Maestro Intro

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Intro, during recess

Trev, is looking at his Maestro novel, I randomly bump into you, and you drop
the novel.

David: Hey soz man, what you got there?

Trev: Just Maestro, doing some reading before that school cert thing, you know,
the one about how a particular theme is central to a good understanding of the

David: Oh crap man, is that due tomorrow? So what do u think then? I have no

Trevor: well, I reckon its most obviously the one on Bildungsroman, you that
growing up stuff.

David: Yeah, I kinda had a similar idea But how does Goldsworthy express the
theme of growing up in his novel? If I were to do it, Id say music is the main
catalysts for Pauls growing up, as after all it is through music that Paul meets
Keller, which is the stem for all that happens afterward What about you?

Trev: Dude, I disagree, even though music is an important medium for his
growth, I reckon the idea of relationships is more significant.

Launch into main body stuff


David: Ah, well, after all that talk, I reckon that both ideas are equally as
important in the idea of the book being about growing up, i.e Bildungsroman.

Trev: I must say I agree, looks at his watch, Crap man, the bells about to go!
What the

David: what do we have now?

Trev: Maths, such a better subject, Cant wait till the assignment is over!

David: (Laughs) See ya man.


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