Assignment II Fluid Mechanics 1

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Last date of submission 27
June 2014 before 5pm
Below each uestion hand written answers are accepted
!"1 #ind the pressure difference between pipes $ and B
!"2 #or the manometer as shown in the fi%ure all the fluids are at 20
&" 'f (

) *7+pa determine the hei%ht ,

!"- #ind the pressure difference between the two pipelines as shown in the
!"4 #ind the pressure difference between the two pipelines as shown in the
!"5 $ --m-wide. /-m-hi%h rectan%ular %ate is located at the end of a rectan%ular
passa%e that is connected to a lar%e open tan0 filled with water as shown
in #i%ure" 1he %ate is hin%ed at its bottom and held closed b2 a hori3ontal
force. #
located at the centre of the %ate" 1he ma4imum 5alue for #, is
-500+N 6a7 8etermine the ma4imum water depth. h. abo5e the centre of the
%ate that can e4ist without the %ate openin%" 6b7 's the answer the same if
the %ate is hin%ed at the top9 :4plain 2our answer"
!"; $ rectan%ular %ate that is 2 m wide is located in the 5ertical wall of a tan0
containin% water as shown in #i%" (2"72" 't is desired to ha5e the %ate open
automaticall2 when the depth of water abo5e the top of the %ate reaches 10
m" 6a7 $t what distance. d. should the frictionless hori3ontal shaft be
located9 6b7 <hat is the ma%nitude of the force on the %ate when it opens9
!"7 $ homo%eneous. 1"2m wide. *"; m lon% rectan%ular %ate wei%hin% -"; +N is
held in place b2 a hori3ontal fle4ible cable as shown in #i%ure" <ater acts
a%ainst the %ate which is hin%ed at point A. #riction in the hin%e is
ne%li%ible" 8etermine the tension in the cable"

!"/ 8etermine pressure difference between two pipelines $ and B
!"* $ multi-fluid container is connected to a =-tube" #or the %i5en specific
%ra5ities and fluid column hei%hts. #ind the %a%e pressure at $
!"10 1wo water tan0s are connected to each other throu%h a mercur2
manometer with inclined tubes" 1he pressure difference between the two
tan0s (
> (
. #ind the parameters a and @

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