Teacher Self-Reflection

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Teacher Self-Reflection Checklist

. Do I provide students with exemplary models of oral and written language?

. To what extent does my questioning foster critical and creative thinking?

. Do I encourage students' questions and curiosity?

. Do I encourage students to rethink, reorganize and refine their oral and written ideas?

. Am I encouraging students to listen and respond to the remarks of their peers during large and small groups


. Am I providing sufficient opportunity and time for students to work independently, in pairs and in small groups?

. Do I collaboratively structure language and learning experiences with students?

. Does my classroom environment encourage students to take risks during speaking and writing activities?

. Do I provide a variety of resources and experiences to meet the needs of all students?

To what extent do I assist students in setting purposes for reading, in relating material to previous experiences, and in

constructing meaning from printed text?

0. Do I encourage and enable students to access and use a wide variety of resources?

1. Do classroom resources reflect fair, equitable and accurate portrayals of peoples of different cultures, ages and


2. Am I aware of how culture and gender influence students' interaction and communication styles?

3. Do Students see me as one who appreciates and enjoys reading and writing?

4. To what extent are my assessment techniques fair and appropriate for evaluating progress and for making

instructional decisions?

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