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Involved an active process during which

learners become aware of the new pattern,
notice the link between form and meaning,
but do not try to produce the pattern
themselves yet

It takes time for learners to progress from
initial recognition to the point where they can
internalize the underlying rule.
At some point in their acquisition, learners
notice their errors in production.
However, noticing will only occur when the
learner is ready to take on the new language.


A learner might make an error in the use of a
preposition, but "notice" its correct use by
another learner, or in an authentic text. This
might allow them to begin to use it correctly.
tasks that
promote 'noticing'
Present the pattern or form in linguistic and
social context
Compare/contrast the new pattern or form
with already known patterns or forms
Require active participation on the part of the
Must be at a level of detail appropriate to the
learners age

Example of noticing activities
Classroom instructions, questions, requests,
Exploiting every day situations
Dialog with a puppet
Writing and circling

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