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SLeve Moree
AnclenL Afrlcan roverb says
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:1 #&3 ;06+ +& 7& 10,> 7& ;-+%
8ackground on sycho-geomeLrlcs
sycho-geomeLrlcs ls Lhe work of ur. Susan uelllnger. She has wrluen
several books abouL Lhe connecuons beLween Lhe ve shapes and
human behavlor and personallues. She has worked wlLh l8M, lederal
Lxpress, Andersen Consulung, Amerlcan Lxpress, unlLed Alrllnes.
Coldwell 8anker, rlceWaLerhouseCoopers and ChevroleL MoLors.

Aer researchlng her work, we have sLarLed worklng wlLh school sLas
Lo lmplemenL Lhls sysLem. llrsL we ldenufy Lhe shapes" of each
employee. Aer ldenucauon of each person we dlscuss Lhe LralLs of
each group and behavlors we embrace and dlsllke abouL ourselves and
Lhlngs ln Lhe oLher personallues LhaL we wlsh we had and Lhose LhaL
drlve us crazy. 1hls approach Lakes names ouL of lL and glve us a
common language Lo dlscuss lssues.
1o undersLand oLhers you
musL undersLand yourself.
Whlch shape are you?
WhaL ls sycho-CeomeLrlcs
Lveryone ls one of Lhe ve baslc personallLy

uld you selecL Lhe Clrcle?
uLs self lasL
Loves Parmony- PaLes ConlcL
eople leasers
8esL LlsLeners
Cood 1eam layers
Many lrlends
hoLos & lanLs ln Lhe omce
1akes problems home
LeL's Lhlngs bulld up lnslde
uld you selecL Lhe 8ox
MosL Crganlzed
1ldy, Loglcal
Loves 8ules, rocedures, ollcles
WanLs redlcLable envlronmenL
8eslsLanL Lo change
Small clrcle of close frlends
uld you selecL Lhe Lrlangle
upwardly Moblle
lasL 1hlnker
Self condenL
SLrong wllled
knows how Lo work Lhe sysLem
lasL paced llfesLyle
Crganlzed on Lhlngs Lhey conslder
WanLs Lo be ln conLrol
uld you selecL Lhe squlggly llne?
Plgh Lnergy
Sense of Pumor
Challenges Lhe SLaLus Cuo"
LeasL Crganlzed
8ule are consldered suggesuons"
ulrecL and honesL
ln a hurry-usually laLe
uld you selecL Lhe recLangle?
1ransluonal phase
Changlng evenLs ln llfe
ueep 1hlnker
Mood Swlngs
Can be any shape aL a momenL's ume
AssessmenL ume?????
Ceorge, ConsLanza MomenL
kramer abouL llfe Lo Ceorge
?ou wanL a plece of me
Scenarlo Cne
?ou are glvlng a LesL and you see one of your besL sLudenLs
looklng aL anoLher sLudenL's LesL. ?ou are sure Lhey are cheaung.
Whlch of Lhe followlng ls your response?
A. ?ou walk back Lo Lhem and Lake up Lhe paper and glve
Lhem a zero.
8. ?ou Lell Lhe class keep your eyes on your own paper"
C. ?ou ask anoLher Leacher whaL Lo do
u. ?ou do noLhlng durlng Lhe LesL buL
you record a zero
L. ?ou glve Lhem Lhe beneL of a doubL and
Lhlnk you could be wrong

Scenarlo 1wo
?ou are packlng Lhe car for famlly Lrlp. Whlch meLhod
do you use?
A. ?ou geL all Lhe Lhlngs ouL slde and Lhen pack
Lhem Lo ensure Lhe besL use of space.
8. ?ou pack Lhlngs as Lhey are ready
C. ?ou walL unul everyLhlng ls ready and Lhrow lL
all ln Lhe car
u. ?ou pack Lhlngs LhaL wlll be needed durlng Lhe
Lrlp (snacks) up fronL
L. ack Lhlngs Lhen reallze a beuer way
and repack
Scenarlo 1hree
?ou are Laklng a lghL. Whlch Lraveler are you?

A. ?ou check ln on llne Lhe nlghL before aer you nlsh
8. ?ou arrlve early Lhe nexL day wlLh one bag and check ln
aL Lhe self check ln compuLer
C. ?ou go Lo Lhe desk wlLh loLs of bags and check ln wlLh
Lhe person worklng Lhere
u. ?ou arrlve laLe and qulckly Lry Lo check ln aL Lhe self
check wlLhouL some of your sLu
L. ?ou are waLchlng Lhose ln fronL of you and Lrylng Lo
declde lf you can handle Lhe self check.
Scenarlo lour
?our prlnclpal walks lnLo a faculLy meeung and
makes one sLaLemenL Lhen leaves Lhe room. Pls
sLaLemenL ls as follows:
We are golng Lo Lake a eld Lrlp."
lf you were allowed Lo ask only one quesuon,
whaL would ask?
Pow Lo lLLx Lo Lhe Clrcle
lace Lo face-Clrcles love people noL machlnes
ChaL 'em up
Make Lhem llke you
Show lnLeresL ln Lhem as a person rsL
?ou use Lhls meLhod (do lL Lhls way) yourself
ersonal sLorles yours and Lhelrs
uon'L be crlucal of oLher ways
Make Lhe semng soclal
lollow up- lf clrcles complaln
someLhlng ls really wrong
Pow Lo lLLx Lo Lhe 8ox
Show Lhem a rouune -a loglcal pauern
ay auenuon Lo Lhe deLalls
uaLa, daLa, and More uaLa
uon'L Lalk Lo much (spare Lhe chaL)
8especL Lhelr prlvacy
Clve Lhem prlnLed maLerlal for Lhem Lo sLudy
uon'L expecL a sell on Lhe rsL auempL
LxpecL Lo hear from Lhe box abouL Lhe resulLs
Pow Lo lLLx Lo Lhe 1rlangle
8e early
Show all Lhe bells and whlsLles, 1rlangles wanL Lo show o
8e an name dropper
Culck pace
8e prepared Lo negouaLe, 1rlangles love Lo say no
8ouom llne- noL Loo much daLa gemng Lhere
Menuon Lhe negauves- Lhey wlll be qulck Lo polnL Lhem ouL
Always respecL Lhelr sLaLus
Show your Lrack record, Lhey llke deallng wlLh wlnners
Pow wlll lL enhance Lhem
1hey wanL Lo wln perlod.
Pow Lo lLLx Lo Lhe Squlggle
?ou musL be enLerLalnlng - hlgh energy
Culckly bored so Lalk fasL, use humor
8ells and whlsLles are lmporLanL, buL noL Lo much
deLall abouL Lhem
uescrlbe lL's unlqueness
Lxplaln how few folks appreclaLe lL
use words llke new and revoluuonary
Acknowledge Lhe squlggle's qulck undersLandlng
Squlggles are qulck sales-Lhrow ln Lhe exLras and
slgn on Lhe doued llne
Pow Lo lLLx Lo Lhe 8ecLangle
klSS (keep lL Slmple SLupld)
1hey wlll asked Loo many quesuons-make over whaL a
greaL quesuon"
Asked Lhem loLs of quesuons
8e concerned and slow down when you deLecL
8e very clear and conclse
8e very pauenL
uon'L show slgns of frusLrauon wlLh Lhelr quesuons
uemonsLraLe how Lhls wlll glve a clear dlrecuon Lo
Lhelr [ob, llfe, Lask aL hand or whaLever
now l need more volunLeers

1eam Cne
A 8ox
A Clrcle
A 1rlangle
A Squlggly llne
A recLangle lf
1eam 1wo
llve 8oxes
?our asslgnmenL ls
Crganlze Lhe Pomecomlng acuvlues for Lhe
Plgh School
?ou have 3 mlnuLes- begln work!!!!
WhaL Lhe Clrcle conLrlbuLes
locus on people
WhaL Lhe 8ox conLrlbuLes
Pard work
lndependenL worker
CreaL proofer
locus on ueLalls
WhaL Lhe 1rlangle conLrlbuLes
locus on Lhe producL
ueadllnes (awareness)
resenLauon skllls
WhaL Lhe Squlggle conLrlbuLes
Plgh energy
ulerenL vlewpolnL
Creauve ldeas
Could be Lhe presenLer
locus on novellLy
WhaL Lhe 8ecLangle conLrlbuLes
Makes lL foolproof
Can provlde deLours
Add 3u Lo Lhe pro[ecL
locus on WhaL lf"
8reedlng 8ulls

My wlfe and l wenL Lo Lhe 8ozeman 4P agrlculLural show and one of
Lhe rsL exhlblLs we sLopped aL was Lhe breedlng bulls. We wenL up
Lo Lhe rsL pen and Lhere was a slgn auached LhaL sald,

' 1PlS 8uLL MA1Lu 30 1lMLS LAS1 ?LA8 '

My wlfe playfully nudged me ln Lhe rlbs ....Smlled and sald, 'Pe maLed 30
umes lasL year, LhaL's almosL once a week.'
A lesson ln Lhe arL of communlcauon
We walked Lo Lhe second pen whlch had a slgn
auached LhaL sald,

''1PlS 8uLL MA1Lu 130 1lMLS LAS1 ?LA8'

My wlfe gave me a healLhy [ab and sald,
'WCW~~1haL's more Lhan Lwlce a
week ! .........?ou could learn a loL from hlm.'

We walked Lo Lhe Lhlrd pen and lL had a slgn auached LhaL

'1PlS 8uLL MA1Lu 363 1lMLS LAS1 ?LA8'

My wlfe was so exclLed LhaL her elbow nearly broke my rlbs,
and sald,
'1haL's once a day ..?ou could 8LALL? learn someLhlng from
Lhls one.'
l looked aL her and sald,
'Co over and ask hlm
lf lL was wlLh Lhe same cow.'

My condluon has been upgraded from crlucal
Lo sLable and l should evenLually make a full

SLeve Moree
(336) 937-1319

Summer Leadershlp Conference
!uly 28,2014

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