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Civil War Unit Outline

I. Causes of Civil War “It’s a Long Story”

A. States Rights
1. 10th Amendment
2. Compromise of 1820 and 1850
B. Slavery
1. Underground Railroad
2. Fugitive Slave Laws

II. Direct Causes “Boiling Point”

A. Aggression
1. Bleeding Kansas
2. John Brown’s Raid
B. Political
1. Dred Scot
2. Lincoln – Douglas Debates
C. Southern Secession
1. Election of 1860
2. Confederate States of America

III. Behind the Civil War “Wikipedia Civil War”

A. Politics
1. Union – Preserve Union
2. Confederate – Defend States’ Rights
B. Strategy
C. Advantages / Disadvantages
D. Life in the Civil War
1. Soldier
2. African American
3. Women

IV. The Civil War “Under a Blue – Gray Sky”

A. Major Battles
1. Bull Run
2. Shiloh
3. Antietam
4. Vicksburg
5. Gettysburg
B. Major Leaders
1. Confederate
a. Gen. Robert E. Lee
b. Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
2. Union
a. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
b. Gen. Robert McClellan
C. War’s End
1. Sherman’s March to the Sea
2. Appomattox Court House

V. Reconstruction Begins “Another Brick in the Wall”

A. Two Plans
1. Lincoln’s Plan
2. Radical Plan
B. Reconstruction Amendments
1. 13th Amendment
2. 14th Amendment
3. 15th Amendment
C. End of Slavery
1. Plantations
a. Tentant Farming
b. Sharecropping
2. Freedman’s Bureau
D. Southern Government
1. Scalawags
2. Carpetbaggers
E. Andrew Johnson
1. Difficulties with Congress
2. Impeachment

VI. Reconstruction Ends “Reconstruction Destruction”

A. Ulysses S. Grant
1. 15th Amendment
2. Scandals
B. Rutherford B. Hayes
1. 1876 Election
2. Compromise of 1877
C. New Old South
1. Black Codes
2. Jim Crow Laws
3. Segregation

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