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1. Thai idiom: translation = When the river is lled, be quick to fetch some into your bucket.

2. For students not working towards completion of a Secondary School diploma, a non-refundable consumables fee of $50 applies.
hai language classes
Beginner and intermediate levels of instruction are
oered through the Continuing Education Program
of the Otawa-Carleton District School Board.
International Languages Program,
Otawa Carleton District School Board
Tel: 613-239-2703
See also htp://
Saturday mornings, 09:00 - 12:30, throughout
the school year (September to June).
Classes are free to high school-aged or
adult residents of Ontario.
Classes begin Saturday, September 20, 2014.
Further Information
Saturday, September 13, 2014, from 09:00 - 12:00
Glebe Collegiate High School
212 Glebe Avenue, Otawa
Registrations taken on site only.
The course will only be oered if sucient
enrolment is achieved on registration day.
Late registrations will be accepted on September 20, 2014.
Registration Day

graphics &c.
transliteration = Naam kheun hai reeb dtak
Learn to decipher this,
and your life might be changed forever!

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