Pmwi Scoring Instructions - Shortpdf

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Dominance-Isolation Subscale

The dominance-isolation subscale measures behaviors related to isolation from resources, demands for subservience,
and rigid observances of traditional sex roles.

Sum responses to the following items to obtain the dominance-isolation subscale score:

Item # PMWI Female (Short Version) PMWI Male (Short Version)
26 My partner monitored my time and made
me account for my whereabouts.
I monitored my partner's time and made her
account for her whereabouts.
30 My partner used our money or made
important financial decisions without
talking to me about it.
I used our money or made important
financial decisions without consulting my
32 My partner was jealous or suspicious of my
I was jealous or suspicious of my partner's
36 My partner accused me of having an affair
with another man.
I accused my partner of having an affair
with another man.
39 My partner interfered in my relationships
with other family members.
I interfered in my partner's relationships
with other family members.
40 My partner tried to keep my from doing
things to help myself.
I tried to keep my partner from doing things
to help herself.
42 My partner restricted my use of the
I restricted my partner's use of the

Emotional-Verbal Subscale

The emotional-verbal subscale measures behaviors related to verbal attacks, attempts to demean the partner, and
withholding emotional resources.

Sum responses to the following items to obtain the emotional-verbal subscale score:

Item # PMWI Female (Short Version) PMWI Male (Short Version)
10 My partner called me names. I called my partner names.
11 My partner swore at me. I swore at my partner.
12 My partner yelled and screamed at me. I yelled and screamed at my partner.
13 My partner treated me like an inferior. I treated my partner like an inferior.
45 My partner told me my feelings were
irrational or crazy.
I told my partner that her feelings were
irrational or crazy.
46 My partner blamed me for his problems. I blamed my partner for my problems.
49 My partner tried to make me feel crazy. I tried to make my partner feel crazy.

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