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In my work to done this task, I had reaches many trouble. I cant find
question that suitable for me to do this task. So I try to find another way. I try to
find the question in the internet and book that suitable for me.
I also can not solve the problem correctly. So I decide to see my lecturer,
Madame Nor Hida Ibrahim to help me in my work to finish this task completely.
eside that, I also stuck when I do this task because of the tasks
question. I can not understand what is the task e!actly wanted. So I decide to
see my lecturer to ask her kindness to show me what are this task really want.
ecause of him also, now I have understand what to do and then I do it on
my own and completely done before the date of submission. I really thankful to
all of they who had helped me to did my work.

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