Test-Bed Implementation of A Cross-Layer Framework For Video Streaming Over IEEE 802.11 Ad-Hoc Wireless Network

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Test-Bed Implementation of a Cross-Layer

Framework for Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11

Ad-Hoc Wireless Network

Abstract Video streaming over bandwidth constrained and
highly unpredictable wireless environment has prompted
innovative cross-layer design strategies in the literature.
However, most of the existing cross-layer designs lack the
experimental validation of their real-life performance capability.
In this paper, we have developed a test-bed that implements a
recently proposed cross-layer framework for video streaming
applications over IEEE 802.11 based ad-hoc wireless networks.
The test-bed allows joint adaptation of the transcoding rate (at
the application layer) with the number of redundant forward
error correction packets (at the data link layer). When the
proposed framework is invoked, the experimental results show
that the video transcoding rate is adapted according to the
channel, resulting in a reduced number of lost video frames,
which contributes to a better video quality.
Keywords - cross-layer design; IEEE 802.11; experimentation;
video streaming; wireless networks
With the advancements and wide deployment of wireless
local area networks (WLANs) and state-of-the-art video
compression tools, wireless multimedia streaming applications
are emerging in homes, campuses, meeting rooms, tele-
medicine, training facilities, et cetera. The main technical
issues in designing wireless video streaming applications
include: support of different client requirements, error-control,
adaptive transcoding of the pre-coded video to channel
bandwidth, resource management amongst the different
applications, and timely information delivery without
exceeding the stringent delay requirements. To resolve these
issues, many cross-layer based frameworks have been proposed
in the literature, e.g., [1], [2], [3], which provide efficient
solutions of the video streaming applications. The cross-layer
solutions are sometimes too complex to be implemented over a
real-life network. It is therefore required to have a cross-layer
solution that is not only analytically tractable and gives better
system performance, but also provides implementation
Recently, we have developed a cross-layer framework [3]
that jointly interfaces with the application and data-link layers
of the TCP/IP protocol stack. The proposed framework
performs joint adaptation of the transcoding rate (at the
application layer) and the number of redundant forward error
correction (FEC) packets (at the data-link layer). In this paper,
we describe the implementation of the proposed framework on
a test-bed and present results from testing and experimentation.
To our knowledge, there exist only a few implementations
of cross-layer solutions over wireless test-beds in the literature.
For example, a cross-layer framework, called XIAN, is
developed and implemented over a test-bed in [4], where the
authors have provided some experimental results on how the
expected transmission count (ETX) metric, implemented within
the XIAN framework through automated XIAN nano-protocol,
makes the efficient QoS routing decisions. Although both the
kernel and user space functions are clearly defined in [4], the
interaction between the lower layers (e.g., data-link layer) and
upper layers (such as application layer) is not given, which is
crucial in video streaming applications. For video streaming
applications, there is a requirement of changing the transcoding
rate of the incoming bit-stream according to the channel
conditions, and thus requires an interaction of physical and
data-link layers to the application layer. The test-bed model
presented in this paper is different than that of [4] by providing
an access to the application layer from data-link layer through
the integration of kernel and user space functions. Similarly, a
buffer-controlled adaptive video streaming test-bed is presented
in [5], where the available buffer sizes at the hand-held devices
drive the rate-control schemes to adapt the transcoding rate to
the channel conditions. Our work differs from the test-bed
model given in [5] because we take into consideration the real-
time transcoding decisions, instead of having a limited number
of rate-control schemes. This makes our test-bed model more
flexible and adaptive to the changing wireless conditions. The
authors of [6] have considered a peer-to-peer mobile ad-hoc
network for implementing a cross-layer feedback control
scheme for video communication over unstructured tactical
mobile networks. Our work augments the work presented in
[6], in extending the feedback information to the application
layer, such that the transcoding rate can also be changed, in
conjunction with the data-link layer parameters, e.g., number of
redundant FEC packets.
The motivation for this work is driven by the need to assess
the capabilities of our proposed cross-layer framework in a
real-life setting. Results from experimentation would
demonstrate a reduction in frame loss, achieved via the
adaptation of the application layer parameters to the channel
The paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes
the details of the cross-layer framework presented in [3] which
Azfar Moid and Abraham O. Fapojuwo
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4, Canada
{amoid@ucalgary.ca, fapojuwo@ucalgary.ca}
978-1-4244-5213-4/09/ $26.00 2009 IEEE 2965
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Allahabad. Downloaded on May 18,2010 at 20:59:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

is to be implemented over the test-bed. In section III, we
describe a detailed design of the test-bed and show how the
information is exchanged between the kernel and user spaces.
Experimentation results are given and discussed in section IV,
while section V concludes the paper.
In our previous work [3], we have developed a cross-layer
framework that interfaces with the application and data-link
layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack, as shown in Fig. 1. The
framework, called cross-layer module (CLM), consists of four
main elements, which are briefly summarized here. The first
element of the CLM is the channel estimator, which is
responsible for estimating the current channel conditions.
These channel conditions are extracted from the information on
the packet transmission attempts, available at the data-link
layer. The estimated channel information is then fed to the
other three elements. The second element of the CLM is the
buffer controller, which uses the channel information from the
channel estimator to control the application layers buffer
overflow and/or underflow. The transcoding controller is the
third element of the CLM, which calculates the video
transcoding rate in real-time, based on the information
available from the channel estimator and the buffer controller.
The final element of the CLM is the FEC/ARQ controller,
which optimally calculates the number of redundant FEC
packets required for providing the error resilience functionality,
based on the estimated channel information. By combining all
the four elements of the CLM, we have achieved an efficient
and reliable video streaming solution for the IEEE 802.11
wireless networks.
In this work, we have implemented the CLM on an IEEE
802.11 based wireless network, operating in an ad-hoc mode.
For practical reasons, ad-hoc mode is chosen over
infrastructure mode, due to the unavailability of the proprietary
source code of an access points (AP) firmware that is required
in an infrastructure mode. On the other hand, open source
drivers of the network interface cards (NIC) are readily
available, making it easier for us to implement the cross-layer
framework in an ad-hoc mode. Fig. 2 illustrates the ad-hoc
based wireless network for video streaming, consisting of a
video server and a video client. The original video files are
stored at the video server, which are transcoded and transmitted
to the video client. The CLM is implemented at the video
server (transmitter), and decoder functionality is implemented
at the client (receiver), where video frames are eventually
received, buffered and rendered to the clients terminal. Also,
throughout the paper, a packet refers to an IEEE 802.11 data-
link layer protocol data unit whereas a frame denotes a video
frame at the application layer.
The primary goal of the test-bed is to determine and
evaluate the quality of the streamed video, in the presence of
the proposed cross-layer framework. The gain in video quality,
when the cross-layer framework is invoked, will be compared
against the scenario where no such framework is used. The
test-bed will also provide a scaled-down model of real life
video streaming wireless network, over which different
performance evaluation metrics could be monitored.
The test-bed we have developed is restricted by three main
constraints: 1) A maximum of 11 Mbps data-rate is defined for
the IEEE 802.11b wireless devices working in ad-hoc mode [7]
(however, a few proprietary ad-hoc networks can surpass the
limit of 11 Mbps [8]), 2) Operating system dependence the
wireless driver can only be implemented using an open source
operating system, such as Linux, and 3) Media player
dependence only the open source media players (e.g.,
VideoLAN Client VLC) give access to the application layer
coding. Note that, these constraints are only driven by the
practical consideration, and will not affect the functionality of
the test-bed.
The video server is a Linux based machine, running
Fedora10 with a custom built kernel: The
processor speed of the video server is 3.0GHz, with the RAM
size of 1GB. We have used a Windows XP (SP3) based
machine as the video receiver, with an Intel Pentium M
Processor running at 1.60GHz, and a RAM size of 512MB.
Linux was chosen at the video server because of its ability to
provide access to the source code of different device drivers
and the kernel core. Due to the popularity of Windows based
client devices, the choice of Windows machine as a client
device is also justified. The video server has a built-in Intel
WiFi card 4965-AGN for which we have used the iwlwifi
driver, available at [9]. On the other hand, a Linksys dual-band,
Atheros based external PCMCIA card (model number:
WPC55AG) was used on the Windows machine, installed with
the Linksys driver (ver. Both cards are configured
on channel 10 for the IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc mode, at a speed of

Figure 1. Augmented TCP/IP stack with the proposed
cross-layer module (CLM) [3]

Figure 2. Ad-Hoc mode IEEE 802.11 wireless test-bed for
video streaming
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11 Mb/s. WEP encryption was also enabled on both machines
to avoid any malicious connection.
The test-bed software architecture is divided into two
levels: kernel space and user space. The kernel space composed
of basic networking functionalities available under Linux,
which directly interacts with the wireless driver module (i.e.,
iwlwifi in this case) when the driver is loaded. The wireless
driver can also be a part of the Linux kernel, but the highly
modular design of the kernel suggests the driver to be a
loadable module. On the other hand, user space contains all the
application programming interfaces (APIs), with which the
application layer programs interact, such as video encoder and
decoder. The interaction between the kernel space and user
space is made possible through the use of kernel hooks.
To implement the cross-layer framework, the first step is to
access the information on the number of packet transmission
attempts, available at the loadable module level of the Linux
kernel. In order to transport this information to the higher
layers, a kernel hook is created at the iwlwifi driver that copies
the packet transmission count to the /proc file system. The
/proc file system serves as an abstraction layer between the
kernel and user spaces. The video encoder, at the application
layer, accesses this information at the /proc file system to
calculate the new target bit-rate for the next video frame. As
given in [3], the target bit-rate of the next video frame is
adjusted with a rate-adjustment factor of 0.8, 1, and 1.2,
corresponding to three channel states: bad, moderate and good,
respectively. Once the refined target bit-rate is obtained, the
next step is to determine the quantization point (QP) for the
next video frame. A large QP (>40) is used for generating
lower bit-rate video stream, and lower QP (<20) is used for
generating higher bit-rate video stream. We have used an initial
value of QP=40 to avoid any packet drop due to higher bit-rate.
The QP for the subsequent frames is calculated by [10]:

( )
( ) ( ) ( ) 1
2 ( )
y y y
= + , (1)
where R is target bit-rate for the next video frame y, MAD is the
mean absolute difference of the motion information between a
reference frame and predicted frame (used to measure the
frame complexity). The constants X
and X
are model
parameters, which represent the texture and non-texture bits
respectively and updated after transcoding every frame [10].
For a given maximum number of packet transmission
attempts at the data-link layer, the framework also calculates
the number of redundant FEC packets to be added to the video
stream. In Linux, the iwconfig command at the user space
provides control over the data-link layer parameters, such as
maximum number of packet transmission attempts. We have
configured the wireless driver iwlwifi to utilize the MAC-
802.11 subsystem for the Intel 4965-AGN network connection
adapter. We have also modified the function:
iwl4965_tx_status_reply_tx(.), available at iwl-4965.c, to get
the packet transmission information. This information is then
passed to the application layer through the use of socket buffer
IEEE80211_SKB_CB. This socket buffer is used to transport
the packet transmission count to the /proc file system, ready to
be processed at the application layer.
VideoLAN project has developed an excellent open source
media player, known as VLC media player, which supports
many video and audio codecs and file formats [11]. The VLC
media player is platform-independent, hence we have used it as
both the video streaming server and video client on Linux and
Windows machines, respectively. The video packets are
encoded according to the real-time transport protocol (RTP)
standard and sent to the video client over user datagram
protocol (UDP). The transrate.c file available at:
module/stream_out/transrate, provides the location where each
video frame is transcoded. The transrate_video_process(.)
function is modified such that it reads the channel information
available at /proc file systems and calculates a new QP,
according to (1). The video transcoding rate is thus made
compatible to the present network conditions. The video frame
is then packetized and VLC opens the /proc file system again,
which is associated with the packet transmission and reception.
The video packets are copied to the transmission buffer, and
they are eventually transmitted. This mechanism, which adapts
the application layer according to the information available at
the data-link layer, serves as the nucleus of the test-bed
implementation. The open source nature of the implementation
provides versatility, allowing the test-bed to be used for testing
the extensions of the cross-layer design proposed in [3].
To generate the background traffic over the wireless
network, we have used the open source uftp and uftpd programs
(available at [12]) on Linux and Windows machines,
respectively. As the video packets are sent over the UDP
protocol, we have used the same UDP protocol for the
background traffic.
In order to examine the benefits of the proposed cross-layer
framework for video streaming networks, we have performed
several sets of experiments with three video clips. For these
experiments, three video clips having slow, medium and fast
motion contents, are recorded at a rate of 30 frames/sec, frame
size of 320x240 pixels, and encoded at 268 kbps. Background
traffic, in the form of FTP load, is taken as a file transfer of
700MB over UDP protocol.
We have used the following two performance evaluation
metrics for this study: 1) number of lost video frames at the
video client and 2) video transcoding rate measured at the
video server. A video frame is considered lost when it does not
arrive in its allowed maximum time or it is corrupted in a way
that the error correction schemes could not recover it. The
direct method of analyzing the objective video quality (e.g.,
peak signal to noise ratio PSNR) requires the availability of
reference frame(s) at the video client, thus it cannot be used on
this test-bed. On the other hand, the fluctuations in the video
transcoding rate show how the application layer is adapting to
the channel conditions. The VLC media player, used at the
application layer, provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to
monitor the video transcoding rate in real-time. On the video
server, we have used an open source screen capture tool,
RecordMyDesktop ver. (available at [13]), to capture
the video transcoding rate in real-time.
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The performance of the cross-layer framework is measured
and compared under loading and no-loading conditions. The
network is considered loaded when both the video streaming
and background traffic are present at any given time. On the
other hand, no-loading condition refers to the network state
when only the video streaming packets constitute the wireless
traffic. Four kinds of experiments are performed: 1) no loading
condition, w/o the framework, 2) no loading condition, w/ the
framework, 3) loading condition, w/o the framework, and 4)
loading condition, w/ the framework.
In each experiment, the location of the video server does
not change, while the client machine moves away from the
server as each experiment progresses. All the experiments are
performed at the Engineering Building A Block (a three storey
building), at the University of Calgary. Each experiment starts
at time t=0min, both the server and client machines are located
in room ENA-119 on the first floor. The client machine is taken
to the ENA first floors lobby at t=1min, creating an
approximate distance of 15m between the server and client
machines. At t=3min, the client machine is taken to the second
floors lobby, at a distance of 20m from the server. A distance
of approximately 25m is created between the server and client
machines, when the client is moved to the third floor at t=5min.
As the client machine is taken towards the far end of the third
floor at t=7min, the connection between the server and client
drops, and the experiment is terminated. This experimental
detail is also summarized in Table I. Both the video streaming
and background file transfer (under loading condition) start at
A. Number of Lost Frames
Figure 3 shows the number of lost video frames over the
course of experiments. Note that all the three video clips follow
the same pattern as they are encoded at the same bit-rate. When
video traffic is the only traffic present in the network, depicting
no-loading condition, the results are shown in Fig. 3a. It is seen
from Fig. 3a that the number of lost video frames is reduced up
to 50 percent as the distance between server and client machine
increases, when the cross-layer framework is invoked. With an
increase in the distance between client and server machines, the
VLC application reduces the transcoding rate in order to match
the network conditions, causing smaller video frame sizes to be
transmitted over the network. This would allow more video
frames to get through the network without being dropped.
When the network is loaded, a similar pattern is observed in
Fig. 3b. Comparing Figs. 3a and 3b, it is observed that the
number of lost video frames is increased in the presence of
background traffic. A shared bandwidth and increased distance
between the video server and client machine causes more video
frames to get dropped.
B. Video Transcoding Rate
Video transcoding rate, measured in bits per second (bps),
refers to the number of bits used to transcode the video frames
in one second. When the cross-layer framework is not invoked,
it is seen in Fig. 4 that the video transcoding rates do not
change significantly over time, for all the three video clips,
under both loading and no-loading conditions. Without the
cross-layer framework, the VLC application encodes the video
stream according to the available channel bandwidth. When the
cross-layer framework is invoked, it is seen in Figs. 4a and 4b
that if the server and client machines are not very far apart
(e.g., both machines are on the first floor), the transcoding rate
does not change significantly because of the good channel
condition. As the distance between the server and client
machines increases (after t=2min), the cross-layer framework
causes the transcoding rate to decrease such that the frame loss
can be minimized. A continuous drop in the video transcoding
rate, even when the client machine is at a stationary position, is
due to the cross-layer design implemented at the server side,
causing the transcoding rate to drop by 20 percent for each
subsequent frame. This allows a graceful degradation in video
t (min)
Location / Distance
0 Start the experiment at ENA 119 (1m)
1 Start moving to ENG-A, first floor lobby
2 Stay still at ENG-A, first floor lobby (15 m)
3 Start moving to ENG-A, second floor lobby
4 Stay still at ENG-A, second floor lobby (20 m)
5 Start moving to ENG-A, third floor
6 Stay still at ENG-A, third floor (25 m)
7 Start moving to ENG-A, third floor far end
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (min)



Clip 1, w/o fw
Clip 2, w/o fw
Clip 3, w/o fw
Clip 1, w/ fw
Clip 2, w/ fw
Clip 3, w/ fw

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (min)



Clip 1, w/o fw
Clip 2, w/o fw
Clip 3, w/o fw
Clip 1, w/ fw
Clip 2, w/ fw
Clip 3, w/ fw

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Number of lost video frames vs. time (a) no-loading condition, (b) loading condition
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Allahabad. Downloaded on May 18,2010 at 20:59:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

quality, unlike a frozen video screen (or a complete blackout)
observed in the absence of the cross-layer framework.
Comparing the loading and no-loading conditions, it is seen in
Fig.4 that the video content are transcoded at a lesser bit-rate,
when the network is loaded with the background traffic. When
the wireless bandwidth is shared by the video streaming
packets and background traffic, the probability of a packet drop
increases, causing a trigger to the application layer to reduce
the transcoding rate.
Clearly, a reduction in the number of lost video frames has
a direct positive impact on the received video quality.
However, the effect of adapting the video transcoding rate on
the received video quality is not that straight forward, but
presents a paradox. On one hand, a low transcoding rate helps
reduce the number of lost video frames, thereby enhancing the
video quality, as noted above. On the other hand, a low video
transcoding rate deteriorates the video quality as the video
frames are now encoded with lesser number of bits. To study
this paradox, a detailed qualitative assessment of the received
video quality is required, this constitutes our future work.
In this paper, we have developed and presented an ad-hoc
wireless test-bed to implement the cross-layer framework for
video streaming. The test-bed design includes both the
hardware and software components along with some network
monitoring tools to record the systems performance. The
performance of the cross-layer framework is evaluated under
both loading and no-loading conditions and compared against
the cases when no such framework is used. It is found that the
dropped video frames are reduced by up to 50 percent when
the cross-layer framework is invoked, resulting in a better
video quality. The variations in the transcoding rate can also
be seen at the transmitter side, which confirms that the
application layer is adapting according to the current channel
conditions, as expected. It is concluded from the results that
the implemented cross-layer framework provides improved
video quality.

The authors acknowledge the support of the University of
Calgary, TRLabs and National Sciences and Engineering
Research Council (NSERC) Canada for this research.
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (min)



Clip 1, w/o fw
Clip 2, w/o fw
Clip 3, w/o fw
Clip 1, w/ fw
Clip 2, w/ fw
Clip 3, w/ fw

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (min)



Clip 1, w/o fw
Clip 2, w/o fw
Clip 3, w/o fw
Clip 1, w/ fw
Clip 2, w/ fw
Clip 3, w/ fw

(a) (b)
Figure 4. Video transcoding rate vs. time (a) no-loading condition, (b) loading condition
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Allahabad. Downloaded on May 18,2010 at 20:59:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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