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Observation of Gate Management

Centre -

How many managers are working in total during the observation?
What time period does this observation take place over?
How many sessions took place during the observation?

Compere - Is a tutor or manager compering?

How is the queue managed? E.g multiple families dropping off or picking up?

How does the compere greet the family? What greeting is used? Personal? Name used?

What do they talk about?

Has the compere discussed goals for the session? With the child and parent?

How is the parent good-byed, e.g. are they given a time to come back, pick-up times

What strategies does the centre have in place to ensure children are picked up at the
correct time?

How is seating/back to front sessions managed? Does the compere do this? Is there a
second compere?

How does the compere introduce a child into the zone/Surf Club? What happens once the
parent has left?

What resources do they centre have to help manage their communications between
managers and tutors during ST. E.g. photocopy of daily at front? Notes board?

Is there an obvious message to parents being communicated- e.g. gate
chat/resources/manager roles for ST?

Howa are childrens coat stored and organised?

What happens when a parent arrives to pick up their child? How is it managed when the
child has not completed work?

What strategies does the centre have in place to ensure children are picked up at the
correct time?

What feedback is given from the session note?

Are there any parent queries to deal with- what are they and how are managed and by

What happens when a prospect comes to the gate- what do the team have in place if no
one is available to talk to the family?

How is the parent/child goodbyed after picking their child up?

Please rate the following from 1-4

Efficiency of the compere-
Quality of conversations with parents-
Quality of conversations with children-
The parents experience-

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