End-User License Agreement ("EULA") For AIMP

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End-User License Agreement ("EULA") for AIMP

Please read the conditions of this EULA carefully before start to use the
Software Product which it's applied to.
Installation, as well as usage the Software Product "AIP" con!r"ed that you
agree with this EULA.
If you do not agree to the ter"s of this EULA, #ou "ustn't install or use this
Software Product.
AIP $Software Product% is &reeware software and pro'ided "AS IS".
(. Installation and Use
(.(. #ou "ay to install and use AIP both your ho"e P) and
organi*ations of any for" of ownership, including go'ern"ent and "unicipal
(.,. #ou "ay to distribute this software in the for" of the original
installation distribution !le$s% and only for free.
(.-. #ou "ay de'elop and distribute your own Add.on$s% for this
Software Product with you own license.
,. Li"itations
,.(. #ou "ustn't deco"pile, disasse"ble or "odify progra" or its
,.,. #ou "ustn't distribute this Software Product for "aterial
re"uneration $without /ight holder0s per"ission%.
,.-. #ou "ustn't distribute non.original installation distribution !le$s%
$without /ight holder0s per"ission%
,.1. It's prohibited to delete copyright or any other infor"ation about
authors or right holders of the Software Product.
,.2. It's prohibited to let on lease or to rent this Software Product to
,.3. &or infringe"ent of the intellectual rights to the Software Product
the Infringer bears ci'il, ad"inistrati'e or cri"inal liability according to the
-. Li"itation of Liability
-.(. #ou accept that this Software Product "ay contain bugs, and so,
that you "ust "a4e bac4up for your !les by yourself.
-.,. /ight holder doesn't gi'e any guarantees of Software Product's
operability on your co"puter.
-.-. /ight holder doesn't gi'e any guarantees of Software Product's
operability if #ou do not update it to actual 'ersion.
-.1. As this software is distributed li4e "AS IS" software, you "ust
consider that you use it on yours own hoo4. /ight holder doesn't bear
responsibility for any losses or da"ages $including losses related to
co""ercial gain, interruption of co""ercial acti'ity, infor"ation loss or
another one%, e"ergent in connection with usage or i"possibility to use this
Software Product.
1. )opyrights
1.(. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the "AIP" are
owned by its author, Arte" I*"aylo'.
1.,. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the third.party
software products or co"ponents in this installation distribution !le$s% are
owned by their right holders.
1.-. 5hird.party software products or co"ponents in this installation
distribution !le$s% are introduced by approbation of their right holders $or by
obser'ance of their license agree"ents%
1.1. 5his Software Product is protected by laws of /ussian &ederation
and international copyright treaties.
2. 5echnical Support
5he Support is lent only if you ha'e an actual and original build of the
Software Product.
#ou can get it 'ia6
7+cial &oru"6 http688www .ai"p .ru8foru"8
Special feedbac4 for" on the o+cial site6 http688www .ai"p .ru8inde9 .php:
E.ail6 support<ai"p.ru
3. )ontacts
AIP, = ,>>3.,>(,, Arte" I*"aylo'
?eb6 http688www.ai"p.ru
E-ail6 support<ai"p.ru
@. 5hird Party Software
AASS Audio Library
= (BBB.,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd.
All rights reser'ed. $http688www.un1seen.co"%
AASS)C $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>-.,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd.
All rights reser'ed. $http688www.un1seen.co"%
AASS&LA) $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>1.,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd.
All rights reser'ed. $http688www.un1seen.co"%
Portions &LA) = ,>>(.,>>D Eosh )oalson $http688Fac.sourceforge.net8%
AASSICI $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>3.,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd.
All rights reser'ed. $http688www.un1seen.co"%
AASS7PUS $Addon for AASS Library%,
)opyright $c% ,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd. All rights reser'ed.
7pus decoding is based on lib7pus, )opyright ,>>(.,>(( Giph.7rg, S4ype
Li"ited, 7ctasic, Eean.arc Halin, 5i"othy A. 5erriberry, )SI/7, Iregory
a9well, ar4 Aorgerding, Eri4 de )astro Lopo
AASS?A $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(, Un1seen Ce'elop"ents Ltd.
All rights reser'ed. $http688www.un1seen.co"%
AASSJAA) $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%
Portions = ,>>3, . Aa44er, Kero AI.
AASSJA)- $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%
Portions = ,>>3 Colby Laboratories, Inc.
AASSJALA) $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%. All
rights reser'ed.
Portions = ,>>3, Ca'id La""erton.
AASSJAPE $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%
Portions = ,>>>.,>>3, atthew 5. Ashland.
AASSJP) $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%. All
rights reser'ed.
Portions = ,>>3, 5he usepac4 Ce'elop"ent 5ea". All rights reser'ed.
AASSJSPG $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%
Portions = ,>>,.,>>3, Eean.arc Halin, Giph.7rg &oundation
AASSJ55A $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%
Portions = (BBB.,>>3 Ale9ander CMouri4. $http688www.trueaudio.co"%
AASSJ?H $Addon for AASS Library%,
= ,>>,.,>(,, Sebastian Andersson $sebastian.andersson<g"ail.co"%.
Portions = (BBD.,>>3, )onifer Software. $http688wa'pac4.co"8%
7pti"&/7I $Cecoding Library%
= (BB3.,>(>, &lorin Ihido $http688www.losslessaudio.org%
5ANJCecoJLib $Cecoding Library%
= ,>>3, 5ho"as Aec4er $http688thbec4.de85a485a4.ht"l%
on4ey's Audio $Encoding Library%
= ,>>>.,>((, atthew 5. Ashland. $http688www."on4eysaudio.co"%
&LA) . &ree Lossless Audio )odec $Encoding Library%
= ,>>(.,>>D Eosh )oalson $http688Fac.sourceforge.net%
?a'Pac4 . Lybrid Lossless ?a'e!le )o"pressor $Encoding Library%
= (BBD . ,>>@ )onifer Software $http688wa'pac4.co"8%
7II Horbis $Encoding Library%
= ,>>,.,>>1, Giph.7rg &oundation $http688'orbis.co"8%
SOLite- CataAase Engine
C. /ichard Lipp, $www.sPlite.org%

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