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16 Great Queen Street Telephone Email

Covent Garden +44 (0)20 7487 886 email!"ral#$om

%ondon &C2' ()* +a, &e"
-nited .in/dom +44 (0)20 7224 0(( 000#"ral#$om
Financial Administrator (FA) job specification
The +) ha1 the primar2 ta13 o4 mana/in/ $lient1 admini1trative matter1 to in$lude5 $odin/
and po1tin/ invoi$e1 and e,pen1e1 $laim16 $o7ordinatin/ the $ollation o4 in4ormation6
re1pondin/ to da27to7da2 8uerie16 preparin/ pa2ment run16 maintainin/ 1upplier detail16
mana/in/ re$eiva"le1 led/er1 and other 1u$h matter1# Thi1 re8uire1 1ome te$hni$al
3no0led/e9 an attention to detail9 an a"ilit2 to or/ani1e a 0or3load 0ithout rel2in/ on
other1 4or re/ular /uidan$e and dire$tion and a hi/h de/ree o4 or/ani1ation and inter7
per1onal 13ill1#
The more detailed 1ervi$e1 $ompleted "2 the +) in$lude $ompletion o4 1upplier
re$on$iliation19 trea1ur2 mana/ement9 liai1on 0ith "an319 1ervi$e provider1 and other
1u$h third partie19 a11i1tan$e to the :) 0ith $ollation and po1tin/ o4 a$$ountin/ re$ord19
a$$urate and timel2 4ilin/ o4 4inan$ial in4ormation and the re1olution o4 an2 revie0 point1
rai1ed "2 ';)% a1 part o4 it1 8ualit2 $ontrol pro$e119 and provi1ion o4 the1e delivera"le1
in an a$$urate and timel2 0a2# The role re8uire1 1tron/ relation1hip1 to "e "uilt 0ith
$lient1 at all level1 and o4 di44erin/ $ulture1 and per1onalitie1# Communi$ation 0ithin the
0ider ';)% team i1 al1o 3e2 to 1u$$e114ul $ompletion o4 the +) role#
The role re8uire1 1i/ni4i$ant intera$tion 0ith "oth the ';)% team and $lient 1ta44# <n the
';)% team there 0ill "e intera$tion 0ith :ana/ement )$$ountant1 0ho ma2 0or3 on the
1ame $lient1 and Client :ana/er1 0ho 0ill revie0 3e2 0or3 $ompleted "e4ore it i1 1ent#
) /ood +) 0ill $ommuni$ate 0ith the1e individual1 on a re/ular "a1i1 to "e 1ure that
in4ormation i1 1hared "ut 0ill ta3e per1onal re1pon1i"ilit2 4or the 0or3 the2 are $ompletin/
rather than rel2 on the1e other individual1# Conta$t1 at the $lient 0ill ran/e 4rom pur$ha1e
led/er $ler31 to $ontroller level 1ta44# )1 1u$h the +) 0ill need to "e $on4ident in
$ommuni$atin/ 0ith people in $lear and $on$i1e 0ritten En/li1h9 in "oth te$hni$al and
non te$hni$al terminolo/29 and more importantl2 in $lear 1po3en term1#
)ll 0or3 that the +) $omplete1 1hould "e done 0ith re4eren$e to the 'li$3
;othen"er/=';)% value19 $ommitment1 to $lient 1ervi$e and the level 1 $ompeten$ie1#
) /ood +) 0ill under1tand the $lient>1 "u1ine11 and pro7a$tivel2 4ollo0 up re$urrin/
i11ue1# The2 0ill monitor the pur$ha1e led/er and 1ale1 led/er on an on/oin/ "a1i1 and
deal 0ith i11ue1 "e4ore the2 "e$ome 1i/ni4i$ant# The2 0ill 3eep in mind i11ue1 rai1ed in
mana/ement letter1 and 0ill en1ure that the1e are $ha1ed up9 either "2 them1elve1 or
other1 a1 appropriate#
Ea$h +) i1 a11i/ned a port4olio o4 0or3# *o0ever it i1 inevita"le there 0ill "e time1 0hen
$lient1 0ill "e demandin/ in their re8uirement1 and a1 a $lient 4o$u1ed "u1ine11 0e 0ill
al0a21 tr2 and rea$t to thi1# )n +) 1hould "e a"le to deal 0ith 1u$h re8uirement1 on their
o0n port4olio in a timel2 manner9 identi42 and hi/hli/ht 0hen the2 need a11i1tan$e and "e
prepared to a11i1t other1 throu/hout the 4irm#
)n out1tandin/ +) 1hould "e 1ee3in/ to develop their interper1onal and te$hni$al 13ill1
0here the2 $on1i1tentl2 demon1trate a 0illin/ne11 to deliver e,$ellent $lient 1ervi$e and
1upport the $lient mana/er1 in mana/ement o4 the $lient and third part2 relation1hip1# Should
the2 0i1h to do 1o out1tandin/ +)1 0ho demon1trate a relevant aptitude 0ill "e
$on1idered 4or tran14er to an :) po1ition#
Ea$h +) 0ill report to 1everal Client :ana/er1 in relation to their port4olio o4 $lient1 and to
their %ine :ana/er on all other matter1# )n +)?1 development 0ill "e the re1pon1i"ilit2 o4
their %ine :ana/er9 0ith the development o4 the +)1 a1 a $olle$tive over1een "2 a dire$tor#

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