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Most can be followed directly by a noun or by the phrase "of the."

However, it cannot be followed by "of" or "the" alone.
Almost is usually followed by a number or quantifier (90%, all).
he quantifier can be followed by the phrase "of the," but not "of" or "the" alone.
!ost of "oreans live in #sia. ($ron%&)
!ost "oreans live in #sia. '(") (he ma*ority of the world+s "orean people.)
!ost of the "oreans in this class are male. '(") ((nly those in the class.)
#lmost ,apanese people eat rice. ($ron%&-)
#lmost all ,apanese (people) eat rice. '(")
#lmost of ,apanese students li.e sushi. ($ron%&)
#lmost all of the ,apanese (in this class) li.e sushi. '(")
Almost means "not completely" and can also be used before verbs and adverbs.
He almost finished his homewor..
$e/re almost there&
he difference between "mostly" and "almost".
3n some cases you can use both2 "3/ve mostly done"4"3/ve almost done", in some cases only one is acceptable2
"3/ve as.ed almost every students", not "3/ve as.ed mostly every students", in some cases it seems to me that
they bear different meanin%s2 "he shirt is almost red" (3t has a color which is similar to red), "he shirt is mostly
red" (most parts of the shirt is red, some other parts are white, blue...).
5o is there any rule for this6 3 am well aware that e7ceptions always e7ist, 3 *ust want some %eneral rules.
he difference between "most of" and "almost all"6
"#lmost all people" 815, "!ost of people" acceptable6 correct6 wron%6
"!ost of the time" 9 "#lmost all the time"6
"!ost of my 1n%lish" 815, "#lmost all my 1n%lish" correct6 wron%6
"!ost of you" 815, "#lmost all you" $:(0;.

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