhogyarp sapanakam I
asmabhi l saha sarprakto ramamaDal: sukharp cara II 458 I I
evarp tal: ki nnarikanyal: sarva api puralsthitaJ I
samikya tarp vasikarturp l prarthayan ramiturp sada I I 459 I I
evarp sarpprarthi tarp tabhi l: srutva sa supriyal: sudhil I
jananir i va taJ sarval pasyarps tasthau samahital' II 460 I I
atha tal sakalal kantal supriyarp tarp mahamatim
dhrtva pravesayarps tatra sauvarDanagare muda I I 46 1 I I
pravesya tatra prasade samabhi ropya sobhite I
svasane sarppratithapya prekantya upatasthire II 462 I I
tatra sa sudrsa pasyan sarvas tal samupasthi tal I
dasa papan vi ni rgrhya2 kusalan dasa pradisat II 463 I I
sarirarp trividharp paparp vaDibhavarp caturvidham I
trayarp manasikarp tadvad dasakusal i karp3 smrtam II 464 1 \
sadattadanahi rsa ca kamami thya sarirajam I
dinasval payuau vamahi nam ante ca durgatiJ I I 465 "
mravadas ca paisunyarp raudrarp4 bhinnarp ca vacikam
kuthakayas ca murkhas ca bhartsyamanoO janojjhital'6 I I 466 "
abhidhya ca paradroharp mithyadrti s ca manasam
sarvapriyatvadrohatvarp hinangarp7 tatphal arp vi dul " 467 "
vasikrtva F
2 vi ni gr' ABCOEG; vi nirgrhya here metri causa for vi ni grhya.
3 'sal aka ACOG
4 ? k$audrarp ACOFG, ? k$audra BE
o bhratsyamana mss.
6 j anoditaJ A, janodmi tal BF, j asibhavet C, jaQarita D, ? janoj
j hital E, ? janoQmital' G
' bhinnarpgarp C
Supriyasartha vah aja taka
tani tyaktva sarpcaradhvarp kusalan dasa mataral
sukrtat paurvikad yuyarp sarp pannal saguDair1 dhanaiJ " 468 "
kamasrayan bhave2 klesan samakhyayabhi bodhayan I
sarvasattvahitadhanarp saddharmarp samupadisat I I 469 "
tas taddharmamrtarp pitva sarvaJ samanubodhital: I
sarptu$tas tarp mahasattvarp prekantya evam abruvan " 470 "
dha( 284b) nyo 'si tvarp mahasattva yad yuvapi sudhirakaJ
naiva kamaguDaraktaJ saddharmaguDal al asaJ I I 471 "
evarp taJ sakaiaJ kanyal: samakhyayabhinandital: I
saubhasanar maharatnarp supriyaya dadur muda II 472 "
samik$ya tarp maharatnarp supriyal so 'bhinandital:
samadayabhipasyarps tas tadguDarp paryaprcchata " 473 "
bho bhaginyo 'sya ratnasya ko 'nubhaval: pracak$yatam
etadguDanubhavena kuryarp sarvarthasadhanam II 474 "
evarp tadbha$itarp srutva sarvas tal sarpprasaditaJ3 I
tasmai tasya suratnasya prabhavarp samupadisan4 " 475 I I
mahasattvasya ratnasya sriprabhavarp mahattaram I
samabhivaichitarp sarvarp sarppurayed ayarp yataJo " 476 "
tat snatva pafcadasyarp6 tvam upoadhavratarp caran7 I
idarp dhvajagra aropya8 prarthayasva samihi tam II 477 I I
tada yojanasahasrarp9 simantakarp ni rantaram I
yathabhivaichi tarp sarvarp dravyar tathabhi varayet I I 478 "
' sadguDair D
2 'yar bhavet AD, 'yin bhavet REF, 'yi bhaven C
3 ' pramoditil' D
4 'sat mss.
d 'puraya pradihita C for ? 'puraya prajihi te
7 1
6 a tasmit snitvi paicadasyarp ABCEG, tasmat snatvi paicasyarp D
b supoadhavratarp caret ABCOEG
c idarp ratna dhvajiropya C
9 yojanavi stararp ABCDEG, yoj anasahasrarp wi th vi stira over the
l i ne above sahasra F
7 2 Su pri yasartha vahajataka
i drg asyanubhavar[ hi matva' dhrtva' samahi taJ
samabhiprarthi tai r dravyai J: sarvan samabhito:aya II 479 I I
dattva danaTl sadarthibhyo bhuktva bhogyaTl yathepsitam
s vayaTl caran sada bhadre2 iokan api pracaraya I I 480 I I
e vaTl tadbha:;i taql srutva tatheti so numodi tal I
tadanujfiTl samasadya tato 'carad vi l okayan I I 48 1 I I
tataJ: sa pracal'ann arad rupyamayaTl mahattaram I
ki nnaranagaraTl3 tac4 ca saTlpasyan samupiisarat" II 482 I I
tad dr:;tvananditatma6 sa saTl pasyan samupicarat7 I
pretya tannagaradvaraTl8 tri dhikotyibhyati :;hata II 483 I I
tada:;tau ki nnarilcanya rati rupatisundarip9 I
ni ryayul srisubhadranga sarvakaiavlcak:aDil II 484 I I
sarvas tas taTl samaiokya samabhinandi tisaya[ I
saTlmukhaTl samupasthi tva pasyantya evarn abruvan I I 485 I I
svigataTl bho mahasattva kac ci t te kausai arp tanau I
samehidarp manoramyaTl pasya rupyamayarp puram II 486 I I
i ty uktvi tarp pure ni tva prasade taJ samidarat I
svisane saTprati:;thapya pasyantya evam abruvan II 487 I I
asmikam apa( 285a)tinaTl hi bharta svarni pat l r bhava I
pravi syitra samik:;asva sarvatra saTlcaran kramit II 488 I I
, mahan dhrtvi D
2 bhadrarp CD
3 kainnaryarp naO AEG. kai naryanaO B. ki nnaryanagaraTl C. kai ql -
daryyarpna D
taT mss .
" pacarat ABCDEG
' a tad dr:tvio ABG. dr:;tvibhi nao F
7 pisat F
o I tatra tam nagaO C
9 rupibhi suO ABCDEG
.0 bhadraUsih CF
Supriyasirtha vahaj atal< U
prasaaany atra vi dyante ramyalJ i randiril i ea I
e:;v asmibhi J sahiraktal' sarprarnasva2 sada sukham II 489 I I
aramalJi ea santy atra sarvartupu$pi tai r drumai J
supathyaphai avrk:;ai s ea sal!sobhiUini sarvadi II 490 I I
pu:;karl DYo ' pi santy atra suddhasitambupiiri tii i:l I
sarvai r jai aruhai il pu:;pai l sarsobhi tis ca pak:;i bhi b II 49 1 I I
sarvar.l i santi bhogyani panani vi vl dhiiny api I
bhuktvai tani yathakamaTl saTlearasva sukhaTl3 rl lda3 I I 492 I I
dravyari sant sarvari ratnini sakalany api I
etany api sarnaiokya samidatsva yathecehayi II 493 I I
vastrari santi sarviIi suraitgarafltany api I
etany api samadiya pravrtya tai l sukhaT eara II 494 I I
bhii:;aDany api santy atra hemaratnamayani ea I
sarvaIy etai r al aTlkrtva sarvangarp4 sobhayarps cara II 495 I I
a$tiitgaguDaSaTpannajaiapurDal sarovaral I
santy ete:;u sadi snitva suddhasilil) subhambaral II 496 I I "
kul esvararp ;amabhyareya satyadharmalJl samarjayan 16
asmibhi l sana salrakto bhuktva bhogyarp yathepsitam II 497 I I
ramamaDo di vanaktarp bhuktvinandaT sukhaT vasa I
evalJl bhuktva mahasaukhyal printe yayal sural ayam II 498 ! I
evafl tibh i l samakhyataTl srutva sa supri yal sll dhi l I
j anani r i va taJ: sarvai saflpasyann e vam abravit II 499 I I
mataro7 ' hal[7 na kamirthi na ca bhogyati lilasa! I
api tu sarval okarthaTl ratnarthi ha samavraj eB l| hOO I I
' ' raktal ABCDEG
suramasva mss.
sada muda A. sukhalJl prada BE. sukhar sada F. sada pradil G
4 sarvagai l A. sarvagal BDEG . sarvaitgai i C
" 496 om. ABCDEG
6 ab om. ABCDEG
7 i hitaro AC. duhi t.aro BEG. dl l hat. aro D. a rataraharp I '
" 'vra.J et ACnG
7 4 Supriyasartha vahaja taka
evaQl sa sanmatil) proktva sarvas tal) kinnarir api
ni varya dasapapebhyao saddharmaQl samupadlsat I I 501 I I
tat saddharmamr taQl pitva sarvas tal pramada api I
samanubodhi tal) sat yam I ti matva nanandire1 II 502 I I
taddharmabhi pramodinyal2 sarvas tas tam mahamatim I
bahubhio srimaharatnal l) saQlpravaryabhyanandayan I I 503 I I
tani sarviQi ratnani samadaya samikya sao I
idimadhyintakalyaQaQl3 tibhyas ca dharmam adi sat I I 504 1 14
vavandi re D
prabodhi nyao D
3 So i n l wi th danamahatmyam atulam written bel ow. danaQl mi
hatmyam atul aQ ABCDEC
4 ABCDEC have the fol lowing additional verses:
ni dhanam anaghaQ danaQl cauridl bhi r agocaram I
bhavadhvasramanasiya vahanaQl sukham uttamam I I I I
muktaval i bhiitangao kauseyaprivr ( 285b) tal) sada I
yad udvahanti taQ lak!miQl tad apl dinalakaDam II iI I I
iyul sudirghakaQl subh[ r)aQl janma kantaQl vapurguDam I
irogyaQl nirbhayaQl dravyaQ tat sarvaQl danavrkatal) II iii I I
yac r ca) cakravarti bubhuje dharitriQl saptabhir yutal)
samudrasimaQl nikaDtaQl tad api bhimidanatal) II iv I I
ratnasya danat tai l) purQaQl dravyasya kiicanais tathi
vasobhi r va samas tadvad yad dattaQl tad vi vardhitam I I v I I
tasyanubhavato yuyaQl ratnadvipasamudbhavil) I
satataQl d itsavo bhavya dinadul) khavivarj l tal) I I vi I I
yasya prabhavad atul aQl saukhyal1 vardhaya tat punal)
saQl vardhyamane tasmin tu so 'pi vo vardhayiyati I I vi i I I
pradattvaitaQl piHayadhval1 lokin dinin sucetasa I
II vi i i I I
munindra vacanaQl smrtvi pragato 'smi sudiratatl I
ratnirthi dinam uddhartuQl ni l)sahiyas tvadisayi II i x I I

S u priyasirtha vihajitaka
tac ca dharmaQl samakarDya sarvis til saQlprasidltal)
prabhasvaraQl maharatnal]1 dadus tasmai subha$i De I I 505 I I
tad ratnaQl sa samadaya saQlpasyann abhlnandital
duhi tfr iva tal) sarval papracchaivaQl ca tadguDan I I 506 I I
duhi taro 'sya ratnasya kiQl prabhavaQl gUQaQl ca kim I
etat satyalJl samakhyaya prabodhayata me manal II 507 I I
evalJl tatprarthltalJl1 srutva sarvas tao salprasidltil I
supriyal]1 talJl mahivijialJl samikyaivam upidi san2 II 508 I I
i t i tasya vacal) srutva taQl stutva salJlprasadi tal) I
bhasamanabhidhaQl ratnam adeyam apl saQldadul) II x I I
grhaDedaQl mahabhaga jambudvipe sudurlabham I
tvayaditaQl samakarQya saQltu$ta danakamukal II xl I I
yadi yoj anacaturthaQl pravarayed abhipsltam I
va so 'nnadravyaratnall ca rakayiQl dhvajaQl asrayan II xi i I I
i ty uktvi pradadau tasmai svacchaQl nlrmalaminasao I
tad grhitvasiim idye punal priha pramodltal) I I xi i i I I
vilasantu caturvargis tatpradinid dayitmikal) I
o o o = o o o - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I I xiv I I
punar api "
l . 8) anaga AC, araQlga B, anaQlga DE, analJgaQl C lll8) dirghaQl sule
A, dirghasukul e BDEC, subhra C lv. c) samudramimalJl 0 v. 8)
purQDa mss. v. ) sasas BDEC v. d) yad vrttall C vlll. 8) dattvet-
thaQl ADEC, pracatvettha B, pradatvaitthaQl C l X. 8) maunio mss.
l X. d) tvadasadil) A, ? tvadi Saya B, tvadasada C, tvayasada D, tvadi
saya E, tvadasaya C Xl. d) danaQl utsahe C, danamukprghal) D XIl. d)
israyat mss. Xlll . c) adya mss. om. ACDC
1 etatprao A, etat salJlpra' CD
2 'disat ABCDEC

76 5upriyasartha vi hajatak a
paCadaS\am S rali Sna!Va SuddhaSI I a upO$!a|i
dhVa]ayra dam arOpya Samprar!haya Samh !am I I O9 I I
tadai tac ChrImahara!nam dVyO| Z8a)]anaSahaSrakC' I
ya!habhI rar!hIam SarVaS !a!ha SarVa|;i praVarayC! II 5 1 0 I I
C!ad aS\HnubhaVam !Vam ma!Va !a!ha Samadara! I
SarVC$am a IOkanam VaChIar!habhpurayan |l 5 1 1 | |
da!!Va danam Sadar!hbhyO bhuk!Va bhOyam \a!heS !am
SaddharmaSadhana|(t kr!VB Sat(tCaraSVa Sada sukham I I 5 1 2 I I
etatpuDyavipikena yasal)srisatsukharddh i mm I
Sada bhadraSukham Dhu!!Vu ran!e yayu[ suril ayam I | fi 1 3 I I
CVam !abh h Samakh\a!am Sru!Va Sa SupryO mudi I
!adanu|num SamaSadya !a!O bhnand!O Cara! II ! 4 I I
!a!aS caran dadarsarad vai Quryanagaral!l puna(l I
!ad drsIV: v SmayapannaS can!arall samupiisaraV II 5 1 : I I
!a!ra Sa Samupakran!ali SamalOkya Saman!a!al+ I
Ia!ha !annaaradVitram tri dhakotyabhyupisrayat I I 5 1 6 I I
!a!O ' bhi ni ratai kanyih :oQaSaki nnaritmajii I
purVa!iSundaraI kun!a[i SarVakaIaVCakSapa[i || 5 [ 7 I I
rati sal)t ni bhasadrlpai SarVaI OkamanOharal I
tal) SarVaS !am mahasat!val! saml k:ya samupisaran II 5 1 8 I I
!a!ra t am SamuUasr!Va S8rVas !ah salprasidi tilt I
saml ksantyah prasannasyal pura<l: > sthii evam abruvan II 5 1 9 I I
eh\ a!ra svigatam sidho ka ci t te kausal arl tanau I
aSmakam aUa!i nim h| sviml bharti patil' bhava I I :20 I i
1 :at. 1JrSll vo( 286a) j aw ,sli ani ABCDEG; cv| snl. : s|avo` an -| iu (' a
tursu vni anes\l api H OV( l i n F, <:1'. vs . 6f:3 .
"\l:na.l1 nars AHI<G . vi\'ll1 ratTl'; C, "yavatras n vipaT i ll u j7
3 | vn. ntoraoumunfk sarat / vii ntorar 'UHI ` l:lt F, varttir apumu
piksarat C. vart.t. iraIll Durn l l paksarat. U. vCnr ol'abhull llfnUlla" G
4 ! ' I!l l<i nnari dvaram C
" a t; V319 tam eLl s3, 1hOil' U

Vdyan!C !ra manOramya praSada mandra Ca
man paSya SarVa SaqtCaran SarVaIah kramaI I I ZI I I
bhOyan San! SarVa!ra panan VVdhny ap' |
CIrapa]]aq!| Sukadn VC!ray ambara Ca || ZZ | l
bhu$a(la(y" ap! sarval)1 hCmara!namayan Ca I
SarVC Ca dhaIaVa[i SanI dravyal)1 Sakalany ap II Z8 | |
udyanany ap SanIy aIra druma( SarVar!upu$p!a[
SarVauadhphal anamra SaqSObhIan SarVada | | Z4 I I
pukaryO p SanIy a!ra SuddhaSI!ambupur!a|i I
padmO!paBdpupaqhya SObhIaS Cambupakbh( /I Z | |
Sna!VaI IaSu SahaSmabhI h SuddhaVaSIraV|Iah Sada I
bhOyam bhuk!Va yaIhakama SaqtCaraSVa raman muda /I Z I I
CVam akhyaya Iah (Z8b) SarVa nIVa !ar|t naarC Ia!a(
praSadC SVaSanC SuddhC Sat|tS!hapya SamupaSaran || Z7 | |
!ah SarVa samupasma m8Ir Va Samkya Sa[ |
Suprya[ SupraSannaSya( Sat|tpaSyann CVam abraV! || Z8 I |
maIarO haqt na kamarIh na bhOyar!ham hVraC I
SarVaIOkahtar!hCna dharmar!ham aham aCarC |I Z9 | |
kama mOhaSraya dua| kl CSamuaSubhan!aka[" I
!aSma! papapaIham Iyak!Va Car!aVyaq SubhayaHC || 8O | |
papCna dur::!au aIah Sada dulkhanubhOna I
SubhCna Sada!au a!a( Sada SaukhyanubhOna[i || 8 I | |
CVaqt Sa!yam parlaya VIhaya daSapa!akan" |
SaIyadharmanuSaqtrakIa( SamCaran!C Subhar!hHa( || 8Z | |
"dhan Ca C
2 "rany ap F
3 "ai\an Ca C
udyanany ap Om. ACDC
" "p!a( rap AC, "p!ar ap D, "p|aI r .,|h G
6 "purla[ F
7 Canyapa" C
B "m! a[ Subha" mSS
9 "papakan AG
78 Supriyasirtha vihajitaka
evarp yiyam apl jnitvi viramya pipamirgatal |
saddharmasadhanar pUl)yarp sarpsidhayitum arhatha1 |l 533 | |
etatpuDyavl pikena sarjitil) sadgatau sadi |
bhufjamini mahisaukhyar printe svargar prayisyatha l | 534 l |
tatra dlvyimrtar bhuktvi ramamil)il) surai l) saha |
mahinandasukhenaiva2 sarpcari!yatha sarvadi || 535 | |
evarp tatsamupidi tar srutvi til) sarpprabodhitil) l
tasmai bhogyini ratnini samupihrtya prirpayan l l 536 l |
tini bhogyini bhuktvi sa samabhlnanditisayal)
sarvil)i tini ratnini pasyan muda samadadau Il 537 ||
tatal sa suprlyo dhimarps tabhyas ca sarpprasadital) l
adlmadhyintakalyal)ar saddharmarp samupadisaP |I 538 l |
tat saddharmamrtar pitva4 tal) sarva abhinandital) I
tasmai saubhasanarp ratnar prottamarp pridadur mudi || 539 | l
tad ratnar sa samilokya6 supriyo vismayanvital)
samidiya gUl)ar tasya mal)es tal) paryaprcchata l | 540 l |
mataral) ko 'nubhivo 'sya ratnasya sriprabhasvatal)7 |
tat samyak samupadi sya mirp bodhayitum arhatha || 541 | |
evarp tatprirthitarp srutva sarvas tal) sarpplasadltil) |
supriyarp tar mahavijiarp8 pasyantya evam abruvan l | 542 | |
i darp ratnarp mahibhaga paicadasyim upoital)9 |
dhvajopari samaropya prirthayibhyarcya vanchitam | l 543 | |
1 arhat! ABCDEG
2 naivarp F
3 samadisat F
srutva ACDG
prabhisvarabhidharp ratnam ACOEG
6 samadaya ACDEG
7 bhisvaral) ACDG. bhasyatal) BE
8 mahibhi o G
9 b atamyarp samupoo ABCDEG

tadedarp hi trisihasral( 287a)yojaneu samantatal)
yathibhivinchitar dravyarp tathi sarvarp pravarayet | l 544 | l
etat satyarp parijiiya krtvaival tvarp samihi tal)
sarvasampatsamipannin kuruva sarvaminavan l| 545 l l
etaddharminubhivena parisuddhendriyal) krti I
yasal) srisubhasarppatti samrddhimin sukhi bhavel)2 l l 546 | |
tathirthibhyal) sada dinal krtvi bhuktvi yathepsitam l
sarpcarasva subhe ninal printe yiyal) suril ayam ll 547 l l
evarp tibhi l) samikhyitalJ msamya so 'numodi tal) l
tadanujiilJ samisadya tato 'bhinandito 'caraP || 548 l |
tato dirid apasyat sa caturtharp4 ki nnaripuram |
catiratnamayarp kintal ramal)iyarp samuttamam l l 549 | |
tad6 drtva vi smayipannal)7 svantaro8587 'bhimukharp gatal)
samupisrtya taddvire tridhikotyibhyatithata || 550 | |
tadi tannirgatil) kanyi dvitrilsat ki nnaritmajil) l
di vyatisundaril) kintil) sarvakaHivi cakal)il) l | 551 | l
tatra tis tarp mahisattval samikya cibhinandi tii9 |
sarvil) samabhl pasyantyal) pural) sthitvai vam abruvan |l 552 l |
svigatarp bho mahisattva kac ci t te kausalarp tanau |
asmikam apati nirp hi svami bharti patir bhava l | 553 1 1 10
ehi pasyitra vidyante prisidi mandi riDY api l
manoramili sarvil)i catiratnamayiny api || 554 | l
' a tadedal tvidasatamal) ACDEG. tadetalJ dvidasatamal) B. dvi-
dasatama written above trisihasra in F
2 bhave A. bhavai l) BE. bhavet C. bhava D
d tato carat A. tato carad upisrtal) C. tato caran vilokayat D
4 caturtha ABCDEG. sa trtiyarp with caturtha wri tt.en above F
5 caturaO mss .
6 tarp mss.
7 panna mss.
8 svirpto ABF. svinto 'sanmukhe C. svinto DG. svinto with gra
above E
sabhi nao A. samabhinao BCDEFG
cd om. mss . But cr. vss. 451 . 488. 520.

80 Supriyasirthavihajitaka
udyininy api santy atra sarvartupw;pitair drumaii
auadhiphal itair namraii sal1sobhitini sarvadi | | 555 | |
pukariQYo ' pi santy atra pupaii padmotpalidibhii' |
hal1sidipakibhii pirQai suddhasitimalambubhii' I| 556 | |
dhatudravyaQi sarvaQi ratnani sakalany api |
vastraQY api ca sarvaQi santy atra vi vi dhany api || 557 | |
bhogyani santi sarvaQi divyamrtarasany api
vividhani ca panani supathyasurasany api | | 558 | |
bhiaQany api santy atra svarQaratnamayanl ca
etany api hi sarvaQI svadhinanl bhavanti te | | 559 | |
suddhambubhi i sada snatva vicltravasasavrtai |
sarvangalj1 samalal1krtya suvarQaratnabhuaQaii || 560 | |
bhuktva bhogyani pitva ca panani ( 287b) surasam ca |
dattva danalj1 sadarthibhyai' prasadamandirasritai' || 5 6 1 | |
udyaneu sadasmabhi ramamaQo yathakramam |
sal1pasyan1 sarvato raktai salj1 carasva sadi sukham || 562 | |
eval1 tabhi i samakhyatalj1 nisamya sa samahitai' |
duhltjr Iva tai' sarvai sal1pasyan samupasrayat2 || 563 |
tatas tas talj1 pure nltva prasade parimaQqlte |
suddhasane samiropya salj1pasyantya upasrayan || 564 1 13
4tai' sarvai' samupasinii samikya sa mahamatii' I
suprasannamukhambhojai' salj1pasyann evam abravit || 565 | |
duhitara ihayami naiva bhoktul1 sukhany aham |
api tu sarvalokarthe ratnani praptum asare || 566 | |
1 After salj1pasyan BE add: sarvvalokarthe ratnani praptum asare
kama hi, in anticipation of 566cd and 567a.
2 om. ABCOE. srayata F
3 564 om. ABCOE
4 abc om. ABCO[


kama hi sarvadui'khinalj1 klesinilj1 ca sadasrayii
i ti kimalj1 parityajya santas caranti sadvrel || 567 | |
ratnalj1 surupaviryalj1 ca tyaktva mrtyuvasi janai
paralokalj1 karmaviyusamirita vrajanti te2 || 568 | |
tatra pUQyasahiyas cet sukule jananalj1 sukham
pipas ced durgatau dui'khalj1 tat sahiyalj1 vralj1 kuru || 569 ||
tad ekam anugalj1 mitralJl hitakaralj13 sadikayam |
dhaninim pravaralj dravyam ahiryatvic chubhalj1 parai \ || 570 | |
sumerum api tarasa4 vikipanti di so dasa |
salj1vartavayavas te 'pi pUQyabhangaya na tv alam || 571 | |
na kledam ayati pUQyalJl6 caturambudhivariQa |
salj1vartodakakoQena piaQam api klldyate7 || 572 | |
dvidasarkanalair diptais tat pu!yalj1 naiva dahyate |
dandahyate kitir iyalj1 pralayanalamisritai \ || 573 | |
etat satyalj1 parijfiya kamabhogyasukhiny apl
tyaktva dharme samadhiya yuyalj18 caritum arhatha | | 574 | |
papena durgatau jata\ sadi caranti dulkhitai' |
dharmeQa sadgatau jati bhavanti sukhinai sada || 575 | |
evalj1 matva samadhaya viramya papamargatal |
saddharmasidhanirakta\ salj1caradhvalJl sada subhe || 576 | |
etatpu!yavi pakena salj1yasyatha surilayam I
tatra di vyamrtalj1 bhuktva salj1caradhvalj1 suraii' saha || 577 | |
evalj1 tatsamupidi!tal srutva tal pramada api |
sarva\ samanumoditvi prabhyanandan prabodhita\ || 578 | |
' caranti sada vratal C
2 ke ACOG
3 hi talj1karalj1 ABCEFG
4 parami 0
dasa\ ACDEG. dasalJl\ B
8 1
6 a klesam iyaditi A. klesayiditi C , klesam iyiti D. klesam
aditi G
kledyate ABCDEG
8 om. A. yu!man BEG. yu!mio C. yu!mikalj1 D
82 Supriy asartha vahaja taka
tatas tas sakalas tasmai suprlyaya prasaditah I
bahini suddharatnani pradattva samupasrayan II 579 I I
samik:ya tani sarvaI1 samadaya sa sanmatiJ I
bhiyas tabhyaJ sada bhadrar saddharmarp samupadi sat I I 580 I I
prapturp sthirarpl pUI)yaratnarp prayatadhvarp2 tataJ sada I
ki rp pravak:;yami vij fasu pUIyasu pUIyabhimi :u II 58 1 1 1 3
kirp tv atratya janaJ ( 288a) sarve dhana<hyaJ krtakausalaJ
tad durlabharp4 danakarma svayarp datta sucetasa I I 582 I I
ra bhavatoddhata yiyar saubhagyakrtakausaiaJ6
catiratnapure7 jata iti ragavimohitaJ I I 583 1 1 9
yena sarpvardhitaJ sarva bhaatainarp krtaj fi atai9
bhiyas tadbhajanan mok:arp yasyanti nirvi kal pataJ I I 584 1 1 1
jagaddhite:u karye:;u prayatadhvarp di vanisam 1
tat kame ra rati J karyi k:uradharamrtyipamell I I 585 1 1 12
tad vijfi aya samuddharturp dinin kaman vi haya tan13 114
ni:;kamaragol ratnarthar pragato 'smi ni raturaJ I I 586 I I
tat saddharmamrtarp pitvi sarvas ta abhi nandi tiJ
srisaubhasani kar16 ratnarp17 dadus tasmai hi tarthi ne I I 587 I I
1 sthalryyam ACDE, sthalrya BG
dhvarpdaka mss.
3 58 1 om. F
4 dul labhar ACDG
cd om. BE; abcd om. F
6 sabhagyaO ACDG
catuO ACDG
9 583 om. BEF
9 taJ ACDG
ab om. BE; abcd om. F
1 dhara'mrtoO mss.
2 585 om. F
13 ramiirp vihaya tarp mss.
14 ab om. F
15 ni Jkao mss .
16 rijapyarp A, rijasyarp BCDE, C, rijaspa:;ya G; srisaubhasani
karp F with rijakhyarp maha above. - For footnote 17 see next page.

Supriyasartha vahajataka
samik:ya tarp maharatnarp supriyai so 'tivlsmital)
samadaya prasannisyail pasyarps ta evam abravit II 588 I I
duhitaro maIer asya ko 'nubhivo mahin api I
tat satyarp samupidisya prabodhayata me mana! II 589 I I
evarp tatprirthi tarp srutvi sarvas tai sarppramodltii I
samik:ya tarp mahasattvarp2 tanmaIer gUIam idisan II 590 I I
mahasattva maIer3 asya prabhavarp SrIU kathyate
yathismabhis4 tatha krtva sarvan samabhinandaya I I 59 1 I I
prataJ snitvi vlsnddhatmi5 mahi:;tamyim upo:;ital6
dhvajigra idam iropya prarthayasvabhlvifchltam7 I I 592 I I
tadedarp srimaharatnarp jambudvipasamantatal9 1
sarviIi prirthltirthanl pravar:;ayen9 nirantaram I I 593 I I
evarp tvarp sarvalokanar vifchi tany abhipirayan I
dharmakirtimahisaukhyasamrddhlmin bhaver api II 594 I I
yivajivarp sukharp bhuktva prante yiyiJ suraiayam 1
tatra dl vyamrtarp bhuktvi sarpcarer amarail saha II 595 I I
1 sannisyan A, sannasyas BEF, sannisya CD, sannisyam G
2 BG repeat 588b-590c. E al so repeats but wi th marks to indicate
that repetition is to be del eted.
4 yathi'smis ACD, yathi'smans BEG
bhlsuo mss. But cf. vs. 692.
6 pafcadasyam upoo F
7 svibhyavifchlO mss.
9 satayojanavi stare ABCDEG, jambudvi pasamantatal with satayoja
navistare above F
9 var:;ayanti C, pravar!aya D
F has the fol l owi ng additi on here:
tato dattva sadarthi bhyaJ sarvarp samabhiprarthitam 1
bhogyarp bhuktva yathakamarp sarpcarasva sada subhe I I
etatpuIyavipakena parisuddhendriyaJ krti
sarvalokadhipo natho hitarthabhrd bhaved api II
84 5upryaSar!ha Vaha|a!aka
I !y uk!Va !a|i praSannaSya SarVaS !al|t Supryal|t muda I
Samkan!ya|i Samaman!rya punar CVaq babhaI rC I I 596 I I
nIS!raS ! C mahaSa!!Va nadSamudraparVa!a|i I
kn!ara apl duramya SarVadu(abhayaSraya II 597 I I
Sa!|\UrI!a pra!I)a ! C Saphal bhu!a udyama|i I
SarVC Sal[tSadhI !a Sddha Op!an ndrIyay apI II 98 I I
badaradVpaya!rapI Sat[tSadh !abhSI dhya!C I
adh a!an ra| Z88b) !nanI !Vaya dharmanubhaVa!a I I 99 I I
dhanyO S !Val|t mahabhaa SarVaIOkahI!Odya!ali I
bhuya! !a!' SarVa!O bhadra![t Sal[taSyan SVapural|t Vra|a II 600 I I
S|pu SadhO mahaSa!!Va SVapuraamanaya !C I
Sanmaral[t VyupadCkyamO n rbhayal|t nrupadraVam II 6 01 I I
I!a paScI madI bhaC Sap!a V I anhya parVa!an I
parVa!O S! mahan anyO duramyO Samucchr!a|i II 602 I I
!a!raS! rakaSO raudrO l Oh!akO ! nl rdaya|i I
SO ndhakaralt mahaVayul SaVI SphuInam u!S||C! I I 603 I I
mahara!nam dal[t !a!ra SamarOpya dhVgOpar I
Sal[tpradh!Va Samadhaya Sal(tcaraSVabhl Okayan II 604 I I
C!adra!naprabhaVad dh SarVC pI V hnakaraka|i I
upaSara V naSyan!l !adH !C na bhayal[t kVa cI! II 605 I I
!a!parVa!am a!I kramya VIdya!C nyaS ca parVata I
!a!raS!y anI mukhO naO raudrO !nI rdayO mahan II 606 I I
Sa !aVa andham ahraya Sap!a ra!rl dl nany apI I
aSanqt pa!ayC! !a!ra ra!nauhal[t SamaSraya II 607 I I
Sap!ara!rdnan!C Sa n draha!a|i SVapIya! I
!ada !accha l am aruhya SaqkramaSVa Samah!a|i I I 608 I I
1 !aqt mSS.
NC!rC '
3 'Sraya! AG, "SrayC! C, ' Srayan D

!a!ra paSyC|i SamC bhumIpradCSC !anquI am phalam
Suandhkam ak|]Op!aSambhaVam akaam SucI I I 609 I I
!a! prabhuk!Va Valah0 SVaru)a|i SukIO maha!anu|i I
a]amyam pancadaSyam ca SamC!yaVam VadC! pura I I 6 1 0 I I
<ya| ` ka|i param !O an!um SVapuram abhl Vacha!
Sa mC pr]ham Samaruhya Sal[t!]haSVa SamahI !a|i I I 6 1 1 I I
!.am !O ham kaan nI!Va SVadCSaQ prCrayCya hI
!I Vadan VaIahO SVara|a|i Sa SamupaSarC! I I 61 2 I I
!Rm Samkya mahaSa!!Vam aSVara)aq purO a!a|i I
SaqpaSyan padukC na!Va VadaSVaVam k|!a)al I |i II 6 1 3 I I
!O ham an!um cchaml SVadCSaq Sa!k|panIdhC I
!ad bhaVan mam !O n !Va SVadCSam prCraya !Vam II 6 1 4 I I
!VayaVam prar!hyamana!i Sa mahaSa!!Va|i k|pama!I |i I
!Val|t SVap|(hC SamarOpya SVadCSam prapayCd dhruVam II 6 1 5 I I
CVa![t !abhI |i Samakhya!am Sru!Va Sa Suprya|: Sudh|i I
(Z89a) !a!hC!I SampraSanna!ma ganlum a| eebat prabodbi ta[ II 6 1 6 I I
!a!a|i Sa SupraSanna!ma !a| SarVa|i kanyaka ap I
SampaSyan ma!|Vad bhUya Saddharmam SamupadISa! I I 6 1 7 I I
!a! Saddharmam|!a@ p!Va SarVaS !a|i SampraSad!a|i I
SupraSannamukhumbhO)a|i prabhyanandan prabOdh!al I I 6 1 8 I I
!a!a|t Sa supr| yo dhman mahaSa!!VO bhI nandI !a|: I
!adantQal|t SamHSad\a Sal|tpraS!hI !O mudacaraI II 6 1 9 I I
!aIa|: Sa Sa!(|krama!||S !a!ra marC paSyan SamahI!aIi I
Sap!a naan a!I kramya mahOccanaam aruha! II 620 I I
1 "\eS mSS.
2 ? !adduI abha0 DhaIam U
SukCSO ABCDEU. Val uhO cOrrCc!Cd to SukCSu F
Val ahO" w!h SukCSO wrI!!Cn abOve F. SukCSO ABCDFC
o NC!rC |
arOpya F
' "SannaSvaS F
86 Supriyasa rtha vahaja taka
taf vikya samupayataf l ohi tako ni saeara\ I
sandhakaramahavataf sagni kal) af vyamufeata I I 621 I I
tafl samikya mahasattva\ supriya\ sa samahi ta\ I
dhvajagre ratnam aropya svasti samakramat tata\ II 622 I I
avatirya tato ' nyaf2 ea parvataf mahadueehri tam
mahaviryamahotsahP praruroha samahita\ II 623 I I
tasya gandhaf samaghraya nago 'gni mukha utthi ta\
samikya tam upayataf mahasani f nyapatayat I I 624 I I
tad vikya sa mahasattva\ suviryavan4 samihi ta\ I
ratnaguhaf samisritya tasthau dhyatvesvaraf sma ran II 625 I I
evaf sapta di varitrl\ patayi tva mahasanim I
tato 'nte sa mahadu:;ta\ su:vapa ni dri tendriya\ II 626 I I
taf sayitaf sa vij fi aya supriya\ susamahi ta\ I
parvataf taf samaruhya praeakrima vi ! okayan I I 627 I I
tatai sa safkramafs tatra vikya samaf mahitalam I
safpasyan sarvatas tatra praeakrimabhi nandi ta\ I I 628 I I
tatra taf prakramantaf sa valahas turagidhi pai I
samik:;ya tarasopetya safpasyann evam abra vit II 629 I I
ka ita\ piram asadya svadesaf gantum ieehati I
tam ahaf prtha iropya nitva paraf mahodadhe\ II 630 I I
samanuprapayi:yimi j ambudvipe nijal ayam I
i ti tridha samakhyaya taf pasyann abhyatithata II 631 I I
evaf tadbhai taf srutvi supri ya\ sa samikya tam I
natva pradak:i l) ikrtva prirthayad6 evam unmukhal) II 632 I I
(289b) i to ' haf gantum ieehami j ambudvipe nijalayam I
tan mahasattva mim asu samabhi ni ya prapaya I I 633 I I
1 tat ACDF, tan BEG
2 nyae F
3 mahavi o BCDE, mahadvi o AG, saviryaO F
4 savi o mss.
valahas wi th sukesas wri tten above F, sukesi ARCDEG
" thayann mss.

SII priyasa rtha va haja taka

evaf tatprarthi taf srutva sa valiho! hayadhipal)
supriyaf taf mahasattvaf safpasyafs cai vam abravit II 634 I I
yadieehasi mahasattva gantuf nijalayaf dhruvam
tan mama2 Pf:;tha aruhya safti thasva samahita\ II 635 I I
i ty uktva hayar8j ai) sa3 valahas' tasya pr:thakam I
samupanimya safpasyann udadhi m abhyati thata II 636 I I
tatai) sa supriyo dhiman natva taeearal)an muda I
tasya prthaf samaruhya samahito ' bhyatithata6 II 637 I I
tata\ so 'svamahar8jas tarasasu vi hiyasa I
earan varil)asif nitva tam udyine vyamufi cata II 638 I I
tatrivatirya tatprthat padals tasya krpil) i dhe\ I
natvi pradaki l) ikrtva7 safpasyann evam aha tam I I 639 I I
dhanyo 'si tvaf mahisattva sarvasattvanupalakal) I
yad bhavatkrpaya svasti safprapto 'haf nijalayam II 640 I I
etaddharmanubhivena sarvalokadhi po bhavei) I
sadi te mangalaf bhuyad i ty uktva pral)anama ea II 641 I I
pral)amantaf tamO alokya8 so 'svar8j a\ prasadital)
evaf salridhayam isa safpasyan sudrsi mudi II 642 I I
sidhu sadhu mahasattva pratijfi te ' bhi puri ti I
earanty evaf mahasattva\l sarvasattvahi todyata\l9 II 643 I I
tata\ so 'svamahir8j a\ samudgamya vi hayasi I
vahni r i va samudbhasal) prabhyagaeehan nijalayamlO II 644 I I

valaho wi t h sukeso written above F, sukesi ABCDEG

2 me F
3 ABCDEG omit sa.
4 sukesi ABCDEG, valahosvaraias wi th sukesa above yalaha F
o svaprthakam ABCDEG
6 Dratithitah D
7 krtva ABCOEG
8 samalokya D
sattvahi tartha udyata [
ni iasravam F
88 Supriyasartha vahajataka
tatal sa sup riyal sriman samabhinanditasayal I
salJlpasyan paurikalJll lokan prayayau svagrhalJl mud a I I 645 I I
tatal) sulapana sadhvi l drtvaiva talJl pati lJl svakam
snehapasakar!iteva gavakat sahasapatat II 646 I I
patitalJl talJl samalokya niscetalJl supriyo drutam I
svankam aropya tadratnatoyena prabhyasi icata II 647 I I
tatprabhaval l abdhasargjfia praT)anama priyalJl varam I
padau prakalya vanditva mataralJl so 'bhyupasrayat II 648 I I
ni vedya2 nijavrttalJl tad dadau ratnani supriyal I
putralJl prasalJlsayam asa priya( 290a)bhadrabhidhambika3 I I 649 I I
svagr harp talJl samayatalJl4 samik!ya j iatayo muda I
sametya kausalalJl pr!tva pasyanta upatasthire I I 650 I I
tatra sa sumatir j iatin vrddhan natva yathakramam I
prajfapte svasane tasthau sarppasyarps tan svabandhavan" II 651 I I
tarp pravi!tarp grhe srutva sarthavaha mahijanal 16
sametya kausalarp pr!tva sarve 'pi samupasrayan II 652 IF
tan sarvan samupasman drtva sa supriyo muda I
sarvam etatO pravrttantarp svanubhuktalJl nyavedayat II 653 1 1 9
tat samakarQya sarve te j iatibandhujanadayal 1 10
mahijana vaT)i ksalJlghal pauras caivarp babhaire II 654 I I
dhanyo ' si tvalJl mahabhaga pratij ia te 'bhi purita
yathi sarpsadhitarp vi ryail sarvarp salJlsidhyate tathall II 655 I I
1 pativrata written below sadhvi B
2 ni vidya ACDG. ni vyadya BEF
priyabhadra nama mata in margi n. B
tarp svagrhalJl samao F
" sabodhayan D. sabaO ABCEFG
After ab AC repeat 650cd. 651 and 652ab.
7 cd om. BE
B etarp G
9 653 om. BE
ab om. BE
11 sarvealJl sidhya1.e tatha C
Supriyasarth a vahaja tal<a
tal lokinarp hitalJl krtva1 salJlsadhi talJl samihi tam
dattvabhi prepsitarp bhuktva sarpcarasva sukhalJl2 sada I I 656 I I
evalJl salJlbhaya te sarve vismayapannamanasal) I
tadviryam anusalJlsantat3 svasvagrhalJl mudacaran II 657 I I
tatat) sa supriyo dhiman dhrtva ratnam upanayan
nrpasya brahmadattasya4 sarpdraturp prasaran muda II 658 I I
tatra gatva puro r8Jna upasthapya mahamaQim I
natva padau prasannasyal) salJlpasyan samupasrayat II 659 I I
samik!ya tam upasmarp brahmadattat)" sa bhupatil I
vi ryavantarp mahasattvalJl sarppasyann evam idisat II 660 I I
dhanyo ' si tvalJl mahavirya sarvasattvahitodyatal) I
salJlsi dhyate pratijfa te salJlpraptarp6 ca sami hi tam7 II 661 I I
tad yatha praQl dhanalJl te tatha salJlsadhayadhuni I
nunarp dharmanubhivena sarvalJl si dhyed avighnatal) II 662 I I
dattvi danar sadarthibhyo bhuktvi bhogyar yathepsltam
krtvi l okahi tarthani salJlcarasva subhe sukham I I 663 II
evarp ( 290b) rijfi samadi tarp ni samyaB soo 'bhinandital
tadanujfi alJl samasadya svagrharp pracaran muda I I 664 I I
tatas caurasahasralJl tat suprlyalJl tarp gr hagatam
srutva sarve sametyasu sarpdratulJl samupisaran9 I I 665 I I
talJl samiky'! puro gatvi prtva ca kausal alJl muda I
sarvam apl sahasrarp tac cauram evarp babha!ire II 666 I I
1 sarvalokihl tarp krtva C
2 sukhe ABCDEG
anusarpsmrtva C
priya wri tten above brahma CF; priyadattasya G
" priyadattal ABCDEG. brahmadattal) F with priya written above
6 praptas mss.
7 samihital) C
o sru tva so F
9 sarat mss.
90 5uprly:ar!ha Vahaa!aka
V]anIya mahabhaa parknadhana Sma hI '
!ad bhaVan na punar da!uqt mahaSaqI padam arha! " 667 I I
! !a!prar!h!at Sru!Va SupryaJ SO bhnand!al} I
SarVat CauraSahaSraqI !a! SaqI paSyann eVam abraV! " 668 "
a!Va SarVe dhuna yuyam SVaSV8Srame SamaSr!a I
yad abhVach!alp draVyaqt prar!hayadhVaq !ada na!ah " 669 "
a amyam aham a!redaqI dhVaare Srmahamanl m I
SamarOpya Samabhyarcya prar!hayyam Saqtpadam " 670 "
eVal !a!Samupadl ]aqt nl Samya !a! SahaSrakam I
SarVe cauraS !a!he!y uk!Va SVaSValayaqI mudaSaran " 6 7 1 "
!a!O ]amyam u al} Sna!Va Suprl ya Sa upOI !al} I
dhVgare !an mahra!naqI SamarOpya Samarcaya! " 672 "
!rdha pradak n k|!Va prana !Va Sa al r muda I
Samunmukhah` SamalOkya prar!hayad eVam adara! " 673 "
mahamane yad aSmabh SaqIprar!hl!aqI dhanar!hbh h I
!a! SarVaqI SarVaI OknqI hI !ar!hal SatpraVaraya " 674 "
!i SaqIprar!h!aqI !ena Suprlyena Samh!am I
!ada yOanaSahaSraqI" praVarayan nIran!aram " 675 "
!a! Samk ya SahaSraqt !ac cauraSaqIhaqI pramOdl !am I
mudabhVch!aqI yaVa! !aVa! !adadadau" dhanam " 676 "
!a!ha SarVe pl I OkaS !a! Samkya prabhl nandl !al} I
yad ya! Sam cchl !am draVyaqI !a! !ad ap!aqI Samadadul) " 677 "
!u E
"Sr!a0t ACDC
SarVa ABDC, SarVa0t E
sarat AC, 'Sarana B
SamaCaran CC
b kr tya ABCDF
' SaSumukhah L
" yO] anaSBhaSra wi!h Vl SI8ra aboVe I l ne I. `VS!Bra0i ABCDEC
!amHdadau f
Samt msS.
5upryaSar!ha Vaha|a!aka
!ada SarVe p !e lOkah SarVadraVyaSam|ddhl !a
da!!Va danaqt Sada bhuk!Va bhOyanl pracaran Sukham " 678 "
!ada Sa n|pa! rBa brahmada!!O narI t dhl pa I
SuraI ayaqI a!O deVa Sahabhnand!O rama! " 679 "
!a!aS !e man!rI nah ( 291 a) SarVe SupryaqI !aqt ya!haVl dh
abhl cya n|paqI k|!Va prabhe| l re nuraI!aI} " 680 "
!a!ah Sa Supryah Sna!Va pacadaSyam upOl!al) I
SuddhaS I O VSuddh!ma SuddhaVaS!raSamaV|!ah " 681 "
dV!yara!nam arOpya dhVaare bhyarcya praaI l I
k|!Va pradaklnaqI na!Va prar!hayad eVam unmukhal} " 682 "
!adaVa !an mahra!naqI dVIyOanaSahaSrake I
SarVadraVyanl SarVa!ra praVarayan n ran!aram " 683 "
!an Samkya !e IOka SarVe p SVecchaya muda I
Samadaya Samapurya kO$]haare nyadhapayan " 684 "
!ada SarVe pI !e l Okah SarVadraVyaSam|ddhI !aI} I
da!!Va danaqt Sada bhuk!Va bhOyanl pracaran Sukham " 685 "
!a!a Sa SupryO bhuya Sna!Va$]amyam upO!al) I
SuVaS!rapraV|!al} SuddhaSI a Satpyam!endrIya " 686 "
!|!yaqt manI m arOpya dhVaare bhyarcya Sa]alh
!rdha pradakl nk|!ya na!VaVaq\ prar!hayan muda " 687 "
mahamane !ra SarVa!ra yad yaI lOkabhVachl!am I
!a! !ad draVyaqt Sura!nad SatVaraya nran!aram " 688 "
1 prlyada!!O ABCDEC, brahma' cOrrec!ed !O prlya" !
" I cya mSS.
Sucl VaS!ra ABCDEC
9 1
ca!uru yOaneV apI ABCDEC, dVl yO|anaSahaSrake w!h ca!uru
yO|aneV apI wr!!en abOVe !
" Varayan! C
' cd SucI VaS!raSapraVr!ya SuddhaSi I a | !endrlya C
92 Supriyasirtha vihaji taka
eval sarpprirthi te ten a triyoj anasahasrake' I
l okai l) sarpprirthi tal yad yat tat tat sarvam avar!ayat II 689 I I
tini samik!ya !C l okil sarve samabhi nanditii I
salgrhya svecchayi svasvako!thigiram apurayan I I 690 I I
tadi sarve ' pi te lokii sarvadravyasamrddhitii I
dattvi dinarp sadisitvi bhogyini pricaran sukham II 69 1 I I
tatai sa s upri yal snitvi purlamisyim upo!i tai I
suddhasil o vi suddhitmi2 suddhavastrasamivrtai) II 692 I I
tac caturthalJl mahiratnarp samiropya dhvajopari
tridhi pradak!i likr tya siij al i i) prirthayan mudi3 I I 693 I I
mahiratnasuratnidin pravar:aya ni rantaram I I 694 I I
evarp sarp prirthi tal ten a supriyela hi tirthi ni I
etac4 c hriman mahiratnal j ambudvipe samantatai II 695 I I
sarvaratnasuvarlidi sarvadravyarp samantatai I
sarvaii sarpprirthital6 sarvarp privar!ayan ni rantaram II 696 I I
tini dravyil)i sarvil)i sarvopakaral)iny api I
dr!tvi sarve mudi lokii) svasvecchi tarp samadadui II 697 I I
tatas te minavii7 sarve tatra pari ni visi naI8 I
sarvadravyasamipanni babhuvuI srisamrddhi tiI I I 698 I I
ta( 291 b) tas tan minavin sarvin svapure!u samasri tin9 I
supriyaI suprasannasyal) samimantryaivam idi sat II 699 I I
1 yojane dvidase tathi ABCDLU, triyoj asahasrake changed to
yane dvadase F
2 bhi. suO F
cd tridhi pradak!i Qal krtve natvaivam prirtha siij al i l F
4 tac mss.
satayojanavi stare ABCDLU, j ambudvi pe wi th satayoo
wri tten above F.
" sarpvilcchi tam f
7 manusih F
8 jambudvi pani o with tatra pari written above l.
9 sarvif j ambudvi!u samisrital) wi th s-;apure samisritin wri tten
above F.
Supriyasirtha vihajitaka
bhavantal) l sruyatarp 1 ' 1 sarve yan mayara2 prakathyate
tat sarve 'pi samidhiya dhrtvi carantu sarvadi I I 700 I I
yad aharp badaradvi pe pragatvi ki nnari pure I
mahacchri dasuratninP pripya pratyagato mudi II 701 I I
etadratnani sarppUjya samiropya dhvajopari I
natva dravyili sarvil)i salprirthayal4 krtiij al i l)
tad etac chrimahiratnal privar:;ayen5 ni rantaram II 702 I I
etaddravyasamipannal) sarve yuyarp samrddhi til) I
samabhi nandi tatminal srimanto bhavathidhuni II 703 I I
tad i dini rp sadi yuyal triratnasaral) isritil) I
bodhi caryavratarp dhrtva salcaradhvarp sadi sub he II 704 I I
ye visuddhisayi bhaktyi triratnasaral)asritiIt I
bodhi caryivratal dhrtva salcarante samihi tal) II 705 I I
durgati l t e na gacchanti sarpjitil) sadgatau sadi
srimantal) sadgul) idhiri bhavanti sukhi nal) sadi II 706 I I
tatas te bodhi sarpbhararp purayi tvi yathikramam
arhantal) pr'ipya sarpbodhirp saugatal pad am ipnuyul) II 707 I I
evarp tatsamupidi !tarp srutvi sarve ' pi te naril) I
samabhi nandi titminal) prasedi re ' bhi bodhitaI II 708 I I
tatal) sarve ' pi te l okal) saddharmibhi ratisayil) I
triratnasaralarp gatvi salcerire susarpvararn II 709 I I
etaddharminubhivena sarvatripi rahi tal e I
ni rutpatarp subhotsiharp privartata ni rantaram II 7 1 0 1 16
tadi sarvatra l oke!u supriyasya mahimatel) I
dharmakirti samikhyinarp privartata ni rantaram II 7 1 1 I I
1 bhadanta C
2 mamatra mss.
3 mahasri da F
4 rthaya BC
o!aya AU, o!ayan hCDL!
" 709, 7 1 0 om. AUeDE
94 Supriyasartha vahajataka
evalJl sa supriyal sriman bodhisattvo hi tarthabhrt I
sarve:am api 10kanalJl sasta gurur i vabhavat II 7 1 2 I I
tatal sa supriyo raja vrddho 'nujirlitendriyal I
abhi:icyatmaal1 jye:1halJl rajye2 sthipya nrpall3 vyadhit I I 7 1 3 I I
tatal sa janako ra,alJl hitva kamavi ragital I
gatvasrame munindralalJl4 brahmacaryalJl samacarat I I 7 1 4 I I
tato brahmavihari sa dhyatvesvaralJl samahita\ I
kayalJl tyaktva gato brahmaloke brahmesvaro 'bhavat II 7 1 5 I I
yo 'sau sriman mahasattvo bodhisattvo hi supriya\ I
aham eva munindro 'bhuc chakyasilJlho jagadgurul II 7 1 6 I I
yac ca caurasahasralJl tad ado bhik:usahasrakam I
ya purvadevata cai!a6 kasyapo 'bhun munisvaral II 7 1 7 I I
yo maghal sarthavaho 'bhud bhlk!ul saradvatisuta\
yo nHad07 mahayak!a anando 'bhud yatis tada I I 7 1 8 I I
yo ( 292a) 'sau candraprabho yako hy aniruddho 'bhavado yatilo I
lohltak!o mahayak:o devadatto 'bhavat tada II 7 1 9 I I
yo 'gnimukho mahanago mara\l kamadhlpo 'bhavat I
yo9 valah09 mahasvo10 'bhun maitreyo bodhicarabhrtll II 720 I I
mayaival bhi k:avah purvalJl saptadha hi tam adadhat
caurasahasrasalJlghebhyal pari trata vali gana\ I I 72 1 I I
o!ifcyaO mss.
2 tmajalJl rajyalJl C
3 sasthapya svapure nrpa\l C, rajya ABL, rajyalJl U
4 maharsil')am F
o tato ABCDLU
6 sa F
7 ni lao mss.
" bhavi!yati A
9 ya\ sukesi ABCDLU, ya\ sukeso F
mahasvasai B. maha asva C, maha asvo D. mahasvasa L, sukeso
F. mahasva U
mai treyo bodhibhrd abhut ABCDL, maitriyo bodhibhrd abhut U

Supriyasartha v ahaja taka
tac ca cauragalalJl sarval viditva cabhito!i tam
gatvapi badaradvipe sadhayitva mahamalinl I I 722 I I
tada2 sa supriya\ srimal!ls tac ca caurasahasrakam I
yathabhi vaichi tair dravyais to!ayitvabhyanandayat I I 723 I I
tata\ sa nrpatir bhutvi jambudvipasamisritan I
sarval!ll lokan api dravyai \ sarvai\ samabhito:ayat II 724 1 1 3
tatas tan manavin sarvin bodhayitvi prayatnata\l 1 4
ni virya papamargebhya\ saddharme samacirayat I I 725 I I
etaddharmanubhavena sa nrpo niyatendriya\ I
vrddha\ kiyalJl pari tyaktva brahmaloke muda yayau II 726 1 16
tatra bhutva mahabrahmi sarvan brahmaviharila\ I
bodhayitvanusasitva bodhimarge 'nvacarayat I I 727 1 17
eval!l sa bhagavaf chastiB trikalpan bodhisadhanam I
du!karasatasahasral!l9 bodhicaryal!110 samicaran II 728 I I
iabdhva sakyakuie janma cakravartinrpoll bhavanll I
sarval!li lokan duracaran samiksya bodhiminasa\l2 I I 729 I I
r8yal!l hi tva gayasirse nage gatva samihit. al I
bodhi vrk!ataiasinas caritva dukaralJl tapa\ II 730 I I
dr:tva maragalin sarvin vijitya nirmaiendriya\ I
salJlbodhij ianam asadya babhuval3 bhagavif j i na\ II 7 3 1 I I
1 manim A, mal')i'll C
2 tatha mss.
3 724 om. ABCDLU
4 ab om. ABCDLU
" niryatmendrio !
" 726 om. ABCDLU
7 727 om. ABCDLU
B a ity ahal!l bhiksava\ sarve ABCDLU
sahasra'll B!U
caryya AC, caryya hL, caryyil!l D
1 nrpisrame BL, nrpo bhavet CU, nr po 'bhavat D
2 bodhiyanasa\ B, manasa C, hodhiyanasa G
13 bhavibhi A, bhavimi BCDIU
96 Supriyasartha vahajataka
t ato 'haljl trij agacchasta saljlbuddho ' rhan muni svaral
saddharmaljl samupadetuljl pracacara prabhasayan1 11 732 1 1 2
3evaljl sarvatra saddharmalj samadisya sasaljlghikal I
sarvan prabodhayan yatnad4 bodhimarge 'nvacarayat I I 733 I I
1 pracaranyatrasasarot A. pracaranyatra bhasayan BEG. pracara
nyatrabhasaron C. pracaranyatra bhasaran D
2 ABCDEG end here with the following colophons:
A: (292b) iti sribhadrakalpavadane asokopaguptasaljlbhaaIe supriyasar
thavahajatakaparivarto nama dvatriljlsatitamo 'dhyayal II 32 II
B: iti sribhadrakalpavadane asokopaguptasaljlbhaaIe supriyasatthava
<ha>jatakaparivarto namavadanadvatrillsatitamo 'dhyayal) I I sub
ha<ll> I I marigal aljl bhavantu sarvadakarasubhaljl I I ? sreyo stu
samvat 996 mti bhadravakrI) apafcamiahna saljpurII)ayanadinaljl?j ale I I
ri khi taljl kantipuramahanagararijakrtarttimahavihara srivajracarya
(ms. varj aO ) kularatna necopa ?jala subhaljl I I suddhaljl va asud
dhaljl (ms. asuO) varea ka doa (ms. dokha) na vidyate II yatha
drtaljl tatha likhital) (ms. rikhipital I I subhaljl I I
In another hand. presumably a later addition:
oljl ( ms. oma?) sriSakyanathaya (ms. nanathaO) vande srisakyana-
thaljl I I
c: i ti sribhadrakalpavadane asokopaguptasaljlbhaaI) e supriyasarthava- "
hajatakaparivarto nama dvatriljlsatitamo 'dhyaya<l II subhaljl I I
32 I I (atama written above the l i ne over dvatriljlsatitamo)
D: iti sribhadrakalpavadaIe asokopaguptasaljlbhaaI) e supriyasarthava
hajatakaparivarto nama dvatriljlsatitamo 'dhyayal) I I 32 I I
E: The col ophon i n L i s t he same as that of B. except for marks
normally used in Nepalese manuscripts to i ndicate an omission over
G: iti sri bhadrakalpavadane asokopaguptasaljlbhaaI)e supriyasartha
vahaj anmaparivarto nama dvatriljlsatitaro 'dhyayal ye dharmatyadi
subhaljl mangalaljl bhavantu sarvada I I
3 F continues wi th verses 733ff.
4 yatnan !
tatha c<as>au munindral sasarthair vaI)igbhir an vital) I
sasaljlghiko maharaI)yam upasarat prabhasayan1 II 734 I I
ta<m> etaljl sarupayatarp drtva caurasahasrakam I
sahasopetya tarp2 sartham uparudhyabhyatithata3 I I 735 I I
samilya sa j agannathas tarp sarthaljl cauranisitam4 I
tebhyas5 caurasahasrebhyo dattva dravyaDY arakata II 736 I I
evarp sa bhagavan natho marge sarthall vaI)iggaI)am
caurebhyal saptadha tebhyo dattva dravyaI)Y arakata II 737 I I
anabhitoitan matva tarps cauran sa munisvaraJ I
dravyaiJ sarptoitan krtva bodhimarge 'nvacarayat I I 738 I I
evaljl sarveu l okeu sarvaljll l okan prabodhayan
bodhimarge pratithapya pracarayan6 muniSvaraJ II 739 I I
evarp :asta jagannathal) sambuddho bhagavaf jinaJ I
sarvalokeu saddharmarp prakasayan sadacarat I I 740 I I
ye 'py asmattrij agacchastur7 bhagavato mahamunel) I
sambodhisadhanaljl dharmarp sf Dvanti sraddhaya muda II 741 I I
te sarve ' pi munindrasya sraddha<l subhakticariI) al I
durgatirp na sada yanti sadgatav eva sarvada II 742 I I
srlltva ye canumodanti tat saddharmanubhaaDam I
te 'pi na durgatiljl yanti sadgatav eva sarvadi II 743 I I
ye capy asmajjagacchastul)8 sraddhal) suhhaktimanasal) I
sambodhisidhanaljl dharmarp srivayanti subhavi nal I I 744 I I
te ' pi na durgatiljl yanti sadgativ eva sarvada I I 745 I I
1 saran F
2 tat F
3 upablldhyaO F
4 caurarasi " F
tebhyo F
6 pricareyan F
7 asmatrigajacO F
" asvaj agacchistu F
Supriyasirtha vihaji taka
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ` " " " " " " "
te 'pi na durgatirp yinti sadgativ eva sarvadi I I 745 I I
ye cipi salj1 prabhi:;anti sambuddhagulasisanam I
te 'pi na durgatirp yinti yinty eva sadgatau sadi II 746 I I
ete sarve vlkal mi!il parisuddhatrimalalal)
bodhisattvi mahasattvil srimahatsaljpadisrayal I I 747 I I
sarvavidyagulidharal sarvadharmanusasakal I
sarvasattvahitalj1 krtva salj1 carante sada subhe I I 748 I I
tatas te nirmalatmanai subhavinal subhendriyal I
kramel)a bodhisalj1bharal pirayitvi samahitai) I I 749 I I
bhadracaryal samasadya saljcaranto jagaddhite I
arhanto bodhim asadya sambuddhapadam apnuyui I I 750 I I
etat satyalj1 parij iaya sambodhij ianavaichinal) I
sambodhisadhanalj1 dharmalj1 sfvantu sraddhaya muMl II 7 51 I I
tatha srutvanumodantal sravayantu paran api I
tathanusik:;amal)as c a prabha:;antu sabhasritai) II 752 I I
etadbhaktlmahaseva munindral)arp nigadyate I
ato 'nyadbhaktisevabhir labhyeta na mahat phalam I I 753 I I
tathaitadbhaktisevabhls tu:;1al sarve munISvaral) I
tatha tad a jayastotrajl ratnai(r) dravyal < r) na to:;i tal II 754 I I
etat svayalj1 samikhyatalj munindrel)a samantatal I
tathinubha!itall sarvair yatib"hil sriyate mayi I I 755 I I
yatra salj1bhi:;yate caitat saddharmalj1 bodhisidhanam I
tatra sadi nlrutpatalj1 subhotsaharp cared api II 756 I I
kile sadi pravar:;eyur meghai suddhimbuvahinai I
sarve 'pi <te> ca sasyani2 <salj>padyeyul samantatai II 757 I I
Itaya upasargil)i varteyur na kada cana I
bhayany apl ca sarval)l na vldyeyul samantatal I I 758 I I
1 jayaii) stostrai !
2 sarve pi sca ! wi th sasyani in the margin"

( i
Sup riyasirtha vihaji taka
bhaved rijapi dharmi!hal sarvalokahitirthabhrt
mantrir nitivi dvaljsall satyadharmarthasadhanil) II 759 I I
amatyas ca mahaviril) svimisevinuragilal) I
bhr tyal) susevaka dhiril) satyadharminuciril)a II 760 I I
praji pauras c a sarve 'pi dhaninai srisamasrayai)
ditarai) suddhacittas ca bhaveyur dharmai ai asii) II 761 I I
evalj sarve ' pi i okas ca satyadharmirthasidhinai) I
kuladharmanusalj1 rakta bhaveyuJ: suddhaminasii II 762 I I
bahuk:;iraprada gavo dugdhahyis2 ca supathyikiii
sada salj1pu:pili vrk!i saurasyaphallno druma II 763 I I
sarve devadhipas tatra pasyeyul sudrsa sada I
sarve lokadhipaJ:3 kuryu samik!antai) subhafll sadi II 764 I I
arhanto ' pi sada tatra munayo brahmacari l)aJ I
yatayo yati nas4 capi' kuryuJ: samik:;ya bhadrakam II 765 I I
bodhisattvas c a sarve ' pi mahasattva maharddhikaJ I
sadi tatra samIk:antai) kuryur bhadralj1 samantataJ: II 766 I I
grahai) sarve ' pi taras ca matrkaJ sagal)i api I
sarve siddhas ca vik:antal) sada kuryuJ: sumaJigai am II 767 I I
munindra api sarve ca sarpbuddhai) sugata jina I
muda tatra samik!antal) cirayeyul sivalj1 sada I I 768 I I
etaddharmanubhavena sadi tatra subhadrakam I
nirutpatalj1 mahotsihalj1 salj1 careta samantata II 769 I I
sarvanivarar"lOtpannal sarvatl < r)thabhi !ekajam I
sarvacaityarcanotpannalJl pUlyam etan mahattaram II 770 I I
1 vidvasca F
2 ? draghadhyopi F
3 dhi kai) F
4 yati nasyavi F
o sarval) i vacanotpanna F
1 00
Supriyasa rtha vahaja taka
tat03 'dhi kal]1 mahat pUl)yal]1 nunal]1 te samavapnuyuD
idal]1 srutvanumodanti sravayanti vadanti ye1 I I 77 1 I I
eval]1 tenarhatadi!tal]1 srutvasoko nfPo muda I
sa<ha> sarvasabhaiokai< l prabhyanandat prabodhital) II 772 I I
tato 'SOk02 mahipalal samantrijanasal]1 cayal3 I
tam arhantal]1 mahasattval]1 pral)atva sval ayal]1 yayau II 773 I I
paura janapada eramyal sarve parvatika api
silpinal val)ijas4 capi sarthavaha mahij anal I I 774 I I
yogi no yatayas capi sar!ayo brahmacarir:ml I
tam arhantal]1 mahabhijfi al]1 natva svasval ayal]1 yayul) II 775 I I
tatal s o 'rhan mahasattva upagupto yatiSvaral) I
svaiayasanam asritya tasthau dhyatva samahital II 776 I I
1 me F
2 tatalsoko 1
3 ' sarpyayal) F
va!i' F
Supriyasartha vahajataka
eval1 j ayasriya sastra samadl!tal] nlsamya te I
j ayabhadradayal si!yal prabhyanandan prabodhital I I 777 1 1 1
1 0 1
1 F has the fol lowing col ophon: iti sa<l]1bha>dravadanamalayaTl
bhagavatsupriyasartha vahajanmavadanapari vartas (ms. pra vrttas) catva
ril1sad adhyayal samaptal I I subham astu jagatal]1 sada I I
< > sti naipalike varfe hayasunyagajanvite I
paulasuklatrayodasyaTl rohi!yal]1 subhayogake I I I I
sukravare samapteyal]1 buddhavadanamalika I
likhita bodhisattvena srijayamunina muda I I ii I I
<e>tatpu!)yanubhavena sarve lokal) subhendriyal
triratnabhajanarakta bhavantu bodhicari!)al) I I iii I I
etatpul)yaprabhavais c a sarvatrapi ni rantaram I
nirutpatal]1 subhotsahaTl sal]1pravartatu sarvada I I iv I I
analad bhumikat kitat l l ' ca j alad api I
rakla l > * - - prayatnena mudadarat II v I I
anyebhyo 'pi na datavyaTl \ ; l rthaTl tathaiva ca I
yavat tilthati (me gehe) pal)<ital) sravakal) kule II vi I I
lobhad vapi bhayiid vapi yasmai yo ^ ~ tatha
5 ! ' l - - - sada narakavasino II vii I I
subham astu sada.
v. a) analat bhumikat ki tat F v. b) reading not clear v1. c) me?he
vIl. bI ? dal]1pate vIl . e) ya?patakaTlbhijotau
Anmukha ( naga) 606, 624, 720 | den!led aS a lOrmer I ncarna!IOn Ol
Anruddha |mOnk, d Sc p!e Ol SakyaSI qtha Buddha) 7 1 9
AmOha |medcInal pl an!) 1 1 4, 1 39
AyaSkHa | mOun!aI n) 1 63
AyaSkHa | rVer) 1 64
A]adaSaVakra | mOun!aI n) 1 65
A]adaSaValtrka | r Ver) 1 67
nanda |mOnk, dI ScI p! e Ol SakyaSIqtha Buddha) 7 1 8
Var!a |mOun!aI n) 1 23
SVa |mOun!an) 1 82
5Va | rI Ver) 1 83
Upaup!a ( arhat) 776
Lraa ( dhara1J 1 33
KaS | reOn) 3, 1 4
KaSyapa |Buddha) 7 1 7
UayaSra |mOun!aIn ) 730
Candraprabha (yak$a) 38 1 , 392, | I den!led aS a lOrmer Incarna!IOn Ol
Anruddha) 7 1 9
JambudVpa | cOn! nen! O l !ndla) 242, 631 , 633, 724
Jayabhadra | pup l Ol JayaSr) 777
JayaSr |!eacher) 777
JyO!:raSa |em) 1 7 9
Tamraka |Serpen!) 1 49
Tamra]aV | lOreS!) 1 48, 1 56
TrSanku |mOun!a n) 1 59
TrSanku | rVer) 1 6 1
TrSanku | k nd O l !hOrn lOund O n !he mOun!an TrSanku) 1 60
TrISankuka | rI Ver) 1 6 3
DeVad8!!a |cOn!empOrary O l SakyaSI qtha Buddha) 7 1 9
Dhumane!ra |mOun!a n) 1 73
NHarVa ( nisacara, a nh!rOamn demO1, reSI dn On !he mOun!an
NHOda) 1 37
NHada ( yak$a reSdn On a hh mOun!an) 368, 37 1 , 373, | I den!lIed
aS a lOrmer ncarna!On Ol nanda, dI Scpl e Ol SakyaSqt ha) 7 1 8
N! Oda |mOun!a n) 1 36 -1 37
NHOda | Ocean) 1 29, 1 36
lrabhaSVara | medI c na! l an!) 387, 394, 397
!ryabhadra | mO!her Ol bodhisat tva 5uprIya) 649
Pr\yasena |merchan! Ol BenareS, la!her Ol bodhisat t va SuprIya) 4, 243
Badara ( ci ty) 97

!ndeX Ol prOper nameS 1 03

BadaradVpa | pl ace) 1 00, 1 02, 1 07, 1 93, 1 98 , 207, 227, 286, 295, 302,
308, 342, 346, 401 , 599, 722, | relerred !O aS a c !y) 246, 252, 344,
404, | relerred !O aS a c !y Ol !he kinnaris) 701
Brahmada!!a | kn) 3, 9, 658, 660, 679
Nakar | medI cI nal pl an!) 1 32
Naha |merchan!) 1 92, 223, 225, 227, 228, 233, 239, 24 1 , 247, 257,
260, 266, 267, 270, 278, 280, 282, 288, 290, 296, 298, 303, 305, 309,
3 1 1 , 3 1 4, 3 1 6, 320, 32 1 , 324, 326, 33 1 , 333, 337, 339, 343, 345, 348,
350, 355, 356, | den!lIed aS a lOrmer I ncarna!On Ol SaradVaISu!a)
7 1 8
Nara | !he LVI ! One) 720, | hI S lO! ! OwerS rOlerred !O) 7 31
Na!reya ( bodhisattva) 720
Yama | dea!h perSOnled) 1 74
kak!aka ( rak$asa) 1 29
kOh!aka |cOun!ry) 1 87
kOhI!aka | c!y In !he cOun!ry Ol kOhI!aka) 223
kOh!aka | kI n I n ! he c !y Ol kOhI!aka(]ha) 1 92
kOhI!akaJ]ha | c !y n !he cOun!ry Ol kOhI!aka) 1 87
LOhI!aka ( rak$asa) 603, | ca! ! ed a nisacara) 62 1 , |ca!l ed a mahayak$a
and den!Iled aS a lOrmer ncarna!IOn Ol DeVada!!a) 7 1 9
Valaha | hOrSek n) 6 1 0, 6 1 2, 629, 634, 636, |Iden!led aS a lOrmer
ncarna!On Ol Maitreya bodhisa ttva) 720
VaranaS |c!y) 4, 33, 58, 65, 74, 243, 638
VaIrambha | Ocean) 1 45
VaIrambha | w ndS) 1 1 7, 1 45
Sankha ( rak$asa) 1 23
Sankhanabh |medcIna! p! an!) 1 24
Sakyakul a | c! an) 729
SakyaSIqtha |Buddha) 7 1 6
SaradVa!Su!a |mOnk, dI Sc pl e O l SakyaSIqtha Buddha) 7 1 8
St |OddeSS O l prOSperI!y) 1 8 9
S!ak(i a |mOun!a n) 1 69
S!akI}a |rVer) 1 7 1
5aqVan |medIcnal p! an!) 1 79
5aqtmOhan |medcIna! p!an!) 1 5 1
5udhaVar(|a | mOun!an) 1 86
5upr ya | S On Ol a merchan!) 5, | SubSequen!ly a merchan!) 9ll,
| anOn!ed aS kn) 680, |relerred !O aS kI n) 71 3, |relerred !O aS
bodhisattva) 7 1 2, 7 1 6
5umeru |mOun!an) 57 1
5ulapana | w le Ol 5uprya) 2 1 6 , 646
Cowel l , E. B. , and Nei l , R. A.
See Oivyavadana
Oas, S. C. , and PaDQit Hari Mohan Vidyabhu:;ana
See K:;emendra: Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata
cowel l , E. B. , and Neil, R. A. , ed. The Divyavadana. Cambridge 1 886.
Vaidya, P. L. , ed. Di vyavadana. Darbhanga 1 959
Frye, Stanley
The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish (mdo bdzans /|] blun) or
The Ocean of Narratives (UJiger-un dalai). Translated from the
Mongol ian. New Delhi . ( Library of Tibetan Worl{ s and Archi ves)
1 98 1 .
Goshima, Kiyotaka and Noguchi , Keiya
A Succinct Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Posses
sion of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Uni versity. Kyoto 1 983.
Hahn, Mi chael
Oas Datum des Haribhatta. I n: Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhis
mus. Gedenkschri ft fiir Ludwig Al sdorf. Hrsg. von Klaus Bruhn und
Albrecht Wezl er. Wiesbaden 1 9 8 1 . ( " Alt- und Nell - lndische StlJdien
23. ) Pp. 1 07 - 1 20.
Handurukande, Ratna
The Mal}icuqa Study. Buddhi st Studies. ( Bukky6 Kenkyu ) . Vol . V.
Edi ted by the I nt ernational Buddhist. Associ at i on. Hamamats u.
Haribhana: Jatakamala
Haribhatta's Jitakamali. The Eleven Legends A vailable in Sanskrit.
Ed. by Mi chael Hahn. Kathmandu' 1 988/9 . ( I n til e press)
The Jataka together with i ts Commentary. For the first time
edited i n the ori ginal Pal i by V. Fausbl l . Vol . I I . First publ ished
1 879. Reprinted London 1 963.
Bibl iography
1 05
The Jitaka or Stories of the Buddha's former births. Vol . I I .
Translated by W. H. O. Rouse. First published 1 895. Reprinted Lon
don 1 957.
Journal of the Buddhi st Text Society of I ndi a
Vol. I I I , part 1 . Calcutta J 895; vol . I I I , part I I I . 1 895.
K:;emendra: Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata
A vadanakalpalata ( l ater: Bodhisa t t vavadanakalpalata) Avad:ma
Kal pal ata . . . . . With its Tib. version . . . . . ed . . . . . . by Sarat Chandra
Oas and Hari Mohan VidyabhushaDa (and Satis Chandra Vidya
bhu:;aDal . Vol. 1 . 2. Calcutta 1 988- 1 9 1 3 , (Bibliotheca I ndi ca. New
Seri es. 693 et al . )
Vaidya, P. L. ed. A vadanakalpalata of J($emendra. 2 vols. Oarbhanga
1 959.
Mal alasekera, G. P.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. Vol . I I . London 1 938.
Matsunami, Seiren
A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo Uni versity
Library. Tokyo 1 965.
Rockhi l l , W. W.
Tibetan Buddhi st Bi rth-stories. Extracts and Translations from the
Kandjur. I n: Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 8 ( 1 897) .
Vaidya, P. L.
See: Oi vyavadana
See: K:;emendra: Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata
Winternitz, M.
A History o f Sanskrit Literature. Vol . I I . Calcutta 1 933.

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4 :
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8 :
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