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Name: Age: Gender: Female Male

Qualification: Experience: .Department:.
Q. Are you aware of performance appraisal system?
i) Yes ii) No
Q.! Do you know the criteria of performance appraisal system followe in the
i) Yes ii) No
Q." Do you !elie"e that performance appraisal system is a Fair metho?
i) A#ree ii) Disa#ree iii) can t say i") No comments
Q.# Do you think performance appraisal system helps employees in their success?
i)A#ree ii)$tron#ly a#ree iii)Disa#ree i")$tron#ly isa#ree
Q.$ Does performance appraisal helps you in achie"in# the #oals set for you?
i) Always ii) %onsistently iii) Ne"er i") &ccasionally
Q.% 'ow o your superior takes the performance appraisal as a
i) (esponsi!ility ii) )uren iii) None of them i") )oth of them
Q.& *erformance appraisal raises the !ar of competition within the company
i) A#ree ii) Disa#ree iii) $ometimes i") Always
Q.' Do you think performance appraisal system helps D+, in makin# pro#ress
+ts mission an #oal?
i) A#ree ii) Disa#ree iii) stron#ly a#ree i") $tron#ly isa#ree
Q.( Do you a#ree with the statement that -*erformance appraisal $ystem helps in
Moti"atin# the employees in the company
i) A#ree ii) Disa#ree iii) $ometimes i") Always ./
Q.) %ompetition raise !y performance appraisal may cause conflict in !etween the
0mployees of the company..
i) A#ree ii) Disa#ree iii) $ometimes i") Always ") Ne"er
Q. Are you satisfie with the performance appraisal system pre"ailin# in DA)1(
i) Yes ii) No

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