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Same song, second verse

1John 4:7-5:5
Enormity (3:14)
Essence (3:16)
Efect (3:19-22)
How does John expand on the
theme of loving one another in
this passage?
God calls us to love one another
on the basis of who He is and
what He has done
Who He is (vv.7-8)
Loving One Another
God is Love
Loving One Another
Who He is (vv.7-8)
What He has done (vv.9-11)
Loving One Another
God sent His only Son into the
Loving One Another
It is God himself who in holy wrath
needs to be propitiated, God himself
who in holy love undertook to do
the propitiating and God himself
who in the person of his Son died
for the propitiation of our sins.
[John Stott]
Loving One Another
What do we learn from this call
to love one another?
Loving One Another
Shows that the Gospel changes
Loving One Another
Puts the invisible God on display
Loving One Another
Gives personal confdence
Loving One Another
Is a call to Christian consistency
Loving One Another

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